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7 points
Mixed feeling on Warning, but I love the pre-Dookie covers. Going back to that style now would be hyper farfetched, but they are are a great example of the diy scene and art they belong to. Which I love.7 points
Yeah there was a quite widespread hate for that cover. It’s not their best but I kinda liked it, the rest of the imagery created by Frank Maddocks for that record was way better tho. The cat with the boombox is still one of my fav GD related art.7 points
6 points
This is a lovely photo of Billie performing during the AI era too6 points
Hint today? I'm starting to get antsy. I've hit such a dry spell with discovering new music. Could use some new GD.6 points
6 points
5 points
My memory is that people hated the Revrad artwork, thought it was really bland and unoriginal. I quite like it but I think you had to see it in reality to appreciate the quality of it and know that it was actually a photo.5 points
Where's all this trilogy talk coming from? Is there any evidence to suggest this or is it pure speculation because 3 band members with three different birthdays = 3 albums? I personally believe that this will be a traditional single album, although I wouldn't rule out the idea of a redemption trilogy one day, but probably not anytime soon. Also, I dont know about you guys, but I would 100% rather a fully realized, great album than 3 mixed bag albums... If the boys are ever going to do a trilogy again, I feel the time and reasoning needs to be right but at the moment there's nothing that is leading me to believe that the time is now. Change my mind.5 points
5 points
Is it even televised? Not that I'll be able to watch, I've got plans that night. Edit: after some digging, this is NOT a broadcasted/televised event.5 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
Agreed. At best this could be an album released in three steps, through 3 EPs. And anyway this is pure speculation, don’t see any evidence of that, and I really don’t see 3 LPs on the horizon.4 points
Okay here’s what I think, we have this interesting pattern of releasing things on dates corresponding to 1972, 2/?? We have a SuperBowl weekend show on Saturday February 12. We saw in the teaser they were rehearsing something with Kevin (a touring member) so probably practicing to play something live (since the songs should already be recorded by now) So I think we’ll get the next tease February 1, and another final one February 7 announcing a new single and EP/LP release. The single will arrive Friday February 11 and the full release on February 17. They’ll play the single at the concert on the 12th (hopefully an attendee will capture it on video)4 points
3 points
I made this concept cover art, I didn't know how to attach images to forum posts here so I had to create a Reddit account to show everyone. Hope you like it: https://www.reddit.com/r/greenday/comments/sf0vzf/1972_album_cover_concept_art_i_made/3 points
3 points
Where is the gif of billie freaking out from the RevRad facebook live when the camera turns around, when ya need it!3 points
I laughed when I opened my instagram and saw those. Is he ok? 😄 The glasses one is cute3 points
Most excited I've been since revrad and that album did live up to the hype (least at first. I listened to it like I had some kind of mental infatuation when it first came out.) FOA was hyped at first until it was actually announced with the single and artwork....then the hype sorta waned til release. 1972, I have a great feeling about. Also I really hope it's a full LP but I don't wanna get my hopes it. Just seems like maaaaybe they are teasing a little more than your expect for a EP but who knows... Also also, the last 5 or so green day albums have been sorta low effort and kinds minimal. I want 1972 album art to be wild, or at least more interesting than just the a white background and "1972."3 points
Pallet III for the win. And at $2.49, it looks like if Green Day pool all their resources together, they could afford it. Billie could put away his ketchup, or maybe just use it for his bratwursts or Pollyanna wieners.3 points
2 points
Same here, although I'm actually starting to believe the theories surrounding the timing of the EP/album. Seems like we might have to wait until next Tuesday for more2 points
Calling it now with my octopus powers, we're not getting fancy red or blue album art. This one's going to be black and white2 points
2 points
OMG he looks so adorable in these😍😍 am i the only one who thinks he looks so cute in glasses?2 points
Another Friday with no surprise Green Day heptology. What the heck. I'm listening to The Eels over here, I'm getting desperate.....but not hopeless.2 points
I have an idea! I've been trying to figure out how to combine all the album covers into one, but it's too much. What if one character from each album design stands in a police line up with a mystery 14th person in the shadows? Whoa!2 points
2 points
A good cover goes a long way, even in a streaming world. And you're right. After Breakdown, Rev Rad is the only album cover with any artistic value to speak of. I'm also concerned about the booklet becoming insignificant in 2022, because BBC Sessions went the crummy BJA route of NOTHING inside. But the band usually does a good booklet. I've got 12 cents (American) on blue being in the book. Who's with me???2 points
2 points
I was thinking more like a groovy early 70s color palette like these https://www.pinterest.com/pin/63331938498579258/ https://www.redbubble.com/i/postcard/Retro-70s-Color-Palette-III-by-AlisaGal/38863659.V7PMD2 points
I'm sure I have part of that performance on a DVD somewhere. This is on YouTube I think the "thong" photos could be from this performance I searched for V Festival 1998 on Google and these photos came up but I think they are actually from a show in Belgium the same year and if you follow the link to Getty Images it just takes you to the regular GD search that starts with Hella Mega last year I think I'm allowed to post these?2 points
Nice! I had a similar experience with a book that was numbered 1039: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bi7VkmOgrUH/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link2 points
2 points
My first "dick pic" When my friends ask if I've ever been sent a dick pic I can say it was Tre Cool!!!! . . . ... But it's not what you think...2 points
I love your enthusiasm! That sounds like a very advanced positive fully loaded speculation extravaganza. I feel like I can’t wait all the way until February 7th. I’m just going to freak out now. I wish there was like one song leak… Just one little tiny actual snippet with lyrics… Hopefully something soon!1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
When you check out a library book about Green Day and they tell you it’s due back February 17 and you need to suppress your laughter until you’re in the car1 point
If he finally caught his dream with his Dreamcatcher that would be interesting.1 point
I stumbled on that a while back so I guess it is real and belongs to Getty Images? I thought some magazine had caught him backstage or something. It's the only NSFW photo I've ever seen on there This is still a lovely photo as is this one This one has caught Billie with a kind of unfortunate look on his face!1 point
When he shares something like that it’s like he’s reliving the moment too and has the same good feeling. Every time he does this with a young fan I think now that kid is gonna love him forever.1 point
1 point