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New Single "Fire, Ready, Aim" Will Debut October 9th


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11 hours ago, Montclare said:

Purposely avoided reading the comments until I listened to it a couple times so as not to skew my opinion.

If this were done solely for the NHL, I'd think it was fine and did its job.  As a song from an actual album?  I don't hate it, but would rank FOAMF above it.  We'll see how it sounds live.  I like FOAMF the first time I heard it except for the verses' vocals, but since the live versions came out, I haven't listened to the album one since the live ones are better.  I think this song sounds... thin?  One of the main complaints for the trilogy is that it needed a dirtier production value, and that's what I think this one's problem is too.  Not liking the high pitched noised before the chorus either.  I wouldn't really compare these songs to the Foxies, mainly because I would rank all Foxies' songs above them.

I said it when we got the teaser and still feel this way- I think it sounds like Fall Out Boy.

It sounds nothing like FOB

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11 minutes ago, Christian's Inferno! said:


I don't think this is them outside of their comfort zone at all. The only reason it sounds different to a typical GD song is the vocal filters. FOAMF is them outside of their comfort zone because not only does it have a lot of vocal effects but the vocal style (the falsetto) is different. KYE and this are very comparable but KYE is far superior and is overhated imo

Dude, do you actually think this is a typical Green Day pop punk song? This can be a typical rock n roll song, but it’s not what this band usually does, people freaking out in here because “this is not the GD I grew up with” is quite an example of this. 
And where do you hear this prominent vocal filter? I just can hear a different use of vocals, KYE is the song with the heavy filters among the two. 

And regarding your other comment, I’m sorry to tell you this, but saying that people are “forcing themselves” to like these songs is extremely idiotic. I am sorry that you are not enjoying this, and happy that you have a different taste that makes you enjoy songs like KYE and Christian’s inferno, the world is beautiful because it’s various, but you should respect other people’s opinion and taste. 
I have always found KYE repetitive, banal and overrated, and I think Christian’s inferno is one of the worst GD song ever. I am not saying that you are a liar, a stupid, or a crazy fan that forced himself into liking what to me are some of the worst GD songs of the last 20 years. You should do the same. 

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1 hour ago, MillenniumFan said:


Know Your Enemy is better than this. 

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If just for the better production. I mean KYE's production kicks ass and the song is super energetic/fun live. At least you can actually hear what he's repetitively singing lmao 


I don’t even mind KYE but I never overplayed it or listened to the radio so to me it’s just another song from 21CB. 

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14 minutes ago, Christian's Inferno! said:


Why is Billie writing about internet trolls anyway? There's nothing to say about them other than they try to get a rise out of you. And Billie seems like the person to take the bait when trolled. Just think back to that whole Instagram post about Trump thing and Billie's over the top reaction

Social media and the bullshit happening in it are nowadays a constant in everyone’s life, including Billie’s, I don’t find it weird that this gave him rage and inspired this song. Why there’s nothing to say about it? Fuck you and shout your mouth/hammer it is a great thing to say about it. 

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10 minutes ago, purplebenny said:

Could I do without the vocal filters? sure, but its obviously Billie

This is me since FOAM got released, even with falsettos and filters you can tell is Billie, saying it doesn't sound like him it's dumb, like you need to sound always the same otherwise it's impossible to tell. You're, for example, impersonating someone? I BARELY COULD TELL IT WAS YOU, YOU CHANGED YOUR VOICE 🤡

Jeez, have you ever listened to Take Back or Nightlife then? Did you doubt it was Billie Joe?

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58 minutes ago, HAPPY ROOTING UNICORN said:

Every time I open the comment section of a social network I think that a lot of people should stick a hammer in their mouth and knock their teeth out to the ground. So yeah, I can relate to this song :D 

Honestly, today I prefer GD approaching this sort of stuff aggressively and with irony, rather then with another emotional ballad made of stuff like “One, 21 comments/ You are hurting my hearth/ you are hurting my soul/ I’m hurt and you know”. 

But of course that’s just me, and the me of today :P 

I get what you mean and it's nice to see that people can relate to it, I just can't because I don't feel it (or what I feel doesn't feel good, to be clearer) and I don't understand what they're trying to tell me. It's like the Green Day ship has sailed to a place where I can't follow them because I'm still sitting on an island😄

But hey it's not the end of the world, there's so much great music out there and even IF this will be the very first GD album I absolutely don't like, I'm still looking forward to the tour.

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1 hour ago, xXPunk PrincessXx said:

Had high hopes for FRA to be an awesome second single, didnt think it could suck worse than FOA.. (which is definitely a grower, but still just "meh")

I was wrong. What the actual fuck was that. Doesn't even sound like Billie. Where's that Green Day sound we all know and love, and have been waiting soooo long for? 😕

C'mon guys, just give us long-time fans the sounds we grew up on, Green Day that sound like nothing else but Green Day!

