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Best song from each album? Worst song from each album? Why?

Scumfuc Waste

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Favourite:  Paper Lanterns
Least: Disappearing Boy

Favourite: Christie Road
Least: Strangeland

Favourite: Basketcase
Least: All By Myself

Favourite: Armatage Shanks
Least: Tightwad Hill

Favourite: Hitchin a Ride
Least: Uptight

Favourite: Minority
Least: Misery

American Idiot
Favourite: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Least: Don't have a least favourite

21st Century Breakdown
Favourite: The Static Age
Least: Song of the Century/See the Light

Favourite: Oh Love
Least: Angel Blue

Favourite: Stray Heart
Least: Nightlife 

Favourite: Missing You 
Least: Drama Queen 

Revolution Radio
Favourite: Forever Now
Least: Outlaws 

Favourite: Take the Money and Crawl
Least: Teenage Teenager

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2 hours ago, LaughingClock said:

What’s up y’all?

Ok, I’m gonna do one at a time.

I truly am having trouble finding “worsts”.


Best - Forever Now

Worst - Ordinary World (I actually love every song on the album, including this one but I think it’s the only one that doesn’t fit the narrative and was thrown on. 

It’s all I got. I’ll add more later. Hope everyone has been well.

What?!? ;)

I see a couple “all by myself”s and I’m amazed. One of their best of all time. Who doesn’t like a song about Tre jerking off and singing like a child on a secret track? Tsk tsk tsk.


Agreed. "All By Myself" is brilliant and delicious. ❤️ 

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10 hours ago, Fredes said:

Do the Sweet Children EP songs really count in Kerplunk?

are they hidden tracks

21 hours ago, BillieMyLove said:

Agreed. "All By Myself" is brilliant and delicious. ❤️ 

I'd have put that but I don't like to count hidden tracks

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Best: Going to Pasalacqua

Worst: Honestly, I don't remember most of this album, but everyone seems to be shitting on Green Day so I'll join the crowd


Best: Dominated Love Slave, and fuck everyone who doesn't see the masterpiece that this song truly is

Worst: 80. Sorry guys. I don't remember most of this album either, but 80 always struck me as a boring ballad from a band that wasn't ready for boring ballads yet


Best: I want to say All By Myself, but that was a hidden bit at the end of FOD and not a song unto itself. I'll go with Basket Case because when I think of what early Green Day was all about, that's the song I think of

Worst: When I Come Around. Sorry. It's not a bad song at all, it's just been so overplayed for the last 25 years that I'm actually tired of hearing it.


Best: This is tough. Insomniac doesn't get all the love, but IMO it's every bit as good as Dookie, and with a lot of great songs. EZ Mode would be to pick Brain Stew/Jaded, and while there is a lot to love there, I'm going with 86. Catchy refrain, punchy instrumentation, and one of those amusing double-meaning lyrics that Billie Joe is known for (to "86" something is to kill it). Geek Stink Breath is up there.

Worst: This is equally tough. I'm gonna pull the "there isn't one" card here. If I absolutely had to choose one or run the risk of being 86'ed myself, I'd go with Panic Song. It's a fun, impressive little number, but there's not really much to it.


Best: Platypus. Best song on the album? Maybe not, if I'm being honest, but it is the most fun to scream at the top of your lungs when you're on the lawn of an amphitheater and surrounded by parents who brought their small children to see Green Day, apparently not knowing who Green Day is and what words they use.

Worst: Good Riddance. Again, like When I Come Around, this is actually a good song. I'm just SAFT of hearing it.


Best: Let's just go with Minority. This is, imo, their weakest pre-Trilogy album, and it's not really a close contest for that title. Minority isn't the greatest song ever written, not by a long shot, but it's a lot of fun to sing very loudly and very badly when drunk.

Worst: Most of what's left. Let's go with Macy's Day Parade. I know it's beloved by many, and I don't know why.


Best: DUI. I know, I know, it's technically not on the album, but it was written for it. Any song that starts with, "Let's get drunk and go out driving," is an instant winner in my book.

Worst: No idea. I don't remember a single other song from this album.

