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Calling all Shaviors tonight, Make us all beardless tonight, Calling all razors tonight, Will somebody shave us tonight?8 points
I can't even... I think there'll be a stampede to his door So what are you doing this Friday night? Well actually I'm watching a video of Billie shaving on repeat8 points
8 points
6 points
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4PAe5NR7lt/?igsh=d3E5ejFvb3F3OHFi Suing this man for damages as we speak.6 points
Billie also posted the shaving video on his IG with the caption "Shaviors" . And Perez Hilton commented "Yes. I would very much like to be your boyfriend!" and Billie replied "🙌". Very cute! https://www.instagram.com/p/C4PG46XLYWa/4 points
1981 and Goodnight Adeline are charting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Day_discography#2010s_and_2020s at 39 and 40. and hey, the band have had more singles this past decade than ever before: 12 singles, 17 singles and now 22 singles from each decade I believe, giving us a total of 51 singles. and out of 51, 37 have been pretty big. Their chart power started to decline after Uno, picked back up a little bit with Rev Rad and then has kind of cleared out a bit since then. I wonder if that's a specific part of their contract as well. Albums for sure, but a certain number of singles in a decade? Hmm...4 points
4 points
Billie.....why? Why am I watching you shave? And why am I so engrossed? I swear he did this for the fangirls4 points
Q. Why are we obsessing over this video? A. He is adorable 😍4 points
Just saw this 😍 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4PAe5NR7lt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link I know I have said this a million times, but happy birthday Sara! Your an amazing person. Why does the admin take down my stuff when I said happy birthday, but no one is saying it is against the rules in this thread? Thank you @Little Boy Named Booze for being awesome and helping me get the word out!4 points
3 points
I read someone say they disliked Billie’s lyrics “we got less” as they believe it’s a sense of entitlement. I just want to come out and say if anyone actually possesses this devil’s advocate mentality then you’re a glutton for punishment. politicians have been taking more so we get less and we get less services despite paying more. Employers make empty promises and we get less than what was promised. In this Canadian health care crisis they promised us tier 1 health care, we are now getting less. It’s about empty promises not unrealistic expectations.3 points
Over 3 MILLION now! 🥳 We should all watch the video a few times today in celebration. 🍾3 points
3 points
I now will think of this post and the video everytime I listen Saviors. Thanks 😂.3 points
I don't think it's that many people making that claim though. But there are definitely more people saying that now than 3-4 years ago Really, any album they release will have at least someone who thinks it's the greatest album of all time, even if most other people think it's a huge piece of crap2 points
I’ve watched it an embarrassing amount of times, he absolutely knows what he’s doing. And captioning it “shaviors” makes it even more attractive because I LOVE PUNS. 😩2 points
I’m finally starting to dig stab you in the heart! Also Starting to see many users on various forums claiming FOAM is the GOAT in Green Day discography and it’s giving me Star Wars prequel vibes (hated on when they came out, now beloved by those who came after). Y’all must be from the future!2 points
2 points
2 points
Just saw this on instagram 🪒😍 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4PAe5NR7lt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link2 points
Love this! I am currently performing on Guitar 2 in an Australian production of American Idiot down in Tasmania. Such a fun show.2 points
2 points
Remember the Broadway musical American Idiot from 2010? On April 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, and 20 of 2024, Divergent Stars Theatre Company will be showing Green Day's American Idiot Musical. The show starts at 6:30 p.m and the late show starts at 9:30 p.m. You must be 18 years old or older to attend. You must be 21 and over to attend the late show. Ticket Price: $25-$35 VIP Tickets: $35 If you want to know more, click the links below!👇 🤘 https://krfofm.com/ixp/66/p/green-days-musical-is-coming-to-st-cloud-in-april/ https://www.exploreminnesota.com/event/green-days-american-idiot-musical/33784#:~:text=Green Day's "American Idiot" (The Musical) &text=Saturday%2C April 13%2C 20246,p.m. to 8%3A30 p.m.1 point
At this rate, the next Green Day album is just gonna have repurposed Longshot songs on it. I honestly would’ve taken a full album of TPB songs recorded by Billie, rather than having him take the songs and just rewrite the lyrics.1 point
