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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2023 in all areas

  1. I appreciate seeing the stream counts and chart positions I’m a nerd for that stuff. What I don’t care about is comparing them to other pop punk bands and making it appear as though Green Day are lacking in some way and aren’t one of the biggest rock legends in the world that’s still performing right now.
    13 points
  2. So I might be the only one who likes this video more than the first one ?? It's so basic and simple but seeing the three of them play together in a small room just made so happy
    13 points
  3. Fancy Sauce is the longest song on the album fuck yeah I am so ready for Tre Cool to sing the words 'fancy sauce' in 70 different languages for 4 minutes straight.
    9 points
  4. The album length is 45:55 according to Qobuz. https://www.qobuz.com/us-en/album/saviors-green-day/qq8o9smt7wfdc
    9 points
  5. You can’t really compare the numbers of 2012 with that of 2023. That was a different era, AI wasn’t even ten years old and 21CBD had a massively successful single with 21 Guns. Naturally, the interest in new Green Day music was bigger than it is today. Plus, rock music was still getting more mainstream attention than it does today. I wouldn’t say the song is doing terribly, and the video is already up to 1,4 million views, so it will definitely hit two million soon. Of course their new material isn’t as popular as the old stuff, but many big rock bands are facing similar issues. I’m happy as long as the music is good and the fans are happy, and that seems to be the case.
    8 points
  6. Spotify streams for TADIKM Day 1 - 248k Day 2 - 487k (+239k) Day 3 - 663k (+176k) Day 4 - 1,078k (+415k) Day 5 - 1,313k (+235k) Day 6 - 1,495k (+182k) Day 7 - 1,718k (+223k) Day 8 - 1,911k (+193k) Day 9 - 2,085k (+174k) Day 10 - 2,336k (+251k) Spotify streams for LMNB Day 1 - 137,275 A new high for TADIKM in terms of streams, right after a low point the previous day. That increase probably comes from following LMNB on Spotify. LMNB on the other hand has a much lower start than TADIKM, probably to be expected since it's not the lead single
    7 points
  7. I'm honestly happy not to have a 6-9 minute multi-part track. With 6 minute tracks like Dirty Rotten Bastards or Forever Now, they can be their own thing but the band making a 9 minute track is just asking for it to be compared with Jesus of Suburbia and/or Homecoming. And that's only going to result in supremely high expectations that won't be met. In general, I'm happy seeing the lengths of these songs. No songs around or over 5 minutes means that there probably aren't going to be songs that overstay their welcome too much. Not too many super short unfinished songs like FOAMF. Even Look Ma No Brains, the shortest song of the album seems more complete than most of the songs on FOAMF. Most of the tracks are in a good 3-4 minute range
    6 points
  8. Ok, well with this new information some stats for yall: So far we've heard 4/15 songs, amounting to a total length of 11:10 minutes, albeit only 6:09 minutes of officially released material in finalised studio quality. This means, we've heard roughly a quarter of the album so far, or a little over a 7th of it if you only include official releases in finalised studio quality. Could be worse, really. There's quite a lot to still look forward too. More than half an hour of material to be exact. That's already more than the entire length of FOAM. More than the running-time of Insomniac or Kerplunk even.
    6 points
  9. I HAD to make these gifs after watching that video. How does Billie look exactly like he did 10+ years ago? Obviously it's not the makeup because he's always been all dolled up for music videos and concerts (at least AI on). Clearly he's just an anomaly. Anyway, feast your eyes!
    6 points
  10. I am going to say yet again that I am disappointed that they are making this a muti-band act again. It's not Hella Mega! This is supposed to be a Green Day tour. Why can't they keep it to one opener and then Green Day? Are they worried about not selling enough seats? If so, do an arena tour instead. I don't get why they keep pushing the stadium thing. I will still go, but it's just exhausting and so fucking anxiety inducing for me to have to deal with that size of a venue. I already have anxiety about purchasing tickets, which is going to be hell again because fuck ticket master. I assume that the stadium shows are more expensive too, than if they played smaller venues. I could be wrong, though. I'm not really sure how that works.
    6 points
  11. Numbers are down ‘cos I’ve been too busy last few days, will get them back up by Sunday night 😂😂
    5 points
  12. But the songs aren't all really short like most of FOAMF. That should mean that they're more complete songs even if there aren't any long/multi-part songs. 9/15 songs are at least 3 minutes long. And another 3 are almost 3 minutes long. I'm ok with that This site should be credible, right? Cause it's a music store
    5 points
  13. I very nearly skipped all of Hella Mega for this reason. I had zero interest in seeing FOB or Weezer, and told myself that I didn’t want anything to do with the gimmick package tour. Then I went to the Chicago show on a whim, purchasing a ticket the day of… then went to Minneapolis, and then to Milwaukee. It ended up being my favorite three week stretch of the year, and I had so much fun. Go out and see the boys while they’re still at the top of their game.
