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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Clearly Billie needs to check with everyone in here before he writes a song so we can tell him which words he can and can not use. Collectively we all must be better song writers than him!
    12 points
  2. I can’t believe periods still make people uncomfortable in 2023. It’s just part of life.
    10 points
  3. I would like to undestand why everybody seems to hate social media references on lyrics, what is the problem?
    9 points
  4. I watched TikTok every day for a year. It was the worst my mental health has *ever* been by far. I think it is so dangerous for our emotional regulation, our attention spans, and our ability to distinguish between what matters on social media versus IRL. Not to mention the horrifying group think mentality on there. I was an adult experiencing all these terrible side effects of using it daily and finally figured out I needed to stop in order to feel better. What the heck does it do to kids and teens who use it and aren’t old enough to understand how it is negatively impacting them? I hate to sound like an old lady, but I genuinely do worry about what its long term impact will be on our society. I agree that Billie lumped it in with taxes because it’s just part of American life now.
    7 points
  5. I take the TikTok reference alongside taxes to mean social media is a permanent thing now, an update on death and taxes.
    6 points
  6. I can! That's why there's Advil. 😉
    6 points
  7. Billie Joe has always used words to get people to pay attention and I guess always will. There is nothing wrong with the word “paedophile” in itself, it’s the behaviour it describes which is unacceptable, there is a huge difference. I don’t see anything wrong with him using TikTok, the worst is it may date the song slightly but that’s not a big issue.
    6 points
  8. I get the TikTok line. I’m not in pro-banning anything camp, but there’s plenty wrong with using TikTok and social media in general.
    5 points
  9. I interpret the line 'She's old enough to bleed now' as symbolizing the end of childhood innocence, implying that she can now perceive the harsh realities of the world, which her parents can no longer shield her from. It's akin to saying, 'You are now old enough to understand how much the world can hurt you'. Absolutely nothing to me. The TikTok reference shows a connection with the present. I absolutely loved that. It showd they weren't dinosaurs anchored to the past
    5 points
  10. Everyone's situation is different. I don't think you can make a blanket statement like that. Some people can afford it and are comfortable with that. Some can afford it but still don't want to pay for their own reasons and situations. Others can't afford it all even with a job. I understand things increase in price especially with inflation but that doesn't mean people have to like it or support it with their dollars.
    5 points
  11. 4 points
  12. The Drama Queen and paedophile lyrics are both good as far as my opinion goes. The argument ‘they could’ve replaced the word with [less emphatic word]’ shows why they didn’t 🤷🏼‍♂️ Use a strong word to make a statement. If anyone interprets it as ‘we’re actually paedophiles’ then that’s obviously idiotic, and any other take on it must be acknowledging that it’s a metaphor, so why is it uncomfortable? (Or, rather, it’s SUPPOSED to be uncomfortable). As for Drama Queen, it’s not my favourite song but again I think it’s quite a well written metaphor, it’s not like Billie is just pointing and saying ‘LOOK! PERIODS!’ for a laugh…
    4 points
  13. Get back on topic now, please. Talk about the album.
    4 points
  14. Okay I am gonna borrow this from Billie from now on. I am a pedophile for this chocolate, I gotta stop eating them
    3 points
  15. Pretty sure father to son is related to Billie writing a letter to his father during therapy while in rehab so i think that’s what the song is about a conversation that sadly never happened or a letter to his father
    3 points
  16. idunno. drama queen, nightlife and troublemaker have some real lyrical gems that make me slightly more uncomfortable
    3 points
  17. It's kind of on topic because the word Pedophile is in TADIKM
    3 points
  18. The band has nothing to do with this. This topic is for the new album and new songs. So, please, stop, you and your crusade. It's not nice to see words like Pedophile thrown on a topic that should be about music. And if you really know what a Pedophile is, I think you should stop using such a word so lightly. Again, please stop.
    3 points
  19. But even if "Father To A Son" is a dedication to Joey, why should you care? Billie loves his son...Both his sons, but surely also Joey. He didn't start hating him after the Lydia story. And stop saying pedophile. Pedophiles are different things. Rapes are different things. And, to conclude, thank goodness Billie is a smart man and hasn't disowned his son. Thanks to all your hatred, they've become even closer!
