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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2024 in all areas

  1. It was 16-year-old me who had the walls plastered with magazine clippings and posters, not so much 33-year-old me (more Spice Girls stuff now, tbh )... but yesterday I dug out my old American Idiot purse to clean up to take to the Toronto show with me next week (obvs) and I found a pair of tickets in it from the 21CB tour, summer 2010 in Toronto. That would have been the second of two Green Day shows dad and I went to together and probably one of the last couple of concerts we would have gone to together before he died in 2015. Kinda love that they've been kicking around in that purse for the past 14 years, it was a cool find. But it's also really fucking with me.
    6 points
  2. This and the show us your stash post made me think about how many Green Day books I have. I'd say a lot.
    4 points
  3. Billie posted this on his Instagram story and then made it his profile pic
    4 points
  4. My gaming room is practically a Green Day room now 😅
    4 points
  5. This thread is so cute!! I don't have a "shrine" but the walls of my old bedroom back at my parents house are still... decorated with all the GD stuff I hung up between 2010-2013: Newspaper reviews from the shows in Oslo 2010 & 2013, photos from the show in Berlin 2012, and some confetti. I also found these ones that I for some weird reason kept from newspapers (from around 2011-12) + some old and more recent tickets.
    4 points
  6. I'm taking notes on the ones I don't have yet
    3 points
  7. Hopefully they get some nominations for the music videos. They did a really great job on all of the videos for Saviors
    3 points
  8. On this day 15 years ago (25 July 2009), Green Day played in Albany, NY on the 21st Century Breakdown Tour. More photos: 23 years ago (2001), they played in Vegas on the Warning Tour. 24 years ago (2000), they played in Bristow, VA on the Warped Tour. 28 years ago (1996), they played in Tokyo, Japan on the Insomniac Tour (setlist is incomplete). 30 years ago (1994), they played Bogart's in Cincinnati, OH on the Dookie Tour. And 34 years ago (1990), they played in Tampa, FL.
    3 points
  9. I know, it was really funny! The cat also looks like one we had years ago.😆 I really think they deserve an Oscar for this one.🤣 Well spotted! So many little details that I missed. I've had to re-watch it a few times now!lol! It was nice to see Mike get a bigger role in the video.🥰 I did half wonder that about the Coma City sign too.🤔
    3 points
  10. My stuff at home isn't in any organized fashion, but I have pics I've taken at all of my shows on magnets on my filing cabinet at work.
    3 points
  11. In May 2023, one of my favorite artists Jesse Malin suffered a rare spinal stroke that left him paralyzed from the waist down. He's slowly recovering and will be going back on stage for two triumphant comeback shows at Beacon Theater, NY in December with bunch of guests. He's releasing a special tribute and benefit album on September 20th called Silver Patron Saints, where a bunch of artists and friends covered his songs, including Billie. He did ''Black Haired Girl'' from Glitter In The Gutter (2007.) and it's out now. All proceeds are going to Jesse Malin’s Sweet Relief artist fund.
    2 points
  12. When you're petting a one eyed dog and One Eyed Bastard pops into your head. (dog was in no way a bastard. Her name was Sweetie. )
    2 points
  13. Well, there's also a store (or whatever) called Basket Case in the video 😅
    2 points
  14. I'm the same! 🤣 I normally have a couple of framed tickets on my wall, and then the rest of my stuff is under my bed, (although I imagine my collection/accumulation is not as impressive as most anyway!lol) This is so epic! 🫶 It's bringing back memories for me because I was at the show too! I wish I kept detailed dairies now! I'm loving this thread! It's definitely giving me some ideas of what to do with some of my bits and bobs.
    2 points
  15. This got stuck in my head so fast and is still stuck in there. Totally sounds like something Billie would have written. 😊
    2 points
  16. I thought the name Alan Cross sounded familiar...I listen to his Ongoing History of New Music Podcast! I remember him mentioning he wrote books as well. How is his Green Day one? The other books I have that I haven't read yet are Rebels with A Cause by Gillian Gaar and The story of Green Day by Doug Small. I also have Green Day Rising: Before the Dookie Flew - it was okay.
