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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2023 in all areas

  1. Yes, and that’s really cool. I love his enthusiasm and how big of a fan he is.
    26 points
  2. Seriously this just got me VERY VERY excited. CALLING ALL SAVIORS? That really solidifies what this new era is about to bring. Reminds me of 21CBD with Heroes and Cons. The American Dream is Killing Me? American Dream? Calling all Saviors? Zombies? No way this isn't a concept album. We've already got a theme being laid out for us and this show being labeled as 'Calling all Saviors' really cements the idea that they are playing into a concept. Words cannot describe how ready I am for this. This moment right here....this moment has been a fucking pipe dream the more time has gone on. To hear Billie Joe's vocals sound abso-FUCKING-lutely phenomenal, a big and powerful sound right out of 2004-2009 era, to know that it's going to get political, the overall production just being a chef's kiss, the excitement to hear a story being told with lyrics that are going to be connected to the overall picture, FUCK I'M SO READY. Yea, I could be jumping the gun but this just feels right. Everything feels right. It's the opposite of how it felt when FOAM was being rolled out, just a rollercoaster of WTFs and cringing until we finally got........that album. The wait feels good, right now feels good. I'm enjoying the hell out of this!! CAN I GET ANOTHER AMEN?!
    16 points
  3. Are they waiting for a year that ends with a 4 because that's how they get successful records?
    13 points
  4. 12 points
  5. Don't Mind me... i'm just curious.
    12 points
  6. 11 points
  7. This is how we find out we're living in a simulation and there's a line of code somewhere that reads something like 'IF 'release_year* LIKE '***4' = album_go_boom.'
    10 points
  8. Have you…listened to Green Day before? 😂
    9 points
  9. Maybe the zombie theme is suggesting Green Day are back from the dead after years and years of changing their sound and writing fairly average albums
    9 points
  10. Playing with Ultra Q? Awww! I wish I could be at that show. Not only does it sound like a wholesome family affair, Ultra Q is fun live.
    9 points
  11. If the new song leak at the secret show do you guys think GDFan will make a cover and post it in this thread?
    9 points
  12. words cannot describe the feeling of downloading a flac file on my slow ass internet, fixing it to be the exact correct pitch based on the first three songs, settling in to listen, and being met with "who's holding the drugs"
    9 points
  13. Am I the only one that doesn't want this to leak? We've been waiting two years and the song will be here in a week's time.
    9 points
  14. Green Day saying to not forget to wear our best zombie look, makeup and attire for tomorrow not so secret show. They're going to play TADIKM for sure. Tomorrow, a new Green Day song will be heard 🔥
    8 points
  15. 8 points
  16. Really hoping the pink color sticks for the graphics of the new era! 😁
    8 points
  17. I can't wait! We'll finally be able to hear the reworked version of OEB.
    8 points
  18. @greenday.stuff has also been given a 24-hour timeout. Carry on ... civilly, please. This is the most Green Day news we've gotten in a long while and let's not spoil it by fighting.
    8 points
  19. 7 points
  20. Not sure where you were in 09 but GD played 21cb in whole in 09. I was able to get some clips at the time so I heard quite a bit of the album before it came out. Then they legally leaked it a week prior and honestly I was even more hyped. Those early live versions were great to hear how some of the songs were put together but when we finally got to the real recorded versions it really brought those arrangements to life. It would be cool to go through this again. I love Jakob as a person. I love the music he makes and his influences. I just hope people dont try and slam him and saying he’s riding off his dad and shit. He’s a good dude and just wants to play his music. You can see he does have integrity. And so what he’s playing a show with his father? Theyre both rock stars! What would Wolfie do? I never liked Joey’s handling of the GD thing. Billie was a producer of his albums early on and a backer of his band. His whole thing was “We know who my dad is let’s not talk about it”. It’s an easy answer dude, we grew up with those records and were affiliated with the east bay scene. I grew up with music around me and I’m thankful for that. I’m happy to have the opportunity to now share what I do with the world.
