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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2024 in all areas

  1. If I didn't make it to this show I don't think I ever would've forgiven myself. The three days before it were agonizing, but it all worked out in the end. I didn't realize this was my 10th show until just now! I was so sick that I had to get IV fluids on Friday because I felt like I was going to pass out. I don't even remember much of Friday or Saturday, I slept so much and was so out of it. Sunday morning I finally started to feel better, threw some shit in a bag and headed out the door to Pittsburgh and we made it about an hour before doors opened. It's just funny, every other show I try to obsessively plan everything to make it the best time but this time I half-assed everything and I had one of the best times in a long time. Maybe ever. Not because "omg I got to hear rare songs" or "I was front row and Billie looked at me the whole time" or all the dumb shit you hear from fans. I was just happy to be there. I think sometimes we get so busy micromanaging the experience that we forget to have an experience. I didn't take a single picture during the show, I didn't look at the setlist or any photos or videos of other shows, and this was also the first time I had floor seats instead of a pit spot near or on the barrier. But it's forever going to be one of the most memorable experiences. I have no idea how they'll ever go back to the standard "greatest hits" setlist. Everything was so fucking perfect. I kept waiting for that moment where hearing a song I've never heard live before blew my mind, but it never really happened. I never felt out of body for any one moment, I was really just able to soak it all in and experience it as one giant moment. ... then it all hit me at the end, and I was the basic bitch ugly sobbing during Good Riddance. Embarrassing. "Just like that ... 20 years" hit me so hard. I still vividly remember sitting on my bedroom floor listening to this album in my little portable CD player as a nerdy, sheltered 13-year-old trying to figure herself out. I just don't know how the hell that's been 20 years. I haven't been shy about posting how much I've been struggling this year. It's been one of the best of my life and worst of my life, and honestly, Sunday night was the first time I have felt like myself in longer than I can remember. I've been having a lot of doubts about myself, but I think 13-year-old me would be proud just based on this photo alone, right? I was fangirling so hard.
    3 points
  2. My bf and I were doing errands over the weekend and we randomly came across a Speedway in Chicago! I had no idea we had one here! We stopped in and sure enough they had the cups. I didn't find the coffee and the attendant was kind of rude so I didn't want to ask. But now I have both versions!
    3 points
  3. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_dBFxvN5xd/?igsh=MTV5eDR0aTc0ZHhlYw==
    3 points
  4. On this day 3 years ago (3 September 2021), Green Day played in Los Angeles on the Hella Mega Tour. More photos: 7 years ago (3 September 2017), Green Day played in West Palm Beach, FL on the RevRad Tour. More photos: 19 years ago (3 September 2005), Green Day played the Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, MA on the American Idiot Tour. More photos: 29 years ago (3 September 1995), Green Day played in Gothenburg, Sweden on the Insomniac Tour. More photos: 31 years ago (3 September 1993), Green Day played 924 Gilman Street. 33 years ago (3 September 1991), Green Day played in Tuscon, AZ.
    3 points
  5. Must've cooled down tonight - Billie has on a red jacket
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. And if I die before October 25??? As soon we get it, better 😂
    2 points
  8. This is my new phone wallpaper. It makes me smile every time
    2 points
  9. From Alice Baxley's Instagram story
    2 points
  10. That's okay. I still hear "Are you crying on Michael Jordan?" instead of "Are you crying on my cold shoulder?" during "Ashley"
    2 points
  11. Nuclear Family came on my spotify just now while I was working, it had been a really really long time since I have heard that song, and I am happy to report that I still hear "I just want some action so gimme Mike Dirn(t)", which I would argue is a way better line than instead of "gimme my turn", so I'll continue singing it as "gimme Mike Dirn" 😂 I had to look up the lyrics to know what he was actually saying, and I remembered going through exactly the same thing when the trilogy came out. Some things don't change I guess (probably aided by the fact that back in the day I also was like, fuck it, gimme Mike Dirn it is" lol).
    2 points
  12. Last Night On Earth had a daily peak on spotify, which is so interesting to me. Yesterday it had 134,881 streams, currently at 77,250,264 in total. Daily streams superior than any single on 21st Century Breakdown (except for 21 Guns), Warning, Revolution Radio, Trilogy and Saviors. Interesting how algorithm works.
