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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2023 in all areas

  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzZRer7OjoB/?igshid=YjVjNjZkNmFjNg== lyrics and reviews of the upcoming songs on the album! https://www.instagram.com/p/CzZSm0ptdYW/?igshid=YjVjNjZkNmFjNg==
    16 points
  2. I think one of my favourite things about Green Day was how “accessible” they were. I genuinely always felt they were a band with a special connection with their fans. This whole ordeal is just so disappointing.
    14 points
  3. The irony also isn't lost on me that their lead single from this album is about how nobody can afford the "American Dream" anymore.
    13 points
  4. Seriously fuck this tour and fuck Hella Mega. Prices are ridiculous and pit is already sold out. I DON'T WANT 3 BIG BANDS TOGETHER I JUST WANT GREEN DAY AND A FIRST ACT
    12 points
  5. In between refreshes I decided to do my Duolingo for the day. I think I should take this as a hint.
    11 points
  6. Yeah, it’s a little song called “Homecoming” off the 2004 album American Idiot. Not sure if you’ve heard of it.
    10 points
  7. I think he may always write about addiction, perhaps not regularly, but it’s something he has to deal with. I agree that he looks happy and healthy right now, long may that continue.
    9 points
  8. I mean, he was very open about the fact that he was drinking again during the FOAM era. In interviews he was basically like “I’m not sober anymore but I’m fine, let the good times roll!” He was also very drunk at a number of side project shows. I actually took a break from them during that time because it just seemed like things weren’t…great. But I’ve noticed in recent months that he appears to be sticking to non-alcoholic stuff and that makes me really happy. I know, he’s a grown man and I don’t know him and it’s his business, but I just really enjoy seeing him clear and sharp and healthy, and he seems like all those things right now. TL;DR I’m not surprised he’s talking about struggling with addiction on this album due to the vibes surrounding FOAM, but I’m also not presently worried about it because he seems to be doing well.
    9 points
  9. So I struggled to get to the right page because Wrigley has their own site and I don't think I can do this. 400 for 2 tix to skip most of the lineup in seats that are okay at best. I'm really disappointed. It's been too long since I've seen them. I've skipped them the last 2 times they came to Chicago and I wanted to take my partner who has never seen them because it's a super fun show. I'm trying not to cave into fomo and just wait closer to the show to get them resell. If more pit or floor seats open on Friday I'll consider it but as much as I want to see them and as much as I have fomo seeing other folks get their Tix I can't swing it and I really shouldn't with my finances right now.
    7 points
  10. 7 points
  11. Pains me but I might skip this tour or maybe just wait a few months for discounted resales. $100 without fees for nosebleeds a mile from the stage lol. I paid $120 for a spot in Hella Mega that is $230 now. Always want to see them because you never know when it will be the last tour, but this is too much, especially when the set list will likely be the same-ish. I’ve seen them at better venues, closer seats, and better shows for insanely less.
    7 points
  12. Fuck this tour. Fuck Ticketmaster. I'm ashamed at what I paid for a floor seat.
    7 points
  13. This is surreal. Back in May we got the devastating news that the new album wouldn't be released till '24. There was the prospect that '23 would be a barren year for GD fans. Now look, news songs, were getting spoilt rotten with all these live shows, with amazing sets and vintage performances from the band. Fingers crossed I'm off to London to see Green Day live again. Who would have believed this just a few months ago. I think I'm gonna go fuckin' crazy. Whether the album is gonna sell a lot of records or live up the quality of previous albums, one thing is deffo for sure. Green Day have always been, still are, and always will be the bestest live band to see and enjoy on this planet, nay in the universe. Looking at what we've had so far from the live shows, below is my fav' clip. Billie Joe is on fire. Every time I see him, he's looking younger. Must be something to do with the music. lol
    7 points
  14. 7 points
  15. I paid $75 for House of Blues in Cleveland. Like ... what am I even doing, nothing will top that ever.
    6 points
  16. Spotify streams for TADIKM Day 1 - 248k Day 2 - 487k (+239k) Day 3 - 663k (+176k) Day 4 - 1,078k (+415k) Day 5 - 1,313k (+235k) Day 6 - 1,495k (+182k) Day 7 - 1,718k (+223k) Day 8 - 1,911k (+193k) Day 9 - 2,085k (+174k) Day 10 - 2,336k (+251k) Day 11 - 2,534k (+198k) Day 12 - 2,669k (+135k) Day 13 - 2,788k (+119k) Day 14 - 2,927k (+139k) Spotify streams for LMNB Day 1 - 137k Day 2 - 469k (+332k) Day 3 - 636k (+167k) Day 4 - 770k (+134k) Day 5 - 930k (+160k)
    6 points
  17. If anyone wants to try their luck again tomorrow with the Live Nation presale the code is BACKSTAGE
    5 points
  18. Yall see the most expensive package? Private acoustic performance by smashing pumpkins lol if it were Green Day, I’d be willing to pay the price
    5 points
  19. I think its possible GD's album beating Blink's album if they are both nominated. We haven't heard the whole GD album yet so I wouldn't say 'no way its possible GDs album beating Blink's in the Grammys'.