International Superhits

Best: Maria. This song is, imo, the prototype for American Idiot. Definitely the song. Maybe the whole album. Lots of similar themes, somewhat politically charged, and that wordplay that Billie Joe is so great at is on display here more than it is in any other song of theirs, imo. An absolute masterpiece that, had it been on AI instead of an overlooked, forgotten compilation, would be held right up there alongside AI (the song) as one of Green Day's very best. I seriously cannot tell you how much I love this song. I wrote a freaking dissertation on it on the OG Tre's Busted Drumkit account (maybe when it was called Deathstroke?) because of how much I love it.

Worst: Poprocks and Coke, I guess. Everything else is greatest hits.

American Idiot

Best: Everything except Extraordinary Girl. It's that hard to pick. I'd say the best song on an album with no bad songs is maybe JOS? I'm going with the title track, though, because of the huge impact it had on American culture and society in 2004, and the movement it inspired that, imo, led to whatever the fuck the Democratic Party is today. The song failed in its non-stated objective of being the anthem that removed George W. Bush, but in a much broader sense and many years later, it's the song that inspired the people who are going to have a shot at up-ending this country in 2024--ironically 20 years after AI's release.

Worst: Extraordinary Girl. Again, this is a very good song. It just feels out of place musically on AI. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it aside from that.

21st Century Breakdown

Best: American Eulogy. Fight me.

Worst: A few years ago, I would have said "everything else". I've softened on 21CB over time, and while it's definitely got some out of place songs (Last of the American Girls), some mediocre, painfully overplayed ones (Know Your Enemy, 21 Guns), some hidden gems that were inexplicably never given a chance (Horseshoes and fucking Handgrenades, Viva La Gloria, The Static Age, others), this title goes to another song that isn't really bad, and is actually not even the worst on the record: the title track. Why? Because when you keep it paired with Song of the Century, it's a blatant, unforgiving ripoff of Bohemian Rhapsody. Like, the structure is almost identical, the instrumentation isn't too far off, and it's just a lazy song by Green Day's standards. Yes, they paid a lot of homage to Queen on 21CB, but the title track went way too far in that direction.

The Trilogy

Best: Stay the Night. A venture into classic rock that was made for arenas. Why was it hardly ever played in them? Why has it not seen life again outside of BJA's side project? Who knows? It's too good to be buried and forgotten.

Honorable Mention: Let Yourself Go. Chuck Berry would have loved the guitar riffs on this song.

Worst: None. The rest of this shit didn't happen and won't be acknowledged.

Revolution Radio

Best: This is tough. Really tough. I love a lot of this album. I want to say Forever Now, but the massive epic song is something Green Day has done so many times before that it's tough to give it the nod. I will say that the Wall of Sound effect near the end is almost a total mastery of it. It's loud, yeah, but it's not just a bunch of waaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooowwwwwwing on overlaid guitars like most "wall of sound" stuff is. There's a lot rhythmically going on in there...know what? Fuck it. Forever Now is the best song on Rev Rad.

Worst: Ordinary World. It wasn't really written for Rev Rad and it shows. Solo acoustic ballads can work well--see Good Riddance--but the lyrics have to be interesting enough to make up for an inherently sparse and frequently boring instrumentation.

Father of All Motherfuckers

Best: No idea. I've listened to this EP masquerading as an album once and wasn't impressed enough to take note of any song titles.

Worst: No idea. I've listened to this EP masquerading as an album once and wasn't impressed enough to take note of any song titles.

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54 minutes ago, Tre's Busted Drumkit said:

(entire post)

This is why I like when people post their reasoning. It's much more interesting to know why they like it than just to know they like it!