    3 points
  20. Even if the "TikTok and Taxes" thing is just a play on death and taxes and saying "social media has become a permanent thing" in the same way that death and taxes are, doesn't stop it from seeming out of place in the song. Like, look at what rest of the verse seems to be talking about: immigrants, unemployment, homelessness. Then "TikTok and Taxes" is just sandwiched between these things. It doesn't fit there
    2 points
  21. Conservatives specifically single out TikTok for hatred because it’s GenZ’s app of choice for organizing against them politically. It’s a big reason behind why they wanted it banned.
    2 points
  22. Drama Queen sure. It's a lot harder to sing along or vibe with a song that repeats the phrase "She's old enough to bleed now" over and over again But Nightlife and Troublemaker just have some dumb/nonsensical lyrics, they don't really make me uncomfortable. Plus all the nonsense lyrics in Nightlife are mostly just from Lady Cobra and Troublemaker is honestly fine outside of the 2nd verse
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. Whatever, can you please stop? This has nothing to do with the album. And it's getting annoying. This topic has been exhausted a lot of time ago. If you want to go on talking about this, create another topic. If you have some kind of frustration about your life to vent, try with the gym or another leisure time activity. Thanks.
    2 points
  25. Wow, we fucked up. Should've just pooled a bunch of GDCers together for this ... that sounds great! Have fun!
    2 points
  26. So, I haven’t been to any live events in nearly four years now. I have medical issues that require me to continue being COVID-cautious. It was a no-brainer to skip Hella Mega because it was rescheduled quite early into the pandemic and just wasn’t possible for me. But it’s going to be 2024, and I haven’t seen Green Day since 2017. I miss them like hell and just felt like I can’t *not* see them. Pre-COVID, I was always of the mindset that live events were one thing I felt willing to splurge on, because they’re special opportunities and you never know how long it’ll be before a band you love tours again, if ever. All this to say I booked a fucking suite so that I can see them over the summer as safely as possible. 😂 It’s an outdoor venue and suites are on their own private level, so I feel really good about it safety-wise. Did I break the bank? Mmhmm. Does the gentleman I dealt with to book it think I’m a deranged fangirl? 100%, and he’s correct about that. But I haven’t spent money on anything fun for nearly four years. I am SO FUCKING EXCITED! I booked it with my family who have similarly skipped out on events these last few years and we feel really lucky we were able to make this happen.
    2 points
  27. Cell phones in general. We are addicted to them and the powers that be know that. So they've made it more addictive and made it a money making monopoly just like everything else in life. What if Saviors is fake and the album is actually called 1972? It will contain American Dream and Look Mommy, I Do Not Have Any Brain Matter but everything else is different.
    1 point
  28. Totally with you and have no idea why we’re meant to care what some random thinks. Vocal coaches etc, other musicians can be quite interesting but a lot of these folks just like the sound of their own voices.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Sad to see my outro lyrics never made the official cut. I could have been the manly cobra to this nightlife.
    1 point
  31. Might be a stretch but I just know Lydia plays telecasters from following the band. Maybe he just needed a rhyme
    1 point
  32. Hopefully soon. Time to start Xmas shopping.
    1 point
  33. Wonder if we will get more merch. It’s barebones right now.
    1 point
  34. Yeah but when you don't want to see any of the other bands it's like somebody upselling you a car with features you don't want. Wow, is that even an advertised option? How many people can it fit? That's going to be awesome! At this point that sounds like it might be a decent deal, compared to the seat/pit prices per person.
    1 point
  35. You’re welcome to move here and run for office. I’d vote for you
    1 point
  36. Finally someone says it. Those who are perfectly content paying 200 plus dollars a ticket to see Green Day, clearly have plenty of disposable income and live in a different tax bracket than most Green Day fans. Nothing wrong with that. If you have 200 bucks to burn on a concert ticket, go ahead. But that ironically enough is the entire theme of this record.; the average Joe getting screwed more and more. The prices of this tour directly contradict that whole message they wanted to send. THAT is a slap in the face. But I digress...... To me it's just gonna feel weird that for the first time since I've been listening to this band, I'm not gonna get to see them live, two album tours in a row now. Because they've priced me out of tickets. 🤐 I'm still a fan. Always will be. I will still buy their album in January. Life goes on.....
