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Saving the Universe & Whatnot


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It was HELLLLLLLLLLLLLL Billie, but yes we won, everyone won -- the plan to make everyone in the entire universe beyond happy forever is in effect. I can't thank you enough for all the support over the years. I LOVE YOU. And Kurt.

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11 hours ago, ItWasHellBillie said:

I LOVE YOU. And Kurt.

Did you know that Kurt didn't kill himself? It was a murder.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What do you think the GIANT UNICORN with RAINBOW stuff spewing out of its mouth symbolizes in the recent Green Day Hella Mega Tour poster? It symbolizes what was stated in the first entry above. Believe it or not.

Endless thanks to all the amazing aliens and humans involved for the past bajillions of years.

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UH HUH.  Regarding actually all three of the last entries.

Anyway boys and girls, don't you worry too much about anything ever now because I tell you the very best aliens in the entire universe have our backs, okay? Okay.

Me out.

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1 hour ago, ItWasHellBillie said:

UH HUH.  Regarding actually all three of the last entries.

Anyway boys and girls, don't you worry too much about anything ever now because I tell you the very best aliens in the entire universe have our backs, okay? Okay.

Me out.

I got ya bro - it’s the mushroom season :wub:

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1 minute ago, Kurthical said:

Kurt was murdered.

Rob P.I.

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Is this thread some kind of hint for the upcoming Green Day album and in a few month we all go like „aaaah why didn‘t I realize already in November, it was so obvious“ 🤔

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18 hours ago, Little Boy Named Booze said:

What is this thread about?

What is it NOT about?

P.S. I don't do drugs at all.  Although I have been known to deal adrenaline. Oh the dreaded adrenaline, feeding on excitement and truth and whatnot.

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1 hour ago, ItWasHellBillie said:

I don't do drugs at all.


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Well, I just don't need drugs.

So anyway, just want to add that the grand plan for our future is not just for everyone to be beyond happy, but to be as happy as fucking possible of course. There has even been detailed, implementation-type talk of things like extremely smart & resourceful & helpful Happiness Counselors for everyone (for free, of course), to pinpoint & resolve even the slightest well-being issues until we climax (oh baby) into perfect utopian society.

Cool beans I say! Coooooool assssssssss beans. Yay yay yay yay yay.

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18 hours ago, green day is said:

It Has Bell Willie

I love my bell.

So anyway, also, we can look forward to experiencing mind-bending things too. Like, I'm hearing everything is a matter of opinion, meaning there is ultimately no such thing as fact. Because we never know if we know all of the information / arguments. Even though something may really seem like a fact -- for example, you may feel like you know you can't put your hand through a chair. You're like, my hand is made of...hand, and that chair is made of wood, and I know for a FACT that my fucking hand cannot go through that fucking chair! I'm trying over and over and over to do it (experimenting) and it is just NOT happening! Well, some info / an argument you may not have thought of, YET, is that maybe your hand IS going through the chair, and you just don't / can't sense it.

Anyway, I think this concludes my flyby here, forever. I'm going to spend my time learning everything I can. And I think you kiddos should to. But you know what's best for you. Don't you?


She /  Whatsername / Gloria / Last of the American Girls / Extraordinary Girl -- fuck I can't remember what all Mr. Armstrong has referred to me as! I suck.

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