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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2024 in all areas

  1. The American Dream Is Killing Me - 10,542,863 (+96k) Look Ma, No Brains! - 6,584,752 (+86k) Bobby Sox - 3,171,750 (+122k) One Eyed Bastard - 5,387,439 (+128k) Dilemma - 7,160,648 (+125k) 1981 - 1,673,507 (+77k) Goodnight Adeline - 1,550,904 (+68k) Coma City - 1,341,128 (+53k) Corvette Summer - 1,356,449 (+56k) Suzie Chapstick - 1,380,228 (+65k) Strange Days Are Here to Stay - 1,283,273 (+57k) Living in the '20s - 1,242,703 (+57k) Father to a Son - 1,070,508 (+43k) Saviors - 1,048,289 (+44k) Fancy Sauce - 1,015,049 (+45k) TOTAL - 45,809,490 (+1,123,874) An increase compared to yesterday. All tracks are now above the 1 million point though the last 3 tracks are still trailing behind the rest of the tracks
    10 points
  2. Personally, I like the song because of the juxtaposition of the music and the lyrics. Musically it's very calming and gentle. It rocks back and forth like a lullaby. But then you look at the lyrics and see something darker going on. To me it seems like someone trying to escape all the freaking craziness surrounding them, but they can't ("I'm not crazy/you're the one who's crazy/everybody's crazy"). Considering all the songs that come before it, it feels like Billie letting out an exhausting sigh, almost a sigh of defeat because you're tired and fed up with the surrounding chaos. It's a moment where you don't know what to do and feel like it may consume you.
    8 points
  3. My favourite songs are Fancy Sauce, Suzie Chapstick, Bobby Sox, Living In the 20s, Corvette Summer, Goodnight Adeline, Dilemma, and One Eyed Bastard lol. They're all perfect to me, and rest are amazing too! I'm a fan of all their albums including all recent ones but this one is incredible. I think it has most similarities to Revolution Radio which I love, but it's even better. When I first heard it I thought it was their most beautiful sounding album and still do.
    8 points
  4. May have come in #4 in the top 200, but it charted #1 for album sales, top rock album, top alternative album, top rock and alternative album, top current album, tastemaker album, and vinyl album. And I don't think I saw its places in Canada (4) or Italy (5) mentioned yet.
    8 points
  5. I love that line because like with addiction when you fall like a yo-yo you’re up and you’re down over and over again
    7 points
  6. Billie said to Radio X and on the interview from Rolling Stone France that he rewrote the lyrics for American Dream for the new album
    7 points
  7. From Billie's Instagram story
    7 points
  8. ^^you know that Enter key on the keyboard? Try to use it sometimes
    6 points
  9. Dilemma chart positions Canada Rock - 35 US Alternative airplay - 35 US Rock Airplay - 25
    6 points
  10. On the one hand, it's a fun song that's giving me some strong summer vibes (kind of reminds me of MXPX "Kings of Hollywood" for some reason). On the other hand, the line "Don't want no money, don't want no fame. All I want's my records making my pain go away" always gives me a punch in the gut because I think it's Billie being 100% honest. It's one of those typical Billie songs: Happy, lighthearted and fun on the outside, but when you look closer, it's sad and painful.
    6 points
  11. Does anyone else have mixed feelings about Saviors being #4 in the US? I felt like it could atleast slot into #2. Ironically they have the most physical sales on the chart, that really needs to count for more. but at the same time another top 5 album at their age… that’s really good too. Anyone get the numbers for Canada? Not sure why there is a delay there.