Bring on MOOTIK.. please let this be real! 

Lol the sounds we grew up on...they have changed sounds plenty of times. This is just gatekeepy as hell. And at this point they can make whatever they want to. They dont have to please us 


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1 minute ago, Thatsername said:

I get what you mean and it's nice to see that people can relate to it, I just can't because I don't feel it (or what I feel doesn't feel good, to be clearer) and I don't understand what they're trying to tell me. It's like the Green Day ship has sailed to a place where I can't follow them because I'm still sitting on an island😄

But hey it's not the end of the world, there's so much great music out there and even IF this will be the very first GD album I absolutely don't like, I'm still looking forward to the tour.

I get this because, for example, I stopped to relate with GD love songs for a while now. I still like those love/romantic songs I liked when I was a teenager (21CB and AI ones especially), but I really can’t connect with the Trilogy and RR ones. Maybe it’s the same with you with this kind of lyrics from the pre-AI/Trilogy era, but not nowadays with this. And it’s absolutely fine, it would be fucking weird if everyone can relates with everything. 
There’s people that relates with Justin Bieber and I don’t wanna be like them :D 

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3 minutes ago, HAPPY ROOTING UNICORN said:

Dude, do you actually think this is a typical Green Day pop punk song? This can be a typical rock n roll song, but it’s not what this band usually does, people freaking out in here because “this is not the GD I grew up with” is quite an example of this. 
And where do you hear this prominent vocal filter? I just can hear a different use of vocals, KYE is the song with the heavy filters among the two. 

And regarding your other comment, I’m sorry to tell you this, but saying that people are “forcing themselves” to like these songs is extremely idiotic. I am sorry that you are not enjoying this, and happy that you have a different taste that makes you enjoy songs like KYE and Christian’s inferno, the world is beautiful because it’s various, but you should respect other people’s opinion and taste. 
I have always found KYE repetitive, banal and overrated, and I think Christian’s inferno is one of the worst GD song ever. I am not saying that you are a liar, a stupid, or a crazy fan that forced himself into liking what to me are some of the worst GD songs of the last 20 years. You should do the same. 

Green Day have definitely had songs sound like this before. This is just like a trilogy-esque or FBHT-esque track except not as good. The vocal effects make Billie sound kinda like a chipmunk on this song.

KYE is repetitive but I still love it, even if I consider it to be one of the weaker moments of the album. Billie's voice still sounds good on this track to me. It packs more of a punch

Christian's Inferno I also find to be a weaker moment on an otherwise perfect album but I still really enjoy it and that song also has a different vocal style for Billie, but it doesn't bother me. The only real reason I have it as my username though is because my name is Christian. 

I do believe that some people (emphasis on SOME) are forcing themselves to like the songs. It's not just true of this band but with a lot of bands that release new music that people don't like as much. Like with Mania by FOB, I think some FOB fans just thought "It's FOB so I like it". This is looking to be a similar kind of thing. But I'm not judging what people like. If you just like this song how it is, then fine. Enjoy it. I'm just giving my opinion. There's loads of albums/songs I love that are hated on by a lot of people and that's fine but I never force myself to "like" a song, especially when it's a band I really like (like GD) who have hundreds of other great songs. This song is fine but I don't see myself coming back to it over all the other fantastic songs they have

9 minutes ago, HAPPY ROOTING UNICORN said:

Social media and the bullshit happening in it is nowadays a constant in everyone’s life, including Billie, I don’t find it weird that this have him rage and inspired this song. Why there’s nothing to say about it? Fuck you and shout your mouth/hammer it is a great thing to say about it. 

I don't think Billie's adding anything to the conversation and I don't think he really knows much about social media. He can write about it, sure, but I don't think the lyrics do anything for the song. The main thing I can get out of the song is "it's a fun and catchy song" but that's about it

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2 minutes ago, Christian's Inferno! said:

Green Day have definitely had songs sound like this before. This is just like a trilogy-esque or FBHT-esque track except not as good. The vocal effects make Billie sound kinda like a chipmunk on this song.

KYE is repetitive but I still love it, even if I consider it to be one of the weaker moments of the album. Billie's voice still sounds good on this track to me. It packs more of a punch

Christian's Inferno I also find to be a weaker moment on an otherwise perfect album but I still really enjoy it and that song also has a different vocal style for Billie, but it doesn't bother me. The only real reason I have it as my username though is because my name is Christian. 

