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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2023 in all areas

  1. Nothing’s worse than musical gate keeping and music elitism. That’s way more cringe than a line about TikTok.
    14 points
  2. Whether you find it to be or not doesn't change the fact that 21stCB is a concept album.
    12 points
  3. The line about TikTok isn't even that stupid. It fits the song and the verse in question very well. Fight me.
    10 points
  4. I haven't even listened to it. Idc if it's good or not. Just don't be an asshole, that's all I'm saying Anyone who hears a cover of a song and then bases their opinion on the original song on the the performance of whoever is covering is an idiot and shouldn't listen to music
    9 points
  5. YouTube reaction thumbnails are one of humanity's worst ever creations.
    9 points
  6. I really doubt it tbh. Unless it's Dookie kind of old school (which it's not), then I don't see people flocking to that song. If anything, it's more Shenanigans / Nimrod deep cuts kind of old school which isn't really the kind of sound that everyone's been waiting for GD to return to. And tbh it's really not even that similar to that sound. It still sounds like modern Green Day in some ways. Really I don't see them releasing a single that performs any better than TADIKM which should be appealing people who wanted a return to the AI/21CB type of sound I think in recent times, people just have much higher standards for Green Day than for any other rock band or pop punk band that was more popular in the 90's and/or 00's. Like, Sum 41 released a song called Landmines and it's the most basic pop punk shit that you can imagine. It would've been generic pop punk back in the 00's. But nobody seems to care that it's mediocre as hell. GD release a genuinely good song and still there's a lot of people who aren't happy with it. FOAMF was a pretty shit album tbf but I feel like the reception it got would've been much kinder if almost any other band had released it. Modern GD has kind of become a punching bag. So much so that everything since AI kind of gets painted with the same brush even though they've released genuinely great songs and albums since then. 21CB is my favourite album and I hate how it gets lumped in with the trilogy and FOAMF. Even I think some people who actually like TADIKM just kind of dismiss modern Green Day by saying "This is the best GD song since American Idiot" which I mean, sure if that's your opinion that's fine but I honestly think there are many songs from 2008 onwards that I'd put over TADIKM even if I still like TADIKM. What I can say about TADIKM is it's better than anything on FOAMF and better than most of RevRad imo
    9 points
  7. I think one of the best parts of this song is that Billie does that "chaaaaa" sound right before the solo. You know what sound I'm talking about. It's all over Shoplifter and most of the songs on American Idiot.
    9 points
  8. My friend and I just launched our podcast, Green Dudes. We're going through Green Day's discography song-by-song. For everyone here who wants to hear even more of my opinions. 100 percent uncut podcasting. No Swedish producers or whatever. Should be on most major podcast platforms. We talk about TADIKM in the introduction episode, and then jump right into At The Library after. Hoping we get some hate-listeners lol. https://redcircle.com/shows/837a696b-9c63-4c80-a051-8efa31bda841
    9 points
  9. The TikTok line is fine. People are just programmed to hate any mention of social media in songs even if it's relevant. Yes, I get that it can date the songs. But TikTok is going to be around for much longer. This is not going to date the song any more than Holiday dates itself to the Iraq war or 21CB dates itself to the 21st century
    8 points
  10. I watched the video and I cringed Bringing up the old billboard for foam Comparing old green day with new green day Being relived that trump wasn't mentioned as if green day have mentioned him in a song before (apart from side projects) Saying he would give the song an 8/10 if it didn't have the tiktok line in it Ugh 😆 Nothing more cringe that than a 40 something year old dude who acts like a punk rock pruist 😆
    8 points
  11. Why are we still doing blink v green day? Who cares? Imo both bands are great at what they do. They've both released kick ass music. Let's just enjoy it.
    7 points
  12. I'm late to this, but I would totally love to see Billie or Tre on hot ones and the band on Conan O'Brien's podcast. He just released an episode with Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic and the producer for In Utero, and I thought it was really interesting!
    7 points
  13. It amazes me how many people don’t know about this song. Now that American Dream is out all people talk about is how much they hate FOAM and that it’s good to finally have Green Day “back” and I honestly think Holy Toledo doesn’t get the credit it deserves. This song was very fun and catchy and a big step up from what people didn’t like about FOAM.
