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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2024 in all areas

  1. Yes, I think Fancy Sauce is trying to answer the question Saviors leaves us with and comes to the conclusion that there is no one who can save us. The world is desperately looking and asking for a savior, maybe even a new messiah, but no one answers, no one's there. Jesus quit his job. We're left alone in the chaos of the apocalypse, and the only thing we can do about it now is shrug and smile like the boy on the cover while the world around us is burning. I agree that this is very dark (probably even the darkest GD album) and somewhat unsatisfactory, but itsn't it a feeling we all share in these troubled times? That we're all doomed, that it's too late to change the world for a better? I actually think this is the main motif of the record. It's depressing, yes. But sadly, it's also very true.
    9 points
  2. Personally, I like the song because of the juxtaposition of the music and the lyrics. Musically it's very calming and gentle. It rocks back and forth like a lullaby. But then you look at the lyrics and see something darker going on. To me it seems like someone trying to escape all the freaking craziness surrounding them, but they can't ("I'm not crazy/you're the one who's crazy/everybody's crazy"). Considering all the songs that come before it, it feels like Billie letting out an exhausting sigh, almost a sigh of defeat because you're tired and fed up with the surrounding chaos. It's a moment where you don't know what to do and feel like it may consume you.
    8 points
  3. The American Dream Is Killing Me - 10,636,357 (+93k) Look Ma, No Brains! - 6,667,713 (+83k) Bobby Sox - 3,291,885 (+120k) One Eyed Bastard - 5,512,604 (+125k) Dilemma - 7,284,679 (+124k) 1981 - 1,747,615 (+74k) Goodnight Adeline - 1,616,020 (+65k) Coma City - 1,393,489 (+52k) Corvette Summer - 1,410,518 (+54k) Suzie Chapstick - 1,441,781 (+62k) Strange Days Are Here to Stay - 1,337,108 (+54k) Living in the '20s - 1,297,758 (+55k) Father to a Son - 1,112,146 (+42k) Saviors - 1,090,631 (+42k) Fancy Sauce - 1,055,952 (+41k) TOTAL - 46,896,256 (+1,086,766)
    7 points
  4. Nah, the bass on this album is absolutely on fire. They let Mike off the leash for an entire album for the first time since the 90's and it's glorious!
    6 points
  5. In one word, yes. I think the problem with Saviors is, it’s too “anthemic” to be a great closer. In the same way that Homecoming and Minority are both fabulous songs, Whatsername and Macy’s Day Parade are still the more appropriate closers, in my view. In fact, I rate Fancy Sauce the third best album closer after Whatsername and MDP (in that order). What a great GD album closer should do, as far as I’m concerned, is instrumentally dial everything down a bit from the anthemic marching beats, punk riffs or shoutiness, at least initially, but lyrically still shoot us a message, one heavily interlinked with the general theme of the album and one that is emotionally hard-hitting, something that hits us in the stomach. I think Whatsername, MDP and now Fancy Sauce deliver on this. There are some surface level things that irritated me with Fancy Saucy, I wasn’t too wild and still am not too wild about the instrumentation in the first part of the song and some of the lyrics seemed weird at first glance, but a better look revealed they were actually quite clever, among the better lyrics Billie has written in recent years. So in the end it’s grown on me and this, as an album closer, is everything. As a standalone song, I wouldn’t rate it as high, but as an album closer, it’s brilliant.
    6 points
  6. Stories from the studio that Billie Joe is posting right now are so amazing!! The orchestra for FtaS!
    6 points
  7. Don’t forget the epic bass solo in Dirty Rotten Bastards from ¡TRÉ!
    5 points
  8. https://www.instagram.com/stories/billiejoearmstrong/3292056856249687490?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MWVmODFxbWk1ZDJ2 More recording session clips including some we saw in the teasers!!! Now I’m CONVINCED a documentary is coming!!!!
    5 points
  9. well, what I'm caught wondering is WHERE IS MY VINYL ??? Seriously, it's starting to bug me lol Is it common for Green Day store deliveries to be almost 2 weeks late? and tracking is no help, I got an email and update it had been prepared for shipping on the 17th and then shipped on the 19th, since then, nothing, nada Must be stuck in Slovenia or something...
    5 points
  10. Lmao I was so caught up with listening to the album I forgot all about this. Just listened to it and was dancing in my seat , what a funky track! I love that groovy riff. Also it's perfect as a bonus track, something fun and different.
