On average, it's about 3 years and 3 months and I think both the band and record label are happy to get albums out on that schedule. Some albums take a little bit long because of either a really positivity in the sessions or some sort of other situation that pulls the band from the album, be it a good thing or a bad thing. Or just day-to-day life stuff. The longest waits have been for Idiot, Breakdown and Saviors. All three of those were the "oh, crap - we need to do something amazing here because the tides are turning on us" album of the time. Rev Rad comes in 4th in this contest of long waits, and same deal. Reactionary albums to the problems of the last era. Green Day have definitley learned that flip-flapping a FOAM-type album out every year might be a bad look. But Billie's a song factory, and we only live once. I'm confident that Green Day are working hard on all forseeable obsticles that could harm an album for future release, and they'll balance their creativity with demand for new music and put out albums every 3 years if humanly possible.
In short, ALBUM 15: April 16th, 2027!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I'll stop asking for a thread about it for now. The "Album 14 Thread" opened up what, 2 years and 29 days before Saviors released? That means I'll need Album 15 Thread opened around March 17th 2025. Set your calenders people! From March 2025 to June 2027 we'll all be super duper active again and then I'll going bonkers asking a bout Album 16 thread......sometime in.......May 2027 or something for a 2030 album 16? Let's go crazy!