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Money Money 2020 Part II: We Told Ya So! - Out Friday

A Worry Rock

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2 minutes ago, The Grohl said:

Songs like The Stranger, Herd Immunity, and Amensia Vagabond do nothing for me. 


You... you don't like...

Okay, I'll admit, most of the Van Gough songs need to be on a different album (with the exception of Tarantula, and that's being generous). He kills the party that is MM2020pt2.

And The Stranger is just not that good of a song (though it does make me laugh). 

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3 minutes ago, The Grohl said:

What impresses me is that for 25 songs it never feels too long or overstays it's welcome. I do think there is some filler. Songs like The Stranger, Herd Immunity, and Amensia Vagabond do nothing for me. They feel so forgettable but with so many songs on the album even the tracks I don't like don't impact my enjoyment of the record.

GASP, Herd Immunity and Amnesia Vagabond are some of my favorites!  

Green Day and The Network still need to up their song output though because I NEED A FIX.   That came out wrong.   Because....

Rivers Cuomo of Weezer just released 2655 unheard demos and if you purchase these digital bundles, he can add songs to them over time.  

I'm a Weezer fan, but I'm not forking over large amounts of money for Weezer scraps.   

Green Day or Green Day related scraps though?   

Yes.  Give me all of them.   Every last note. 

And they could still be used as future songs, doesn't mean the vaults are purged, only shared.   


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26 minutes ago, MarriedtoMikeDirnt said:


You... you don't like...

Okay, I'll admit, most of the Van Gough songs need to be on a different album (with the exception of Tarantula, and that's being generous). He kills the party that is MM2020pt2.

And The Stranger is just not that good of a song (though it does make me laugh). 

Yeah I dunno. Songs aren't bad they just do nothing for me. I like that they feel like "classic" Network songs but they do kind of kill the mood. Plus I think Fink's songs are just better.

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42 minutes ago, The Grohl said:

What impresses me is that for 25 songs it never feels too long or overstays it's welcome. I do think there is some filler. Songs like The Stranger, Herd Immunity, and Amensia Vagabond do nothing for me. They feel so forgettable but with so many songs on the album even the tracks I don't like don't impact my enjoyment of the record.

Agree with stranger and vagabond, but... Heard immunity is a very good song... I neither liked it In my first listens but now is one of my favourites... Surely my favourite not Fink one 

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It may be time to take off the "out friday" part of this thread.    Every time I see it, I think something new is coming out.   

This album is old now.   


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2 hours ago, Greenday_Aussie said:

But Mike is the main ingredient of The Network!? I’ve always felt he was the lead man, his singing is so “New Wave”, whereas Billie just makes the songs sound more “normal” Green Day/FBHT.

Oh definitely, this wouldn't have felt like a Network album if it wasn't for the songs he sings. 

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Even with the 30+ full listenings of the album, the bassline of Fentanyl drives me mad still. But not the one that plays the main riff, is the one that comes after the full band enters. Truly a masterpiece.

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3 hours ago, Greenday_Aussie said:

But Mike is the main ingredient of The Network!? I’ve always felt he was the lead man, his singing is so “New Wave”, whereas Billie just makes the songs sound more “normal” Green Day/FBHT.

Yeah, you're totally right. 

I guess that says something about this album, huh? It really blurs the lines between Green Day and The Network (not that they're the same band, or anything).

And if I had to assign a lead singer for this album, I'd say Fink. He sings lead on most of the songs. 2020 really is a Fink takeover.


8 minutes ago, greendepent said:

Even with the 30+ full listenings of the album, the bassline of Fentanyl drives me mad still. But not the one that plays the main riff, is the one that comes after the full band enters. Truly a masterpiece.

Okay, but the bass line on Hey Elon. 

*Mic drop*

Boom, just changed your life.

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I'm probably in the minority here but I've only listened to the album once. 

I don't think it's anything to do with this album I just haven't listened to music as much this year. 


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No one cares, but here's me describing why I like the songs on MM2020pt2 in as little words as possible (I don't like a good portion of them, btw. For the love of all things good in this world, skip Degenerate.)


The Prophecy- Makes me grin like an idiot.

Theory of Reality- It sounds like he's saying Hawaii-O

Trans Am- Idfk why I love this song. I hate that I like it. *puts "liking Trans Am" on list of thing to stop doing*

Asphyxia-  k i n k y. Me likey.

Fentanyl- nice lyrics, I guess (that was such a half-assed attempt)

Ivankkka- literally everything

Digital Black- I totally love it, and the lyrics aren't half bad (for a Van Gough song). I think I'd like it more if there was no singing, tbh.

Flat Earth- enlightening, hilarious, calls those round-earthers a moron 

Degenerate- Okay, this get's a whole paragraph, because it's pretty complicated. First off, that bass line.... that is pure sex.  Hot damn. Then you add the vocals. Now you've got some good gumbo. It's not even what he's singing (the lyrics are pretty bad), it's the way he sings it. Gold. All along, you've been hearing guitar in the background, and that just adds to the layers of incredible. Once the hook starts, you think you've heard the best of it. You're so wrong. You get this killer chorus, and it's somehow even better than what you heard before. That's all that deals with the actual song. The other reason is that it reminds me of the music my dad used to play in the car when I was younger. He's all about his funk (I wish I was kidding, I'm pretty sure that I can list off every Chicago Players song in order of release date).