    5 points
  20. It’s pretty messed up how I’m getting paid more than I ever have in my career… but I’m struggling to justify one show near me, when there was a time where we were going to at least 5 shows a tour all over NA and it was easy to swing. Life is weird, man. Can The Longshot just come back? They wouldn’t do us dirty like this…
    5 points
  21. Well my fellow west coasters…. It’s almost our turn to start crying…. 😭 (Breathes)
    5 points
  22. I have to disagree here. You can blame ticketmaster and corporate greed for the prices since ticketmaster is a monopoly they can do whatwver they want and I do not think it is lazy of the band it's gracious it gives these bands a chance to shine including the European leg groups who will get exposure by being with green day. I also thought the amount of time they played last time was just enough time
    5 points
  23. It's disgusting how expensive tickets are even for the upper deck. I'm old enough to remember pit tickets for Green Day shows were under $100 when it was just them and an opener. Ugh. Do we think there's any possibility of a club tour in the US before all of this? Or is that wishful thinking?
    5 points
  24. Spotify streams for TADIKM Day 1 - 248k Day 2 - 487k (+239k) Day 3 - 663k (+176k) Day 4 - 1,078k (+415k) Day 5 - 1,313k (+235k) Day 6 - 1,495k (+182k) Day 7 - 1,718k (+223k) Day 8 - 1,911k (+193k) Day 9 - 2,085k (+174k) Day 10 - 2,336k (+251k) Day 11 - 2,534k (+198k) Day 12 - 2,669k (+135k) Day 13 - 2,788k (+119k) Day 14 - 2,927k (+139k) Spotify streams for LMNB Day 1 - 137k Day 2 - 469k (+332k) Day 3 - 636k (+167k) Day 4 - 770k (+134k) Day 5 - 930k (+160k)
    5 points
  25. He heard our demands for more eyeliner
    5 points
  26. Trying for Pittsburgh pit tickets tomorrow. Already asking my parents to make good on that “free babysitting for life” promise, now that I’m giving them a grandkid. They aren’t surprised this is my first reason why ... though my dad continues to make jokes about how “old” the band is and how he can’t believe they’re still touring, when he’s 57.
    5 points
  27. The thing that annoys me is not releasing all of a particular sale's tickets all at one time. Release them all at 10am, not a quarter then, a quarter 90 mins later, etc. I'd rather not be refreshing on my computer all day.
    4 points
  28. Spotify streams for TADIKM Day 1 - 248k Day 2 - 487k (+239k) Day 3 - 663k (+176k) Day 4 - 1,078k (+415k) Day 5 - 1,313k (+235k) Day 6 - 1,495k (+182k) Day 7 - 1,718k (+223k) Day 8 - 1,911k (+193k) Day 9 - 2,085k (+174k) Day 10 - 2,336k (+251k) Day 11 - 2,534k (+198k) Day 12 - 2,669k (+135k) Day 13 - 2,788k (+119k) Day 14 - 2,927k (+139k) Day 15 - 3,074k (+147k) Spotify streams for LMNB Day 1 - 137k Day 2 - 469k (+332k) Day 3 - 636k (+167k) Day 4 - 770k (+134k) Day 5 - 930k (+160k) Day 6 - 1,089k (+159k)
    4 points
  29. Ik you should always be skeptical about these things but there are absolutely things here that are almost certainly true. Like all the selected lyrics and the lyrical themes mentioned, the fact that Fancy Sauce finishes with a long instrumental section. It's not like whoever wrote this just didn't realise that Billie was singing during that instrumental The article seems to describe the instrumentals and content of the song pretty well. It's not just vague "this sounds like old Green Day" or "this is the new JOS" type shit
    4 points
  30. Wasn't Outlaws described as the sequel to Christie Road? I just went digging through my old magazines and was reading the stuff leading up to FOAM and man did Kerrang reference Junkies On A High a lot.
    4 points
  31. Absolutely not reading these. Every single time I've read crap like this I get unrealistic expectations of the songs... like when we got descriptions of a bunch of tracks from 21stCB, I then went into the album with expectations. Or what was it about Ashley on Dos.... something like the song is so fast it's surprising fingers weren't broken playing or recording it? And then Bang Bang reminding the reviewer of Kerplunk. Fucking bullshit.
    4 points
  32. Slightly concerning how many references there appear to be to addiction. I like a lot of the lyrics they highlighted, especially on Bobby Sox
    4 points
  33. Wow this is amazing . I think this deserves its own Thread
    4 points
  34. Calling all saviors pit Tix secured. How long can I go without food? Fuck you, groceries.
    4 points
  35. 4 points
  36. When did I get so bad at buying tickets?? We used to do so well!
    4 points
  37. *Green Day suddenly announces club show in Oslo*
    4 points
  38. Got tickets to Paris, Manchester, Glasgow and London. I'm officially broke. 😄😅
    4 points
  39. Im exremely happy because I have been able to buy 4 Tickets for the golden circle in Berlin 🙂 Usually I never succeed with Ticketmaster that site is just aweful. But this time I was redirected right away at 09:30 GMT and everything went smooth. Im so glad I did it because it will be my first Green Day concert after beeing a fan for 30 years. Unfortunatelly I missed them so many times. ...BUT NOT THIS TIME...
    4 points
  40. My sister got us tickets for Wembley (at the front) Pricey but only concerts we go to are Green Day once every couple years and we've been to some bargain ones in the past so it's not that bad. Last time seeing them there in 2010 was amazing so can't wait! Also there's a brick somewhere on "Wembley Way" that commemorates that show and GDC that a lot of us clubbed together to buy back in the day (at the time you could pay to have a brick there inscribed with a message). No idea where it is but nice to know it's there.
    4 points
  41. Why are you such a disrespectful little shit?
    4 points
  42. Is it a polka dit shirt or scarf? I got 21CBD vibes from this! ❤️❤️❤️
    4 points
  43. Omggg eye liner AND polka dot shirt? Pinch me 🤣
    4 points
  44. Why are tickets in the USA so absurdly more expensive than in Europe? This is ridiculous.
    3 points
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