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Is Green Day Over?

Hungry Hungry Supermodels

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I made a thread for it so we don't get in trouble with the mode for being off topic.


I guess I should explain myself. If you've been keeping up with FOAMF era and whatever this current era is (whether it's FOAMF era part 2 or not), then you've seen what I think are some pretty shitty performances. I honestly think this is the end for Green Day. Billie seems like he's not into it anymore. I think he wants to move on with his life, and understandably so. He's been working under the Green Day name for more that thirty years, and maybe the side projects aren't enough any more. 

I've been over this a million times, but since people are too lazy to go to the NFL Honors thread and see what the fuck I'm talking about, I have to explain this again. This is all you're getting, fucking figure it out yourself from here.

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Just now, Beerjeezus said:


/thread over

Wow, your debating skills are impressive. You win. I guess we're done here.

Everyone else, you heard her, pack it up.


Just now, Liam said:

They literally played a show last night?

How very literal of you.

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Just now, Hungry Hungry Supermodels said:

Wow, your debating skills are impressive. You win. I guess we're done here.

Everyone else, you heard her, pack it up.

Yes & yes.

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1 minute ago, Hungry Hungry Supermodels said:

Wow, your debating skills are impressive. You win. I guess we're done here.

Everyone else, you heard her, pack it up.

You literally gave no reason to why you think this is the case. Maybe try and back up your theory.

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You didn’t like a performance so you think they’re over? Over for you or over like you think they don’t want to be a band anymore?  Because they still seem to be chugging along despite the odds.

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No. Just like a person, a band has its ups and downs. And I don't think Green Day is living its worst moment right now. 

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7 minutes ago, Liam said:

You literally gave no reason to why you think this is the case. Maybe try and back up your theory.

You see, I would, but I think @MarriedtoMikeDirnt and I have been over this in the other thread.

Any mods wanna move those posts over here?


5 minutes ago, pacejunkie punk said:

You didn’t like a performance so you think they’re over? Over for you or over like you think they don’t want to be a band anymore?  Because they still seem to be chugging along despite the odds.

Yeah, because I disliked that one performance I'm ending the whole band. 🙄

Obviously I think they don't want to be a band anymore. Why the fuck would I make a goddamn thread about how I'm done with Green Day!?

That was very rude of me, wasn't it? I partially apologize for the rudeness as that was unnecessary, but what the fuck kind of question was that?

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Who the f#%* said Green Day was over? I’m not dignifying this thread with a response. I mean I am. 

Remember that ranty video he posted when he was touring with the Longshot an he explained he’s a musician and likes to write and play songs?

Yeah Green Day is never over. He’s sad. And I don’t think it’s a Green Day reason. Green Day is rad. He’s just a workaholic and likes variety and interacting.

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1 minute ago, Beerjeezus said:

On the positive side, maybe I’m not the debbie downer of this forum anymore :ga:

And to think I won the award for Drama Queen 😂 I’m giving it back

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i don't see no coffins. (knocks wood)

and that's the only way it's ending.



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1 minute ago, pacejunkie punk said:

And to think I won the award for Drama Queen 😂 I’m giving it back

It had to be a rigged election :lol: 

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3 minutes ago, Virginia Lot Lizard said:

Who the f#%* said Green Day was over? I’m not dignifying this thread with a response. I mean I am. 

Remember that ranty video he posted when he was touring with the Longshot an he explained he’s a musician and likes to write and play songs?

Yeah Green Day is never over. He’s sad. And I don’t think it’s a Green Day reason. Green Day is rad. He’s just a workaholic and likes variety and interacting.

Remember when he said that Green Day was never breaking up?

Okay, so now we both remember things.

We all know that Billie likes playing music. The question is: does he like being in Green Day? I've seen Green Day live so may times. I've the good and the bad, but even the bad had some heart in it. 

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8 minutes ago, Hungry Hungry Supermodels said:

You see, I would, but I think @MarriedtoMikeDirnt and I have been over this in the other thread.

I'm not checking a thread I don't care about to know the info needed for this thread

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2 minutes ago, Liam said:

I'm not checking a thread I don't care about to know the info needed for this thread

The really short version: Billie seems like he doesn’t enjoy being in Green Day any more.


6 minutes ago, dallasthemenace said:

i don't see no coffins. (knocks wood)

and that's the only way it's ending.



You say that like it means something. Billie saying that is meaningless. He can’t tell the future. 

I can think of so many other ways in which Green Day would have to end without one of the member dying. 


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This argument makes no sense. If the band was over they would not have put out all the material they did recently. They would not have all done another Network album (it's not like it was something that was going to make them a lot of money; most of their fans probably were never even aware of it). Obviously they still want to play together. They have been doing side projects all through their careers. They have been at this for three decades. They have had ups and downs. Things could have been over after Warning flopped. But then they came back and did American Idiot, without which they would never have even reached the level for us to be here arguing about them. Things could have been over after Billie's iHeart meltdown. But they have always found a way to make it work. Like FOAM or not, it was pretty successful. They are not exactly at a popularity low point or else they wouldn't somehow be ending up on every TV show. Everyone is in a weird place right now, even if you are a rich and famous rock star. No one is really OK. Just let the world get back to normal and I think you will see them get back to normal too. 

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I’m sure Billie doesn’t always enjoy being in Green Day. It’s his job. It can be fun and it’s also hard work. Who among us loves our job every day? But that’s a different question from whether it means the band is over.  

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8 minutes ago, MarriedtoMikeDirnt said:

The really short version: Billie seems like he doesn’t enjoy being in Green Day any more.


I just don't really see how this can be judged or what evidence there is of this. If this were true I really don't know why he would make a side project album for no real reason with people he doesn't want to play with. It makes no sense. He's cranking out more music than ever. I don't know how we can possibly judge his happiness level, and even if we can, show me anyone who is happy right now. No one is. He seemed happy enough during the FOAM stuff, maybe just a bit tired at times. 

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Any person who is past about 35 years old and is aging is gonna lose some physical energy. The voice will start to age as well. Billie, the guy who loves playing and was ready to rock on hella mega was forced to stay home for almost a year, so of course he must be a little down because of it! People are dying and we don't if anyone he knows died or got sick. And there was the whole Joey thing...


Green Day peak time is over? Probably. Does it mean Green Day is over? Not at all. Maybe it's a new phase for them and that's it!

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This thread is just a downward spiral of nothing. Green Day is not over. It’s something else. Pandemic blues or something. 

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