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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2023 in all areas

  1. I remember at the time he made that comment the impression I got from it was that he meant not from a songwriter’s perspective but from a listener’s perspective. He was saying how he doesn’t have the attention span to listen to a long song and doesn’t think anyone else does anymore. It still may have been bullshit but that was my takeaway. The other bullshit thing he was saying at the time which to me was more out of character and ridiculous was the whole thing about not wanting to hear feel good music, shut the fuck up about your feelings, rock music should make you feel bad, blah blah blah. Like wtf Billie all you do is write about your feelings. One interviewer called him out on that statement and his response was pretty funny. He said he can write about his feelings because “I feel awful” 😂 I laughed about it at the time but it was probably a pretty good glimpse into his mental state then.
    11 points
  2. Some new merch Found them both here: https://www.plastichead.com/green-day-american-dream-abduction-t-shirt-black-zzzphd13379xxl https://www.plastichead.com/green-day-billie-joe-zombie-t-shirt-pink-zzzphd13378xxl
    7 points
  3. Shouldnt matter much. Boston’s first album was recorded in a dingy basement. You would never know because the audio engineering work was phenomenal. I have faith in CLA
    4 points
  4. Been watching College Football all day and literally every channel I am watching has played that commercial at least twice
    3 points
  5. I really wonder what Lee Kirk was working on
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. That sounds very far away. I want a new single
    3 points
  8. Man, it's so good to see them looking happy and excited about the new era. I can't wait.
    3 points
  9. MTV literally plays this Taco Bell commercial A LOT throughout the day. Heard it 17 (yes, I counted) times in my 6 hours at home watching Ridiculousness the other day.
    2 points
  10. Why? I think it’s cool they recorded in London at RAK which had a lot of history
    2 points
  11. Thanks for posting this is actually a great interview I think you pissed the bed
    2 points
  12. Thanks @pacejunkie punk that was a good one, missed it at the time. In the iheart interview, the interviewer asks about a documentary and they dismiss the idea, so either all that speculation was wrong or it was aborted I guess. I think, and hope, there will be one, but maybe in 10 years or something.
    2 points
  13. Wow, those are expensive! I would rather the taxi one be in colour too, it’s such a great pic and the colours so striking, seems weird to do b&w.
    2 points
  14. None of the songs on Saviors are that long though. The longest track is 4 minutes while the longest track on FOAMF was 3:44. FOAM had more songs that were in the 2 minute range but I wouldn't say any of the songs on Saviors are "long songs". I don't think Billie not liking long songs is even really out of character for him. Songs like JoS/Homecoming aren't just long songs, they're multi-part songs that are basically a long song made up of 3-5 short songs. Billie has always seemed to have a preference for short songs (2-3 minutes) or multi-part songs made up of short songs than transition into each other. Billie even said in an interview during FOAM era that Jesus of Suburbia is his favourite GD song so I think it's pretty clear he doesn't mean that when he says he hates "long songs" Long songs that Billie probably isn't a huge fan of are probably songs more in the vein of Oh Love or 21 Guns. I don't think he hates those tracks specifically but I think that's more the kind of song he's talking about when he says he doesn't really like long songs. Around 5+ minute songs that follow the basic verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/chorus structure and sometimes tend to overstay their welcome. Now, I really like 21 Guns and Oh Love. They're not my absolute favourite GD songs of all time but I really enjoy them. But I can really understand why Billie wouldn't necessarily prefer those types of songs. They don't really have that many of those types of songs. The first GD song of that nature is Misery, the first song of theirs to surpass the 5 minute point. WMUWSE is the closest thing to this type of song on American Idiot as it's 4:45 and the longest song excluding JoS/Homecoming, but it's also an extremely personal song for him. 21CB has 21 Guns. The trilogy has Oh Love, Brutal Love & The Forgotten. On Revolution Radio, Outlaws is 5 minutes long. I think he's probably fine with all of those tracks that made it onto their albums. I think there are probably just less of these types of songs that make it onto albums. Or these types of songs tend to get shortened before they're put on albums. He's definitely always had a preference for songs in the range of 2:00-3:30. And that still seems to be the case with Saviors
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Updated Billboard numbers- Alternative Airplay- stays at 2 Mainstream Rock Airplay- 1, up from 3 Rock and Alternative Airplay- stays at 1 for a second week Adult Alternative Airplay- 18, up from 21 Hot Rock Songs- 25, down from 21 Hot Alternative Songs- 17, down from 14 Hot Rock and Alternative Songs- 32, down from 26 Canada Rock- 1, up from 2
    2 points
  17. What happened to Greenday.fm forum?
    1 point
  18. Had an awful dream they released strange days are here to stay and it sounded like rnb new Jack swing music woke up in a pool of sweat lol
    1 point
  19. So the young actors wasn‘t for something like a documentary or movie about them. I guess we will never know
    1 point
  20. Only the 4 tracks demos and When It’s Time
    1 point
  21. Foam makes me feel good, as does a lot of really dark, twisted music. I think when Billie said this, he could have meant bad in a good way, or simply meant he wants to make people feel emotions with the songs. It's hard to explain, but when he said it, I got what he meant.
