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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2024 in all areas

  1. I feel like it’s also important to note, though, that Billie pretty much said iHeart transpired how it did *because* of how hard they were hitting the promo circuit in that time. They were exhausted and overextended and in his case, he was using unhealthy coping mechanisms to push through. Not saying that’s the only reason that happened, but I think they were really pushed to the edge of what they could handle. Honestly, from the moment they started promoting the trilogy they seemed on edge to me, not excited. I think now it’s less about them worrying their efforts will be for nothing and more about realizing the go-go-go mentality isn’t healthy for them. Since then, they’ve purposely put their energy into connecting with fans and touring more than trying to hit every promo spot imaginable.
    5 points
  2. Wait, that’s an old picture? He’s fucking with me on purpose then. I am exceedingly attached to the blonde, the shade he has now is just right. I know back to black is inevitable, but ugh. More time with the blonde pls.
    4 points
  3. That's an old pic on his Instagram story now (but he could have still used it instead of taking a new one ?). I wondered if he'd put Living in the 20s on it as an age reference now he has grey? Here's the two photos he posted previously Today's post I think the blonde right now really suits him. Hope he isn't dying it black again
    3 points
  4. New pic from Billie's Instagram story
    3 points
  5. https://www.instagram.com/stories/billiejoearmstrong/3323096414090440953?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MXh3dGsydHVkc2Qyag== teeth brushing next 😂😂 I guess we’ll see tomorrow at the GLAAD awards.
    2 points
  6. Billie just posted a picture of himself on Insta stories in foils and I swear to god if he gets rid of the blonde I will go into a period of mourning.
    2 points
  7. It absolutely says "80" and "1994" on it! So now I wonder if Adrianne's says "BJ" and "1994"
    2 points
  8. I just heard someone talking about the new Judas Priest album and how the promotion was all frontloaded before the album release, and then on release day and afterward, total silence from the band. It's a more recent thing in the music industry but becoming the norm I guess. Looking at that album, singles were in October, November, January, February and then the album came out on March 6th with no more promotion whatsoever. I'm still holding out for a Saviors Tour live music video for Goodnight Adeline or 1981. And maybe the setlist will surprise us, even with two albums getting worshiped over all else. Imagine this: Billie says "who wants to go home early?" and the crowd boos, except me because I kind of DO want to get out early. lol. Then he says "we're gonna play two albums in full but we're ALSO gonna play a ton of Saviors, are you ready?!!" Now, they have a lot of music to cover. Dookie is 40 minutes, Idiot is 60 and Saviors is 46. and I don't think they'll skip their other big hits. So I'm thinking maybe 7 Saviors tracks. That would put them at 34 songs which could be squeezed into a little over 2 hours. Then there's the eh-ohs and crowd interations and stuff. So maybe seven Saviors tracks. The singles plus 1981, Goodnight Adeline and Corvette Summer, perhaps. If there was NO messing around. Not even an "eh" with no "oh", they could rip-roar through all three albums in 2.5 hours. But that's crazy and like I said, some big hits would be skipped. But yeah, maybe 7 Saviors tracks. And what will the encore be? Saviors or older songs?
    2 points
  9. The trilogy seems like the last time the band really went hard on the promotion (before iHeart happened). No matter your opinion on that group of albums or whether the promotion was good, the band really seemed to be excited about it and making an effort to promote it. I think maybe they (or Billie specifically) might be sort of afraid of going too hard on promoting new albums. Because what if they do and the album is received poorly like the trilogy was. Which is why the last few albums have either been lacking in promotion or have been overshadowed by a Greatest Hits tour, and album anniversaries
    2 points
  10. I’m surprised to see this shoutout since Wenner has a recent reputation of being a problematic racist and sexist ass. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/18/jann-wenner-rolling-stone-apology-black-female-artists-interview
    2 points
  11. Got this in my email today 👀🐰: FUELED BY LOVE Hey friend, We are thrilled to announce that we are launching the Fueled By Love Initiative! 💚🐰 What is the Fueled By Love Initiative? Coffee that counts. Every bag and box of coffee benefits organizations Green Day has personally chosen to support. A portion of Punk Bunny Coffee annual profits will be donated to the following partners: ONE TREE PLANTED One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is dedicated to global reforestation. They plant trees to restore nature and biodiversity. They also raise awareness about the importance of trees, offer businesses like ours a simple sustainability solution, and motivate younger generations to do something positive for the environment. EAT. LEARN. PLAY Eat. Learn. Play supports children’s well-being through access to nutritious meals, quality reading resources, and opportunities to play and be active – because everyone deserves the chance to live a happy, healthy childhood. KEEP MEMORY ALIVE Keep Memory Alive is working to solve the neurological problems of today and tomorrow to make brain disease a distant memory. RON FINELY PROJECT The Ron Finley Project is teaching communities how to transform food deserts into food sanctuaries, and teaching individuals how to regenerate their lands into creative business models. We envision and want to facilitate a world where gardening is gangsta! Gangsta: projecting strength on one’s own terms, hip, cool, innovative, revolutionary, resolute, vital, the cutting edge. OCEANA Oceana is the largest international advocacy organization focused solely on ocean conservation. Oceana’s mission is to protect and restore our oceans. 🤍🤍🤍 We believe in doing business the right way. The Fueled By Love Initiative not only involves making impactful donations, but also strives to raise awareness of the awesome work being done in our communities. We will keep you updated on the impacts of each organization and partnership through this newsletter and on our social media channels....stay tuned!! 🤘 xx, Billie Joe, Mike, Tre & your friends at Punk Bunny Coffee If you want to see their Instagram, it is punkbunnycoffee.