    2 points
  17. When I Come Around has shot up to #2 on their most popular tracks on Spotify. Wonder what caused this boost?
    2 points
  18. Oh my goooodddd.... all the feels. I remember the crushing after the 1,2 1,2,3,4 - genuinely thought I was gonna get squished. So worth it though. Some noteworthy quotations/outtakes: "We found our place at Gate H and pulled up a patch of concrete to sit on. We stayed there for a while, but I was shivering violently so [my friends] went to find some coffee. Whilst they were gone, I got talking to the other crazy ass fans who were there at 6.30 in the morning. [My friends] came back with a cup of hot. No that's not me writing too fast, it stops after hot because the liquid in the cup was unidentifiable." "My friends brought a fitted bedsheet from IKEA because we were that cold. We ended up lying on the tarmac wrapped in the blue sheet next to each other to keep warm. We must have looked like a pack of sardines - just four heads, poking out of the top of this sheet!' "I saw Mike first, and by this point the screaming had reached the decibel level of an airport runway. Tré then ran on to more screams, and then I saw Billie. OMG BILLIE." <-- I was such a little fangirl. "[Billie] said he asked Jesus to clear the sky of clouds so that God could watch his favourite band play again, but got ignored, so he went to Jesus' best friend "Also known as Satan" and Satan said hell yeah he'd watch them play." "[During Boulevard of Broken Dreams] Billie got down on his hands and knees to worship the crowd." Apparently, at one point, I thought Billie Joe actually looked at me when I motioned for him to come spray water on our side because he had a water gun. Yeah, sure Bryony, of course he noticed you. They played Dominated Love Slave with Beej on the drums. At the end of 'Hitchin A Ride' Billie came to the front and said he "wanted to fuck each and every one of us" <-- Um, I'm still waiting Beej. Tick, Tock. Apparently it was sweaty balls in the pit due to pyrotechnics. We also got 'When It's Time' which was to do this day is one of my fave songs. At that point it had only been out a week. I remember grabbing my best friends hand, and holding it as we sang. Crazy moment full of so much emotion. Billie speech - not sure when he gave this, or how accurate it is, 'cause it'll be from memory in my diary a few days later: "I'm not sure when we're coming back, but I'll tell you one thing, I'm going to remember this for the rest of my fucking life. Yeah, we'll come back. We will come back. There ain't no other band I'd rather do this with. Bands break up, my favourite bands have broken up, some of my favourite people have died. The only way I'm getting out of this band is when they roll me away in a coffin, I'll tell you that.' There's a lot lot lot more in that entry, and some of it is batshit, so I'm not repeating it. But... fun trip down memory lane.
    2 points
  19. I'd been wondering which song Billie would choose to cover for this benefit album and suppose it makes sense that he chose one from Glitter in the Gutter (one of my favourite albums of JM's) which was released on Adeline Records and that Billie helped produce Here's what Jesse has to say about Billie's cover https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02fhZ77oM7NJ9XS78J7cCe7XxgjFfJXYwzaZtQamvZtCfirYktALqNBBEvrr7KrnyCl&id=100044380451245
    2 points
  20. Love it, sounds like it could be a Longshot song. Everything is better with Billie singing it.
    2 points
  21. I used to have a kind of GD shrine by my bed but it's never been set up again since we had to move back in 2011. Found this though - a picture of my desk at work from August 2010!
    2 points
  22. When I got GD prayer candles I had no choice but to make an actual shrine. Newest thing I added was awesome GDA sticker @solongfromthestarsgave me at the Wembley show last month along with the cool One Eyed Bastard confetti . Favourite things on it besides the candles are the Rev's beer can, Billie birthday card my nephew made me, mini Blue from my brother, pink Claire's makeup bag from AI era and Mike's pick that the lovely J'net very sweetly gifted to me at my first GD show when he gave her it In the box on the right I have lots of gig mementos like confetti, wristbands and tickets as well as other random stuff
    2 points
  23. If you've got a little (or big) "shrine" dedicated to Green Day, a scrapbook, some gig memories in a frame or whatever else along those lines, share it! And if you've had stuff hanging around in bags or boxes for years (like most of my post-RevRad stuff), maybe looking at other people's projects will motivate you to finally do your own. Some pages from my scrapbook: And I have done one thing with my post-RevRad stuff because this was too exciting not to. That flag has been going to shows with me since 2010, but I'd never been close enough for Billie to take it in England until the Isle of Wight Festival. It's retired now. I had to frame it with some photos of our adventures over the years. Now I want to see your stuff!
