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The end of kissing and hugging on stage


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I guess with the coronavirus it will be the end for any chance to hug or kiss Billie in the future time if it comes to concerts on stage again. 

I just thought about it recently and realized that he won't do this for some time.

The fact made me incredible sad. Am I the only one who thinks this is going to affect the ability to stay near the band or go on stage?

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this is just fear mongering


edit, fear mongering about kissing billy not fear mongering about the virus

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Woah never thought of that. But if we have a vaccine...

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I never thought about this too. Until I rewatched old youtube videos from 2010.

I'm sure he will be careful for a while. Even if there is a vaccine. He has asthma and is smoking, so he's a risk group himself.

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I really don’t think this virus will eliminate hugs or handshakes from our culture entirely, as some have suggested, but I guess only time will tell. It takes a long time to remove customs that have become so ingrained.

Kissing strangers though? Eh, that probably wasn’t the best practice to begin with — there are diseases other than COVID-19 out there. :confused:

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19 minutes ago, AlissaGoesRAWR said:

I really don’t think this virus will eliminate hugs or handshakes from our culture entirely, as some have suggested, but I guess only time will tell. It takes a long time to remove customs that have become so ingrained.

Kissing strangers though? Eh, that probably wasn’t the best practice to begin with — there are diseases other than COVID-19 out there. :confused:

This. I've met some people recently since the lockdown is opening up - all handshakes, hugs, kisses, and passing water bottles are still a thing. I'm actually kind of concerned about my health now lol

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I just had the opportunity to go outside after the lockdown and I'm more careful about it.

But I think that when I'm gonna meet  my bestfriends again it'll be normal for me to do handshakes and hugs like nothing has ever happened

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I think COVID-19 is going to have lasting effects on culture, hopefully for the better. Hopefully people adhere to more sanitary practices overall and protect their personal bubble a bit more. I really love the handshake but it is super unsanitary even without a virus going around. There's a lot of positive changes that can come from this IF and only IF greed doesn't stifle them.

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I can't believe it was only like half a year ago when people were jerking off on public transport vehicles. We've come a long way since the beginning of the pandemic. 

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I don’t think we’ll see any lasting change. The return of the Bundesliga is a good example, players acting as normal on the pitch. Most forget about the virus while playing, shaking hands etc. It’ll be the same for wider society, give it 6 months after we’re back to normal and there’ll be little change

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I'd think that at the point normal concerts with everyone packed close together and moshing etc is allowed again, getting up on stage and hugging etc would also be allowed again. Those two things are in the same category of closeness/danger so one wouldn't be prohibited without the other.

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20 hours ago, Hermione said:

I'd think that at the point normal concerts with everyone packed close together and moshing etc is allowed again, getting up on stage and hugging etc would also be allowed again. Those two things are in the same category of closeness/danger so one wouldn't be prohibited without the other.

When can we get back to GG Allin level though?

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4 hours ago, Sheenius said:

When can we get back to GG Allin level though?

That's the dream

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8 hours ago, Hermione said:

That's the dream

GG Allin was vaccinated though! All that shit and no polio!

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