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  1. Certainly Degenerate was. The song suits the FOAM vibe and channels Prince like he said he was doing. I also think it’s a superior attempt at falsetto than FOAM it’s a shame he chose that one over it. Better song too with its funky groove.
    9 points
  2. It was supposed to be on there until it got switched out with take the money and crawl, so my guess is either the label wanted a more upbeat song orrr Billie didn’t want to have even a semi reference of trump on there
    7 points
  3. Yearly ¡Dos! thoughts shared again. Listening ¡Dos! instrumentals again. Holy fuck this album is so beautiful. So simple but so effective at the same time. Fuck Time, Stop When The Red Lights Flash, Lazy Bones, Makeout Party, Lady Cobra and Nightlife are definitely my favorites, but not a single song is bad instrument wise. Even boring song like Baby Eyes is a fucking banger. Even with vocals ¡Dos! is by far my absolutely favorite album from Green Day. There are better songs on other albums (She on Dookie, Whatsername on AI, Last Night on Earth on 21st CB and so on) but no other album comes even close to the feel I get from listening this album. I still remember listening it for the first time almost 10 years ago (it was leaked on YouTube like few weeks earlier) and here I am still headbanging because of this awesome record. I believe it's mostly forgotten by the time, but ¡Uno! is the one that gets you going, ¡Dos! is party album that starts with the bang and ends on hangover, which is called ¡Tre!. All 3 are beautiful albums, but especially ¡Dos! still gets unnecessary amount of hate, even by being the only record out of 3 that has a loose story. Sure, if we take one single song out of the album (Fuck Time or Nightlife) and judge the whole album because of it, then it's bad obviously. However, if we listen the whole record from start to finish, then it makes more sense why those songs were even made. This is also why I liked FOAM and why I dislike single releases like Pollyanna and Here Comes the Shock. Standalone releases fucking suck, because they're meaningless. They're worthless. They don't make any sense. ¡Dos! isn't American Idiot/Dookie/21st CB, but it's definitely the dirtiest, funniest and most enjoyable album they've ever produced. You can really tell how much fun The Boys had while making it. Mike's bass is fucking excellent, Billie Joe busts out his best solos (no, Dirty Rotten Bastards isn't his best solo) and Tre's drumming is tight and consistent. It's impossible to say how Jason contributed to Trilogy exactly (since it was never shared, only implied) but atleast we know he has a solo on Lady Cobra, which is fucking wild. Double guitar solo on Green Day song, what is this? Then there are some other factors that just cements ¡Dos! as my favorite album. Bass is fucking awesome and I really love how it sounds on Lady Cobra, since after chorus there is a slight bass boost which is sex for my ears. Guitar tone is something I've seen people disliking, but on this record it works beautifully. There are some songs on Trilogy that could've used little bit more gain (Let Yourself Go for example) but I highly doubt I'd like Stop When The Red Lights Flash so much if I couldn't hear that bass as loud and clear as I do now. Mixing is just fantastic. I have zero complaints about it. Happy fan. I will always understand the people who prefer literally any other album over ¡Dos!, since Garage Rock isn't something that was ever mainstream nor universally liked. Songs like Fuck Time and Nightlife will always make people confused. It will always be cool to hate ¡Dos!. I don't care. I didn't know myself that I'd love Garage Rock so fucking much until I listened ¡Dos!. For the past 10 years, this album has been serving me well and I've never grew out of it. Stop When The Red Lights Flash is consistently on my top 5 Spotify list, I always come back to listen the instrumentals and I often look back to 2011-2012 when Green Day was the most exciting band ever for me personally. Those goddamn studio videos just made me even more hyped. Hell, even thinking about it makes me sad that GD isn't doing those for every single record. Happy upcoming 10th anniversary Trilogy and especially ¡Dos! ❤️
    6 points
  4. Today might be the day. Probably not. But maybe.
    6 points
  5. And the 17th (Billie’s birthday) is 2 weeks from today!!!!
    5 points
  6. Probably the latter. Shame though because it’s a damn sexy vocal
    5 points
  7. Why did they cut this from FOAM?
    5 points
  8. Not to premiere it there, but they may just want to play a new song and this way it won't get premiered by a bunch of people with cell phones, the official version will be out already. They were rehearsing something with Kevin in the teaser. I doubt he played on the recording.
    4 points
  9. I never thought the birthday hint meant anything but I do think his impending 50th combined with a release that just happens to be called 1972 is significant
    4 points
  10. We have to at least be getting a new single anytime soon because we have the Super Bowl show coming up on Saturday the 12th, and what a perfect time that would be to start promoting 1972!!!