    1 point
  24. So excited for tomorrow! It really isn’t a Green Day era without them sneaking in a GMA performance. See you all there!
    1 point
  25. Why record it when its just an airing of the lower generation tape that surfaced in 2019 and is already in the downloads
    1 point
  26. Ta very much. Was after the Shepherd's Bush one I don't fugging believe it... I started the entry but never finished it, so I didn't write about the gig. Wrote about meeting up with lots of lovely GDCers; Hermione, Tom, Holly, Tasha... but then NOT THE GIG. WHAT THE FUCK PAST BRYONY.
    1 point
  27. Pit ticket holders need to pick up their wrist bands at the Home plate gate on potomac avenue.
    1 point
  28. It was always Canada in the captions. In the BTS video you can hear Bill say the car was "stripped down in Mexico". For some reason when they did the captions they changed it to "halfway to Canada". Maybe they didn't want to perpetuate any negative stereotypes about Mexico (ie, car thieves from Mexico)
    1 point
  29. I'm pretty sure that it said Mexico instead of Canada when I watched the video for the first time, an our after its release 😅
    1 point
  30. Just got around to listening to this. It's really good! Billie's voice is a perfect fit for this song.
    1 point
  31. It was so good! Awesome to have details like this written down to remember it better
    1 point
  32. @solongfromthestarshas been busy the last couple of days so here's the relevant posts for them 23 July 24 July
    1 point
  33. From Billie's Instagram story Also looks like Coley O'Toole will be playing with the guys for a few more weeks
    1 point
  34. I agree with @pacejunkie punk about the errors in NLY, I think there have been surprising errors in all the books I have read. Also agree with @The Grohl about Smash! I need to get my books out and check for others but I know I have Green Day The Secret History by Alan Cross which if I remember was a little weird and Green Day Rebels with A Cause by Gillian Gaar. Also, Bodies by Ian Winwood is an interesting read though Green Day are only mentioned.
    1 point
  35. Not a shrine exactly, but my diary entry (A4 book) about the Wembley Stadium show in 2010 was 16 pages long. It has no paragraphs, it's just 16 pages of writing. What the fork did I talk about?!
    1 point
  36. This one isn't strictly about Green Day, but there is a large section about them: Smash!: Green Day, The Offspring, Bad Religion, NOFX, and the '90s Punk Explosion https://www.amazon.com/Smash-Green-Offspring-Religion-Explosion/dp/0306902745 I highly recommend this one. It's a great look at the pop punk explosion of the 90s.
    1 point
  37. I love his hair in that video! Also, I realize how messed-up this is about to sound, but am I the only one who thought he looked hot as hell in that scene where he pulls the gun out? 🤣
    1 point
  38. Me at the beginning: well, at least I don't have to see Billie as a blond... Oh. Never mind.
    1 point
  39. I don’t keep my stuff together as I’m trying not to let on just how much I have but may have to get it together!
    1 point
  40. It's cute! I like that they actually have a concept and it's not just another random performance video. I don't think the classroom wrap around was necessary - it wasn't shown too much - but I really enjoyed the rest of the video and the weird, cheapo, low budget vibe they were going for. Also, Mark Hamill. Lol. That's awesome.
    1 point
  41. That was so terrible and I loved every second of it
    1 point
  42. So "When I Come Around" enters in the green day song podium on their spotify. it's in the second place now, and if we'd look on the numbers, its gaining insane daily numbers now, more than any other single (currently 819,000 daily -+). What is happening? Is it some Tiktok hype thing?
    1 point
  43. The new songs are great live, OEB is loads of fun.
    1 point
  44. Has anyone got an HD photo of him sitting on the stage at the end, just taking it all in?
    1 point
  45. You are right @PhuzzyPhriend I know there are rules about family etc but 30 years together is quite an achievement and it’s been lovely to see all the posts, even Adrienne came back to post! Many congratulations to Billie Joe and Adrienne! 🥳🎉💚
    1 point
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