    2 points
  13. Apparently an amp caught fire before Pulling Teeth? Sounds like it was a great show. The GDA article will be updated with more photos throughout the day (or maybe another day if I forget). Also check out the GDA Tumblr for even more photos. Brain Stew Minority American Idiot Boulevard Jim Powers also has some fab videos from the 2013 Philly show in case anyone else was also at that one. Some cute screenshots of Billie and Mike with the fan who sang Know Your Enemy. Performing Boulevard Billie holding up some friendship bracelets he got from the crowd. Whatsername A review: https://www.pennlive.com/entertainment/2024/09/green-day-smashing-pumpkins-and-rancid-11-highlights-and-surprises-from-the-hershey-concert.html
    2 points
  14. Saw on reddit he sang a few lines of One of My Lies before Dilemma
    2 points
  15. Minority + Brain Stew + American Idiot https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_b9w7ixpXR/?igsh=MWFtZ3N2NjZrdmp6eA== Basket Case + She https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_b4r6cOJcn/?igsh=bm5qZjRpcHdlbmxy
    2 points
  16. From Mike's Instagram story
    2 points
  17. "Iron CITY!!! One of the best nights ever!" Chris Dugan posted this pic of the guys at Gibson I've cropped the pic out so you can see it a little better Short video from PNC Park from Green Day https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_boZhwsTaZ/?igsh=ZWcwend2MXU3aXR0
    2 points
  18. @CristhyneS Totally feel you. I feel beyond fortunate that I was able to see this very special anniversary show twice. When it comes to live events, especially for an artist so important to me, I always do my very best to make it happen and not pass on an opportunity to attend, because “I’ll catch them on the next tour” is never a given on my end or theirs, and I just couldn’t live with that type of regret. I can regret plenty of things and move on, but I’m not sure I’d be able to forgive myself if I passed on a chance to see Green Day, because every night with them is the best night of my life and having any sort of regret over them would kill me. I came out of this show incredibly satisfied and whole and happy and like I left things on a super high note, which is always a nice feeling. But I’m also sad it’s over and hope we keep getting to do this for 20 more years.
    2 points
  19. We made the drive from Cleveland and the day was amazing. I was bummed that the city patch had sold out by the time I had a chance to buy one. Oh well, got a bunch of other gear and memories. Rancid was awesome. Green Day, as usual, was amazing. The energy level the guys gave was off the hook. I can’t believe they went song to song to song without much of a break.l in between. It was an incredible show! Green Day till I die! They are the best band ever!
    2 points
  20. I managed to get tickets to this very last minute (and then spent all day yesterday driving there) and I’m so beyond grateful! This was one of my favorite shows I’ve seen from them. They’re just bursting with joy every second on stage, Billie looked SO happy and like he was having so much fun just being present and interacting with people (at one point he just waved at the pit and everyone waved back lol). This was my second time seeing them on this tour and I felt like I was able to take it in and enjoy it so much more this time (I don’t do many concerts these days so the first show was a lot overstimulating, I think!). I kept thinking about how incredible it is that I’ve been watching them perform these songs for 20 years and I’ve loved it just as much every single time. I can remember the period I listened to American Idiot in the car with my parents on repeat as a kid and just can’t (but also can) believe this is where we are 20 years later. I feel very lucky I picked them to be my favorite band back then. Young me had excellent taste!
    2 points
  21. I’m so glad you made it. It definitely wouldn’t have been the same without you! I was definitely emotional during WMUWSE and Whatsername. So you weren’t the only one crying!
    1 point
  22. So glad you were able to make it! I was so worried! The "20 years" line floored me. He didn't say that in Cincy and I was not expecting him to say anything, so it completely caught me off guard. Also, "It's that time again" or whatever he said right before WMUWSE was heavy with the show being on the 1st and I'm sure THAT was weighing on him.
    1 point
  23. Wish to be the demos between Homecoming and whatsername or at least we are the champions included
    1 point
  24. I absolutely loved what you wrote (and that you gave your spot to a girl who was there for her first show!). And I wish you had your composure. I also would have given an arm and a leg to see AI live in full in when I was15, and I got to experience it 3 times this summer... but the door didn't close for me. I left the last show incredibly happy and grateful that I got to experience this at all, let alone three times (not in my wildest dreams would I have thought they would do an anniversary tour like this 20 years later AND that I'd have the opportunity to attend), but at the same time so sadden by the thought that that was probably the last time I'd experience that. I do feel whole and happy, but I guess there are some things that didn't fully heal or new wounds that opened since.