    4 points
  11. Absolutely wild that the Trilogy will be turning ten this year.
    4 points
  12. Bowery Ballroom 2009 Berlin 2009 Camden, NJ 2010 DC 2009 Atlanta 2010
    4 points
  13. Fentanyl and Degenerate were FOAM session leftovers that got reworked into Network songs. As Bill Maher says; I can’t prove it for a fact, I just know it’s true.
    4 points
  14. I had heard the band had a whole other album already done by the time FOAM released. Not saying this is that, but just pointing out they have a lot of stuff that we have never heard. At this point in their career, I cannot imagine the band is still at a linear process of "Write, demo, record, mix, master, release" and repeat.
    4 points
  15. That interview on Billie's birthday didn't even feel like it was written by him at the time, was just incredibly bland and basic responses that could've been written by anyone - I think they were just trying to sell coffee
    3 points
  16. I'm glad they replaced this with Take The Money And Crawl. Amazing song.
    3 points
  17. It's also possible that the birthday hint was meant less literally than we took it to be. Something is coming but possibly not exactly on Feb 17
    3 points
  18. I love the Trilogy ❤️ I read some days ago around the forum that Bj once said "I wrote 38 songs that nobody really listened", I'd like you to know, Billie, that I did, and still doing, and if this summer you wanna bless us with some Trilogy song I'll be happy to go crazy with you Ps. I like Nightlife so much. That's it.
    3 points
  19. Also Art of the Deal with the Devil lol
    3 points
  20. I just want a good album. And yeah, I thought FoAMF was good.
    3 points
  21. We would’ve known about it by now. Even with the one-off singles we got in the past year, they posted ahead of time, saying, “Hey we got a new song on Friday.”
    2 points
  22. Someone will undoubtedly go on Facebook/Instagram live and save us all 😂
    2 points
  23. Just release Fuck These People already!
    2 points
  24. I agree that a single right before that show would be a good idea, but we don’t have to get anything. But I would think if the EP/LP is coming out before tour we’ll probably start getting a single or two the next month or so
    2 points
  25. I don't think I've ever seen him play this guitar before. I wonder what show during 21CB it was from. Looks really cool, though!
    2 points
  26. This rare European Promo for BOBD, it has 2 Radio Edits on it!!
    2 points
  27. From Tre and Kevin's been climbing!
    2 points
  28. Picked these up for £5! I don't drink but cool for the collection
    2 points
  29. When this reminds you of Green Day because they played a show in Champaign, IL on my birthday in 2017
    2 points
  30. And if they have another album from the last session why have they even been sitting on it this long when they keep saying they want to release music more frequently (I keep waiting for the day we actually hear some of this mountain of stuff we’re told exists but never seem to get)
    2 points
  31. And are you sure that wasn’t The Network album?
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. They smoke too much dope for that lol
    2 points
  34. Hopefully! An announcement a week or five days ahead seems like a reasonable guess.
    1 point
  35. That's what I'm still thinking
    1 point
  36. I don’t believe fentanyl was, everything about it is recorded completely differently
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. When you get a tad miffed that Jason White & Freese aren't getting any spotlight.
    1 point
  39. I'm not too concerned about no teaser today, because just a very short time ago we had no Billie on Instagram and no idea that they had music coming. I'll be patient. Having said that, I almost feel like it would be better to just drop an album out of the blue rather than have teasers so far apart with no solid clues or information. But no biggie, things are happening.
    1 point
  40. I'd be the first to admit that I quickly fall victim to wishful thinking. I really wanted the teaser theory to be true and it might still be, but then again it might all just have been a giant coincidence. That would indeed be disappointing, but not as disappointing as not receiving another teaser asap. I haven't been this hungry for teasers in years... I really thought MOOTIK would have me traumatised for quite a while (and it did), but something has reset itself in my brain and once again, I'm all in!! If there's one thing Green Day could learn from MOOTIK & Panicland, it's that those guys NAILED the hype game.
    1 point
  41. Awesome! That album felt really exciting. I hope they are working through what didn’t work and keeping what did. I am so excited for this new project! I hope the songwriting feels meaningful. The sounds they have been sharing during the teasers sound great. I am just hoping for some more of that heartfelt Billie Joe songwriting with the pulling on heartstrings stuff and/or rage and/or passion ands lots of feeling. He’s so good at that. I have so much hope for this new record. I’m getting impatient and going crazy but I can wait. It seems like this next project is going to be amazing. I can’t wait to actually hear a song.
    1 point
  42. I hope that, too. I've been waiting since 2014 an anniversary edition. Dookie is so iconic from the 90s, IDK why there is not a re-release version yet?
    1 point
  43. Another promo for my collection, Here comes the shock!!
    1 point
  44. Loss of Control is such a banger underrated Green Day song.
    1 point
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