I do believe that some people (emphasis on SOME) are forcing themselves to like the songs. It's not just true of this band but with a lot of bands that release new music that people don't like as much. Like with Mania by FOB, I think some FOB fans just thought "It's FOB so I like it". This is looking to be a similar kind of thing. But I'm not judging what people like. If you just like this song how it is, then fine. Enjoy it. I'm just giving my opinion. There's loads of albums/songs I love that are hated on by a lot of people and that's fine but I never force myself to "like" a song, especially when it's a band I really like (like GD) who have hundreds of other great songs. This song is fine but I don't see myself coming back to it over all the other fantastic songs they have

I don't think Billie's adding anything to the conversation and I don't think he really knows much about social media. He can write about it, sure, but I don't think the lyrics do anything for the song. The main thing I can get out of the song is "it's a fun and catchy song" but that's about it

But you are basically accusing people pf forcing themselves to like it. ''This is looking to be a similar kind of thing'' I mean most people on here seem to hate it so your theory doesnt really ring true anyway. Also there plenty from green day that I hate...maybe when I was younger i would blindly like everything but this is really patronising 

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My thing is that I know they can do better than both of these songs. We are talking about a band that scrapped an entire record for not being “maximum Green Day” and went on to create a masterpiece. How is this coming from the same band?  I guess I just expect more from them at this point. I know not everything can be a masterpiece, but these songs don’t even feel like they belong anywhere near their extremely strong catalog. I bet nearly all of us wouldn’t listen to these tracks if they weren’t by Green Day. 

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I kinda dig it. I don't love it but it really grows on each listen. It's very energetic and, as other have said, it sounds like The Hives.

What I really don't like, though, is the effects on the vocals (and after two songs, the two first songs on the album, the probability on being on all tracks is high). I think this song would be so much better if we could hear Billie clearly. Also, the mix sucks.

Waiting to hear it live. I think it'll sound waaaaaaaaaay better than this version.

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4 minutes ago, EmmaCharlatan&Saints said:

But you are basically accusing people pf forcing themselves to like it. ''This is looking to be a similar kind of thing'' I mean most people on here seem to hate it so your theory doesnt really ring true anyway. Also there plenty from green day that I hate...maybe when I was younger i would blindly like everything but this is really patronising 

I'm not saying you're doing this... I've said "some people have done this" like 3 times. I've seen people saying stuff that basically means "I've forced myself to like it" i.e. in YouTube comments etc.

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I love this song sooo much. Learned it already on guitar and having so much fun. Sad that there is so much negativity, but this will be a banger when played live!

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16 minutes ago, Christian's Inferno! said:

Green Day have definitely had songs sound like this before. This is just like a trilogy-esque or FBHT-esque track except not as good. 

Are FBHT and Dos GD’s comfort zones? I don’t really think so. They have approached this kind of song before, but this is not their confort zone, on the contrary of songs like KYE. The rest of your post is your personal opinion and I’m no one to say if it’s right or wrong, I just don’t agree with it. Except for the bit where you keep saying that people force themselves to like this. I’m not sure how can you detect someone that is genuinely liking a song and someone that is forcing himself to, but recognizing that people have different taste and that’s it is much easier and less patronizing. 

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Fire Ready Aim is a good song, Father of All is a good song, but i dig FRA more

but i know GD can do better, the new songs have some cool parts, but there is something disturbing (terrible mix? vocal effects? generic repetitive?)

i joined the world of GD at the AI era, and i think i never thought about new GD music like i do this time: "i just dont feel it..." 🤷‍♂️

its fresh new music, a short 26min LP could be a nice thing to listen to, but there is something missing, i dont feel the songs/GD like i used to

( + the songs sound more like FBHT than GD, why use them for GD then? )

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5 minutes ago, HAPPY ROOTING UNICORN said:

Are FBHT and Dos GD’s comfort zones? I don’t really think so. They have approached this kind of song before, but this is not their confort zone, on the contrary of songs like KYE. The rest of your post is your personal opinion and I’m no one to say if it’s right or wrong, I just don’t agree with it. Except for the bit where you keep saying that people force themselves to like this. I’m not sure how can you detect someone that is genuinely liking a song and someone that is forcing himself to, but recognizing that people have different taste and that’s it is much easier and less patronizing. 

FBHT wasn't their comfort zone at the time but they've revisited and slightly altered the sound so much since then (i.e. trilogy, Longshot and now this) that it basically is their comfort zone. I think it's fine for them to "stay in their comfort zone", I just don't agree that this song is outside of their "comfort zone"

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I quite like this. It's catchy and I'm looking forward to hearing it live. The piano reminds me of Prima Donna. When I saw the trailer and Billie's description, I was kind of dreading listening because I was sure I'd hate it. It's much better than I expected. Hard to say if I'd give it a chance if it wasn't Green Day. Possibly not.

Shouting "you're a liar!!!1!" at internet trolls, though? I suppose that's very Billie :P I assume it's about people wasting energy on being dicks and those who pay attention to them, not people speaking out about serious issues. It will just encourage trolls but then Billie is good at that, too.

