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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2023 in all areas

  1. He has changed his vocal placement in order to accommodate the stresses of touring/aging. It's really not a big deal, and an absolute necessity if he wants to maintain his voice and be able to continue performing for years to come. Look at the amount of old rock stars (Billie's age and older) that literally cannot sing their music anymore. Some of them can't even sing when they lower the key. We should all be happy that Billie is taking measures (and obviously being VERY intentional about his choices) that will help preserve his voice and allow them to keep making music and performing live.
    13 points
  2. I don't think Billie would write about a random reddit user he's never met, lmao. It's definitely about the bobby soxers- which would be around the era that his mom would've been a pre-teen/teenager.
    7 points
  3. Remember back in April 2009, prior to the release of 21st Century Breakdown May 15, the band played the album in full, live at some California clubs. That would be really cool if they could do something similar with Saviors?
    7 points
  4. I don’t know much about singing but I do know the voice is a tool that can be used in lots of ways and affected by many things. @Slave To The Network, that’s funny, I was just listening to 21CB and those covers are so good. One of the new tracks is supposed to be Billie at his most heavy metal so if that’s true, that could be really interesting. I support him doing whatever he needs to preserve it but I do wonder if he worked to make his voice more masculine/deeper/rougher when he was younger to fit the scene.
    5 points
  5. Saviors does in every way sound like the true successor to RevRad. It feels like it’ll be a very solid Green Day album. FOAM I really have trouble considering a Green Day album, because it doesn’t feel like it was meant to be one. I’m all for them trying new stuff and experimenting, but it felt very much like the noodled around in the studio and decided to release it for funsies. When they’re making an effort like normal, it’s apparent. FOAM was not that, lol. Part of me wonders if that identity crisis of an album came from just not knowing where to take the band next. After everything that happened with the trilogy, a return to form and a reflective, personal album probably felt necessary and like the correct next step. Post-RevRad, maybe how to follow-up was less obvious so they just decided to do a severe turn in the opposite direction.
    4 points
  6. @Warszawa Those two televised examples may have sounded off for different reasons, though. The mix on the Amazon show was just BAD. It was fixed after the fact a little bit, but still sounds weird to me. And for the Grey Cup, while I thought they sounded much better and true to form, it can’t be easy singing in 30something degree weather (especially because I think Billie was one of the people who got sick in London and was recovering from that, too). I’m not saying that as an excuse, but I do think those factors all played a role in why they’ve sounded better in club shows recently.
    3 points
  7. i had a dream last night that i was hanging out with my dad and i started singing the "so long, farewell" part of 1981 and my dad just goes and tells me "hey, that one's coming on december" whatever could that mean
    3 points
  8. I have been thinking about this a lot lately too. I listen to 21CB era stuff, especially those covers they did of The Who, Bob Dylan, Social Distortion, etc. and I'm just blown away by his talent as a singer. I don't know a lot about singing and how to preserve the capacity to do it, but if Billie is doing the right things for that, I support him. I have been really missing his lower register, though. Maybe he'll still do that for songs that really need it, but sparingly. Sometimes he'll sing a song and it makes me go "Okay, there's the old voice. I'm glad he still has it!" and then I miss it when he goes back to singing higher.
    3 points
  9. I do miss the days of Billie singing with an unintelligible British accent. But I have no issue with how he’s changed it up.
    3 points
  10. As far as I remember he sounded good during BOBD at the grey cup. We will see in the next months. He sounded a bit weak during the first FOAM performances but last year he did pretty good.
    2 points
  11. I don’t think we know what they had, all the normal colds etc have not gone away with the arrival of Covid, but yes, completely agree. I saw them last summer and he sounded great.
    2 points
  12. Post-COVID combined with that cold ass weather is absolutely an excuse for how that sounded. Singing in the cold is fucking difficult. Can't even imagine doing it post COVID
    2 points
  13. not only was he on the same label, he essentially founded Reprise Records
    2 points
  14. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_soxer_(music) 1940s girls who freak out for Frank Sinatra, who happens to be on the same label as Green Day.
