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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2024 in all areas

  1. Just got home and wow. Was on the barrier at the center of the catwalk, couldn’t have been any closer, and it made a huge stadium feel intimate. Amazing show and also an exhausting day but loved every minute of it. Here’s my post: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_Zr65ntBpQ/?igsh=MXdmM3A0aTJmbjd1ZA== I was right next to the kid that got pulled up for KYE. He and his family were on line with us earlier in the day. He freaked out when he got picked because Billie picked two people which I’ve never seen him do. He thought he lost his chance and then Billie said “I wanna do it again!” and he picked the kid. It was very cool. Also I got one of Tre’s drumsticks!
    11 points
  2. Look who we found! He was hanging out with some friends (and fellow Ohioans) in our section for a little while.
    9 points
  3. I managed to get tickets to this very last minute (and then spent all day yesterday driving there) and I’m so beyond grateful! This was one of my favorite shows I’ve seen from them. They’re just bursting with joy every second on stage, Billie looked SO happy and like he was having so much fun just being present and interacting with people (at one point he just waved at the pit and everyone waved back lol). This was my second time seeing them on this tour and I felt like I was able to take it in and enjoy it so much more this time (I don’t do many concerts these days so the first show was a lot overstimulating, I think!). I kept thinking about how incredible it is that I’ve been watching them perform these songs for 20 years and I’ve loved it just as much every single time. I can remember the period I listened to American Idiot in the car with my parents on repeat as a kid and just can’t (but also can) believe this is where we are 20 years later. I feel very lucky I picked them to be my favorite band back then. Young me had excellent taste!
    7 points
  4. Last night was just the best. Got to meet @pacejunkie punk and Kevin Preston who was super nice and gave me a pick. Had the best time with @AlissaGoesRAWRand @Laura!. I can't hear out of my left ear and my right hamstring is so damn tight from jumping around, but I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. "Just like that...20 years." 🥹
    7 points
  5. Wow! What an energetic and also emotional show. It felt so special and almost surreal hearing all those songs live in album order, and I'll remember it for the rest of my life. I'm so grateful for this band.
    6 points
  6. There are some really nice videos up already. American Dream: Burnout: Having a Blast/Chump: Longview: Welcome to Paradise: Minority/Brain Stew/American Idiot: Novacaine/She's a Rebel: Shit quality but cute shots of Good Riddance Whatsername Even more in the GDA article https://www.greendayauthority.com/news/6191/
    5 points
  7. 5 points
  8. On this day 14 years ago (2 September 2010), Green Day played in Chula Vista, CA on the 21st Century Breakdown Tour. More photos: 29 years ago (2 September 1995), Green Day played in Stockholm, Sweden on the Insomniac Tour. Going to Pasalacqua, Stuck With Me and Geek Stink Breath from this show are on the Foot in Mouth live album. More photos: This is such a wholesome story
    4 points
  9. We made the drive from Cleveland and the day was amazing. I was bummed that the city patch had sold out by the time I had a chance to buy one. Oh well, got a bunch of other gear and memories. Rancid was awesome. Green Day, as usual, was amazing. The energy level the guys gave was off the hook. I can’t believe they went song to song to song without much of a break.l in between. It was an incredible show! Green Day till I die! They are the best band ever!
    3 points
  10. Ok, now I’ve had some time to reflect and recover…. I was so caught up in feeling physically bad after the show last night that I didn’t have time to process anything! I do recall feeling very emotional during the show, and in retrospect I feel emotional, too. When Billie said “and just like that…. It’s been 20 years” I fucking felt that 😭 it felt like a goodbye to my youth, for real. it also felt really healing to have my teenager experiencing it with me and to give her something I would have chewed my own arm off to have had when I was 15. I gave up my spot on the barricade to a girl who was experiencing her first Green Day concert because let’s face it, I’ve been there and done that more times than I can count! But giving up the barricade gave me space to relax a little more and to just let the experience wash over me. I couldn’t believe I was hearing AI in full and I just closed my eyes and let my 14 year old self live in the moment. Felt like the end of an era for me, truly. I will always love Green Day and the music will always mean so much to me… and the door is closed now. I walked out feeling like if I never attend another show, that’s ok. I don’t need to because I don’t need Green Day anymore. I’m whole and happy and healed. They were a huge part of that healing but now that part is over and I’m ready to move on to what’s next.
