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The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread


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13 hours ago, Squashie said:




@Hermione why aren't gifs (and youtube links) embedding anymore??!?!?!?!? ARGH!!!!!!!!


They will for me. Just occasionally I find they won't do it for no apparent reason, sometimes seems to be the particular link or sometimes seems like the forum just doesn't want to do it that moment or I have to try a few times. I find the same on other sites as well, don't know the explanation but I don't think there's anything broken

Edit: Yeah this is the gif you posted (I just pasted it like usual and it worked)


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1 hour ago, Beerjeezus said:

I would say more accepted too, but mostly it would be generally assumed that they at least somehow like each other. There wouldn't be the "no homo" aspect.

Yeah, I do agree with that, and that it is a little problematic both that affection between men would automatically be viewed as nonsexual, and that affection between a mixed-gender pair would automatically be viewed as sexual. I have a feeling this is all what Billie and Kevin are trying to comment on with their behavior. As far as boning, let's also not forget that Billie has been quite adamant about never cheating on his wife, so I don't think we can assume this happened LOL. Isn't Kevin also married? 🤣

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8 hours ago, Slave To The Network said:

I'm going to post some photos I was talking about in the Random Green Day Thoughts thread about how Billie looks youthful.

Compare these two. Almost the exact same expression and same face 10 or 11 years apart. Yes, you can tell he is older in the bottom one, but looking at it without the context of the other one, you'd think "Damn! He looks really good for that age!" And in fact I do think that.




Now check out this here picture from the beginning of this very accursed year. I think he looks fantastic! That does not look old to me. If I didn't already know his age, I would guess he is 40-43.


Here are more FOAM era pics in which I think he looks particularly nice (plus one of them involves cake ;)).




That second picture! 😍 Billie! Billie! Billie! What a sexy beast!

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37 minutes ago, Beerjeezus said:

It's a paradox of how masculinity is seen in our society. On one hand, men showing affection to each other in a playful, flirty way is assumed to be non-sexual because of heteronormativity, but at the same time, some men are afraid of platonic affection, out of fear of looking gay.

That's literally everything I was going to say next. :) 

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55 minutes ago, The Grohl said:

I love the way Billie shows affection towards the boys and I don't just mean potentially spicy moments where he's necking with Kevin. I mean just the way he'll hug Mike and Tre or just interact with them. These gifs comes to mind:



It's so fucking sweet! And I love that he's not afraid to show that affection without going nO hOmO!!!! A dude who is secure enough with himself and his sexuality to show affection like that is wildly attractive imo.

He presents as a very caring and loving person, and his affection shows that. Being a good person is very sexy. :)

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16 minutes ago, The Grohl said:

I love the way Billie shows affection towards the boys and I don't just mean potentially spicy moments where he's necking with Kevin. I mean just the way he'll hug Mike and Tre or just interact with them. These gifs comes to mind:



It's so fucking sweet! And I love that he's not afraid to show that affection without going nO hOmO!!!! A dude who is secure enough with himself and his sexuality to show affection like that is wildly attractive imo.

It is so sweet! I love how affectionate they are with each other without making it look like a joke or no-homoing it.

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39 minutes ago, Beerjeezus said:

I love this picture for an obvious reason but also because it looks like a perfect meme material.

It does though. Lmfao.

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3 hours ago, Beerjeezus said:

While we're at non-macho things that are actually very attractive...


I love Billie in dresses, and this is my favorite dress. ❤️ 

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Just now, pacejunkie punk said:

OMG that last one 😍  I will forever ship Billie and Blue 

It's so sweet that he still plays his first guitar :cry:

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3 minutes ago, Beerjeezus said:

It's so sweet that he still plays his first guitar :cry:

I think the Blue in plays in concert now is a replica; the real one is in safe storage. :) 

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Just now, BillieMyLove said:

I think the Blue in plays in concert now is a replica; the real one is in safe storage. :) 

It’s not, it’s the real one. He only used replicas in the nineties according to Hans and has long since retired them all. 

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5 minutes ago, BillieMyLove said:

I think the Blue in plays in concert now is a replica; the real one is in safe storage. :) 

It’s the real Blue.


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