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  1. That was before The Network album came out and I assumed that’s what he was secretly referring to
    7 points
  2. I don't think those tracks are indicative of what the album's gonna sound like. Those tracks are... just fine. But I don't see them as album tracks and I think GD knows that. FOAMF was an experiment, this album seems like it's going to be more of a "Green Day" album. Whether it's good or bad, idk. I'm not gonna get my hopes too high and disappoint myself but I wouldn't be too pessimistic about the album either. A Green Day album doesn't need to sound ""ambitious"" to be good. I know they've been busy doing other things this year but I don't think they've been recording this album for over a year just to release some dog shit product
    3 points
  3. I want there to be a song called Ford Fairlane with a video starring Andrew Dice Clay doing goofy old man shit
    2 points
  4. LMFAO!!! 😆 But in all seriousness, with all these American Idiot vibes we're getting, along with American Idiot references from the band themselves in the teasers, I'm really hoping this is going to be a new rock opera, featuring characters and events based on Billie and his childhood
    2 points
  5. 1972 should reveal that St. Jimmy was catfished by Amanda, putting a different spin on the whole Idiot story. She wasn't as authentic as he thought. Maybe he was the authentic one after all. Now he's traveled through time with the help of The Network and he's landed in 1972 South Carolina where he plans on tearing up the town with positivity. But a stranger in the shadows might just ruin all of space and time forever now.
    2 points
  6. I don't expect anything big from this album honestly. They're not as ambitious as they used to be , like with AI & 21stCBD. Now Billie just throws out whatever the hell comes to his mind. With recent tracks like pollyana and holy Toledo ,we can see what direction they're going with this one. Yeah it's gona suck donkey balls
    2 points
  7. Oh my lord chill out! I just meant that they tried to use a bunch of amp sims and left the classic Green Day sound Im quite aware of how to make music as well, no reason to go producer snob on someone - that’s a fantastic way to get people to ignore your point
    2 points
  8. Possibly. The band also wasn't taking itself seriously though at that time. Maybe not a troll album but it's not too serious of a release either. Don't forget the ketchup font.
    2 points
  9. 1,039-Dookie= A New Hope. Smaller budget with young actors but they pulled off a one in a million! Insomniac-warning= Empire Strikes Back. The darkest period for the band. Idiot-21CB= Return of the Jedi. Reviving their career with a bang using all of their training, they destroyed the musical empire with these releases!
    2 points
  10. It feels like 1972 is going to be Triogy-esque, and I'm really excited about that. Like Uno and Tre had a baby and that baby listened to a TON of American Idiot. Maybe even some warning and nimrod. and also, the baby snuck out and listened to FOAM.
    1 point
  11. Exactly what I was thinking!!!
    1 point
  12. Anyone have a link to that interview?
    1 point
  13. Didn't Billie say in an interview in the last few years that the new songs he was working on were "funny" or something like that? I'd be interested to see if anything like that appears on this album
    1 point
  14. Green Day posted their last TikTok to Instagram as well https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ck9EJvfu-gV/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
    1 point
  15. We have a TikTok thread that’s 8 pages 😉
    1 point
  16. Just when I thought I couldn't love Mike any more. That's great. How did I not know this was a thing? Omg.
    1 point
  17. I thought that was Jack Black for a sec there 😅
    1 point
  18. If anything I think this will happen before any new releases. But what gets me is they had a chance already to feature something for the new Nimrod anniversary release and they didn’t even do that
    1 point
  19. Twice on the 21CB tour as well
    1 point
  20. Rush evolved their sound in the 80's but it didn't make their sound better than the sound they had in the 70's. Green Day has gotten worse as a band over time. It's normal considering where they are in their career. We can try and reason with it but I don't think that changes anything. I still enjoy their music despite the decline.
    1 point
  21. In '94, when Billie played the encore in his bare azzzz Don't know you, only seen you around the community in recently weeks. Nevertheless, cancer is ugly and I'm happy it's behind you.
    1 point
  22. And "Nothing says 'fuck you' like a unicorn!"
    1 point
  23. I think Mike's wife was diagnosed and fighting cancer at that time.
    1 point
  24. I'm trying to remember, what kind of medical issues? Because Billie was already in rehab at the end of 2012
    1 point
  25. Very interesting analogy. We need one for Trek though, because Trek beats Wars... Always.
    1 point
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