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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2022 in all areas

  1. Green Day have that special sauce down when it comes to their shows that always sets them apart, and seeing them at Hella Mega alongside other bands that are just good in a typical way at putting on a show really highlights that difference. Everything got kicked up a notch when they came out and it has everything to do with the way Billie connects with the audience both individually with eye contact, taking flags, wearing hats, sunglasses, etc. and inviting fans up and as a group with commands throughout the show to participate making it interactive. Plus his energy is off the charts.
    12 points
  2. "Green Day should stop playing their most successful album's singles because I've bored myself with watching tour videos on YouTube all day." Hot take.
    8 points
  3. I would have loved to have seen them play songs from the Trilogy, RevRad, or different songs from AI rather than the go to ones (I soooo miss Whatsername, GMN, and Letterbomb). I was really glad to see St. Jimmy and 21 Guns make a return, though. Yeah, it wasn't a perfect setlist, but it was still amazing to see them again. I was also annoyed that it wasn't just a GD tour, but I'll take what I can get.
    8 points
  4. I wasn’t keen on the HM concept and it wasn’t my preferred set list but that doesn’t make it a bad set list, in fact it seemed to me that 36000 people loved every minute of it. They were great, I sometimes think (between shows) that I have built up how good they are live in my head but then, when I see them again I remember just how good they are.
    8 points
  5. It always would've been a greatest hits setlist. It's a coheadlining tour, all three bands did greatest hits because that's what works for that type of show. It means fans of all three bands (as well as people who just want to see three big bands live) can really get into every set. I would've been bored if Weezer and Fall Out Boy hadn't played their hits, I imagine the same goes for fans of those bands watching Green Day. Not to mention the many Green Day fans seeing them for the first time who also want to see the hits. Playing deep cuts or a lot of new songs no one knows on this tour would've been dumb, it's not the place for it. How can you really say it's a boring tour when you didn't attend a show and you're judging solely by the setlist? There's a lot more to what makes a show good or bad than just the setlist. Also they surprised us with a cover of All the Young Dudes in London. I wasn't expecting to see anything I hadn't before but got two new covers (that and Rock and Roll all Nite) plus a cool drum solo thing from Tre that I'd also never seen, and the whole show was great.
    8 points
  6. I just want to comment on the assertion that you saw the full show on YouTube and concluded the tour was boring. There is a world of difference between watching a video of a live act and seeing it in person. What makes these shows exciting is the live energy no matter what they play. I think we all learned during the pandemic that Zoom meetings and online learning are no substitute for human interaction because the screen cuts off that energy that gives us what we need for social connection and its the same with live shows. You can’t even compare the two. When I saw Green Day live, I was having so much fun singing, dancing and watching the performance I honestly didn’t care what they played, even though I agree it’s boring to watch a hundred live videos of American Idiot or Minority.
    5 points
  7. I will never give up hope for TTMAC. I hope Billie at least plays it with one of his side projects some day. And bring back Bang Bang. Was really surprised they dropped that one. Would replace KYE quite nicely.
    4 points
  8. I want them to change it up more so I can justify going to more shows goddamnit
    3 points
  9. Actually is not that simple. most of us who complain about their set only complain because GD is a band full of great albuns that go way beyond the successful singles. We don't want them to stop playing any hit live, we just want them to do more with all the good songs they put out over the years. We want more songs on the set, and not that they remove Basket Case, idiot and JOS from it. Or at least, if they keep with this stage time, that they chenge a little bit from night to night
    3 points
  10. I would loooooove it if they brought back some Trilogy and 21CB songs and threw in some FOAM. Take the Money and Crawl and MMOTR would be awesome live!
    3 points
  11. I still think Hella Mega was a Crush thing (I don't really buy into bands having so much choice in stuff like that even when they say in an interview what a great idea it is) I really didn't fancy the idea of the line up at all (honestly don't really care about any of the supports) but when the tour came around I did desperately want to go see Green Day if just for one show. The sets looked amazing and colourful. It wasn't meant to be though. Not only am I extremely vulnerable to be badly affected by covid (even after four shots) I had an accident in February 2020 which means I can't walk very well these days. Kinda glad I didn't go because virtually every fan I have on Facebook came away with Covid!
    3 points
  12. Hopefully they never ever cut Holiday from their shows
    3 points
  13. The black t-shirt, the Hawaiian shirt, and the red shirt in Norway were my favourites. As for him stopping during Longview at Huddersfield, this video shows what happened. Around 1:10 the crowd surges forward on Billie's right-hand side of the stage and people fall over- he couldn't miss it. Oh, and I'm in the block nearest to the stage on the far side.
