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The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread


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14 minutes ago, Savannah89 said:

Guys, do you really think he has asthma? Or is it just that he is breathless sometimes?

He said he did on his Twitter 

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37 minutes ago, Savannah89 said:

I have a friend that met him on a tour in europe and she said he is taller than people expect him to be. She was also surprised that he was taller than her.

I wonder how his nails are always clean. I know a bunch of men who always got dirty nails.

Can somebody tell me what he is saying to Mickey? is he saying: Happy July? Or do I get  it wrong?

He says "joy, happy joy"

Does anyone else see the HOT flag with over 4,500 replies on this thread?  I couldn't imagine what would generate so many replies short of Billie himself showing up!

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27 minutes ago, neverdone2000 said:

Is this a serious question? I have to draw the line at fangirling over clean fingernails.

Yes, maybe I know the false people 


15 minutes ago, RedundantIdiot said:

Thank you. Does this mean he always has to carry a spray?

9 minutes ago, Vintage Disciple said:

He says "joy, happy joy"

Does anyone else see the HOT flag with over 4,500 replies on this thread?  I couldn't imagine what would generate so many replies short of Billie himself showing up!

They are probably just dying because of cuteness and replying in that way. 

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17 hours ago, BUBBYBUB said:

This is why I love Billie.

True. I remember falling on this speech of his when I was checking out all the little speeches he was doing during that part of the Rev Rad gigs, because I was fangirling a lot (still am!) on how he spoke vehemently against Nazis at that time :lol:. But this was even greater. As a woman, I wouldn't say that women are more fitting to rule the world than men, I think there needs to be some fair balance, and that it depends on individuals and their good will (Billie himself is a good example of why I don't necessarily put women first :P). It's one thing when women fight to have the same place as men in every area, as individuals like any other. We fight for ourselves. But when it's a man who says that, and even more puts women first, so genuinely and passionately... it's rare and admirable. It's pure gallantry, and saying that I don't mean to reduce the message in his speech. I just think it's rare these days to find a man gallant like he is, so fondly respectful of women. It makes me love him even more. I love how he called out for the guys there as well. He's an example :wub:.

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On 3/31/2019 at 3:27 AM, Scumbag On A Mission said:

To be fair we don’t know how he feels after shows. I’ve seen industrial sized bottles of Advil in photos and Mike has had to sit in coolers of ice. They make it look easy but it’s not. 

Can you still remember where you saw the photos with the advil?

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On 4/3/2019 at 5:49 AM, pacejunkie punk said:

Somebody give that man a grandchild already 😄😜

That's what I also thought about. He needs a grandchild

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4 hours ago, Savannah89 said:

Can you still remember where you saw the photos with the advil?

It’s here:

Also, they have been spotted in some of the post show videos on his insta. You have to go back to early 2017 rev rad shows.

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7 hours ago, DadBod said:

It’s here:


Also, they have been spotted in some of the post show videos on his insta. You have to go back to early 2017 rev rad shows.

Thank you. But I seem to be blind. Where do ou see the advil?

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Aw thank you. 

And what is it next to the advil (in the yellow circle)? Is it all medication?

I see Fidji water (we all know he loves it), a hair dryer, and some things for sensitive skin.

Thank you so much ❤️

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2 minutes ago, Savannah89 said:

And what is it next to the advil (in the yellow circle)? Is it all medication?

I wouldn't worry as long as there's no beer amirite :happy:

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No, I don't worry. I'm just interested what kind of product it is, because in my country it all looks different.

Advil is called ibuprophene here. 

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25 minutes ago, maryjanewhatsername said:

Medication or not, can we talk about how the queen has struck a pose :wub::lol: but seriously he looks damn good in this :wub: just wanna touch the floof :wub:

I wanna touch the floof too! Mess it up real good! 😬😉

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I didn't even know that the site went down. My internet has been fucking up for the past week. Glad it's back up and running, though! Don't know what I'd do without a place to come and fangirl. :wub:

@DadBod would you kindly post that picture again, but without the yellow circle and arrow? I need to have it! :lol:

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@Green Day In Seattle if you scroll up to the tweet I posted you can get the photo from there. I don’t have it saved on my phone anymore (space issue).  A cut off version is also on Billies insta a ways back (2017 post). 

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Just realised that it's a good job this forum didn't shut down for real otherwise we wouldn't be able to look back at the style predictions we made for Billie for the next GD era. 

I hope Billie wears a jacket similar to this during the next tour:



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Oh yes it looks good. It was funny because there was a random show where someone in the crowd let him wear a jacket of theirs that was similar to that which he clearly enjoyed but then he had to give it back. And then a few days later he had his own :D. Style inspiration from fans!

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3 hours ago, RedundantIdiot said:

I hope Billie wears a jacket similar to this during the next tour:


How is he surviving this without getting a heart attack???

It must be hot as hell under his shirt and the jacket. Don't get me wrong. I love it, but it must be so warm.

Why don't they wear shorter clothes? I get it's their dressing code but I'm always worries about it.

Is it colder as it seems to be on stage?

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