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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2023 in all areas

  1. Yeah the single will come with the pre-order of the new album + tickets for the tour. Everything will come very quick. I'm not an insider but this week I've got so much information about Green Day it's crazy. Thanks to my friends working at the festival.
    15 points
  2. OMG is this actual news we’re getting? I can’t believe it! That would mean the album will be announced this spring (for fall release)? There would have to be a single to go with the announcement, and maybe more than one out before summer, something they could play on tour! I feel like @GDFan2019 😂 Where are you Joe? Time to freak out!!!!!
    13 points
  3. No it's not an April Fool prank and no it's not speculation it's what I've heard. I don't know the "when" but as soon as we get a single (before June I guess) everything gonna come together.
    12 points
  4. So if they’re touring in June, a single has to be coming in the next few months you’d think.
    9 points
  5. After 340 pages, we finally found a light
    8 points
  6. I've said everything I know so far. It's not much but I feel like it's actual news. Still no official release date so you guys can keep the "this friday" going.
    7 points
  7. I’ll believe it when I see it.
    7 points
  8. They are officially touring between June and September. I'm not gonna put the source because it's in french but when our festival signed Green Day to come, it's because they received an email from their management saying they're touring and asking if anything were free in July around the 10-16.
    6 points
  9. Thanks for sharing. It’s hard to trust online but this is making me very excited so I’m going to roll with it lol
    5 points
  10. I wonder when the guys will make the announcement!!! @Little Boy Named Booze this better not be an April Fool’s prank! 😆
    5 points
  11. Gonna remain skeptical until more proof (but im still excited) Long live green day
    4 points
  12. How about April 20th for the lead single, wouldn't that be a green day?
    4 points
  13. I never thought I would say It one day but... thanks, Canada!
    4 points
  14. Can you confirm that the lead single indeed is a revamped version of Here Comes The Shock? That would be absolutely the most hilarious shit ever.
    4 points
  15. There are many, but I think the pinnacle of my embarrassing Green Day moments is when I got onstage, went the wrong way, fell over and looked like a zombie crawling out of a grave when I got up. But it was also my best Green Day moment so it's a happily embarrassing one I thought a dookie was a hoodie for some reason... and I did have internet access then. I also thought Minnesota was some kind of twirling technique (we weren't taught anything about the modern US in British schools then) and "Minnesota Girl" meant Adrienne was really into twirling. I can at least blame that on lack of internet access. We won't talk about what a lot of fans thought "holds my malachite so tight" meant.
    4 points
  16. So as of now they have nothing on for April-June. Just two festivals in mid July, one in September, and a two day festival in October. That’s it for 2023. They could easily have a tour scheduled around that. If not, with only two shows scheduled between now and September it’s going to be awfully boring for the next six months. There has to be something else in all that time.
    4 points
  17. I just want to hear a new song in July when they will come in Quebec.
    4 points
  18. Wisconsin / Québec is really fast in airplane but that's a good point maybe they start their tour in Canada on July 16th. I really don't know honestly. Don't wanna speculate anything. I'm the new sanity loan ladies and gentlemen. Well I was for a day.
    3 points
  19. The gig was for somewhere between July 10-16, not June. Officially the show is July 16th. But yeah GD management said to the festival manager that Green Day will be touring during this period around Canada. So unless they START their tour in Canada, I guess the tour will start around June. It's not a french website it's literally the FEQ manager. So what I hope for is for them playing in an arena in Quebec during that time too. Because I don't think the setlist is the same during a festival and a indoor event. Now I'm dreaming of seeing them 2 times in the same week.
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. Never guess it would have been because of them playing in Quebec 😁
    3 points
  22. I’m hoping any ticket sales don’t happen until week of April 17 at the earliest. That’s the soonest I’m free to buy tickets. Let the stress of sales and concert dates begin! 😬😬😬
    3 points
  23. So the fact that they said they were touring this summer and looking to fill dates with festivals while in the area doesn’t convince you it’s a full tour?
    3 points
  24. Three months. It's been three freaking months. That's how long the Green Day store has been giving me the run around. After firing off a FIFTH message this time asking to cancel my order, I suddenly get a message that says my order has shipped. Unbelievable. I really hope to never deal with their store again because it fucking sucks. Shipping delays, that are never stated up front, high shipping fees, high prices in general, and poor communication. Screw that.