    1 point
  37. And plus fees. Tickets in Chicago were 159 for most seats yet throw in the fees and suddenly its over $200. Some folks are fine with paying that price. Others aren't or can't especially a package tour like this.
    1 point
  38. It's so easy to get lost in GD's awesome sound, and inadvertently missing the message in most if not all of Billie Joe's amazing song lyrics. I don't think dropping out of school has had any detrimental effect on his use of the English language. Billie Joe is one of the cleverest and foremost songwriters of our time and deserves a far wider acclaim. I really enjoy just picking up my printout of all his lyrics and just read them away from the music. From the early 90's, whether he's writing about girls, friends, or family relationships, or about himself and the emotional effects of the ups and downs of daily life, his heart and soul are in those words. And very importantly his lyrics form a connection with the reader/listener thereby being able to relate to the message in those lyrics. In later albums, his songwriting has included fictional stories and views on political and significant issues of our time. There's always a purpose and meaning to his writing, no matter how obscure. And only Billie Joe would come up with the words 'Bada bing, bada bing, bada boom' in the song OEB and it works. Imho, I don't there's anyone around to touch him for putting meaningful words into song.
    1 point
  39. I hope so too. Oh Love might not have been as successful as the AI/21CBD singles but it also wasn’t a failure. That song was all over the radio when it came out, at least here in Germany. My girlfriend didn’t know much about Green Day and she instantly recognized the song when I played it. I think the band is often concerned that audiences don’t know the deep cuts (even though Oh Love was a single and can’t really be considered a deep cut), which is why they refrain from playing these songs to bigger audiences. But I honestly don’t think that would be the case with this one because it’s relatively well known and is also a nice sing-along song.
    1 point
  40. I really agree with this. The recorded version is ok, maybe too bland, but the live versions were really awesome, and the break after the solo really helped to create momentum in the show. I hope they can manage to put Oh Love back in the set for that only reason. On the other hand, this topic really made me go into the memory lane and I started to record covers of the trilogy. And that felt awesome. I love those songs so much
    1 point
  41. I like Oh Love better live than on the album, I think it’s very soulful, as is Oh Love which is a good song but a bad single I thought.
    1 point
  42. The back vocal from 1981 (Goodbye, Farewell) sound a lot like Foo Fighters, Monkey Wrench (fall in, fall out)
    1 point
  43. I see this a lot with tours lately. It seems to be the norm for there to be multiple pre sales: email, Spotify, credit cards, live Nation etc. it's so tiring. I remember the days where you had to be a Idiot Fan Club member to get pre sale access and if you weren't, best of luck in the general sales.
    1 point
  44. Oh damn, I hope they feel better soon! Definitely the responsible choice if they’re contagious or still needing rest, though. (Also, I hope this hushes the people who were acting like the band canceled Friday’s performance because someone had a minor boo-boo 🙄).
    1 point
  45. These are the ones I look forward to most. *Strange Days Are Here to Stay - is quite reminiscent—in both tempo and more—of Basket Case *Goodnight Adeline - merges When I Come Around and the subsequent Armstrongian power ballads *Coma City - has a fantastic, memorable tail, stopping just short of a rock opera *Bobby Sox - It starts with slow voice and accordion-like guitar chords, a bit sloppy. After a couple of rounds, the full band kicks in with a very aggressive sound. Billie Joe himself delivers an almost metal vocal performance in the chorus, very gritty, almost Chester Bennington-like (RIP), something rarely heard from him in the past. The song itself is fun and catchy, with hints of Weezer in its demeanor and arrangement. Father to a Son - The most moving piece of the album. It relies on a very acoustic accompaniment (acoustic guitar, piano, strings) and non-trivial harmonic progressions. The almost Beatlesque string section repeats a beautiful ostinato. And Rob asks: 'Are you ready to make rock and roll history again?'
    1 point
  46. Now I'm really interested to hear Bobby Sox. Surprised to read Saviors isn't worth of commentaries though.
    1 point
  47. Sweet 16 for me! I heavily listened to this song when I was really depressed and going through it. Felt like Billie was singing to me only by mentioning a girl with brown eyes and brown skin. The trilogy, especially Uno, has a special place in my heart. ❤️
    1 point
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