    3 points
  11. I absolutely loved what you wrote (and that you gave your spot to a girl who was there for her first show!). And I wish you had your composure. I also would have given an arm and a leg to see AI live in full in when I was15, and I got to experience it 3 times this summer... but the door didn't close for me. I left the last show incredibly happy and grateful that I got to experience this at all, let alone three times (not in my wildest dreams would I have thought they would do an anniversary tour like this 20 years later AND that I'd have the opportunity to attend), but at the same time so sadden by the thought that that was probably the last time I'd experience that. I do feel whole and happy, but I guess there are some things that didn't fully heal or new wounds that opened since.
    2 points
  12. Easily got front and center with my kiddo after rolling up to the venue two hours before doors…. Gotta love that VIP ticket lol. Green Day put on a SHOW…… I just wish we hadn’t had to suffer through two hours of Rancid and Smashing Pumpkins. Heat really took it out of us and our energy was pretty low by the time Green Day took the stage. And it’s not like we were freaking out over the other bands, we basically just stood there and tried to conserve our energy! Not my fave format for a show and if these kinds of things are their new normal this was probably my last show 😕 that said, Green Day was amazing as always and my kiddo got one of Billie’s picks! She was thrilled 🩷
    2 points
  13. … also I’m pretty sure I’m just running on pure adrenaline, Tylenol and a single cheeseburger but I’m somehow doing this. Thank god for seats.
    2 points
  14. Billie's new profile pic
    2 points
  15. it's a commom problem everywhere, which is a bummer. I'va never seen screens without a bit of delay
    1 point
  16. Earplugs were key. Those explosions were loud and where we were it was all thumping bass but luckily I had no ringing after. The worst part for me was the hours standing in one spot. My right heel is numb today I think it got inflamed or something. Took Motrin hope I get the sensation back. All worth it!
    1 point
  17. Not sure if anyone remembers Jake the photographer who was badly injured on Hella Mega but he had some good news to share that he's become a dad https://www.instagram.com/p/C_PIk_mPFgW/?igsh=MTRvODJmZDRqcXBiYw==
    1 point
  18. Billie making the link from "tonight is not a political party" all the way to "tonight is celebration" around minute 12:22 😂 Poor guys, I hope they will be alright for tonight. I'll be forever grateful that they put on these insane shows for us to give us Dookie and AI live. 🥹 (and I wonder what happened to Billie, hope he's ok).
    1 point
  19. Review: https://triblive.com/aande/music/green-day-mash-punk-arena-rock-together-for-pittsburgh-extravaganza/
    1 point
  20. ^^^ Also forgot to mention you can see it in the last photo above me but Billie’s face looked bruised and scraped up on one side like he had a fall or got hit by something. He mentioned at the end being really tired it’s such a long set (“We don’t do encores we just fall down at the end”… “and now I want to fucking fall down”) I honestly don’t know how they’re now gonna do Hershey. These guys really push it to the limit.