    1 point
  22. Thanks for that, really appreciate the link. Love the Billie Joe Zombie t-shirt. Ordered it. Great price £15. Available same day album released. Also 4 other GD t-shirts all for £15. Ordered the Kerplunk flower-in-a-pot as well, need to replace old one. Now comes the hard bit, telling the missus after I've ordered them. Oh shit.
    1 point
  23. This album will be their best album of all time. But how to preceed going forward? Will Green Day continue to use this perfect Dookiot Blend? Americookie. Damerici Oodiot.
    1 point
  24. Billie Joe Armstrong Explains Why Green Day Has Avoided Political Music As of Late https://consequence.net/2023/11/green-day-political-music/
    1 point
  25. So true!!! They didn't seem like themselves when they promoted FOAM. Like when Billie said, "I hate long songs!". And their description of the title track, "Nothing says 'fuck you' like a unicorn!" Like, what does that even mean?!?!?!? And top of that, they cared more about the Hella Mega Tour than the album itself!!
    1 point
  26. Things I want for my holiday wishlist: Toronto, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York (I think Pittsburgh would probably be too much to hope for)
    1 point
  27. Is it time for our US cousins to get excited…. https://instagram.com/stories/billiejoearmstrong/3242932511344134560?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== for those without IG #hellatinytouramerica.
    1 point
  28. Not really news but not really a random thought either so putting this really cool birthday cake in here
    1 point
  29. I think the Twilight soundtrack is my least favourite Green Day promo move of all time Same for both singles
    1 point
  30. A few surprise bits of info this time. Billie Joe does most of the talking as usual. Tre has a couple of interesting points to share. Then right at the end, mr quite man himself Mike issues a stunner. "Put the work in, and care about the song. People may not love every song, but they're gonna love a lot of it, if you put the effort in and time, give a shit and do it right." Woohoo! Holy shit. What an amazing statement. That says it all, what more can you ask for. That's what it's all about. Thats what GD are about. Nice one Mike. Love it, love it, love it. The vibes I'm getting off the band in these interviews, is telling me this Saviors album is gonna be huge.
    1 point
  31. Father to a Son is definitely a single
    1 point
  32. Yeah, writing time doesn’t have anything to do when it was actually recorded. Both things we’ve heard about that song’s creation can be true at once. I’m REALLY pumped that they’re intending to play more off of Dookie and AI than normal as a celebration of those anniversaries. I think there’s a chance the Saviors Tour could give us a serious setlist shakeup for the first time in many years.
    1 point
  33. I've listened to the ones about the new songs and At the Library so far. I enjoy it so much I'll even allow the continued use of my namesake for the podcast. Green Dudes. Very nice.
    1 point
  34. Do we have a thread for links to interviews? As we are entering into to more promo, etc, it would be great to have a promo thread where we could put links to radio shows, interviews, print, etc. Sometimes I notice we start a new thread when there is one, but it would be cool to have them all in one place. Thoughts?
    1 point
  35. For me RR's last song is Forever Now. This is a must-skip, I'm afraid.
    1 point
  36. I'm sorry but "Billie loves his son" would absolutely not make it acceptable for Billie to publicly release a pro-Joey song at this point. Nobody is asking or expecting him to hate or disown his own son, he can fawn over Joey in private all he wants, but to publicly release a song praising him on the first GD album after the issue was revealed after not addressing or calling out his son's behaviour at all would not only be tone deaf but also downright insulting to Lydia and other victims of grooming/coercion/child abuse. It'd be a complete slap in the face to fans who have unfortunately had to experience something like that, especially since Billie/GD have presented themselves as supporters of women and victims their entire career. I'm really not expecting the song to be about Joey, mainly because I don't think anyone involved in this project would be dumb enough and/or outright cruel enough to let that happen, but on the off chance it does turn out to be, that will be me done with this band.
    1 point
  37. Holy Toledo is a banger. The best song of the entire era. Here Comes The Shock is an embarrassment.
    1 point
  38. Some new Green Day shirts from Danny Clinch the photographer https://clinchcollections.com/products/green-day-men-1 https://clinchcollections.com/products/green-day-men Very cool but $84 each! Or £68 each if you're in the UK
    0 points
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