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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2023 in all areas

  1. Not you again.. You've posted enough crap in the SWMRS thread, please don't ruin our excitement for our favorite band's new album. I'm begging you.
    12 points
  2. You're off-topic, so you're not within the rules. Stop. And everybody else, if you continue to respond to this user with attacks you're also taking things off-topic and will be given a warning. Our apologies for the delay in responding to the reports. We all have day jobs beyond posting here — shocking, I know — and weren't able to get to the reports until now. But let's get this back on topic and discuss the album, not far-fetched conspiracy theories about a song title's connections to Billie's family and Reddit moderators (geez). Thanks.
    11 points
  3. Updated Billboard numbers- Alternative Airplay- stays at 2 Mainstream Rock Airplay- stays at 1 for a second week Rock and Alternative Airplay- stays at 1 for a third week Adult Alternative Airplay- stays at 18 Hot Rock Songs- dropped off chart Hot Alternative Songs- 20, down from 17 Hot Rock and Alternative Songs- 36, down from 32 Canada Rock- stays at 1 for a second week
    10 points
  4. I feel like Billie likes a lot of vintage/retro things and the song title is definitely inspired by Bobby soxers. Naming a song after a Reddit mod seems like a reach for him to do, for a variety of reasons.
    10 points
  5. You're kind of the one harrassing us in this thread with your hot takes on Billie Joe and his son. Do it in the SWMRS thread I don't care but let us have fun here, alright? Go finish your shitty Life Is Strange game in 8-bit and give us some space.
    9 points
  6. Considering the man can barely operate his phone half the time, I think it’d be a stretch to posit he knows Reddit mods by name lol
    9 points
  7. Falsetto, in theory and practice, would actually prevent the vocal chords from becoming strained or damaged. If you were to sing a full-voiced, sustained note that was in the middle of your range and then start sliding higher in pitch. you will get a a point where you have to choose to continue pushing in your same voice, or "flip" into a different part of your register (typically the falsetto that you are speaking of). This flip occurs at your break point, classically referred to as the passaggio. With proper training and technique, you can extend where your break point/passaggio comes in. Often, the ability to extend your range comes with changing your placement or singing technique. which is what is causing Billie's sound to be a bit "thinner" than it has sounded in the past. This is why it's actually very reassuring to me any time Billie changes his technique. He is making choices that will, in the long run, extend the longevity of his vocal chords and ability to perform. I know that some of this is somewhat technical, but I am a classically trained vocalist and love talking about this shit. So I will gladly answer any questions that anybody has about these topics.
    8 points
  8. 7 points
  9. I think that Static Age is at or near the top of that list (also looking at the fact that I believe he did some of those harmonies...which are fucking high at the end). Side note: I'd die a happy man if they added Static Age into their setlist again
    7 points
  10. I think the logical step is release a ballad, because they already released two rockers in a row they need to show the softer side of saviors
    6 points
  11. One of the main radio stations in Toronto just debuted Look Ma, No Brains as their exclusive first listen. Wonder if there’s going to be a bigger push for this as a single
    6 points
  12. Larry Livermore actually mentioned this in something he wrote this summer after seeing them perform. "Interview done, I walked outside and immediately ran into Billie Joe, who seemed a lot more ebullient and upbeat than he had the previous night. We talked about a host of things, but the one thing I especially wanted to tell him was that I’d just listened to a recording of him singing at the show a couple nights previous. “Your voice sounded richer and warmer than it ever has before,” I said. “It reminded me of Sinatra when he was coming into his prime.” It might sound like a strange thing to say to a world-renowned punk rock singer, especially one who’s been singing very successfully for most of his life, but I also knew that Billie had sung Sinatra songs with his dad long before he ever set foot in a punk rock venue, and was pretty sure he’d get what I meant." Full post: https://larrylivermore.com/?p=4887&fbclid=IwAR1tPiQ8m6rb_Ij6iw-klLXNyomBBaxx2Xb9MxqYkhbtmTK3f6KzknHitDg
    6 points
  13. I remember when Billie started teasing Foxies shows during the RevRad tour. Still waiting...
    5 points
  14. I hope so, it's really grown on me a lot! Whether it has mainstream potential though? Who knows. I don't think any rock music really does anymore so you might as well just go for it. Though I agree a ballad may be a safer play.