    2 points
  12. Thank you so much for your kind words! For all my covers i use an AKG P420 and a Scarlett Solo as an audio interface. I find a really good option to make music at home, cause the mic have the option to activate and record only what is pointed to a certain direction. For mixing, i like the waves plugins and the valhalla as well. In this particular cover i just used three plugins for mixing: CLA-76, Abbey Road Chamber and ValhallaDelay. And in the master track: NLS Channel and SSLComp for the final glue Its not easy to be satisfied sometimes with the sound, but in the end, we only have the chance to try and try again. Again, thank you for the feedback! This is gonna be a massive year for our boys indeed! Its a really good time to be a green day fan
    2 points
  13. Green Day have always made the music they want to make and never tried to chase anyone’s approval, I can’t imagine that changing now and to be fair, it’s worked pretty well for them. I think you always need to be prepared for a curved ball from them, they have a history of it.
    2 points
  14. Walked past this the exact second the "children at play" line played in Coma City.
    2 points
  15. The color fringing might just be due to the fact that the colorization done then was less precise, perhaps because they might have been working early digital with SD sources, so now that it's been "scaled up" with the 4K film retransfers we're able to distinguish the rough edges with it. That said it does hold up pretty well. I will note that the top-left/side angle shots of Billie (0:45) in the intro and throughout are noticeably rough / splotchy in terms of the film itself, in the shape that you'd likely see from a film from the 1930s / 40s lol. Just thought that was interesting, the most surprising fact to me is that they kept the original B&W film at all. Here's hoping that Insomniac / American Idiot MV's receive the same treatment!
    1 point
  16. I mean they were for a while but they basically completely stopped once the album released. The trilogy was the last time they went all out for it and it was only after iHeart that everything stopped. Everything's been overshadowed by the AI/Dookie anniversaries. In interviews, they hardly talked about Saviors at all, it was mostly about Dookie/AI and the band's history, and I understand why that was a big part of the promotion but I wish they actually talked about the new music I don't really have a problem with how they promoted this time around, I just wish they didn't go from very actively promoting to radio silence.
    1 point
  17. You know, I'm surprised Green Day didn't show up to the 1995 MTV Video Music Awards to perform, be interviewed, etc. Sure, we got the Stockholm performance at the show, but consider - Green Day was the third most nominated act in the night with 8 nominations - They had two songs very high up in the Top 40 from Dookie at the time - They were pushing Insomniac - And had a decently successful new single in Geek Stink Breath
    1 point
  18. I'm sure Good Riddance will at least finish up the shows. Didn't people complain on the 99 Revolutions Tour that in the beginning it was ending with Brutal Love and then on the RevRad Tour that shows we're ending with Ordinary World? I'm sure I remember something about that and Good Riddance got added back (I remember feeling a bit sorry for Billie having to come off Brutal Love and come back for Good Riddance)
    1 point
  19. One thing that I liked about the RevRad promotion were the lyric videos. I wish that continued. Sugar Youth got one but that was it for lyric videos after RevRad
    1 point
  20. I have a feeling this is largely down to streaming. Singles post-release seemingly aren’t as big of a deal because of how easy it is to access the full album, so it’s those early singles and first week album streaming numbers that really matter. It makes sense that promo would be front loaded. I would expect GD and any other band touring this summer to do some promo closer to the tour, but that’s about it.
    1 point
  21. Few more bits and pieces from Billie's Instagram story Old poster from Jason White's time with The Influents New pic of Mike
    1 point
  22. I agree with all the commemts above. If this is really the end of promotion for this album it is dissapointing. They said in interviews that this one of their best albums, Tre even mentioned that after they are long gone this will be one of the top albums they will be remembered for. Perhaps they reached their target in means of ticket sales, album going to no 1 U.K etc and they don't see the need to spend more money on music videos or promotion anymore. I always thought and still think that Father To A Son and Suzie Chapstick with good music videos could do very well and keep the attention of people on the album. I mean even the Network appeared on a late night show with Threat Level Midnight. However we haven't seen any late night performances other than Fallon (which was outside of a studio type performance)for this album. I hope I'm wrong and I hope they surprise us with more music videos and promotion for the new album before summer, but currently I find it very unusual to stop promotion for such a strong (return to form) album. Otherwise it will feel like a half story/wasted chance to reach to more people for a lovely lovely album....
