Why would anything be announced on Easter? That would be a weird ass day to announce a new album, no? I think we are looking to far into the Easter emojis, they likely used those emojis because Easter is around the corner and no other hidden reason
Wait, didn't this album come out on December 8th, 2021?
It probably tanked because we're all on GDC speculating when we should be over on spotify streaming the everloving poop out of it!
^ I thought the same thing about So Good Right Now by FOB.
I listened to Rev Rad the other day. 2016/2017 were good years for me, and Rev Rad reminds me of this when I listen to it. 2023 has been a good year so far for me- maybe in years to come I'll be listening to 1972 and being reminded of 2023.
I'm not quite sure I agree with that. Green Day is at the fortunate point in their career where they don't need the promise of playing new music to draw a crowd and any smart group of folks organizing and running a music festival should know this.
Are from the record company? How do you use pictures here? Why is infantile amnesia a thing? Is this is light? Sorry, I have a four year old with me and I can't think.
1972 will 82% have a pure blue background. and stripes. Kind of like a fades t-shirt.
Oh no, he's asking if that is me making that face, haha.