    5 points
  12. I think I'm one of very few people who has the title track in my favourites. It's not my absolute favourite but I'd put it in my top 5 of the album. It's a very simple track with a very simple hook and on my first couple listens, it didn't particularly stand out. But it's only grown on me over time and think it's elevated by concluding the main themes of the album. It kind of acts as a climax to the album in the same way American Eulogy or Homecoming does to their respective albums but would also work as a closer too in the same way that See the Light does, if Fancy Sauce wasn't the closer. It's a bit of a weird title track, I don't think title tracks usually act as these big end of album songs and for Green Day, it's the only title track that doesn't take place within the first 3 tracks of an album
    5 points
  13. Pretty sure Billie's rehab derailed any plans for 2022 release, he mentioned he is now 18 months sober so that's spring-summer 2022. I'm like 99 % sure they all just came to conclusion that it was too soon for new album due to it. When they were ready, 1972 was no longer fitting name, some new tracks were made and boom, Saviors was born. That's my theory.
    5 points
  14. Chris Moyles is annoying but Billie was adorable in this
    5 points
  15. I managed to find Billie Joe’s Gibson Double Cutaway model from 2012 on Reverb.com and got it last Friday
    5 points
  16. NPR covered the guys. Article and audio: https://www.npr.org/2024/01/30/1197958700/green-day-dookie-american-idiot-anniversary?fbclid=IwAR2_s5CKLknIrbdALnewLm-ulGmL4IX94p5J5tvqDY3KcXIYiEgYuY2IJ7s Audio is 1hr 13-ish minutes. I'm just listening now. Edit: I do not think Billie, Mike or Tre make an appearance on this. I'm 20 minutes in and its just the NPR guys talking about Green Day and playing songs. It's interesting though.
    4 points
  17. I think RevRad has the advantage of having three very successful singles (Bang Bang, Still Breathing and even Revolution Radio). Still Breathing is one of their most streamed songs ever with over 100 million streams and Bang Bang also has a lot of streams and even charted in some countries. That’s why I think it’ll be difficult for Saviors to overtake RevRad, but I’m pretty sure it’ll do better than FOAM in the long run. Fan reception was a lot more positive so I think fans will stream it more than they did with FOAM.
    4 points
  18. I love how Billie labels the picture with “mom” and “sheriff” 😂😂
    4 points
  19. The fact you left out FOA makes me think you don't particularly care for that track lol. Here's how I would rank the title tracks 1) 21st Century Breakdown - Absolute god tier track. An amazing way to start off my favourite album of all time (along with Song of the Century) 2) American Idiot - A great song. Perhaps a little overplayed but for good reason, it's a genuinely great track with great commentary 3) Saviors - Already explained my thoughts on this 4) Warning - A great track but not one my absolute favourite songs 5) Revolution Radio - A solid track but kind of suffers from the "generic/buzzword political commentary" that a lot of the political tracks from 2012-2016 suffer from 6) Father of All - I like the instrumentation a lot (as good as it gets on FOAM), I don't like the vocals at all though 7) Money Money 2020 - I don't particularly care for The Network overall and this isn't one of my favourite Network tracks anyway but it's still ok I realize a couple of people have reacted to this with a emoji. But these are just the starting positions of the song on the chart. They will get higher and will likely reach the top of the rock charts. That's how Green Day singles have generally acted on these rock charts in the past few years with the singles from FOAM and RevRad. They start off low before reaching their peak later. Green Day's success on these charts is usually down to airplay more than anything so this is an indicator that Dilemma is starting to get radio play now after TADIKM has been near the top of these charts for several weeks
    4 points
  20. Exactly mate. Saviors and Fancy Sauce go INSANELY hard man. Saviors has an amazing chorus and Fancy Sauce has an amazing jam that sounds hella fun to play.
    4 points
  21. I don’t have accounts with those and don’t want to make one. I initially kept them private because she took them sneakily so they’re like pap photos. I didn’t feel comfortable sharing them. Now that the album is out and it isn’t a spoiler I would, I just haven’t put it anywhere public so can’t link to it here. I’m on the fence about making an insta or reddit post because they were just having lunch it feels a little intrusive to share it. I can’t make up my mind about it.
