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1972 project speculation thread


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53 minutes ago, Christian's Inferno! said:

Why?? Is there anything to suggest that they're going to do that?

I mean he was seen in this teaser


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Imagine after saying they were going to call FOAM American Idiot Part II as a joke and then seeing how FOAM turned out...

They decided fuck it let's actually make American Idiot II.

2 American 2 Idiot

American Idiot: The Squeakquel

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3 hours ago, PluckyJokerhead said:

Imagine after saying they were going to call FOAM American Idiot Part II as a joke and then seeing how FOAM turned out...

They decided fuck it let's actually make American Idiot II.

2 American 2 Idiot

American Idiot: The Squeakquel

1972, the story of St. Jimmy's childhood?

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13 hours ago, PluckyJokerhead said:

This might be your best comment yet

Then why am I not winning the day?  

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3 hours ago, Sheenius said:

You’re wrong. There’s nothing negative about what I said no matter how sensitive you are about it. It’s not a slur in fact many people in the community have used that to identify themselves. It’s just from a little before your time most likely. 

You’re looking to create a negative situation out of something that isn’t negative.Nobody is throwing a slur or any hate at you. You’re also assuming I’m not a part of that community myself. Don’t make assumptions especially when people have clarified. I really can’t make the actual truth of the situation anymore clear for you. Should you wish to extrapolate the situation beyond what it actually is that is on you, not me.

 In the end I explained I meant no harm by what I said. You’re in no place to question me or “educate” me though and it’s not about how things look nor do I give a fuck how it looks. It looks like someone said something innocent and got lynch mobbed. That’s how it fucking looks. 

I’m not going to justify my stance any further. I don’t owe you or anyone a further explanation. I’m a bold person but I don’t hate anyone or any group. If anything I’m complimenting Laura Jane’s songwriting ability and promoting what she does as a legitimate sub genre in the scene. If you don’t agree on that it’s a subjective thing and that’s fine but she’s paved the way for many musicians of ALL communities, it goes beyond the ones you have mentioned.  

I guess my only downfall on this is that text messaging can’t accurately convey tone, perhaps if it could maybe it would be perceived more accurately. Yet again, you’re not focused on messaging are you? It’s how you can control someone’s freedom of speech and expression. Mine will be explicit in nature, no different than how BJ used a “slur” in American Eulogy or American Idiot but I guess he has some privilege over me on doing so.


My last update/statement: I get that I haven't been fully open here on GDC but I do consider myself to be a part of the community in multiple facets. I do lean a bit bi in all honesty. I wouldn't call myself fully out there or as much as some others but I had small events happen during my adolescent years. As of late I would fall in as more of an ally, being a creative person ( a musician) I obviously knew lots of people in this community that I worked closely with. My vocal coach in my first ever band was a gay musical singer. Extremely talented person who went on to become a big film director. 

I have a family member who came out as trans as well as a close friend. I've been myself with all of these people over a course of many years and not once have I ever been tested, protested or demonstrated against like I have here. I'm bold and a 360 thinker. They know there's so much deep thought that goes into what I present even when it seems like some carefree joke. If you can only grasp the surface of what I'm communicating then you're missing the point entirely. 

@Hermione Know that I don't blame you for post at all. My comment in response is an open-dialogue which states that there is a difference between perception and a word that's origin lies as a slur. There's a T in LGBTQ. If you look into the history of the word I used you will see it was an identifier before it was perceived as a slur. Something like the N-word started as, continued as and remains a slur in all facets, it's not how it's perceived it's the actual origin of the word itself. However, it's used today in specific art forms to highlight messages in lyrics. In no different of a way than Billie uses faggot in American Idiot. 

