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  1. So i created a couple of videos, without really knowing too much of editing, ( but i'm getting better). I hope you like them! The first one is Christie Road. The idea was to have footage from the actual road and its hills and railroad trucks and trains. With some extra footage from Willits Mountains(where Tre actually grew up.) Also some streets of Berkeley, Gilman 924 and the San Francisco bridge. The second one is Stuart and the Ave. I used actual footage from Stuart street , also a bunch of clips from Telegraph avenue and the East Bay in general. I will try to make these music videos a series for the future with the idea of using songs that can represent the roots of the band and the feel of the early-mid 90s , and i'll try to make the as legit as they could be! I would like to hear your support. opinion and critic, and of course your suggestions. Stuart and the Ave. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wREjgKiFl7w Christie Road: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEDJitWtzgY
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