    4 points
  22. If TADIKM and Dilemma get low scores because they were overplayed, I'm pretty sure that's just your fault for overplaying them. I don't think they've been overplayed on the radio (especially Dilemma) and I don't think you can really give songs that low of a score because you chose to listen to them until you were sick of them. Also weird to give CS a 1/10 and then go "It's EH". 1/10 is an awful score for a song you think is awful. It's not a "this song is EH" score
    4 points
  23. I love Coma City. I know they’ve teased and tapped into 21st Century Breakdown a bit here and there during the Trilogy and RevRad, but this song feels like a true follow-up.
    4 points
  24. 48 on Hot Rock and Alternative Charts.
    4 points
  25. I don't remember that. I remember him saying I wish I was taller when reaching for a thing in his house 😂
    4 points
  26. Bobby Sox is definitely the stand out for me on this album. 1981, Goodnight Adeline, Corvette Summer and Father To A Son are my other favourites. I’ve yet to properly connect to Fancy Sauce, I think it’s a grower for me. Still no skippable songs and I think that’s because every song has something going for it, whether it’s a chorus you can sing along to or a bassline or a harmony that sounds next level. It’s a great album. 💕
    4 points
  27. Fever's a fun little jam, and that's all I really expected it to be. It's kind of unfair to expect a bonus track, which we already knew going in was a FOAMF outtake, to seamlessly fit in with the rest of the album. It's called a bonus track for a reason.
    4 points
  28. From Chris Dugan. @pacejunkie punk did you see the Henson Studios tag? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2t7twbuBnu/?igsh=MTU1eHRzZWttNjJzdw==
    4 points
  29. In looking at all the singles Green Day have released, I think Dilemma is one of their best. Probably in the top 2 or 3 singles ever in my opinion. I'm not crazy, you're the one that's crazy, everybody's crazy, haha. Look Ma No Brains is fantastic, but I'm not sure it's cracking the Top 10 Singles list or no. It might. Welcome to the new page of this thread.
    4 points
  30. I will forever not love the double life that Billie seems to lead. Like, on stage or "in act", he gives off Freddie Mercury esque frontman/demi-god/avant-garde provocateur vibes. at home, he switches to ultra dad mode. Watching that interview is like having a zoom call with your slightly confused californian uncle who just this year discovered tiktok and contactless pay for the first time Dude, the camera angle and glasses... Shit's the funniest thing ever lmao
    4 points
  31. This has been on repeat since release day. After taking a couple year break from listening religiously after Father of All, I'm so happy they're back with a great album. Makes it fun being a fan again! As others have mentioned, the production sounds great. All the instruments sound so crisp and it's nice hearing Mike do some intricate bass work again. Billie's vocals are incredible. I am hoping they announce an arena tour as I will not be going to the upcoming stadium tour. Maybe I am in the minority here - but I would really rather hear them play more new songs rather than AI & Dookie in full. Yes those are my favorite albums and their best albums, but we have all heard those songs so many times, especially the singles. I really enjoy hearing newer songs live or old songs that I haven't heard a bunch of times. Would love to hear them play deep cuts from old albums that don't get played often + new songs. Favorites: Bobby Sox, Strange Days are Here to Stay, Corvette Summer, Dilemma.
    3 points
  32. It really hits hard, even though the lyrics are a bit vague. Billie is lonely, going crazy and is part of a crazy world. The end of it really makes me feel something.
    3 points
  33. Imagine signing thousands of cds. Conjures images of Bart writing on the chalkboard....but imagine being worth 75 Million dollars. I'd sign stuff 16 hours a day, lol.
    3 points
  34. Still think the "go go falling like a yo yo" line is kinda lame in fancy sauce
    3 points
  35. Corvette Summer has climbed up to my personal favorite track! I like that it has Big Star vibes. I would take an entire album this way, so I settle for The Longshot.
    3 points
  36. I was so happy to scroll down and see they found the dog! He's adorable
    3 points
  37. Lmao I was so caught up with listening to the album I forgot all about this. Just listened to it and was dancing in my seat , what a funky track! I love that groovy riff. Also it's perfect as a bonus track, something fun and different.