Pizzagate- eerie

CUNT- synth, guitar, harmonies

Respirator- SNOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's the summary of the paragraph I wanted to write).

Squatter- I can't even find one thing that I like about this song. I'll just say that I like his singing (it's not a lie, I guess).

That's How They Get You- Thoughtful lyrics that speak to your soul: such as "yah". I love the excessive autotune. It makes the song a million times better.

Tarantula- I miss Van Gough. And it sounds like the first album.

Cancer is the New Black- (It took me a while to warm up to this one, but it won me over). The one line that The Snoo sings is the best part.

The Stranger- All By Myself, but make it more explicit. (I think the main reason I'm not completely in love with this song is the fact he says "give yourself a pull". Makes me gag every time)

Hey Elon-  It's perfect. There's literally nothing that I don't love about this song. I especially love those vocals.

Popper Punk- synth, drums

JFPP- funky. 

Heard Immunity- (Oh, I'm gonna have to summarize another paragraph. Wait, on second thought, I think I'll keep most of this to myself). "You say the things you mean, but do you mean the things you're saying". Proves that The Network isn't Green Day, (but does make me believe that a certain Billie Joe Fink dipped his toes in the lyric pool).

Time Capsule- same as Tarantula (except, I kinda hate this song).

Threat Level Midnight- I like the chorus

Amnesia Vagabond- *tries to come up with words to describe how perfect this song is*

Art of the Deal With the Devil- I like the vocals, I guess.

Anyone who doesn't like Hey Elon, please explain.

Anyone one who like Trans Am, also explain. 



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I've grown to like this album more and more. The only song I really can't stand is That's How They Get You. Squatter, Heard Immunity, and Amnesia Vagabond really don't do it for me either, but they're not unlistenable. I like the story in AV, it's just no my taste aesthetically. Almost all Snoo songs are super hilarious and fun. Fink's are all bangers with sexy vocals, and Van Gough's are a great overall, but a little hit and miss at times.

Is anyone else really bothered that Respirator is called Respirator and not ventilator?  Those are completely different things. One keeps you safe in dangerous air conditions and the other keeps you breathing through artificial means when you can't on your own. I just feel like they should have known better when writing that song. It's not like ventilator shortages haven't been discussed in the news constantly. That lyric difference wouldn't change the flow of the song at all either. It sounds just as good.

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@MarriedtoMikeDirnt I am confused, from your intro I thought you hated Degenerate, from your review it sounds like you love it?

@Slave To The Network agree re Respirator, he means Ventilator but the YouTube artwork is a respirator so they do know, maybe they tried both and ventilator  sounded bad, or there’s double meaning going on.

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14 hours ago, Gonzalo17 said:

Would like to know which were the famous 7 songs cut from FOAM that Green Day leave for the "other record next year" 


I don't think all 7 are on this album but I think definitely Degenerate and Art of the Deal, probably Cancer is the New Black and Threat Level Midnight, and maaaybe Jerry Falwell's Pool Party. All of those fit onto FOAM perfectly fine imo

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16 hours ago, That Dude said:

Flat Earth and Respirator are related.   

Pizzagate must be related here too. 

5 hours ago, Slave To The Network said:

Is anyone else really bothered that Respirator is called Respirator and not ventilator?  Those are completely different things. One keeps you safe in dangerous air conditions and the other keeps you breathing through artificial means when you can't on your own. I just feel like they should have known better when writing that song. It's not like ventilator shortages haven't been discussed in the news constantly. That lyric difference wouldn't change the flow of the song at all either. It sounds just as good.

Pretty sure the song does mean respirator and not ventilator.. as he's on his deathbed about to meet his maker


Edit: I just googled and now know what you're saying..  sorry I thought it was the other way around. Funny the news always report respirators when they should be ventilators I guess


You've ruined the song for me now lol

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24 minutes ago, Little Boy Named Booze said:

Another morning... mean another day with MM2020 on shuffle.

i have it playing all day long on shuffle since the release too :D

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The character that is on a respirator is the same idiot that believed the Earth was flat. Or round...whichever makes you a moron.  He's dumb. 

Also, he is suffering from covid-19 infection so he (or she or they) are not thinking clearly.  

And/or they are so incredibly stupid they think wearing a mask will help cure it.

The song makes sense.


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4 hours ago, jengd said:

@MarriedtoMikeDirnt I am confused, from your intro I thought you hated Degenerate, from your review it sounds like you love it?

@Slave To The Network agree re Respirator, he means Ventilator but the YouTube artwork is a respirator so they do know, maybe they tried both and ventilator  sounded bad, or there’s double meaning going on.

They didn’t do the artwork the guy that did posted to reddit so he knew what one was at least. 

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I believe The Network are the characters of American Idiot come to life and living in the real world.

Fink is St. Jimmy.

Snoo is Tunny 

And....my nerdiness is malfunctioning and I can't remember the other friend.  But Van Gough seems like ex-military so it all makes sense.

I also think (this one is more plausible) the three band members recorded separately and sent each other pieces.  And then the other half of the Network added their stuff later on to make it a joint effort.

That explains the amount of songs and the disjointed feel of it.  

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