    3 points
  25. No I don‘t speak french but interesting fact. If it‘s true they should announce it at least in april because of the short time to sell their tickets if they start touring 2 months later 😕
    3 points
  26. I'm still embarrassed to admit something that happened back in '94. In Feb' that year I got my hands on Dookie full of excitement. My first question though was, wtf's a Dookie? My only defence was back then in Liverpool, well everywhere really, there's no internet, social media, Google, nothing. In April the awesome Offspring album Smash came out. My first question was, wtf's a dweeb? Thought it was a cool word so started calling everyone a dweeb. Fortunately, a soon found out what Dookie means. If I'd started calling everyone a Dookie I would have been in erm, erm, deep shit. Which I was when everyone found out what a dweeb meant. 😁
    3 points
  27. When I was 17, I went to visit my uncle, my aunt and my cousins. At that time, it was summer, to be more specific first days of January (I'm from Chile, just in case). My cousins were younger than me, and they used to like to go to the beach. So, we went to a beach called "Centinella", in a southern city from Chile called "Puerto Octay". I remember at that age I hated going to the beach, so I asked to my uncle to stay in his car in the parking lot, just to listen to some music. Well, my uncle had no problem to my request and I recorded Nimrod from my CD to a cassette in order to play the tape in the car radio. So, I was alone in the car, I started to listen to Nimrod and I "played the drums", sat in the driver's seat. At the moment I was listening, or I mean "playing the drums", Haushinka... I saw an old man who was the guard of the parking lot, LAUGHING how I was "playing the drums" inside my uncle's car. I felt so embarrased!! 😅🤣
    3 points
  28. Its weird that a management company influence in a tracklist order Miley Cyrus too
    3 points
  29. I'm not telling you to trust me. I'm telling you to trust my friend. And he don't drink
    2 points
  30. What do you mean? Edit: Oh just saw greenday.fm And July 16th is in Quebec City not Montreal I hate being compared to Montreal 😂 I'M FROM QUEBEC CITY 🔥🔥
    2 points
  31. I’m watching this info take on a life of its own on other sites. You wouldn’t believe how much you know now 😄
    2 points
  32. That's what I'm saying! I understand if items aren't ready or if there are shipping delays, but tell me that up front. Don't keep me in the dark wondering what happened especially when other people start saying they got their orders. I know lots of people want to support bands and buy from their own stores, but issues like this is what drives people away. This isn't the first time they've done this. Last time I ordered something, didn't hear anything, threaten to cancel, whoop my package suddenly has an update. It shouldn't take me saying please cancel my order to actually get some movement on the package. The only good experiences I've had with band store is PUP (they had awesome customer service!) and Turnstile. Green Day has a terrible store. Creeper has an awful store. And AFI has a pretty crappy/overpriced store too.
    2 points
  33. So excited! Thanks Quebec! Thanks Canada!
    2 points
  34. Very interesting how everything changes from week to week 😂
    2 points
  35. If you're not kidding, maybe the single will be out May 4th? Bc it'll be Mike's 51st. (also I personally want it out either then or April 10th if they release it earlier)
    2 points
  36. Is that first part speculation or have you actually heard something?
    2 points
  37. They should at least have kept you informed and up to date about delays. When merchandise is on offer there may be only a limited number of items available, or none at all. The usual practice is see how many orders they get first then manufacture. Particularly if various sizes are involved say a t-shirt. Suppliers don't want to make loads first then have loads of stock that no one wants. You can usually sus things out when ordering stuff and it says allow X number of weeks for shipping. Then you know there's no stock held. But it's no excuse. The order site should have explained this is advance. Also, the customer service was crap. If you're worth your salt at selling, the goods must be quality, with full customer support and logistics service. If not, no one will come back again and you go bust.
    2 points
  38. Yeah that’s how I read it.
    2 points
  39. Are there any band sites that are good about merch? I've rarely ever done it, but I had a lot of issues with Against Me's store. They send me the wrong shirt...3 times! Finally got in contact with a really awesome person and they figured the problem on their end and let me keep all four shirts for the price of one. I wonder who is in charge of that stuff.
    2 points
  40. Do we have any evidence they aren't?
    2 points
  41. Happy birthday @Montclare. Hope you've had a wonderful day 🎂
    2 points
  42. So hopefully that means maybe a single in July or August?
    2 points
  43. I think they will follow a similar path this time.
    2 points
  44. GD is always so unpredictable but we assume recording should be finished (?) and its just mixing/mastering etc whats left? i dont think GD want to sit too long on a finished lp, but i understand they might wait for a good spot in time to release the next album
    2 points
  45. Personally can’t wait for all the “announcement coming on X day” posts to turn into “hope the tour comes to X city” posts. They grow up so fast.
    1 point
  46. My bad haha. I should have double checked. I fixed it
    1 point
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