    5 points
  14. Chris Dugan just posted a story where he thanks RAK studios (so it was one of the early six) and credits RC as producer, himself and Duncan Fuller as engineers https://instagram.com/stories/duganchris/3228005816824328531?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    5 points
  15. You're hired! You can keep an eye out and make sure Kevin isn't coming to protect Billie. We'll give you a special here comes Kevin whistle and me and @Montclare will rush in to handle it.
    5 points
  16. I don't see anything wrong with talking about how the song is performing on a forum thread about the song. I'm just comparing the performance of the song on all the rock charts it charted on. Canada Rock was one of the 4 rock charts it charted on that I know of.
    5 points
  17. You guys are spending way too much time with stats lol Is the song good? Yes. So what if the number aren't that good on Spotify and Youtube? yeah but sum41 and blink are doing better boo-ooh Don't caaaaaaare And who cares about the chart positions for Canada Rock 😂
    5 points
  18. Debut chart positions for TADIKM compared to previous lead singles Rock & Alternative airplay (https://www.billboard.com/artist/green-day/chart-history/rka/) TADIKM - 4 Father of All - 3 Bang Bang - 9 Oh Love - 1 Know Your Enemy - 1 Mainstream Rock airplay (https://www.billboard.com/artist/green-day/chart-history/rka/) TADIKM - 20 Father of All - 14 Bang Bang - 17 Oh Love - 13 Know Your Enemy - 19 Alternative airplay (https://www.billboard.com/artist/green-day/chart-history/mrt/) TADIKM - 13 Father of All - 13 Bang Bang - 16 Oh Love - 7 Know Your Enemy - 8 Canada Rock (https://www.billboard.com/artist/green-day/chart-history/car/) TADIKM - 12 Father of All - 9 Bang Bang - 12 Oh Love - 11 Know Your Enemy - 10 Hot Rock & Alternative Songs (https://www.billboard.com/artist/green-day/chart-history/ark/) TADIKM - Did not chart Father of All - 9 Bang Bang - 8 Oh Love - 1 Know Your Enemy - 1 (chart didn't exist until weeks after KYE's release) TADIKM performs not far off how the other lead singles post-AI performed on most of these charts. The exception is the final chart where TADIKM is the only one of these lead singles not to chart. This is also the only chart to take into account factors other than airplay like streaming, digital downloads as well as radio airplay, whereas the other charts only take airplay into account. So the conclusion to take here is Green Day is continuing to perform well in terms of airplay on rock radio. But in terms of streaming and digital downloads, they're not doing well enough to even chart
    5 points
  19. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzJW3CRNDhP/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    5 points
  20. Love seeing these stats. Thanks for keeping up with this!
    5 points
  21. This song has the fun vibe they described for FOAM but actually executed well. Two great songs back to back. I'm extremely hopeful for this album now.
    5 points
  22. LMNB is the kind of song Billie can write in his sleep these days, but that doesn't make it bad or simple. He's just gotten so good at the two minute power pop song and yes it's very Longshot and that's what I love about it. I still think the Longshot songs should have been Green Day songs and this is a good example of what that would have sounded like.
    5 points
  23. Spotify streams for TADIKM Day 1 - 248k Day 2 - 487k (+239k) Day 3 - 663k (+176k) Day 4 - 1,078k (+415k) Day 5 - 1,313k (+235k) Day 6 - 1,495k (+182k) Day 7 - 1,718k (+223k) Day 8 - 1,911k (+193k) Day 9 - 2,085k (+174k) A new low for the single but only slightly. Still a consistent performance since its release. Look Ma, No Brains spotify streams hasn't yet updated as it hasn't been a full day since its spotify release but I will post an update on both songs when it does
    5 points
  24. I like that they have them both in the same place so I can now stream both songs on a loop
    4 points
  25. It is so cool how TADIKM is being treated differently by Austria's biggest radio station in comparison to the singles Bang Bang (played not a single time since its release) and Father of All (played only one time in the middle of the night). Today in the morning they announced that Green Day will play Nova Rock festival in the radio show with probably the most daily listeners nationwide and shortly after, they played TADIKM and they announced it as Green Day's next "Oberhit", or in english their next "top hit".
    4 points
  26. Dang it! I missed this mission meeting while being sick. soo... um... I guess I'll be look out for security!
    4 points
  27. No. At least not based on what we know now. Someone posted the album credits a ways back, and Kevin isn’t credited. Mike said in his latest interview that, during the writing process the band got into a room and arranged the songs by playing through them. It’s possible that Kevin was present for some of those arrangements. Or, that clip was taken during a rehearsal/practice leading up to a show.