    3 points
  14. No offence, but you're the sort of person I hate to be near in a crowd. Trying to ruin a show for other people sounds like no end of fun! Shesh! 😟
    2 points
  15. When you're excited that your company's new San Diego location is in La Jolla just so you have an excuse to say it like Billie
    2 points
  16. i hate when bands literally play one set for a whole tour i was so happy when billie played the 20-30sec snippets of 80 at the paris show, it was one of my highlights seeing JOS or whatever for the fifth time live is always a pleasure, but switch some songs every night, or throw in 1 or 2 rarely played songs, it will always be better than the same greatest hits set all over again (not that i dont enjoy it, but it could be even better, i dont get why its so hard for bands to change a few songs or play some oldies)
    2 points
  17. Take the Money and Crawl is one that I would really love to see live! I would be pretty happy with some trilogy ones too.
    2 points
  18. Jumping in here! I loooove the first Superbowl look and the red polka dots
    2 points
  19. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf2RPyiJKrS/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
    2 points
  20. The tour was a lot of fun and they are still amazing live, even though the setlist overall wasn't that great. They did change it up for some shows, from the top of my head, I remember 2000 light years away, Scattered and parts of 80. I don't see them stop playing AI.
    2 points
  21. I mean… yeah but it was still a lot of fun to see them live. I think it’s a mistake if they’re forever resigning themselves to being a biggest hits touring band (and it seems to be that way), but the show is still worth seeing and I didn’t even mind the setlist as much because I was seeing them after 5 years and who knows when they’re back to Europe.
    2 points
  22. Hi, I'm trying to download a copy of Green Day's cover song "I Fought the Law" on mp3. I'm in the UK. I can only find is on the USA Amazon site as an mp3, but am told by Amazon I cannot buy an mp3 from USA to UK. It's not available on UK Amazon site. Can anyone kindly help? This is the one Green Day song that has eluded me. Thanks. Can I take the opportunity to say, sincerely and humbly, having only been on this site a few short months, I feel part of an awesome family. Although I don't post much, I spend hours reading all your posts, I think your all amazing. It's so special being a Green Day freak since 1989, coz Green Day are so special and unique. Love you all.
    2 points
  23. I think people will complain no matter what their setlist is. Some people say they want songs from FOAM but I bet as soon as green day would play a song from it, some people would be like ew why are they playing a FOAM song. Basically green day can't win. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions of course, and I agree change ups are nice. But I'm satisfied with any setlist they choose
    1 point
  24. Oh don't get me wrong I do love a good mosh but these guys were truly being assholes. They were mouthing off and being utter dickheads. Poured a drink over someone on purpose who just tried to move away from them. Plus at 41 with hip issues I have to try and limit myself 🤣🤣
    1 point
  25. I think they'll throw the hardcore fans a bone soon.
    1 point
  26. Yep it happened not too far from where I was. I was on the barrier on that side just near the last massive speaker. There was also some extremely drunk assholes at one point trying to pull us into a mosh pit right behind us. I almost got a cracked rib, thankfully it was just bruised badly.
    1 point
  27. Hey, I've successfully downloaded the song to my moby (cell phone), as an mp4 video. The video just shows the cover artwork of the single. About to test it out as I pogo to it down the city high street. Thanks anyway. I'll stick my neck out and say I think the Green Day version is better than previous cover issued by the Clash.
    1 point
  28. If we all chant in unison for new stuff, would that work? Let's all scream FOAM so loud they can't play over it at the next show. Once they start playing enough of that, we go in hard for Rev Rad and Trilogy. It's like crowdfunding, but completely different. It's like bullying but also maybe different.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. You can't avoid that. Albums are always going to have filler along with 4 or 5 hit singles. But filler is really only a matter of one's opinion. What may be filler to one fan, may be another fan's favorite song.
    1 point
  31. When you found a shop that sells Fiji water in the UK so you buy a bottle just for the memez despite it being hella mega EXPENSIIIIIVE Also when said bottle of Fiji water has been sitting in your fridge for two months and despite going through a heatwave AND water shortage you can't bring yourself to drink it cuz it's GD memorabilia rather than a bottle of water to you 🙃
    1 point
  32. The Hawaiian shirt was good too! And the merch tshirt. It’s like by the time they reached the UK he said fuck it and came up with the dorkiest outfits. And I think he looked fantastic in the dark red suit. That color and polka dots worked great for him.