    1 point
  21. He did! A pop at Oasis I think 😂😂
    1 point
  22. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_ZXOYMN5EF/?igsh=MThkdnc4dHdzenVhcA==
    1 point
  23. From Mike's Instagram story
    1 point
  24. Billie posted a video of the Smashing Pumpkins melting minds! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_ZHY35v8h6/?igsh=NWNxYnRwa3J6a3Vp and the Linda Lindas ripping it up https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_ZDuNJvpJ0/?igsh=bXdzZ29sMnR0ejlw He did! They wanted to be like Van Halen
    1 point
  25. Nice to meet @JardyOfSuburbia and get photos with the car
    1 point
  26. This one ended up being my first Green Day show ever So we left off where I arrived to Miami, the day after what was supposed to be my first Green Day show ever, heart broken that I had missed it due to flight cancellations because of hurricane Katrina passing through Florida. At the time I was in a Green Day forum (I cannot remember what forum this was, it wasn't here nor the Idiot Club, it was a more general forum with sub forums for different bands/artists), and there I knew a girl about my age from NJ. She was going to this show, had some extra tickets, and when I shared the story of what had happened to me she spoke to her parents and they offered us the two extra tickets they had. Again, I was just shy of 15 years old at the time, and my sister who was going with me (17 years older than I am, so 32 at the time), was terrified when I told her that some random chick on the internet was offering us ticket to see them in NJ. In her mind there was a strong chance this would actually be some creepy old dude trying to kidnap two South American women for human trafficking or something 😂 But seeing how devastated I was, and knowing this was the only way we could make it, as we didn't have money to travel further than Miami AND buy super expensive re-sale tickets for the show (they all had been sold out for months). So she finally agreed to at least check the prices of flights to NJ. Here the universe aligned and we managed to find super cheap flights from Miami to Newark for the day before the concert, and off we went. We met the girl and her parents, she was real, not an internet creep (I never doubted it, but again I was 15 lol), we got the tickets, we went to the show and it was everything that I had dreamed and hoped it'd be. To be honest I don't remember a lot of it, I just remember the feeling and how happy I was. It was also my first stadium concert ever and I remember being blown away by the cheer magnitude of everything. We also managed to go on a super quick tour of NYC in one of those buses before flying back to Miami, which totally laid the foundation for convincing to my sister to travel back to NYC and see the city properly (and go to more GD shows) during the 21stCBD tour in 2009 😂
    1 point
  27. The car from Holiday/BOBD just pulled up in front of us
    1 point
  28. The monthly roundup is here. https://www.greendayauthority.com/news/6185/ On this day 3 years ago (1 September 2021), Green Day played Summerfest in Milwaukee on the Hella Mega Tour. More photos: 7 years ago (1 September 2017), Green Day played in Raleigh, NC on the Revolution Radio Tour. More photos: 12 years ago (1 September 2012), Green Day played Rock am See in Konstanz, Germany. I wrote a short recap: "Standing in the rain was worth it as we heard the first chords of Welcome to Paradise. The crowd came alive. For the first time we heard the furious Let Yourself Go from the upcoming ¡Uno! and people stared bewilderedly at us for knowing the words. Oh Love had been released as a single at this point, though, and the sold-out crowd of 25,000 sang along, ‘far away, far away, waste away tonight,’ as one united voice. Walls of death formed and crashed together in She and American Idiot. ‘Danke schöne!’ Billie Joe yelled, over and over. As 99 Revolutions closed, the crowd clapped and wailed goodbye, then ‘one more time!’ The song revved back up again and they were playing an extra chorus. We clapped again. I prepared myself for their set being over again, but Billie Joe did not want to leave Konstanz: ‘one more time!’ he roared and they played the chorus again. Then it really was over. He was playing Good Riddance. I almost missed him running back on stage and mooning the crowd." That was so random. They hadn't been off stage long, so he must have got undressed incredibly quickly to ensure as many people as possible saw his arse. Flogging Molly also dedicated If I Ever Leave This World Alive to Billie that night. Great band, nice gesture. I took a few very shit photos: And here are some more professional ones: 19 years ago (1 September 2005), Green Day played the Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ on the American Idiot Tour. More photos: The photo of Tre with the iron came from this show. 30 years ago (1 September 1994), Green Day played Lollapalooza in George, WA on the Dookie Tour. 33 years ago (1 September 1991), Green Day played the Independent Skate Park in Colorado Springs.
    1 point
  29. Backstage https://www.instagram.com/stories/a.j.schlegel/3446904273592066675?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=ZjVjaWp5OGd2dXl2
    1 point
  30. The title will be BUTT...IT...ROCKS! The first album will be kind of like Dookie, the 2nd an amalgamation of Green Day and all their side projects - and then finally, American Idiot Part () The number will be scratched out like whatshernames name.
    1 point
  31. Love to see Billie still shaking it! And the puppies are adorable, really cool that he's helping rescue dogs
    1 point
  32. BILLIE JOE AND PUPPIES. BILLIE JOE AND DOGGIES. Literally my idea of the good place.
    1 point
  33. I haven't liked a new album by anyone this much for a long time
    1 point
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