    1 point
  25. Ok, now I’ve had some time to reflect and recover…. I was so caught up in feeling physically bad after the show last night that I didn’t have time to process anything! I do recall feeling very emotional during the show, and in retrospect I feel emotional, too. When Billie said “and just like that…. It’s been 20 years” I fucking felt that 😭 it felt like a goodbye to my youth, for real. it also felt really healing to have my teenager experiencing it with me and to give her something I would have chewed my own arm off to have had when I was 15. I gave up my spot on the barricade to a girl who was experiencing her first Green Day concert because let’s face it, I’ve been there and done that more times than I can count! But giving up the barricade gave me space to relax a little more and to just let the experience wash over me. I couldn’t believe I was hearing AI in full and I just closed my eyes and let my 14 year old self live in the moment. Felt like the end of an era for me, truly. I will always love Green Day and the music will always mean so much to me… and the door is closed now. I walked out feeling like if I never attend another show, that’s ok. I don’t need to because I don’t need Green Day anymore. I’m whole and happy and healed. They were a huge part of that healing but now that part is over and I’m ready to move on to what’s next.
    1 point
  26. Yeah, as someone who works in television, I guess I'm just baffled by how that happens? Must be the program they use or something, I don't know.
    1 point
  27. it's a commom problem everywhere, which is a bummer. I'va never seen screens without a bit of delay
    1 point
  28. Last night was just the best. Got to meet @pacejunkie punk and Kevin Preston who was super nice and gave me a pick. Had the best time with @AlissaGoesRAWRand @Laura!. I can't hear out of my left ear and my right hamstring is so damn tight from jumping around, but I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. "Just like that...20 years." 🥹
    1 point
  29. Billie making the link from "tonight is not a political party" all the way to "tonight is celebration" around minute 12:22 😂 Poor guys, I hope they will be alright for tonight. I'll be forever grateful that they put on these insane shows for us to give us Dookie and AI live. 🥹 (and I wonder what happened to Billie, hope he's ok).
    1 point
  30. ^^^ Also forgot to mention you can see it in the last photo above me but Billie’s face looked bruised and scraped up on one side like he had a fall or got hit by something. He mentioned at the end being really tired it’s such a long set (“We don’t do encores we just fall down at the end”… “and now I want to fucking fall down”) I honestly don’t know how they’re now gonna do Hershey. These guys really push it to the limit.
    1 point
  31. Wow! What an energetic and also emotional show. It felt so special and almost surreal hearing all those songs live in album order, and I'll remember it for the rest of my life. I'm so grateful for this band.
    1 point
  32. Just got home and wow. Was on the barrier at the center of the catwalk, couldn’t have been any closer, and it made a huge stadium feel intimate. Amazing show and also an exhausting day but loved every minute of it. Here’s my post: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_Zr65ntBpQ/?igsh=MXdmM3A0aTJmbjd1ZA== I was right next to the kid that got pulled up for KYE. He and his family were on line with us earlier in the day. He freaked out when he got picked because Billie picked two people which I’ve never seen him do. He thought he lost his chance and then Billie said “I wanna do it again!” and he picked the kid. It was very cool. Also I got one of Tre’s drumsticks!
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_ZXOYMN5EF/?igsh=MThkdnc4dHdzenVhcA==
    1 point
  35. … also I’m pretty sure I’m just running on pure adrenaline, Tylenol and a single cheeseburger but I’m somehow doing this. Thank god for seats.
    1 point
  36. Look who we found! He was hanging out with some friends (and fellow Ohioans) in our section for a little while.
    1 point
  37. The monthly roundup is here. https://www.greendayauthority.com/news/6185/ On this day 3 years ago (1 September 2021), Green Day played Summerfest in Milwaukee on the Hella Mega Tour. More photos: 7 years ago (1 September 2017), Green Day played in Raleigh, NC on the Revolution Radio Tour. More photos: 12 years ago (1 September 2012), Green Day played Rock am See in Konstanz, Germany. I wrote a short recap: "Standing in the rain was worth it as we heard the first chords of Welcome to Paradise. The crowd came alive. For the first time we heard the furious Let Yourself Go from the upcoming ¡Uno! and people stared bewilderedly at us for knowing the words. Oh Love had been released as a single at this point, though, and the sold-out crowd of 25,000 sang along, ‘far away, far away, waste away tonight,’ as one united voice. Walls of death formed and crashed together in She and American Idiot. ‘Danke schöne!’ Billie Joe yelled, over and over. As 99 Revolutions closed, the crowd clapped and wailed goodbye, then ‘one more time!’ The song revved back up again and they were playing an extra chorus. We clapped again. I prepared myself for their set being over again, but Billie Joe did not want to leave Konstanz: ‘one more time!’ he roared and they played the chorus again. Then it really was over. He was playing Good Riddance. I almost missed him running back on stage and mooning the crowd." That was so random. They hadn't been off stage long, so he must have got undressed incredibly quickly to ensure as many people as possible saw his arse. Flogging Molly also dedicated If I Ever Leave This World Alive to Billie that night. Great band, nice gesture. I took a few very shit photos: And here are some more professional ones: 19 years ago (1 September 2005), Green Day played the Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on the American Idiot Tour. More photos: The photo of Tre with the iron came from this show. 30 years ago (1 September 1994), Green Day played Lollapalooza in George, WA on the Dookie Tour. 33 years ago (1 September 1991), Green Day played the Independent Skate Park in Colorado Springs.