    5 points
  15. I still don't get why they are not on every talkshow promoting this
    5 points
  16. There's no part of me that is in favor of the band in which you speak of, and for awhile i was on your side. But this is getting a bit obsessive like it's not healthy. This thread is about their new album, and it makes no sense to make the connection you made. I'm sure nothing billie is writing about has anything to do with joey, even the song Father to a Son is about him and his own father apparently.
    5 points
  17. Breathing is definitely an integral part of anybody's vocal technique. The most important part of breathing, as it relates to singing (and a lot of other things for that matter) is breathing with your diaphragm. A really good exercise for this is to take a big deep breath...if your shoulders lift up more than a very miniscule amount when you do this, then you are not breathing from your diaphragm or with proper technique. Ideally, when you take a breath in, you want to feel your ribcage/midsection expand, like you're filling up a balloon that is right in between your ribs and stomach. I don't know if I necessarily would say that it's a must to be able to breathe through the nose and mouth at the same time. You are 100% correct that breathing through only your mouth would have a negative impact on your vocal chords (in the moment) because it may cause them to dry out more quickly. Typically speaking, if you have a reasonable amount of time between phrases, a breath through the nose is going to be your best bet. And, obviously, the more time you have before you start singing again, the slower and more controlled your breath can be. If you have almost no time before your next phrase, you need to take what's often called a "catch breath," which is where you (most often through your mouth) take a really quick breath in order to get right back into the next phrase. Seasoned vocalists can take a full breath with their catch breath if needed. Breathing is honestly one of the absolute biggest things to consider when talking about good vocal technique and one that literally has chapters upon chapters worth of information about its importance. It's difficult because it has to be an intentional focus. The slightest bit of a change in your sinuses, congestion (chest or nasal), etc. ALL impact how you can breath. The average person knows about this just from getting a cold or whatever. So now imagine having to consciously consider all of those things you have going on and have to make on the spot adjustments to your techniques.
    4 points
  18. Another selfie from Billie at the end of this Instagram story https://instagram.com/stories/billiejoearmstrong/3245609222632622970?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==
    4 points
  19. It's not, but I'm still wondering what that was!
    4 points
  20. Joking that peoples dads are dead (without knowing if they are alive or maybe have a serious illness) and speaking beyond the grave is as distasteful as it can get. What a low quality comment in any forum.
    4 points
  21. Oh I know! He's just amazing! I got to witness that first hand. Still one of the greatest nights of my life.
    4 points
  22. I don’t think we know what they had, all the normal colds etc have not gone away with the arrival of Covid, but yes, completely agree. I saw them last summer and he sounded great.
    4 points
  23. This mother fucker is a tease. Don’t trust him.
    3 points
  24. Thanks for that really appreciate it. One further point if I may. I believe that the correct breathing technique used whilst singing is crucial, to ensure the best quality of the sound produced, whilst protecting the vocal cords. Therefore, the singer must be able to breathe through the nose and mouth at the same time. Is that correct? Just breathing through mouth only, risks drying out the vocal cords. Of course, trying to sing by just breathing through the nose would be impossible as you could not draw in enough air needed to produce the sound desired? That's my understanding but your professional clarification would be amazing. Thanks.
    3 points
  25. Whether we get a new single or not, and I think it's gonna be the former, I can't get the 4 we've heard so far in their various form out of my head, from waking up to falling asleep lol My prefs, 1. TADIKM 2. OEB 3. LMNB 4. 1981 Yours?
    3 points
  26. Agreed. I think it was @Christian's Inferno! who highlighted previously, that the last 3 albums have had multiple singles released before album. All previous albums there was just 1 if I remember correctly. If some prefer the former that's cool. Personally I just want to wait and hear as much of the album when it's released for the first time as possible.