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Haven't posted on here in a while, I'll give it a shot. I'm doing runner-ups too because it's really fucking hard to pick one favorite


39/Smooth (counting the EP songs too)

Best: Going to Pasalacqua (a GD classic for a reason, this song is amazing)

Runner-Up: 409 in Your Coffee Maker

Worst: Rest



Best: Who Wrote Holden Caulfield (a top 20 GD song)

Runner-Up: One for the Razorbacks

Worst: Android



Best: Basket Case (not gonna be a hipster and pretend this isn't one of the best Green Day songs)

Runner-Up: Having a Blast

Worst: Enemius Sleepus



Best: Stuck With Me (one of their most underrated singles)

Runner-Up: 86

Worst: Tight Wad Hill


Nimrod (this one was really hard, this is such a fucking good album)

Best: Scattered (one of my favorite songs ever, was so fucking stoked to hear it on the RevRad tour)

Runner-Up: Hitchin' a Ride

Worst: Last Ride In if it counts, if not, All the Time


Warning (this one was even harder, I had to cheat and put two runners-up)

Best: Minority (this is the quintessential GD song imo, it really sums up everything they're about)

Runner-Up: Deadbeat Holiday or Waiting

Worst: Fashion Victim (I really fucking like this song and it was really hard to pick a worst)



Best: Ha Ha You're Dead

Runner-Up: Suffocate

Worst: Espionage if it counts, if not, Scumbag


American Idiot (my favorite album ever so fuck this one I'm cheating again)

Best: Jesus of Suburbia or Letterbomb (both of these are in my top 5 GD songs)

Runner-Up: Holiday

Worst: Extraordinary Girl 


21st Century Breakdown (this album has some really underrated songs on it, it was really hard to pick these)

Best: 21st Century Breakdown

Runner-Up: Murder City

Worst: Know Your Enemy



Best: Stay the Night

Runner-Up: Rusty James

Worst: Troublemaker


Dos (this album is so underrated, I actually struggled with this one besides the worst, which was obvious)

Best: Stray Heart

Runner-Up: Wow! That's Loud

Worst: Nightlife



Best: Brutal Love

Runner-Up: Dirty Rotten Bastards

Worst: Sex Drugs and Violence


Revolution Radio

Best: Forever Now

Runner-Up: Bang Bang

Worst: Bouncing Off the Wall


Father of All... (I genuinely really like this album and kind of had a hard time with this)

Best: Graffitia

Runner-Up: Meet Me on the Roof 

Worst: I Was a Teenage Teenager



That was fun, I kind of gave up writing insights to my choices halfway through though lol


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I kind of want to attempt this but at the same time I kind of don't because once I get to AI I will be fucked. The whole thing is just 10 out of fucking 10.

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19 minutes ago, Red said:

I kind of want to attempt this but at the same time I kind of don't because once I get to AI I will be fucked. The whole thing is just 10 out of fucking 10.

Same, I’ve been working on mine since the thread started, it’s doing my head in 😂😂

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 I've gone for what is actually my favourite/least favourite whereas my favourite song is not necessarily their best (Basket Case or She for example, they're both 2 of their best songs on Dookie, but SPOILER ALERT, they didn't make my list for favourite)

I won't include any secret songs or intro's, because that's a cop out 😲🤓


1039SOSH | This is SO hard, I love Road to Acceptance and Paper Lanterns and 409 in Your Coffeemaker and Dry Ice so much.. 

Favourite: Going to Pasalacqua - Such a classic sounding early Green Day song, it has everything you need in a GD song from that era.. 

Least: I Want To Be Alone


Kerplunk | This is ALSO SOOO HARD, how could I not Welcome to Paradise, Christie Road, 80 or Android?

Favourite: 2,000 Light Years Away -Because how could I not?? It's the opener of a great album, it's a classic love song, and I can relate so much

Least: Agree on the others that chose Dominated Love Slave, that would've worked much better as a secret song... so lets pretend it is a secret song, I'll choose something else - lets go for... Strangeland.. It's never grabbed me TBH



Favourite: Having a Blast - A bit of an unpopular choice I'm sure but just in recent years I've really fallen in love with this song, it's just such a perfect mess - classic Billie-Joe lyrics and it just really BANGS

Least: Chump It's a great lead into Longview, but as a standalone song, meh nothing special (but still good, obviously)


Insomniac My most very favourite album. It's the album that really made me a fan, and it has never got old

Favourite: Stuck With Me - Right from the start of the song it's just punchy, fast and loud.. Always have to listen to this one turned up to max - love the drumming & guitar
Least: Brain Stew -I'm just kinda sick of it, and its a lot slower compared to the rest of the album, although sounds thick, which is lovely


Favourite: This is a tough one, I've always loved Platypus, Take Back and The Grouch... but only recently have I fallen in love with Haushinka, so that's my answer. It's just great.
Least: Easy.. Last Ride In.. but King For A Day a very close 2nd...