    7 points
  14. They don't do a disservice. I'm sure the band loves when people cover their songs, regardless of whether they're great covers or not. Grow up and don't be a jackass to people. Again, you're not criticising someone, you're just insulting them. "Awful" isn't constructive
    6 points
  15. It's gotten more views in a couple of days than the RARAN Live from Hella Mega has gotten in 2 years. Yet another sign to retire that song.
    6 points
  16. Playing the devil's advocate here, Holiday can still work nowadays. It's not like the USA has stopped bombing places since then (and they won't stop anytime soon, it's their whole shtick). And... well, I'm willing to bet the 21st Century will stick around a little while longer than TikTok. But even if the TikTok line does date the song more than these examples... so what? I don't see how that's such a big deal. It's just one element representing a social media/trend currently popular among younger generations. Conservatives often express discontent about these trends, similar to their complaints about immigrants (the 'huddled masses') and taxes. In the future people will hear this line and just replace "TikTok" with whatever the new target of conservatives happens to be. The song won't be ruined and unlistenable. It's just such a non-issue lol
    6 points
  17. Love the song and music video! It's been in my head all day. I'm so happy they are back to themselves and everyone is loving the beginning of this new era. Such an exciting time to be a green day fan
    6 points
  18. I'm hoping they'll be back on Colbert at some point. Zane Lowe too, he always does good in-depth interviews with them.
    6 points
  19. Spotify streams for TADIKM Day 1 - 248k Day 2 - 487k (239k) Day 2 had slightly less plays than day 1. Hopefully the listens will pick up
    5 points
  20. Just stop being an asshole to people on here you do that all the time
    5 points
  21. Just heard it on the radio for the first time, sounded really good.
    5 points
  22. I don’t know if this is going to steal anyone’s thunder but a new Beatles song is being released November 2. Can you imagine announcing a single and a massive tour and getting upstaged by The BEATLES in 2023??
    5 points
  23. Why do you have to be so obnoxious to people? Can't you just let people do what they like to do without criticizing them? I'm sure people aren't posting covers of songs to be shit on by people like you
    5 points
  24. I agree with you the Green Day seem to have more to live up to than many bands, I think it’s that so much of their music is so high quality (describe that if you can) that if people feel it dips a little or doesn’t appeal to them (possibly the same thing?) they get slammed. It’s like when you read articles saying how badly they were failing between Dookie and AI and I think really, how many bands would give their right arm for those sales!
    5 points
  25. 21CB is a concept album. It also has elements that make it a rock opera like characters but there isn't really a "story", at least not one you can follow which I think was a good idea. I think AI kind of suffers a bit by trying to tell a linear coherent story whereas 21CB just kind of has the appearance of having an actual story but really there's just things happening and characters that are basically just representation of Billie (Christian & Gloria) and/or his wife (sometimes Gloria i.e. LNOE, LOTAG) or just working people suffering. AI has 3 songs in a row that are entirely dedicated to St. Jimmy and Whatsername's relationship but if you're not interested in the "story" of the album, then this is kind of wasted space. Don't get me wrong, AI is still a 10/10 album but I think I'm in the minority of people that prefer how 21CB handles its concept, themes, characters and "story", which is to focus on them less. I think the 21CB songs work on their own whereas on AI, the non-singles kind of need to be heard in the context of the album to be properly understood Idk how you can consider Act 2 mid. With the exception of LOTAG which is still good, that entire Act is peak
    5 points
  26. I don’t know, I’ve only heard positive comments so far, apart from people criticizing the TikTok line (which is kind of silly, that doesn’t make the song itself bad). It’s definitely getting a better reception than anything from FOAM. I also don’t think that the numbers are bad. It’s successful for a rock song, but it’s never going to be as popular as a pop or rap song. That’s just the way it is. Green Day has more monthly listeners on Spotify than almost any other rock band. I think they’re doing fine.
    5 points
  27. I will just post the quick sketch I did back in like 2013 of Zombillie that I really want to turn into a proper drawing now. I never even got to his head, but you can tell from the clothes and proportions that it's him. I don't know when I'll get to it, but I feel obligated now!
    5 points
  28. Me too, regarding Zane. He realized an 1 hour and 20 min interview with blink 182 last week. I’d love Green Day. I could see it too. I remember when he interviewed them on BBC right before the Trilogy came out billie Joe played some snippets of unreleased tracks, like they were t supposed to. It sounded so fun.