There's still something about this era that doesn't sit with me right (and no, it's not because of the vocals or poppy elements, which Green Day have always had), but I can't put my finger on it. I don't hate Father of All. I just find it really average, like car commercial music. Even though I like this song, I'm not especially excited for whatever's coming next. That's nothing Green Day "owes" me but it's just weird to me because I'm not used to it.

So yeah anyway, I actually like this, but people are allowed to dislike it. I'm kind of surprised by the way some people (not all, both on and off GDC) are reacting to negative opinions. Disliking these songs doesn't make anyone less of a fan. Nor does it mean they should shut up. I'm sure the people behaving as if it does don't like every trilogy song, or like I've said elsewhere, Know Your Enemy, Oh Love or Stray Heart. They were all singles and unpopular on GDC. I'm yet to see complaints about people disliking them. I'll say again too that people are disappointed because they love Green Day, not because they don't or because they're not "loyal" enough. That doesn't equal thinking they're "owed" anything. They're just disappointed because disliking new Green Day isn't what they're used to. Negativity isn't going to ruin the song if I like it - I mean, as most of GDC knows, I've always loved the trilogy and I've spent seven years watching people shit on it, so...

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Unpopular opinion. I love the guitar sound on this track, those power chords really pack something, bet it’ll be fun to jam. 

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11 minutes ago, GuitarPunk94 said:

Fire Ready Aim is a good song, Father of All is a good song, but i dig FRA more

but i know GD can do better, the new songs have some cool parts, but there is something disturbing (terrible mix? vocal effects? generic repetitive?)

i joined the world of GD at the AI era, and i think i never thought about new GD music like i do this time: "i just dont feel it..." 🤷‍♂️

its fresh new music, a short 26min LP could be a nice thing to listen to, but there is something missing, i dont feel the songs/GD like i used to

( + the songs sound more like FBHT than GD, why use them for GD then? )

This is exactly my opinion! I don't feel it.


EDIT: Why is the direct download mail not coming from GD? I got one for Bang Bang and RR in that era. No nothing.

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I just have to say that I disagree with the people sayin that it doesn't sound like Billie. To me it very obviously sounds like his voice. There might be some filters on the vocals but it still sounds like him.

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18 minutes ago, solongfromthestars said:

They're just disappointed because disliking new Green Day isn't what they're used to. Negativity isn't going to ruin the song if I like it - I mean, as most of GDC knows, I've always loved the trilogy and I've spent seven years watching people shit on it, so...

THIS (and I always loved the trilogy too)

I haven't really been hyped at all for this new album, and that's a first for me. Not liking new Green Day music feels wrong.

I kinda feel like maybe I've let other peoples opinions become what I think of the new songs because I came on this forum the second FOAMF was released but I don't know 🤷‍♀️

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14 minutes ago, solongfromthestars said:

There's still something about this era that doesn't sit with me right (and no, it's not because of the vocals or poppy elements, which Green Day have always had), but I can't put my finger on it. I don't hate Father of All. I just find it really average, like car commercial music. Even though I like this song, I'm not especially excited for whatever's coming next. That's nothing Green Day "owes" me but it's just weird to me because I'm not used to it.

Yeah this. Same. I don't hate the new songs, but I feel kind of indifferent about them and the whole era so far which is very strange. GD and I seem to be in a completely different place right now, not only geographically.

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12 minutes ago, Taylor_k2008 said:

THIS (and I always loved the trilogy too)

I haven't really been hyped at all for this new album, and that's a first for me. Not liking new Green Day music. Seems/feels wrong.

I kinda feel like maybe I've let other peoples opinions become what I think of the new songs because I came on this forum the second FOAMF was released but I don't know 🤷‍♀️

Yeah, exactly! It's totally new to me and feels wrong. Some people might say I'm overly invested, but we all have something we're overly invested in. Just look at British football fans :P

I'm not sure if others' opinions influenced me. I was pretty late to the party because I was away when it came out, so by the time I listened, it'd grown on people and there were more being defensive than negative. It's not impossible that could've subconsciously put me off. Hard to say.

11 minutes ago, Thatsername said:

Yeah this. Same. I don't hate the new songs, but I feel kind of indifferent about them and the whole era so far which is very strange. GD and I seem to be in a completely different place right now, not only geographically.

It's weird. I really can't explain what it is that's putting me off. It is though and it's not just us because I've seen others saying it. I know defensive fans will say it's that we have preconceived ideas of what Green Day should be or whatever, but it's not that. I wouldn't love the trilogy if it was. When I think I can get into this (like, I do love some of the lyrics to Father of All), something stops it resonating with me. I don't know what it is.

Even this song isn't something I can listen to on repeat like past singles. Too bad.

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to both songs so far. 

Don't hate them,  but just blah. 



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