    5 points
  11. "these are the best of times, twisted and borrowed times. These are the loneliest of times" That line hurts me so bad, I love it. Weird, but good:
    4 points
  12. Billie's vocals on this are soooooo good.
    4 points
  13. Don't think I saw the Rolling Stone France translation posted anywhere here yet. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2u2ZNPsRYu/?igsh=ejVnY3FtdmhxcnZl
    4 points
  14. Just in case I've forgotten to message anyone everything was posted today
    4 points
  15. Ryan Baxley posted about the "Bobby Sox" video Mike has also posted tons of stuff on his Instagram story. Here's some of it
    4 points
  16. Billie has posted a load of stuff on his Instagram. I'm not posting all of it but this is some of it There's even more in his Instagram story here https://www.instagram.com/stories/billiejoearmstrong/3291430951429422359?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MXA5MDE0Zm50emRnZA== BTS from recording process here from Chris Dugan https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2t7twbuBnu/?igsh=MWVueTFwZTR2eDRxOQ== Screenshots from Chris Dugan's post
    4 points
  17. Just to add a little more to the Fancy Sauce discussion, I think it's important take into account the context in which each album came out. With 21CB, the Obama era was just starting out, and it was completely fitting to end such a heavy album for its time on a hopeful and uplifting note. But with Saviors, the future is looking grimmer and grimmer, with climate change, the rise of autocratic leaders, the space race and all the mental health problems that social media brought along. So while Fancy Sauce is quite a dark song that concludes that yes, there are no saviors, it has a sense of catharsis that's reinforced with the sing-along nature of the chorus. As I hear the song, I feel that I'm not alone, we're all in this madness together. It would be very fitting to end an album with such dark topics on a cynical and bitter note, but instead with this song, I get a weird feeling of relief, like you're looking around in a crowd thinking "you too?" There's also something quite poignant in the repetition of the line "we all die young someday", which is even highlighted in the last page of the booklet. I think of that line as the understanding that no matter if we live 30 years or 90 years, it's never gonna be enough, I'll always fall short and die too young. As someone living in my late 20s, I worry a lot about not having the time to achieve all my dreams, as I imagine a lot of people do, but I now notice there's peace that comes with the realization that I'll never have enough time and letting go of my expectations, so at the end of the day, it's like saying "fuck it, I'm gonna take what I can get!" I could go on and on about it, but as I'm writing this down, I'm feeling quite silly for having such strong reactions for a song called Fancy Sauce tbh 😅
    3 points
  18. This. He really hasn't changed his style at all since probably Nimrod IMO. He has a very specific role in the band and they rarely deviate from that. As a famous rock bassist, Mike is fine - but GD are a power trio. He doesn't need to be a virtuoso. His basslines work just as well as they do on any album, but let's not pretend he's revolutionized his performances on this album. They're just unusually prominent in the mix for a post-AI GD release.
    3 points
  19. After taking a break from the album, I returned to it yesterday and this morning and I'm still loving everything about it. Here's my ranking of the songs (at least for now) Dilemma LMNB Living in the 20s Bobby Sox Corvette Summer Suzie Chapstick Fancy Sauce TADIKM OEB SDAHTS Coma City 1981 Goodnight Adeline Saviors FTAS Fever (if we're counting the bonus track) This was really hard to rank because (aside from Fever) I really like all of the songs. There are just some I like more than others. LMNB really grew on me over time. That an Dilemma are probably my favorite singles now.
    3 points
  20. Love the RS article, Tre says Mike does the cooking, Mike says Billie does the cleaning and Tre says he does the eating and writing songs when asked what their relationship is like 😂 There have been some really good interviews but not enough with all three of them together. Loved the NPR podcast, great to hear them speak with such affection about the band!
    3 points
  21. Just got my Japanese Savior CD(s) I ordered at Tower Records Japan and they give/gave away a poster for each CD
    3 points
  22. I love how one of Billie's videos was sideways, like he forgot to let the camera autorotate before filming it. That is so Billie.
    3 points
  23. NPR covered the guys. Article and audio: https://www.npr.org/2024/01/30/1197958700/green-day-dookie-american-idiot-anniversary?fbclid=IwAR2_s5CKLknIrbdALnewLm-ulGmL4IX94p5J5tvqDY3KcXIYiEgYuY2IJ7s Audio is 1hr 13-ish minutes. I'm just listening now. Edit: I do not think Billie, Mike or Tre make an appearance on this. I'm 20 minutes in and its just the NPR guys talking about Green Day and playing songs. It's interesting though.