    5 points
  29. Only Puddle Of Mudd could top this cover. Special effects - 1/5. Commentary 1.3/5. Cover - i barfed.
    4 points
  30. Signed CD order from Zia got canceled, as expected... was meant to be in-store obly...
    4 points
  31. Something tells me the band wouldn’t mind their second single release being upstaged on the day by A FREAKING NEW BEATLES SONG. If you’re gonna get bumped by someone…
    4 points
  32. I think Father to Son will be beautiful, epic and a huge success
    4 points
  33. Nah, they were usually chatting with the director and other production folks. I thought about saying something, but I think it would have been awkward and that’s the last thing I wanted 😆. I don’t know the correlation, but from various comments I’ve seen around the interwebs from non fans, the reception for the song appears lukewarm at best (not that I care, this band has always had an absurd number of haters who will never come around). So while us here are quite happy, I think we need to accept that the masses really don’t care about it (oh well, their loss).
    4 points
  34. I have another story to tell before getting to the "you know you're a green day fan when..." part. So... it all starts with approximately 400 tarantulas being confiscated at SeaTac airport after they were illegally trafficked into the country. Some of the poor things had died already, but the living were taken under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife. The department tried to send as many as possible to accredited zoos and other educational organizations, but there were just too many and the remaining 224 spiders ended up at the Washington State University veterinary hospital. At this point, Fish and Wildlife was basically like "Okay well as long as they are going to a place where they will be used for outreach or something that's good enough. We just need them re-homed." Long story short, I helped pick up about 30 tarantulas today from the vet hospital to distribute to people and some to keep as part of my department's teaching collection and now I have one too. Anyway, you know you're a Green Day fan when you name your new little baby tarantula Gloria, after the 21CB character. Here is a picture of her. I will spoiler it for those who don't like spiders.
    4 points
  35. Watched the full music video last night and yes, as expected, somehow Billie is hot even as a zombie
    4 points
  36. He woke up in a pool of blood / he ate their brains then ate their guts.... He smelled for you He smelled for you
    3 points
  37. Agreed. Green Day, Blink, Offspring, Nofx, Rancid, My Chemical Romance, Bad Religion, Weezer all have their own characteristics and all have their own sound. No big similarities between their songs. All have their own way of storytelling. Its really unnecessary to compare one to another. Do we always need to make a list between artists or compare their popularity? You know who is popular now? Taylor Swift... What do we do now? What does it even mean? Times change. What is most popular today is tomorrow's forgotten. So please please enjoy the moment and please stop comparing. All are good in their own terms.
    3 points
  38. It's far, far superior to anything on FOAMF. It's a return to form I genuinely didn't think was possible, in truth. I thought they'd run out of ideas. It's the biggest earworm they've put out in years. Production-wise it's the best they've ever sounded, and it's setting unrealistic expectations for the album. 😆
    3 points
  39. We haven't talked about that album description enough. Do the albums come with free weed? I thought the song about me made it on the album but Billie said the Suzie Chapstick one fit better for the influencer segment of the album, 😄 Yoga retreats. Alt right. Dating apps. Masks. Mental health. Climate change. Social media divison, Oligarchs, fentanyl and fragility. Interesting. American Dream touches on mental health and oligarchs, I guess.
    3 points
  40. It's been a few years since subscribers was the main point of entry for videos on YT. This is no longer the case, unfortunately. It definitely helps but what shows up on the home feed for subscribers is largely dependent on what's trending + the user's current result of the algorithm. There is the subscription tab but a relatively small portion of the user base uses this for their daily viewing needs. Instead most of the views will come in through the algorithm which is why clickbait titles and thumbnails are a necessary evil for even the largest channels. A couple of larger channels made videos talking about this (LTT, Veritasium etc) and how clickbait is unreasonably effective. It's absolutely the case with Green Day here as well.
    3 points
  41. I’m not a fan of spiders either but she’s little and fluffy (for now). It great that you’re giving her a home and that the other spiders are taken care of too.
    3 points
  42. I agree I adore this song. When it came out I played it on an endless loop it’s a lot of fun. It may be another party song but it had dynamics to it and wasn’t underwritten or repetitive. It gave me hope that good things were still to come
    3 points
  43. Big head, tiny body just like husky puppies! 🥹
    3 points
  44. So sad Letterman ain't a thing anymore, those performances were true gems, especially Tre behaving like an unhinged child Also, who else here would love to see another SNL performance?
    3 points
  45. Surprised there are no interviews with the band about the new record. Maybe next week? Amazon show is tomorrow at least. Wonder when TV promo will start.
    3 points
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