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  4. Mollyluna


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2025 in all areas

  1. I‘d always prefer a standalone show. At a festival, listening to a bunch of bands you’re not really interested in can be quite exhausting. And coming later for the main act would mean being at the back of the crowd. As for the size of the venue - in my opinion the smaller the better. Last year we were at a show of our favorite German band in a club with a capacity of only 200. It was the most intense atmosphere I‘ve ever experienced. With GD that’s not possible of course. But I’m really looking forward to the Vienna shows. The Stadthalle is not too big, and front of stage should be cool!😃
    5 points
  2. yknow at this point they should release it as a single/give it a music video (maybe with physical goodies!) also i really hope LNOE's success splashes down onto Restless Heart, Horseshoes/Static Age and Peacemaker
    4 points
  3. take that vance kind of old news, but still love that he is still so passionate ❤️ https://consequence.net/2025/03/green-day-jd-vance-jesus-of-suburbia-lyrics/
    4 points
  4. Definitely standalone shows. I personally love to be as near to the stage as possible, and at a festival that'd be all the harder to do. I also like the fact that at standalone shows everyone is there for the same reason, I love meeting other fans at shows and that atmosphere. Especially if you queue from the morning, you're guaranteed to meet people who are about as obsessed and into Green Day as you are, and it's often the only opportunity to meet such people in person. That said I find the festivals atmosphere just fun and chill (well, I've only been at small-ish festivals in France, so not sure how the massive ones would feel), and I'd totally love to see them at a festival in France... but I'm just not as willing to travel for a festival as I am for a standalone show. As for the size of the venue, I find each size has its charm. Seeing them at Bataclan along with other ~1.5K lucky people was really special, but so it was seeing in the Giants stadium in NJ with ~80k people in the crowd. I'm really not picky, I'll take any format Say that to the lucky 50 or so who got to see them at that tiny pub in London last year
    3 points
  5. Always standing but will take large or small venue but not festivals for exactly what @Mollyluna said.
    3 points
  6. Last night on earth is getting over 370,000 listens daily. It’s still going strong and rising in their Spotify ranks!
    2 points
  7. 1 point
  8. Yes, I asked a friend who lives there to receive them and then forward them to me.
    1 point
  9. He part owns the Oakland Soul soccer team too. Awesome how he supports his hometown
    1 point
  10. When your boss is trying to think of the name of the movie They Live and you know it solely because of the Back in the USA video. Which you promptly send to him. And when your co-worker offers to get you a Green Day slurpee because she's confused on what the 7/11 collab is.
    1 point
  11. You know you're a Green Day fan when you can't think of the numbers 99, 86, or 21 without thinking of your favorite band Also whenever you hear the words "1-2-3-4" it's either the Hitchin' a Ride chant or *inhale* MY NAME IS JIMMY AND YOU BETTER NOT WEAR IT OUT
    1 point
  12. I think music fandoms have a tendency to worry every tour is the last one, even for younger artists. And I understand things happen and you never know what the future holds — that’s why I take in and appreciate every time I’m able to see them as though it’s the last time. But pending an unexpected bad event, I never think about the artists I like retiring or quitting music. The types of musicians I follow love what they do and I assume they’ll keep doing their job until they physically can’t anymore! All he meant was this was a special anniversary tour that they likely won’t repeat, which is what made it so special, but also what makes it sad that it’s over, I’m sure as much for them as for us.
    1 point
  13. I really like the setlists I'm seeing from Japan. They are finally able to pull from every era except the two 'depressing' ones, haha. And I feel like Billie may one day change how he feels about those songs. They were created during a bad time, sure. But they are amazing. I know they will never do a ton of deep cuts on regular tours, but Oh Love and Father of All every now and then wouldn't hurt anybody. And if you're a hater of those songs, I know you hold your pee during a concert so there you go. Pee during Father of All, haha.
    1 point
  14. I know right! I've had RA since l was 15/16 and it hurts my knees when I see Billie drop to his knees on stage They're incredible
    1 point
  15. LNOE keeps going up. 307,000 streams yesterday, 6th most streamed GD song that day.
    1 point
  16. Amazing. Faces are so difficult to reproduce, but you've captured them perfectly. Black and white is stunning. Nice one.
    1 point
  17. I drew a pretty picture.
    1 point
  18. I walked into my hostel in Nagoya and heard Green Day's name on the radio, then Working Class Hero played
    1 point
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