    3 points
  24. It really hits hard, even though the lyrics are a bit vague. Billie is lonely, going crazy and is part of a crazy world. The end of it really makes me feel something.
    3 points
  25. I love that line because like with addiction when you fall like a yo-yo you’re up and you’re down over and over again
    3 points
  26. I love how Billie labels the picture with “mom” and “sheriff” 😂😂
    3 points
  27. I am so tired of these claims. Y'all are really sleeping with Trilogy stuff, huh?
    2 points
  28. Where's the promotion for this álbum? After the release date nothing happened, just some random Interviews and nothing more. Weird.
    2 points
  29. I wish we could go back to the days of absolutely killer b-sides and (as they are in the age of streaming) bonus / special tracks We were absolutely spoiled during the AI and 21st CB eras. Favourite Son, Lights Out, Too Much Too Soon, Hearts Collide. All classic tracks in their own right IMO. Sorry, but Fever is absolutely dogshit in comparison to any of the above and GD's b-side / bonus game fell off a cliff after the Trilogy. Back In The USA is the only one I can think of that is a genuine banger.
    2 points
  30. Except the trilogy had a ton of great basslines. Really, I'm not hearing that much more from the basslines on Saviors than we've gotten since American Idiot. Like, yeah it is better but it still has nowhere near the best basslines on a Green Day album. It's more in the mix than it's been since Warning but the actual basslines don't seem all that better than the basslines we've been getting since then. The bass just has certain moments to shine generally from AI onwards rather than being an integral part of the entire songs like it tends to be pre-AI. Maybe I am understating Mike's work a bit on Saviors, I've not really been paying much attention to the basslines specifically, more just the overall package but I don't think it's in his top 5 performances on an album. I think the criticism Mike gets post Warning is a little overstated by some people. Like you can absolutely hear the bass all throughout those albums, it's just generally a lot more simple the vast majority of the time
    2 points
  31. I looove bassline. Longview, Stuart, Nice Guys (which WAS actually an old name for NGFL), She...
    2 points
  32. I’d like to make the argument that Saviors is better than American Idiot because we can actually hear the bass lines for the first time since Warning. I remember someone back in the day saying, “Where have all the bastards gone? More like where have all the basslines gone!”
    2 points
  33. They should never make another album without Rob Cavallo
    2 points
  34. Wild one is such a great song that should’ve been played more.
    2 points
  35. To add my previous post here, I forgot to mention that I’d also be ok with them going down the Beatles-esque rabbit hole. Billie has proven to be a great songwriter in that style on numerous occasions whether it’s the takes on AI and 21cb or writing for These Paper Bullets or The Longshot. I’d love to see them work with Jeff Lynne and make something grandiose but market it in a similar way to Saviors. With Foamf they weren’t the most humble and they fell hard once the music was out. With Saviors they were confidently quiet and let the music do the talking. If they don’t go down that road then they need to stay with Rob Cavallo.
    2 points
  36. Oh no I'm not skipping this song anymore. I kind of like it since this weekend. Noooooooooo!
    2 points
  37. I kind of understand about Saviors though I woke up with it my head this morning. There is a distinct feeling though of "what is that song" when not listening but then I love it when I hear it.
    2 points
  38. I find it amazing how we had that song description that said there was nothing to say about Saviors the song, and everyone was like ‘that’s really odd, it must be a mistranslation or mistake or something’ when in actual fact they were correct 😂 I still don’t really know how I feel about the song!
    2 points
  39. Saviors the song is some of BJs best lyrical work in years. Not corny or cheesy, just really ambitious and honest. Fancy Sauce is a nothing song for me, lyrics feel lazy as does the music, but hey music is subjective. I still love the record & love the Oasis, anthemic direction.
    2 points
  40. I'm still glad some others from the deepcutology were played: Wild One (played 5 times), Angel Blue (played twice), Peacemaker (played 6 times), Before the Lobotomy (played 71 times)
    2 points
  41. I agree with @Rumpelstiltskin2000, they definitely said in one of the interviews nobody would watch a two hour documentary anymore with all the short clips people share. But, if there is a loophole, that conversation was about an in depth doc about the band, we are talking about a doc about this album so one does not preclude the other.