I've decided I don't like this album very much, I used to - but skipping through it again tonight - I'm thinking - it kinda sucks!

Favourite: Waiting
Least: Church On Sunday


American Idiot

OK This is VERY difficult, obviously Jesus of Suburbia is their best song EVER, every song is a favourite (except for Extraordinary Girl) but today, I am going to say:

Favourite: Letterbomb - I just love this song live, and it also sounds fantastic in the musical sung by a female
Least: Extraordinary Girl


21st Century Breakdown

This is very easy, I didn't have to think very long for this album:

Favourite: 21st Century Breakdown
Least: Know Your Enemy


I love this album :)

Favourite: Rusty James (but also Nuclear Family)
Least: Kill The DJ


Favourite: Lazy Bones
Least: Nightlife


Favourite: A Little Boy Named Train
Least: Drama Queen

Revolution Radio
Favourite: Forever Now
Least: Outlaws

Father Of All...
The whole album blows, but if I have to pick:

Favourite: Sugar Youth
Least: Tracks 1-3 are equally terrible. I just skip the first half, the 2nd half doesn't make a bad EP

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(to explain why i like or dont like certain songs would probably take me a whole day to write down all my thought and feelings i have for the songs... :D )

(and i would like to add J.A.R. as a favourite song of mine, it always reminds me of my grandma (rip) and the people we love that died too early)


Favourite:  Disappearing Boy
Least: Rest

Favourite: Welcome to Paradise
Least: Strangeland

Favourite: Basket Case
Least: In the End

Favourite: Westbound Sign
Least: Bab's Uvula Who?

Favourite: The Grouch
Least: Walking Alone

Favourite: Minority
Least: Misery

American Idiot
Favourite: Jesus of Suburbia
Least: Whatsername

21st Century Breakdown
Favourite: American Eulogy: Mass Hysteria / Modern World
Least: See the Light

Favourite: Stay the Night
Least: Troublemaker

Favourite: Lazy Bones
Least: Nightlife

Favourite: Missing You
Least: Drama Queen

Revolution Radio
Favourite: Forever Now
Least: Outlaws

Favourite: Sugar Youth
Least: Junkies on a High


(now i miss GD again, goddammit can 2020 already end?!)

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Favorite: (I can't choose one)

Least favorite: Don't Leave Me     I really like all the songs, but this one is just the one I can call my least favorite



Favorite: Private Ale

Least Favorite: Strangeland                   It gives me a panic attack and it makes me wildly uncomfortable



Favorite: Burnout

Least Favorite: Emenius Sleepus            I just don't like it



Favorite: (I can't choose one, but I'll say) Westbound Sign

Least Favorite: Panic Song                         Also gives me a panic attack



Favorite: (I can't choose one, but I'll say) Scattered

Least Favorite: Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)       It was cute at first, but now it's just annoying.



Favorite: It's a tie between Macy's Day Parade and Waiting

Least favorite: Warning                                                     I had to pick one, and this one was the one that I like the least


American Idiot

Favorite: Whatsername

Least favorite: Shoplifter                                                  Very boring



Favorite: Murder City

Least favorite: Know Your Enemy                                       I loathe this sing with a burning passion. It's extremely annoying, repetitive, (it brings back terrible memories), etc.



Favorite: Kill the DJ

Least Favorite: Rusty James                            Frankly, I dislike the whole album. I just decided to put one song that I don't like.



Favorite: Stray Heart

Least Favorite: Nightlife                                     It has potential to be a good song, but it didn't make the cut. Just disappointing.



Favorite: X-Kid 

Least favorite: A Boy Named Train                   I can't remember this song for the life of me, and I think  it's because I don't like it.



Favorite: Bang Bang

Least favorite: Youngblood      I like everything about it except the actual song. The lyrics are so dang sweet, nice individual musical components, but together it's terrible. Very annoying and repetitive.



Favorite: Either FOA or TTMAC

Least favorite: Fire, Ready, Aim and/or Graffitia          Absolute garbage.There's just no reason for these half-assed songs to have been put on the album. 

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