That's such a weird lyric to have an issue with. In context of the song, it's clearly talking about promises made by politicans, people in power but the promises being broken and things getting worse. This defense of the rich & powerful is just fucking weird as they promise to make things better and only make things worse1 point
Yep. I’m trying to be a lot more open minded about it, and the band themselves seem to really like the record!1 point
1 point
FOAM also had to grow on me, too! It is probably because they chose to do a different sound. I liked Stab You In the Heart from the beginning, but the rest had to grow on me three or four listens through. You know it's good when it's their "worst album" and people still get into them because of it. Me personally, it is not my favorite album, but it is still good!1 point
These are so cute https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256415062457?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=jcnpCAt7RbO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=WxbrlRlGTE-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY1 point
RevRad had a lot charted. I hope at least 1 more Saviors song comes on charts!1 point
It's because there's rules against making threads about or having discussions about the band's personal lives and family members (other than if it relates to the band) on this site. It's to respect their privacy. For example Instagram posts with family members are only allowed if they're posted by one of the band or have the band in them. If you made a thread about her band in General Chat it wouldn't have got closed because then it's about her as a music artist. But if you make a thread about someone just because they're one of Green Day's family members it will get closed, because they're not in Green Day and not celebrities. I was a mod before so just letting you know the reasoning.1 point
Father to a son, Holy Toledo, Stab You in the Heart.....are there any other Green Day gems that came from this?1 point
Thank you! I had been looking at it trying to figure out what sauters meant. 😄1 point
Looks like Billie and Courtney Love signing the ceiling of the dressing room at the 100 Club (I've no idea where this originally came from. I stumbled on it on a Courtney Love fanpage)1 point
1-5 times? Nowadays, unless it’s a single, I don’t expect to hear the song at all. I guess 1981 is an exception, but thats about it. i always find it funny that the band is asked what their favorite songs on a new album are, and their answers are almost never played live. For Saviors, they all praised Father to a Son. For FOAM, Billie said Graffitia is one of his favorite songs and they’ve played it once EVER.1 point
I'd say there is zero chance we'll ever see Green Day perform Living in the '20s live.1 point
I wish they'd be doing Saviors in full. In fact, I've got a new setlist formula for the band: New album in full / 13 of their biggest hits / and between 1-7 songs that can be anything. Hits, deep cuts, covers, medleys, whatever. The amounts of this last category simply depends on how many songs their new album has. There would also be the occasion where a new song couldn't properly be performed, so I'd be okay with one of those songs being replaced by a rotating song. But yes, this is what we should get. I wish I loved the Idiot/Dookie and more idea, but it seems like too much. Green Day can't cover 14 albums concisely on any night, but they are going to cram in worship of three albums on a entire tour? Insanity. I bet at one point they were planning on doing JUST an Idiot Dookie tour and then a new album tour later, but schedules got changed. But yeah, give me at least what concerts USED to be - a mix of old, new, deep and shallow.1 point
@mikedirnt from @greenday Photo by Adam DeGross #greenday https://www.instagram.com/p/C4MLQr9Ozcm/1 point
Beautiful photo of Mike! Hope they were all involved in this. https://www.instagram.com/p/C4NcWCMNfF0/?igsh=em1zZzU4c29hdGE31 point
1 point
Here's some pics that have been added to the GDA on Tumblr1 point
Don't think these two have been posted before (also from Getty Images)1 point
If you can upload them to Imgur or Tumblr then you can copy the photo onto GDC. Hope that helps This pic is also funny Couple more here. Billie and Tre with James Ford1 point
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1 point
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4D9-0XNuBW/?igsh=MTNxamxjODNicHJ6eA== This made me smile.1 point
1 point
I love seeing people complaining where people are turned off by Billies lyric changes over the years to protest its like have they heard American Idiot duh?1 point