Usually I go straight to anger but I have to say I am disappointed in GDC. I do see some people supporting me here and I see you and appreciate you. As for the others, you have strong feelings and your hearts are in the right places but your heads are not. Using manipulation tactics make you wrong, not right. It's one thing to confront hate it's another thing to blindly walk away from facts in support of your personal feelings, opinions and agenda. If you are a victim of this malignancy in society you are not in a position to even attempt to "educate" somebody. Educate yourself. It's a shame that Billie can throw whatever lyrics he wants out there and you all "understand" it and eat it up. You see it in front of your face from someone else and you attack it and essentially coerce somebody to reveal details about their personal lives out of scrutiny and lynch mobbing. 

You work so hard to feel accepted in your own minds that you push away people who are exactly like you and with you.





Tr*nny is literally a slur and a word that you used. Trans people might say it for the purpose of reclamation but the fact of the matter is that you are not trans yourself and as such have no real right to claim it as a part of your lexicon on a public forum. Have trans friends? Cool, if they are fine with you using it around them there is no issue with that. However, you could very well hurt and make any trans person reading feel unwelcome. As somebody in a close personal relationship with a trans woman, I simply can't remain silent on this specific issue. 

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Everyone here needs to smoke a joint and relax when it comes to being offended or even worse being offended on behalf of other people. 

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4 minutes ago, 龑美優 (Miyu Yan) said:

Tr*nny is literally a slur and a word that you used. Trans people might say it for the purpose of reclamation but the fact of the matter is that you are not trans yourself and as such have no real right to claim it as a part of your lexicon on a public forum. Have trans friends? Cool, if they are fine with you using it around them there is no issue with that. However, you could very well hurt and make any trans person reading feel unwelcome. As somebody in a close personal relationship with a trans woman, I simply can't remain silent on this specific issue. 

So essentially you didn’t read any of the objective statements I posted. 

Choosing to not remain silent doesn’t change objectivity. If you choose to not remain silent remain on the actual objective topics at hand. To continue the attempt of manipulating based on subjective perceptions is taking this nowhere and is the exact issue here.

Advising on my “rights” is quite humorous. You don’t get to decide my rights or freedom of expression. Once again as stated in my post if you can’t grasp the context in my original post that’s not on me.

The irony of your comment about making people feel unwelcome is more humorous when I’ve faced nothing but that myself. 

The lynch mob routine only works on those who are easily manipulated. I know the facts as well as context and spirit of my original post. 

I know this is a crazy idea for some of you, but I don’t answer to you or your agenda. I’m sorry if my post offended you in some way but if it did you’re missing the entire spirit of what I stand for and my sense of humour and use of irony and sarcasm etc

It’s sophisticated and an acquired taste so I’ll be the bigger person here and be the understanding one. It’s completely ok not to like it or me.



4 minutes ago, 龑美優 (Miyu Yan) said:

Yeah, let us all just start using slurs 🙄

Didnt Billie use a few in his songs? Those ones aren’t based on perceptions either!

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I love when people have to tell themselves they're being the bigger person. It speaks volumes. I'll take my closeted tranny ass and get the fuck out of here. 

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6 minutes ago, Cunt said:

Everyone here needs to smoke a joint and relax when it comes to being offended or even worse being offended on behalf of other people. 

Lol this wont be a popular post because people have real strong subjective feelings here.

I agree though, alot of people’s feelings and beliefs here are as fragile as glass.

it’s great to feel strongly about stuff and have beliefs but when it completely blinds people from enjoying a joke or even seeing deeper contexts in specific messaging it becomes sad. We live in an Orwell state. My deep comment is basically a verbalized thought crime on GDC. 

Its hard to be a 360 thinker that’s thick skinned in 2022

Just now, 龑美優 (Miyu Yan) said:

I love when people have to tell themselves they're being the bigger person. It speaks volumes. I'll take my closeted tranny ass and get the fuck out of here. 

I love when people have to resort to passive aggressive posts because they’ve objectively lost a pointless argument.

Let’s face it you see the artillery and you’re backing off. No need to save face just go off and enjoy your day. It’s no big deal at all.

as for your last comment you just used the “slur”. Should I lynch mob you now and ignore the context?

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This is so boring. I miss Billie Joe on instagram. When the Longshot posts that will be the end of much of this boring shit. Where is the Longshot or Billie Joe Armstrong? 