    1 point
  23. Their songs were in commercials, they played some singles at the New Years Rockin Eve, announced a huge tour a few months before, etc. There are still articles that came out this month about Saviors. All of the promotion was worth it. Dilemma just feels like a forgotten single right now, no one is talking about.
    1 point
  24. Which is nonsense for an album this good. The fact that they aren’t promoting Dilemma will never make sense to me
    1 point
  25. Feels like that's kind of... it for this album? It seems to have disappeared from the charts. Promotion has dried up. Suppose that's the way it is nowadays especially for a legacy artist like Green Day.
    1 point
  26. Another review https://www.34st.com/article/2024/03/green-day-saviors-pop-punk-authenticity
    1 point
  27. I think they will.... every 2nd album is shit Dookie - Good Insomniac - Shit Nimrod - Good Warning - Shit American Idiot - Good 21st - Shit Uno - Good Dos - Shit Tre - Shit Revrad - Good FOAMF - Shit Saviors - Good Next album - Shit PS. I'm totally kidding settle down
    1 point
  28. Also cute how he puts Bobby Sox on every video! And that wedding ring is cool. Edit: Zoomed in on it and I think it says "80" on it and "1994" (wedding year) on the other side, how sweet
    1 point
  29. His nails are in far better condition than mine, I guess he really needs to look after his hands. Such muscular fingers!
    1 point
  30. This is hilarious and gorgeous at the same time https://www.instagram.com/stories/mikedirnt/3321953927405527630?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=NzluYjF1NGx1NDhz hope they do Billie and Tre. Billie also posted it saying it needs to be everywhere 😂
    1 point
  31. It's time to WAIT a lifetime.. for that moment to come.
    1 point
  32. I've been putting these contests in the individual show threads but not sure anyone's seeing them so I'm putting this one here. Win tickets to SOFI Stadium and possibly even Dublin with KROQ https://www.facebook.com/share/PckUGf43qq7G3YL4/ You can tune in or listen on Audacy
    1 point
  33. I think we should all enjoy saviors, it's been a long time coming
    1 point
  34. Here is this week's Spotify Saviors Streams: 1. The American Dream is Killing Me: 12,750,637 2. Look Ma, No Brains!: 8,427,336 3. Bobby Sox: 5,616,707 4. One Eyed Bastard: 8,135,666 5: Dilemma: 10,556,305 6. 1981: 3,155,862 7: Goodnight Adeline: 2,851,898 8. Coma City: 2,294,931 9: Corvette Summer: 2,383,827 10: Suzie Chapstick: 2,597,782 11: Strange Days Are Here to Stay: 2,290,223 12: Living in the 20's: 2,333,466 13. Father to a Son: 1,851,987 14: Saviors: 1,868,664 15: Fancy Sauce: 1,818,747 Here is what it looked like on Wednesday last week: 1. The American Dream Is Killing Me: 12,516,182 2 .Look Ma, No Brains!: 8,244,679 3. Bobby Sox: 5,394,072 4. One Eyed Bastard: 7,862,355 5 .Dilemma: 10,095,272 6. 1981: 3,022,996 7. Goodnight Adeline: 2,732,025 8. Coma City: 2,213,481 9. Corvette Summer: 2,295,752 10. Suzie Chapstick: 2,494,156 11. Strange Days Are Here to Stay: 2,203,802 12. Living in the 20's: 2,242,563 13. Father to a Son: 1,788,751 14. Saviors: 1,799,261 15. Fancy Sauce: 1,750,835 The average is about 200,000 streams since Wednesday. That's really good!
    1 point
  35. Pics with Billie's comment
    1 point
  36. Kevin’s a dad! https://www.instagram.com/p/C4WFY3ZvK5O/?igsh=MXNzYjdnMXBybjkyZw==
    1 point
  37. Just made a cover of "Suzie Chapstick", i hope you like it!
    1 point
  38. Jon has his ranking of Green Day albums updated and it's pretty entertaining. A little bit standard, but he does offer differing opinions on Trilogy albums and Father of All and even includes Shenanigans for a tiny twist.
    1 point
  39. These are so cute https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256415062457?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=jcnpCAt7RbO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=WxbrlRlGTE-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
    1 point
  40. Just realised the chain/pendant Billie has been wearing says "Saviors"
    1 point
  41. Its great My second favorite from that band after FOAMF I didn't really like goodnight adeline and father to a son but I loved corvette living in the 20s and fancy sauce Are they gonna play it live in full?
    0 points
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