    2 points
  15. I’ve noticed a lot of male singers’ voices tend to thin out as they age and they lose some of their lower register. It seems like Billie needs to growl a bit more in order to sing deeper these days. I’m a big Chris Cornell fan and while his voice isn’t really comparable to Billie’s, he also lost a lot of the depth in his voice as he got older, as just one example. Billie is seriously such a talented singer, though. My mom still cries talking about how impressive he was performing as St. Jimmy, lol, because he really held his own with all the classically trained Broadway singers!
    2 points
  16. Listen to live performances from 2010. His voice was so powerful, clean and mature. In 2013 his voice started softening. In 2017 his voice was still powerful. In 2021-2023 his voice was at its weakest point. Some songs like 21 guns was unbearable to listen to. So far he is been doing good in this new era. Aging is taking its toll of course but Billie ie still holding up and still sounds great during live performances.
    2 points
  17. I love to see their faces when Billie Joe tells them to keep it. From disbelief to just total happiness. I moment in time that will they will remember and treasure for ever. Something else that shows how special this band is, and cares about it's fans. Maybe the band can incorporate it in the Saviors tour setlist.
    2 points
  18. I think it’s a combination of aging and a change of vocal technique. From what I have researched and have seen (various sources) the voice does not reach its peak sound till about the mid 30s. Seems to align with what we have seen from Billie. I know in the 50’s it can be difficult because of the effects of aging. My dad was a singer and would tell me a lot about the new challenges he was facing as a singer in that age group. I think Billie started to face this around the Rev Rad era imo. He also smoked for many years and I know he suffers with some complications from that as well.
    2 points
  19. I always wondered that too. It would be so terrible if you had to hold it the rest of the show. Everyone would be trying to take it from you and you'd be hitting people with it. It would basically cause society to implode across the planet in span of seconds. End of the world.
    2 points
  20. I read the full Interview from Paris will be released in december. Maybe the same here with the 93.5 Radio Interview 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  21. I doubt it would get squashed for that. Billie offered the info freely and if he changed his mind about wanting it included in the broadcast, someone on their team could’ve asked to have it removed. But it is weird that we never got this full interview when we got a bunch of others they did the same day. I thought someone said the entire interview was supposed to air a while ago now.
    1 point
  22. Billie's mom part 2: She was a Teenage Teenager. Could be about Billie's sisters as well. Not the same time period but it could work. Maybe the titular "saviors" are family. That would be really cool, actually. Fathers, mothers, kids, siblings.
    1 point
  23. This part blew me away how he is still able to bend those notes however in amazon and grey half time show he sings weirdly without much depths to it. I think Green day truly shines in club shows right now
    1 point
  24. Who the hell is/was Bobby Sox? As far as I know all the moderators for that cult subpage abandoned it with reddits recent troubles.
    1 point
  25. Yes. I've been really impressed and excited for the tour next year, with vintage live performances over last few weeks. imho Billie Joe's voice is amazing and handles those high notes brilliantly. Especially the bridge in TAMIKM. You've still got it Billie Joe ❤️ "People on the street Unemployed and obsolete Did you ever learn to read the ransom note?" Just past 1 minute in this example >
    1 point
  26. My thought is its not a new album anymore (as mentioned in the topic) and its not even an album. It is a 1 min longer than an Ep compilation of half ideas, half baked songs, experimenting and a joke (including the album cover). God knows why there was a need for it or what the exact reason behind it, 4 years after the release of the proper album Revrad. Now is the time for the proper follow up to RevRad, that is called 'Saviors'.
    1 point
  27. Green Dudes pod just blew my mind. Last Night On Earth calls back to Don't Leave Me with the line "I walked for miles til I found you".
    1 point
  28. I noticed in the comments on YouTube for ADIKM there are a couple of youngsters saying they just discovered GD and rock music and they were loving it. Hope there are many more.