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I would also recommend everyone to get back on topic. I’ll probably get a two day timeout because let’s face it, GDC will disagree with me as a forum.

it’s fine theyre within their rights to do so and I’ll accept it if that’s the case. That’s how expression works, some will understand and others will actively choose not to for a variety of reasons. I said the things I said and if there’s a cost to it Ill be accountable even if I disagree on elements of it.

For those who strongly disagree I would recommend you save your breath. No need to get yourself a warning over this. There’s been enough backlash and responses for me to read and digest. I have my opinion as you have yours. 

For anyone still trying to bait me into discussing this I’m no longer open to discuss this going forward. I’ve said what I believe, I’ve shared objective facts and opinions. For some it’s a little too close to home and I’m doing my best to try and remember that and consider it as I move forward.

Maybe I let the community down on GDC but I do stand with all of you, I was a huge advocate for the universal bathrooms initially and still fight for that to this day. Despite the objectivity and harmless nature of what I said I still deeply regret that it created such a strong subjective and emotional response here on the forum. I am not a “them” in an us vs them scenario.

I assume an apology or a reflection won’t matter to a lot of you but I do ask for you to atleast consider stepping out of your bias to try and understand my side the way I am doing my best to understand yours. 





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4 hours ago, tranny said:

Tr*nny is literally a slur and a word that you used. Trans people might say it for the purpose of reclamation but the fact of the matter is that you are not trans yourself and as such have no real right to claim it as a part of your lexicon on a public forum. Have trans friends? Cool, if they are fine with you using it around them there is no issue with that. However, you could very well hurt and make any trans person reading feel unwelcome. As somebody in a close personal relationship with a trans woman, I simply can't remain silent on this specific issue. 

Have a day off. Finding reasons to get offended on behalf of other people, it’s pathetic & virtue signalling in its worst form.

Tranny is the name of the book by LJG. Therefore we can use the word, without fear of retribution from internet cry-babies like yourself. 

You’re basically saying ‘nobody can use the word tranny in case it offends somebody.’ So I can’t go into my local bookstore and ask the staff member if they have ‘tranny’ in stock? Get the fuck out.

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I don't understand what's happening. If you say a slur and people take offence, you can just say "sorry, I didn't mean anything by it" and move on. Or you could just not say anything about it and change the subject once Hermione said "Hey this is a slur. Ik you didn't mean anything by it but how about don't use it". This is also not an issue of freedom of speech or expression. You're allowed to do whatever you want, you have that right. People are also allowed to be critical of you

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3 hours ago, Christian's Inferno! said:

I don't understand what's happening. If you say a slur and people take offence, you can just say "sorry, I didn't mean anything by it" and move on. Or you could just not say anything about it and change the subject once Hermione said "Hey this is a slur. Ik you didn't mean anything by it but how about don't use it". This is also not an issue of freedom of speech or expression. You're allowed to do whatever you want, you have that right. People are also allowed to be critical of you

It’s 100% about freedom of expression. It’s about conveniently taking words and establishing rules and continually evolving those rules among a perceived elite group of people in attempts to virtue signal and manipulate the rest of us. The truth is that this isn’t even popular opinion or democracy on the forum at this point. It’s just a radical and loud aggressive minority. Screaming louder does not bring substance to an argument. People here often lack pragmatic approaches and that’s where things are derailed. 

If you choose to be subservient to lynch mobbing that’s your freedom to do so. You can thank the rest of us later for being the needed sandpaper to stop the insanity. 


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There may be people who use it in the community and don’t care or don’t find it offensive. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t make someone else uncomfortable. 

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6 minutes ago, PursuitOfEpicness said:

There may be people who use it in the community and don’t care or don’t find it offensive. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t make someone else uncomfortable. 

Maybe it makes us uncomfortable walking on eggshells because someone may refuse to read into context properly. 

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Speculation:    The Demo Track won't be on the next album. 

Speculation:  If the Demo Track is on the next album...   Opinion:  I don't want to buy into it.


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