    1 point
  38. Love to see Billie still shaking it! And the puppies are adorable, really cool that he's helping rescue dogs
    1 point
  39. On this day 7 years ago (31 August 2017), Green Day played in Camden, NJ on the Revolution Radio Tour. More photos: 14 years ago (31 August 2010), Green Day played in Irvine, CA on the 21st Century Breakdown Tour. We were going to go to this show after Phoenix, but by the time we saved up enough to book flights etc there were only $1,000 resale tickets left, so we went to the Grand Canyon instead. I actually don't regret that at all. We did make it to another show, but that story is a few days away. More photos:
    1 point
  40. 3 years ago yesterday (29 August 2021), Green Day played in San Diego, CA on the Hella Mega Tour. More photos: 7 years ago yesterday (29 August 2017), Green Day played in Hartford, CT on the Revolution Radio Tour. More photos: 12 years ago (29 August 2012), Green Day played in Monchengladbach, Germany on the trilogy promo tour. More photos: 20 years ago (29 August 2004), Green Day played Reading Festival on the American Idiot Tour. They played a few covers they don't usually play – I Fought the Law, Blitzkrieg Bop and Ever Fallen in Love. More photos: 26 years ago (29 August 1998), Green Day played Rock am See in Konstanz, Germany. 29 years ago (29 August 1995), Green Day played in Oslo, Norway on the Insomniac Tour. 32 years ago (29 August 1992), they played at 924 Gilman Street. 33 years ago (29 August 1991), they played in Kansas City. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On this day 12 years ago (30 August 2012), Green Day played in Berlin, Germany on the trilogy promo tour. More photos: 14 years ago (30 August 2010), Green Day played in Phoenix, AZ on the 21st Century Breakdown Tour. This was the first time I saw Green Day in the US. It was one of the best shows I've ever seen and is still one of my most treasured memories. I touched up my recap about five years ago but it still seems a bit embarrassingly written now. Here it is anyway: "It was like everything leading up to this was a five-second dream. I was sitting in England, then I was suddenly there in the Arizona heat, surrounded by palm trees; hearing Song of the Century, the closest I’d ever been to a stage Green Day were about to take. Around us, the crowd chanted ‘Green Day! Green Day!’ Then the band ran on – Billie with his blond hair and striped jeans, Tré in shorts, perfectly drawn Mike, Jason in a blue jacket – in perfect clarity. ‘Buenos noches Phoenix, ARIZONA!’ I have no words to describe what hearing that for the first time was like. My words caught in my throat as I sang ‘dream, America, dream’ there, in America. I could have cried, broken down in tears of joy, but I danced them away to Know Your Enemy. We were living a dream that once seemed impossible of seeing our favourite band in the United States. In East Jesus Nowhere, Billie pulled up a kid called Alexander, stealing his earmuffs and helping him play his Les Paul Jr. ‘Security, security, get rid of this kid! He’s gonna steal my pot! Alex, do you wanna start a fucking war?’ I was as thrilled as any local with Billie’s every roar of ‘are you ready, Arizona?’ In the Holiday bass solo, the amphitheatre flushed red by lights and scrolling text, Billie ran over to our side. He spotted me, grinned and pointed before noticing a shirt that someone was holding up. He apparently reached out to the fan after the show to ask if he could buy the shirt for $100 and the fan agreed, but only if he would sign the $100 bill. ‘The representative of Arizona now has the floor!’ Pyros exploded with Billie’s ‘bang bang!’ as on the screens, troops marched in black and white. Drum rolls led to Murder City. ‘The clock strikes midnight in A-RI-ZO-NA!’ Then it cut to Give Me Novacaine. ‘Oh, it’s so hot, it’s so hot, I think I’m gonna take all my fucking clothes off. Whoever gets naked tonight gets 50 bucks!’ We chorused ‘heeeeeeeey-ooooooooh!’ to tinkling piano. The crowd waved, at Billie’s command, from the pit to the lawn in sync. Instead of ‘Jimmy says it’s better than here,’ he sang ‘Arizona’s better than California!’ and I screamed approval with everyone else. It ended with ‘give me the entire state of Arizona!’ Billie couldn’t have reminded us where we were any more if he tried. Then Tré began the intro to a ferocious Letterbomb. It was my second favourite song at the time, after only ¡Viva La Gloria! and it was the first time I’d seen it. I went insane. I was screaming, the lyrics, just screaming, turning my voice hoarse and jumping until my legs were weak. (My mum filmed me dancing to Letterbomb haha) ‘This is it! The time is right now! This is it! There’s no fucking job you’ve gotta fucking go to! There is no boss! There’s no bullshit! There’s no computers! There’s no television! There’s no cellphones! There’s no fucking school you gotta report to! This is it! This is the opportunity right now! This is your fucking freedom! Are you with me, Arizona?’ Some fans criticise Billie’s Letterbomb speeches. But you know what? He was right. That was our freedom and I was liberated, with Arizona as we screamed to tell Billie yes, we were with him. As Tré began Are We the Waiting, Billie announced ‘my aunt is out there in the crowd tonight! She’s a resident! Right here in Arizona!’ before singing ‘are we, we are! And screaming…’ and holding up his mic for the crowd to echo him. I had one hand on my heart, one in the air, screaming ‘heads or tails, fairytales in my mind.’ I felt like Jesus of Suburbia, escaping to a fairytale city to live ‘the rage and love, the story of my life.’ In St. Jimmy Billie roared ‘are you talking to me? Are you screaming at me?’ After the crowd sang the first verse of Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Billie placed his guitar down. He proceeded to attempt a headstand. He soon fell on his arse, but he just got back up, did a dance and announced ‘I’ll fucking do anything for fucking Arizona, I’ll tell you that!’ The song was anthemic. Billie caught something from the crowd, threw it out, then grinned. ‘We’re gonna play a brand new song.’ My mum and I glanced at each other with wide eyes. We had no internet and no idea what they’d been playing. ‘It ain’t that brand new. This song’s called Cigarettes and Valentines!’ We didn’t know the words, but with the strangers around us, we jumped and danced as if our lives depended on it. Burnout followed. If I thought this couldn’t get any better, I was wrong, because then they played One for the Razorbacks. I was drenched in sweat, watching people pass out around us, but I felt like I could pass out and stand straight back up. In 2000 Light Years Away they invited as many fans as they could fit onstage. Security guided them up, they danced, then were escorted back off. The regular oldies section followed. Seeing it here was like seeing it for the first time all over again. My mum and I were our own mosh pit, dancing and shoving and grabbing the other’s arm to scream our favourite lines. King for a Day’s fun dissolved into 21 Guns. Billie spoke into the internal microphone as he returned onstage to rolling drums. We expected Minority. ‘Sing us a song of the century, it sings like American Eulogy…’ We heard American Eulogy, in America. This mass hysteria was like the entire show’s rage, love, energy and passion rolled into one triumphant, dazzling climax as confetti exploded around us and the band. The crowd stilled as the show closed once again with Last Night on Earth, Wake Me Up When September Ends and Good Riddance. No dream of seeing Green Day in their home country could ever have prepared us for this reality. It was better." My old phone pics that are shit, but have a lot of sentimental value: Even more of them: Some gifs from my videos: Billie's tweet after the show: He accidentally wrote "ho as hell" after an earlier show and it became a Thing™. So many GDCers had "ho as hell" in their signatures and made jokes about it for months afterwards. Absolutely wild that I’d only been alive 12 years when I discovered Green Day, but the Phoenix show was 14 years ago. Anyway... 19 years ago (30 August 2005), Green Day played in Columbia, MD on the American Idiot Tour. 26 years ago (30 August 1998), Green Day played Pukkelpop Festival in the Netherlands on the Nimrod Tour. 30 years ago (30 August 1994), Green Day played Lollapalooza in Surrey, Canada on the Dookie Tour. Billie looks like the Winnie the Pooh in the suit meme. 33 years ago (30 August 1991), Green Day played the The Outhouse in Lawrence, KS.
    1 point
  41. For the locals. This is pretty funny https://triblive.com/sports/tim-benz-an-all-pirates-setlist-request-for-green-days-concert-at-pnc-park/
    1 point
  42. I didn't like to say. 😂 Watch any footage from the Longshot tour. Let me get this right. You were looking at Billie’s hand? ..😂😂
    1 point
  43. Well, these need to be here. ❤️
    1 point
  44. Yeah, I noticed other than the Be silently drawn, you could see the car tattoo since he had another button open. We don't get to see that one as much.
    1 point
  45. Not to mention flash of chest tattoo. 😍😜
    1 point
  46. Random fangirl thought at the show last night- even though the pants are looser, they're still fitted around his butt. His tiny little butt.
    1 point
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