    1 point
  29. I thought the exact same thing. I'm so sick of all the commercials with hip hop music (I just don't like this kind of music and I never will). Gen Z kids enjoying rock music isn't something you see every day🥲
    1 point
  30. I think already between American Idiot and Working Class Hero (2004-2007) we hear quite a difference in Billie's voice
    1 point
  31. Oh wow, I hadn’t seen this! I wish we saw more behind the scenes of their creative process.
    1 point
  32. Could Bobby Sox be about Sox the SWMRS reddit mod?
    1 point
  33. Billie trying to act super cool in that music video just sent me into outer space. I’m like crying laughing. He looks so out of place, bless him.
    1 point
  34. @Flashback Right now, it just seems on the early side to me to be promoting too hard. I expect after Christmas they’ll have some TV appearances. And in December/January they’ll probably have some good magazine interviews, too. I imagine this time of year, it’s hard to do promo without it getting lost in the holiday shuffle. Doing stuff like the Amazon show and the Grey Cup were smart early promo moves, but I’m thinking the more robust interviews will happen a bit closer to album drop.
    1 point
  35. That's just one of these extremely strange things of the FOAM promotion... Billie's cameo in a rap video. Just why? 😅
    1 point
  36. I don’t remember this but it doesn’t look new 🤷🏼‍♂️ https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0FSn5Sv-P4/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    1 point
  37. You can see FOB are basically saying what, to me, Green Day said before recording AI. The relationship can so easily just become business and thankfully GD reset theirs and seem to have maintained it. I love the friendship side of them, love hearing these things. There was a similar interview with MCR years ago saying similar things about GD. can’t find the one I’m looking for, maybe it was an article but found this one.
    1 point
  38. I talked to someone after the show who kept the guitar. She got a pass or something and had to go to the front after the show (they go back to the crowd). The tour crew handed her a package with the guitar in it which they signed. That was in 2013 and I dont know how they do it today
    1 point
  39. Yes! And I'm a greedy fangirl who wants even more! They were just in Toronto. It was the perfect opportunity to just absolutely smear it on! Toronto is the raccoon capitol of the world! EDIT: Oh, whoops! They were in Ontario. Never mind about the raccoons, then. But that doesn't change my desire for even more eyeliner!
    1 point
  40. It’s true. But I only had to give 10,000. Better hurry before the price goes up even more!
    1 point
  41. I really wonder what Lee Kirk was working on
    1 point
  42. And even more from Billie's Instagram story May have missed one or two (he posted so many!)
    1 point
  43. I just don't understand why the idiot interviewers can't ask more details about the album, obviously green day want to talk about it but these morons have very short attention spans and refuse to follow up on anything related to saviors no one cares about anniversary crap that's not important promoting saviors should be the main focus and any interview should be about that not favorite foods or anything mundane
    1 point
  44. And this one! Billie looks crazy young
    1 point
  45. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzXk0AFrins/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    1 point
  46. I mean, they had their own Rock Band game. They’ve done multiple Converse collabs. They sell merch that isn’t cheap. The list goes on. It’s part of being a popular artist and IMO, not a bad reflection on them as people, nor does it mean that they don’t believe the messaging in their songs. If you want to be in the game, you need to participate to a certain extent. And you know what? I’m happy when rock music gets mainstream exposure in any way these days, because it’s woefully missing from pop culture right now. I don’t think having their song featured in a Taco Bell commercial is particularly weird or any sort of marketing shift for them. If they were used in a commercial for one of Elon Musk’s entities, yes that would be weird and upsetting lol. But Taco Bell is inexpensive food accessible to the masses and personally, I think quite a good post-concert treat! I am all for Taco Bell paying Green Day, lol.
    1 point
  47. So cute😍 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz4rpAUOIJf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==
    1 point
  48. Same! There’s no way they didn’t intentionally pick a song with the phrase “shit the bed” in it for a Taco Bell commercial.
    1 point
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