    4 points
  28. I think people are listening to the song more outside of YouTube though. I can't tell if that was the case with Oh Love in 2012 but streaming was much less of a thing. You would expect a higher proportion of listeners to listen on YouTube than Spotify back then. But TADIKM has 2 million streams on spotify. It might just be a case of more options, less youtube views. Also is that 1 million views related to the music video or lyric video? Cause the lyric video was released first What exactly could the band have done to announce the album/song "as loud as possible". They teased, they posted to their social medias, they announced a tour. Really, the only thing that they really need to be doing that they aren't is performing on TV imo
    4 points
  29. A band is never truly irrelevant as long as someone is listening. Connecting through their message or through whatever way the listener connects with the music can be an important thing.
    4 points
  30. Listening right now. I think Mike has caught Billie's ya knows.
    4 points
  31. Loving the Don't Panic, Dont Panic part of the song. It's pretty much my everyday mantra 🤣
    4 points
  32. I think the biggest issue the band constantly faces is, a lot of the community always expect an album full of "epic" songs when in reality you can only write what you can write and are inspired to write. Look Ma is a super catchy song which will feature heavily in the rotation for mine but we have been SOOOOOOO blessed with such a large catalogue of songs which I think can be overlooked at times.
    4 points
  33. Thing is, what's the likelihood of a demo being exactly as long as the final song (to the second even)? I hope I'm wrong ofc, though I personally did not mind OEB. But it does sound different to what we've otherwise heard from Saviors. Most of all production-wise tbh. Hard to put my finger on it, but the leak was missing the classic "Cavallo" touch. This makes me think the final song will sound different, even if perhaps only marginally.
    3 points
  34. East Jesus Nowhere has had handclaps as well. And the version of OEB we heard was clearly a demo. So every single instrument could sound different than in the demo.
    3 points
  35. It’s a bummer that there’s no multi-part song, as I was hoping for something similar to Homecoming or Forever Now. But judging the quality of a song based on its length is just as pointless as judging it based on its title. 45 minutes is still long enough for me and there’s lots of new material to look forward to. However, I do hope they reworked OEB. I’m not a fan oh the song because it sound too FOAMy, but that’s subjective. The riff, however, clearly sounds like P!nk, and the hand claps are just annoying.
    3 points
  36. Honestly I’m kinda ok with this, and ok that this album may not have characters/deep concept. If it does/did all we would do is talk about how it falls short of JOS/Homecoming or AI/21CB. The probability of replicating that energy is low but that’s ok. These songs sound better than FOAMF and the band is excited - there for so am I no matter how long the album or it’s tracks are!
    3 points
  37. I have a picture of a very confused Billie with one eye done and hair half done as we run out.
    3 points
  38. That would be so great. I still hope for an arena tour in fall/winter. We need more than six solo shows in Europe 😄
    3 points
  39. Yeah I think theres some story there. I think this goes back to the RAK sessions? The 2019 is weird too. That would be Foam sessions right?
    3 points
  40. It wouldn't surprise me if Butch does end up being credited if they started doing a bit of work with him at the beginning before they got Rob to be their producer again. Like maybe just for a couple tracks or something. Like OEB, since that demo seemed to sound a lot like FOAMF with how Billie's vocals sounded, the hand claps etc.
    3 points
  41. Love this fan made bracelet
    3 points
  42. There are plenty of videos on TikTok from the second trip. Like the one where they say, "Making records!" "FUCK YEAH!" "This is what we do!!!!"
    3 points
  43. based on daily streams, was TADIKM not suposed to be on top 10 on spotify? i dont know how these things work rn on lastfm TADIKM is on top 7
    3 points
  44. I can't wait to see the interviews where they explain the recording process. Hopefully they touch on this
    3 points
  45. Not sure I hear The Longshot vibes people are hearing. Song is growing on me and I think I'll like it more once I'm listening to the album in its entirety.
    3 points
  46. Again for me, really maddening timing for everything, I have very little spare time just now but I love LMNB, the video is cool and definitely giving me old school GD vibes. I really think the album is going to evoke vintage GD at the least.
    3 points
  47. First listen impressions: Instantly got some Maria vibes at the beginning of the song, followed by Nimrod vibes, followed by Trilogy vibes, specifically Ashley with the tiniest bit of Insomniac sprinkled throughout. I love the sound and I like the song. Just like TADIKM, I think this one does quite a lot in it's short running time and I think it will take a few more listens for it to really grow on me. I was really surprised by how long it took before I heard the main chorus and then how quickly it came back again and then just finished but I do think it's really awesome that some of these songs seem to be switching up traditional song structures for something a bit more unexpected.
    3 points
  48. 3 points
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