    3 points
  38. 3 points
  39. After over a week with the album, I think I would rank the songs like this: 1. Dilemma 2. Strange Days Are Here to Stay 3. Goodnight Adeline 4. Bobby Sox 5. Suzie Chapstick 6. Coma City 7. Fancy Sauce 8. The American Dream is Killing Me 9. 1981 10. Look Ma, No Brains! 11. Corvette Summer 12. Living in the 20's 13. One Eyed Bastard 14. Saviors 15. Father to a Son Strange Days is 100% my type of song, only narrowly missing the top spot because Dilemma is just unbeatable - and I'll be seriously upset if it ever gets dropped from their setlist. Coma City and 1981 were unexpected growers for me. On my first listen they seemed like typical fun Green Day tracks, nothing standout. Now I get a rush from 1981's bridge and that awesome outro of Coma City. I don't mind that the song sounds like Static Age had a baby with 99 Revolutions. While I enjoy every track on the album, One Eyed Bastard feels lacking to me. It's got great riffs and energy, but the lyrics are as meaningless as you get. Probably will be a banger live, though. As for Saviors, it doesn't quite hit the mark for me either, but its place in the album does add some reflective depth. And I hate to say it, but I've skipped Father to a Son a few times; it just disrupts the album's flow, b ringing it to a halt. But let me be clear: I absolutely adore this album. It's my favorite since the post-21CB era, and that's a big deal because I have a deep love for the trilogy and RevRad. This album, though, is definitely special.
    3 points
  40. I assume the band didn't want the song played on radio so that TADIKM could stay near the top on the rock charts for longer. This week is the first week TADIKM has dropped from no. 2 to no. 3 on rock airplay. So it makes sense for Dilemma to start making its way up now
    3 points
  41. This also explains why I always have insta notification's from 2-4am (central time).
    3 points
  42. Pics here: https://www.reddit.com/r/greenday/s/hO8dphX19v GW Screenshots with Gear References for Saviors and AI (AI info similar to that from prior interviews): https://drive.google.com/file/d/16eyE7ey_grqw2vMvuQgWon9d_Ta82RfZ/view?usp=share_link Random Excessive Guitar Stuff Incoming: Based on the newest Guitar World article and prior interviews (and assuming it’s not something else entirely), it looks like we now have a decent look at the Saviors studio settings on what’s most likely some variant of a Dookie/crunch/Bradshaw/Golub/Suhr/LASD-modded Marshall Plexi amp (which is probably not the live amp Pete assuming it didn’t get a major makeover again). Fun to see how high the bass setting is marked here, and I wonder if this is a copy they’ve used on other recordings or one of Rob’s modded heads. Since it’s not one of the amps in Rob’s rack from the last pic (courtesy of Ricky Dover Jr.) based on the tape and labels, it may not the same head from Dookie itself (not that that matters). In any case, at least now we have some more good pics of the “Idiot” “Meat-esque”/gained-up head along with presumably the super-modded Park 75 (50-watt “Dookie-esque” circuit?)—both of which have been used heavily on AI, 21CB, and RevRad. If anyone has more info from Hans, Bill, or another insider who can shed more light here on the differences between each amp, that would be super rad! Just to keep going with the gear sluttery, it would be cool to learn which cabs and speakers they’re using and whether the scratch guitar tracks were recorded through the UA Ox Top Box next to/on top of the same “Star” Plexi in the live room. Also, is Billie using an FOD pedal on his board along with a Klone? Can anyone make out anything else that’s interesting in these pics or the other recent footage?
    3 points
  43. I bought the pink and black vinyl of Saviors. Now, I want more vinyls haha!
    3 points
  44. 3 points
  45. Okay there's gotta be a documentary in the works
    3 points
  46. The angle reminds me of my boss on video meetings. It's the worst.
    3 points
  47. I wake up every morning with this song in my head. Especially the lyrics, "Do you want me to just go away? I just wanna be your nobody Is there any chance that I can stay?" Heartbreaking.
    3 points
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