    1 point
  33. Soo, the tour is over. Here are my quick thoughts about it: This tour was announced in 2019 and it didn't give any good feelings; Green Day shouldn't play alongside other big bands, they're big enough for their own tours. Plus side, they were set to perform in Finland for the first time since 2013 and Fall Out Boy was never scheduled for that show, so I was pretty excited to hear new tracks and my favorite track She live once again. Well, then COVID happened, FOAM was forgotten and instead of good setlist, we got Greatest Hits tour. Woohoo. They also scheduled Helsinki show for next year before ultimately cancelling it, thus resulting me not seeing Green Day like I was supposed to. Shit luck, but can't say that I missed a thing. Quick notes from the setlist: - She was taken out during summer shows in 2022 and only god knows will this be permanent decision or just temporary. They did play both She and King for a Day on 2 shows, until finally ditching She for rest of the tour in favor of playing 10 minutes of KFAD. She is high energy song that requires a lot of stamina and healthy vocal chords in order to pull it off consistently every show and this is the first time they've ever ditched it from the tour. It might be just because there wasn't enough time for KFAD, but it also might be because The Boys can't perform it that well anymore. Time will tell what happens to my favorite track, but honestly, I don't mind if they decided to retire it for good. They will never ever perform it as good as they did during 21st CB shows. - This tour didn't bring any other surprises to the setlist other than Pollyanna actually getting performed, Rock and Roll All Nite, 21 Guns making sort of comeback and FOAM getting ditched completely from the setlist. I thought FOAM was perfect for live setting, considering the songs were short and catchy, but for whatever reason it's now dead and buried and wont be seen ever again on shows. 21 Guns making comeback for Greatest Hits tour isn't surprising, but man do they really hate that last verse and chorus, considering that version hasn't been performed since 2010. It feels incredibly stupid to listen emotional solo and then transition to Minority straight away. - Regarding Pollyanna, it was a feel good song that was made thanks to COVID. I was surprised they decided to perform it live and that was a right call. Song sounds amazing. - Rock and Roll All Nite is fine and I still listen live version on Spotify regularly. Good pick for this tour, although covers in general are just lame for bands like Green Day. - I don't ever wanna see or hear any of American Idiot hits again after this tour. I guess Wake Me Up When September Ends is still fine, but man it's really time to ditch AI/Holiday/Boulevard/Jesus for good from the next tour. There are other good tracks from that album that could be swapped in place. - Then there are some other tracks that are still for some reason brought in setlists. Why is Waiting, Hitchin' a Ride (10min version) and King For a Day still in the setlist? I guess you could argue Hitchin' a Ride being a hit, but Waiting and KFAD didn't deserve to be on this tour over Trilogy/RR/FOAM singles. - As for omitting Trilogy/RR/FOAM singles, they really could've swapped even once Know Your Enemy to East Jesus Nowhere, Minority/Waiting to whatever Trilogy song they liked the most and Hitchin' a Ride for Bang Bang and Father of All. Now that I'm thinking of this, are they really ashamed to perform the tracks they've made during last 10 years excluding COVID song Pollyanna? Why even make new albums if American Idiot is always gonna be better option? - If and when they actually perform a true Greatest Hits Tour, I truly wish they will pick atleast one song from each album to truly represent their sound over the years. That is the only way you can truly enjoy Greatest Hits shows; to actually witness their growth in music over the years. All in all, this was by far the most boring Tour GD has ever done. Hardly any surprises, same Greatest Hits setlist every show, short and dull. If this tour was done in 2020 like it was supposed to, I believe I'd have enjoyed it more due to actually seeing them live and probably seeing more FOAM tracks in the shows. Now I'm just left shittier versions of the hits that will never match their 2009-2010 peak and absolutely zero positive feelings for future shows. If this is how Green Day wants to perform for years to come, I can't truly stay as a fan and that's crazy thing to even think about considering how much I love this band.
    1 point
  34. Red polka dots without vest for sure (glad he wore that in London ❤️). The merch t shirt and Hawaiian shirt + vest combo are hilarious though
    1 point
  35. I'm surprised so many of us are going with the plain T-shirt! I thought I'd be the odd one out on that. Yeah, that's my favorite. Just a really great, simple look that is at the same time very youthful.
    1 point
  36. @TJChrobo was the real goat
    1 point
  37. I like you man, but the irony of this post..
    1 point
  38. Agree the show set list was a little tame, they have played shorter sets, in 2017 they played 2 hours 20 mins on average, now it’s around 1 hour 40, and I do think it’s because of possibly there age. i don’t think American idiot hits to be all cut, but I do they should at least keep American idiot and boulevard of broken dreams. Very upset they didn’t perform still breathing or forever now, which where amazing live. overall, I think it was still worth seeing, and weezer and fall out boy was bands I’d probably never normally see. And according to billboard I think is one of the biggest selling tours, all the bands are under crush management, so they must be really happy. lets hope the next tour is a little more focused on an album, and have those songs in.
    0 points
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