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Green Day - Minority Single Vinyl Misprint?


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Hello! I don't think I've made any topics, so I'll introduce myself briefly before my MAIN question.

So, I'm IMMCTNTJK, I make Green Day custom songs for the Rock Band 3 video game (I recently completed Nimrod for charity!) And I guess anyone reading this is a Green Day fan, so I hope I can join on the wagon.

Anyways, this Christmas I received a blue translucent 7 inch vinyl. After I unpackaged it and played it, I noticed that the title track "Minority", which should be a "radio version" according to the label, doesn't seem to be a radio version after all.

Here is the link to discogs of the exact version I got: https://www.discogs.com/Green-Day-Minority/release/6792503

I would imagine that "radio version" means amended or clean... the track is explicit. (I'm not going to post a vinyl rip since the actual audio isn't supposedly rare.)

So, my question is if anyone or everyone else has this same copy or if I have a misprint on my hands.

Thank you!

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