    2 points
  42. I wish there was a better version of the one with Billie Joe, Mike and Chris Dugan sitting in a booth which @Rumpelstiltskin2000 posted, he looks amazing but is just in the picture! Love Ryan Baxley’s explanation of the video ❤️
    2 points
  43. https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/424578522_776931937812214_7058823371233148126_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=a73e89&_nc_ohc=TBk-eMAwgRQAX-JGuE4&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCoxDzxgC8LkuPOxENe-LlADSbr3UhK3z3Y7-BfFB5_sQ&oe=65BF5139 https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/424550428_776931844478890_5842299211132829725_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=a73e89&_nc_ohc=A1PfEOQhzZcAX8FpAkq&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCNy16PXOrH10Vk36zVMioFExScAa80WNDmvCOyfh5Vjg&oe=65BE6087
    2 points
  44. Love hearing the orchestra on its own. It’s so beautiful.
    2 points
  45. Hey! I gonna listen to saviors again tonight! BUT! I want to hear what you guys think is the best album to pair it with? I was thinking I’ll be starting with 21cb and go directly into saviors.
    2 points
  46. Idk how I feel about Fancy Sauce. As a song, or as a closer. As a song and a closer, its instrumental outro is the best part about the song in my personal opinion. I love when bands have these extended instrumental sections that aren't just guitar solos. Classic examples of these are Chump's 2nd half, Welcome to Paradise's bridge and Panic Song's intro but these sections have been quite lacking in modern Green Day so these sections in the outro of Fancy Sauce and Coma City stand out, and in the case of Fancy Sauce I think is a great way of ending the album. The rest of the song I'm kind of mixed on. I like it but I think I liked it more at first and it's soured on me a little bit. I don't know how I feel about it as a closer when Saviors would've been a perfectly fine way to close out the album, following a similar role that See the Light does on 21CB. In both cases, we're left with questions with unknown answers, which is a good way of ending an album. See the Light posits that the "ever after is in the hands of fate", leaving us with the question "What is our fate?" and "Will we see the light, will we see through the static". Saviors leaves us with the question "Will somebody save us?" and that question can be interpreted in multiple ways. Political (i.e. saving us from the American dream which is killing us, personal (i.e. depression, addiction), etc. Then Fancy Sauce comes along and idk what it's trying to do as a closer. Is it trying to answer the question that Saviors leaves us with? Is it trying to conclude the themes that come up throughout the album? Because I think the title track does that in a perfectly good way. It just seems like such a dark way to end the album. It would be like if 21CB didn't end with See the Light but instead Lights Out was the final track afterwards, and I'm all about dark songs. 21CB is a very dark album but even that album ends on somewhat of a hopeful note
    2 points
  47. So how far is Coma City from Murder City? Trying to plan a vacation here 😆
    2 points
  48. This has been on repeat since release day. After taking a couple year break from listening religiously after Father of All, I'm so happy they're back with a great album. Makes it fun being a fan again! As others have mentioned, the production sounds great. All the instruments sound so crisp and it's nice hearing Mike do some intricate bass work again. Billie's vocals are incredible. I am hoping they announce an arena tour as I will not be going to the upcoming stadium tour. Maybe I am in the minority here - but I would really rather hear them play more new songs rather than AI & Dookie in full. Yes those are my favorite albums and their best albums, but we have all heard those songs so many times, especially the singles. I really enjoy hearing newer songs live or old songs that I haven't heard a bunch of times. Would love to hear them play deep cuts from old albums that don't get played often + new songs. Favorites: Bobby Sox, Strange Days are Here to Stay, Corvette Summer, Dilemma.
    2 points
  49. I don’t have accounts with those and don’t want to make one. I initially kept them private because she took them sneakily so they’re like pap photos. I didn’t feel comfortable sharing them. Now that the album is out and it isn’t a spoiler I would, I just haven’t put it anywhere public so can’t link to it here. I’m on the fence about making an insta or reddit post because they were just having lunch it feels a little intrusive to share it. I can’t make up my mind about it.
    2 points
  50. Updated Billboard numbers- Alternative Airplay- 5, down from 2 Mainstream Rock Airplay- 8, down from 3 Rock and Alternative Airplay- 3, down from 2 Adult Alternative Airplay- 18, down from 15 Hot Rock and Alternative Songs- 39, up from 42 Canada Rock- 2, down from 1 Unlikely to have anymore peaks; I'll update if it does.
    2 points
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