    7 points
  21. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
    7 points
  22. @ekim I've just issued a warning point and if you don't knock it off you'll be suspended. Stop with the insults and off-topic posts. If you want to complain about another band go spam their social media accounts.
    7 points
  23. Don't worry. I'm sure there will be some Haushinka inspired songs for you to enjoy
    6 points
  24. I hope we get a making of the album documentary!!! All the teasers looked like they were documentary clips!!! I can't wait to see how 1972 turned into this!!!
    6 points
  25. I went from most hated to most loved on the forum within seconds @EmmaCharlatan&Saints shoutout to the one and only who hated me through everything ❤️ thats not trolling its actually not on the record Im so disappointed in GDC tonight Everyone’s morals go out the window over one small leak? I am beyond disappointed… you guys should see the things that were offered to me in my dms…
    6 points
  26. The thought of you going through the hassle to set up a proper listen to inevitability be let down is sort of hilarious.
    6 points
  27. Just takes away from the moment on release a little bit if everybody has already heard it - it's fun when it drops and we all react together imo
    6 points
  28. Another note; I’m loving how the vibe of this track seems like it’s going to lean more into the protest sound with the marching drums, call to action lyrics, and easy to sing along with melodies. Reminds me of all of the things I love about “Minority” 😁
    5 points
  29. New snippet is so money. The guitar riff just hits so hard and Billie’s melody is catchy as fuck.
    5 points
  30. Production-wise it does sound amazing, but I didn’t get excited with the last two teasers as much as I did with the one with the guitar intro ☹️ I was expecting something at least a little more fast paced but that’s 100% on me
    5 points
  31. One of the many reasons I'm looking forward to an official album announcement is we get to create a new thread and finally put an end to this one Only a few days left...
    5 points
  32. 5 points
  33. I made a thread for the secret show. Things are going to start getting lost around here with so much going on
    5 points
  34. https://www.seetickets.us/wafform.aspx?_act=eventtickets&_pky=572065&fbclid=PAAaaEhhfuvdRUpDpdHVz5QaVO8zPK9oZDhASr9Duz_cm62dh-r6_HCbGl6_8_aem_AQF9Rmbt4ndiTienJTnLuAtbJno108bmX5LUuKzCWRYx7Wu9-BJ7YkM6z9W04Qz4XBk the show is titled “Calling all Saviors: Green Day”
    5 points
  35. I managed to snag the TV Model Double Cutaway Les Paul Junior for just over 6,000 shipped. I panicked when the Flag Junior posted for 12 grand. It was just too much for my blood at this point in time. I can post photos if anybody is interested. I'm ecstatic.
    5 points
  36. The album debuted at number 1 in the UK charts..
    5 points
  37. "The record will be their first in four years, following their 2020 chart topper Father of All Motherf**kers." Chart topper??? lol
    5 points
  38. Found this on Twitter: https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/24435058/green-day-album-uk-tour-2024-american-dream/ says album out Jan 2024 with a UK summer tour
    5 points
  39. Honestly that’s all I want to know — just enough to be hyped 🫡
    5 points
  40. Starting to think this guy writes blink-182's lyrics
    5 points
  41. This video is a total bloodbath
    4 points
  42. Holy crap it just keeps getting better. 🥰
    4 points
  43. I could see “Calling All Saviours” being like Song of the Century. A call to action, a short semi-song that establishes the world of the album. “Calling all saviours, if you hear, take caution. The infected are surrounding us, it’s not safe. The *static* -rican drea *static* -ead” BANG- into TADIKM
    4 points
  44. Had the white junior in my cart and got hit with a payment error. Wow. super bummed, had waited years for this opportunity
    4 points
  45. They ate 50 eggs each and are now at full power and firing on all cylinders.
    4 points
  46. You can't just come in here and do this to us without providing more info...
    4 points
  47. hey look more lyrics! (at least i assume)
    4 points
  48. Can you stop being obnoxious? Like seriously
    4 points
  49. *opens my door to seeing a trick or treater dressed like a zombie on Halloween* whoa sick Green Day reference kid
    4 points
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