    3 points
  27. Since most descriptions of the album talk about Father To A Son, it's very possible it's because it will be a single.
    3 points
  28. I think one of the best ways to hear the maturity and improvement in Billie’s voice over the years is to listen to the many iterations of When It’s Time from 1992, 1994, 1998, 2004 and finally 2010.
    3 points
  29. And they use Frank Sinatras „Summer wind“ when they leave the stage now 🤔
    3 points
  30. I don't think Billie would write about a random reddit user he's never met, lmao. It's definitely about the bobby soxers- which would be around the era that his mom would've been a pre-teen/teenager.
    3 points
  31. I noticed in the comments on YouTube for ADIKM there are a couple of youngsters saying they just discovered GD and rock music and they were loving it. Hope there are many more.
    3 points
  32. I don’t know much about singing but I do know the voice is a tool that can be used in lots of ways and affected by many things. @Slave To The Network, that’s funny, I was just listening to 21CB and those covers are so good. One of the new tracks is supposed to be Billie at his most heavy metal so if that’s true, that could be really interesting. I support him doing whatever he needs to preserve it but I do wonder if he worked to make his voice more masculine/deeper/rougher when he was younger to fit the scene.
    3 points
  33. The ones it's doing well on are solely airplay. The others take into account airplay, streaming, purchasing, etc, so it's not doing as well in those other categories.
    2 points
  34. A song that is diverse in tempo, both slow and fast. The Nirvana formula stolen from The Meat Puppets or whoever. It works. Slow intro and verse, then BAMMO!!! Giant chorus. Swirly solo and onto some bizarre and beautiful outro.
    2 points
  35. 1. TADIKM 2. 1981 3. LMNB 4. OEB don't hate any of them for clarification, 1981 has such energy for me and I hope to hear it soon
    2 points
  36. I think @pacejunkie punk already said that was too long ago to be a for a video for any of the songs from the album, I’m sure she’s right, backed up by how close to the release of ADIKM they shot the video.
    2 points
  37. I wonder if the Father to a Son music video will feature those Green Day look alike kid actors,
    2 points
  38. I think it’s an assumption more than a joke tbh. I’ll chalk it up to an honest mistake. Not worth lynch mobbing for that. I started that because I found that info out organically and thought it could be a possible theory but I think we discussed that further and found out it’s most likely about the other topic. We’ve all moved on from that now. Just note the lines of the box that are the rules are warped. From what I see there is a continuation of a discussion that is off topic and in an incorrect thread. Not sure that’s entirely within the rules tbf.
    2 points
  39. The fact you’re still harassing people on here, as if harassing me myself wasn’t enough months ago. Grow up some, we’re begging you. Lmao
    2 points
  40. I would only hear a next single if it is one of the two we heard so far, I think I will kepp all the others for the album release
    2 points
  41. Thank you for sharing this, what a lovely read. He also mentions later in the article that he thought Billie’s falsetto on 21 Guns was great at the show he saw.
    2 points
  42. Would there be another single before January 19th?
    2 points
  43. Billie's mom part 2: She was a Teenage Teenager. Could be about Billie's sisters as well. Not the same time period but it could work. Maybe the titular "saviors" are family. That would be really cool, actually. Fathers, mothers, kids, siblings.
    2 points
  44. He has changed his vocal placement in order to accommodate the stresses of touring/aging. It's really not a big deal, and an absolute necessity if he wants to maintain his voice and be able to continue performing for years to come. Look at the amount of old rock stars (Billie's age and older) that literally cannot sing their music anymore. Some of them can't even sing when they lower the key. We should all be happy that Billie is taking measures (and obviously being VERY intentional about his choices) that will help preserve his voice and allow them to keep making music and performing live.
    2 points
  45. I’m curious to see if all these plays boosts the song in streams or charts
    2 points
  46. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzXk0AFrins/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    2 points
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