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31 points
I'm still waiting for the Forever Now music video that Billie promised, 17th is a good time to do so just to fuck with us12 points
All around Canada, as in they are going to go everywhere AROUND Canada, but totally avoiding Canada at all costs.11 points
That fan was me. Actually, everything he said has been what has happened. They left Warner (kinda) and are moving on to release singles and EPs (exactly what he told me). He was saying that they were going to get away from the album cycle format so they could release things more often.10 points
8 points
Okay, you guys are gross. I'm officially moving on to Album 15 speculation. That just sounds insane that Green Day have so many now. Will 15 be soon after 14, or will there be a wait? 2025 or later?7 points
I think the Mike writing 3 thing is a stretch, I think he’s just doing a flourish but who knows.6 points
6 points
If we do only get an EP (or EPs) I really hope we will get physical copies still.6 points
They split a cigarette. *make sure to read this post to the melody of the Murder City.5 points
5 points
If being beautiful could kill... we'd all be dead. No words for this.5 points
Do you reckon the unicorn felt sorry for Christian after he'd finished crying in the bathroom?4 points
Just clarifying I didn't put a laughing emoji on this to be mean or anything, I just got this image in my head of us all dropping like flies if Billie looked at us like that and it made me laugh In the meantime we all walk into a quiet bar and this dude Perry Miller, is sat there...4 points
I'm still waiting for the full force of Trilogy promotion to be fulfilled. Amy, Stop When the Red Light Flash, 8th Avenue and 99 Revolutions all with music videos and a ton of performances of them and deep cuts as well.4 points
4 points
3 points
Article here: https://www.altpress.com/news/green-day-tease-new-music-instagram-video/?utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-altpress&utm_content=later-24053895&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkin.bio3 points
3 points
3 points
He's really rocking the Keith Richards look, and I mean it in a good way! Love Keith3 points
The internet? I just wanna win the day on GDA I've been inspired by that amazing Breakdown art. I'm working on an amalgamation of Breakdown and Nimrod, but I need a way to share it on here. Photobucket looks like a bunch of paid BS now.2 points
2 points
2 points
Actually he does doesn't he? Maybe it's because he's around a load of drum geeks? There's a couple of photos with him and Josh Dun at NAMM in 2016 too2 points
It's about time he defaced that one since it's the one that tortured him the most.2 points
2 points
If Tre and Mike are both writing 1 outta 3 of the ep's, then 2/3rds of the songs will be the most interesting green day music we've had in years2 points
I didn't notice Mike spraypainting the '3' A trilogy of EP's is starting to sound very probable2 points
^Wow, I just love her style! Maybe because it's similar to mine. 😅 I've always loved the aesthetic of high contrast black and white or grays and that's why I do it. She's got an incredible talent for capturing eyes in particular. These are so good! Often times, simplicity really is the best.2 points
The first article speculated that Mike’s spray painted 3 means a March release. But evidence points towards Billie’s birthday. I think the 3 means we’re 3 weeks away from an announcement and the first single!2 points
2 points
I’m starting to think the Euro tour isn’t happening so they might as well do another northamerican leg instead…2 points
1 point
1 point
If I remember right Tre had bright blonde hair back on the first leg of the 21st Century Breakdown Tour in 2009. Couldn't find a photo from then but here's another. I think this was from a "thing" in Oakland. May even be from when Green Day Day was announced? Maybe someone else remembers better than me Edit - found one. This is from Miami in 20091 point
1 point
I’m pretty sure everyone in this forum would cum rainbow for their mouth if Billie kissed them. Don’t see why it should be any different for that lucky unicorn.1 point
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1 point
Oh yes I remember now!!! Hopefully that means we’ll get a trilogy of EPs this year, one for each of their birthdays!!! Hopefully this doesn’t mean they’re totally ditching full length albums!1 point
I don't trust Billie's words any more... He always says things that Will happen and later doesn't happens1 point
1 point
Rumor has it that they're doing a trip all around Canada in July 2022 🤗 I'M. HAPPY.1 point
I was looking for something to post and found them on Getty Images. The link is here and if I remember rightly there were about 40-50 photos of this event from around about page 15 of the search https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/photos/green-day Couple more band pics With U21 point
The moment Nirvana went to watch Green Day perform live https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/nirvana-watch-green-day-live/1 point
Based on the previews I have heard so far, I am liking what I hear. Whatever they're working on seems to be more ambitious than just a collection of odds and ends. Musically, I'm getting some back to basics trilogy vibes, but with the far superior, meaty guitar that I feel is really important to the signature Green Day sound. The basslines are reminding me of the band's much earlier stuff which I am definitely not going to complain about... Maybe we'll get a "best of" feel this time around, with the band members taking each thing they do best, and making an awesome record out of it, who knows? As for the "1972" thing, I have two theories: 1: It's the album name. Maybe because they want to name it after the year the band members were born and just want to celebrate 50 years of being alive by making it the theme of the album, or something along those lines. or 2: It could be something deeper, like the theme of the type of music they want to create for the album, which might I add I personally think would be awesome if it means the band are going to dive deep into their early influences this time around. From the previews so far and purely based on the sound, I am leaning more towards the former than the latter but regardless of what it ends up being I really hope that they take full advantage of whatever the "1972" thing is. After FOAM, I believe it can really only be up from there but who knows, I thought it was only going to be up from the trilogy too, and sure, while we got that for a while with the RevRad era, the bar should have been set from there and not almost immediately stomped into the ground so hard that what followed became cringy and depressing. I will unlikely ever get the full on Green Day prog rock masterpiece I still hope I will get one day, but hey, if this is what the band wants to do, then I am not complaining at all because this does show promise and even feels far more inspired than FOAM did... As for production, I have my fingers crossed that this one will be on the higher quality end of the spectrum, even if these songs are thematically and musically more simple than the ones we got in the mid to late 00s. So far, it's definitely a step up from the cringy FOAM era stuff, at least in my opinion but it's hard to get a good feel of exactly what kind of quality we can expect from the compression in the videos. I think the production of the trilogy was too bland and even for as awesome as RevRad ended up being, there was still some work in the production area to be desired, as I feel there was way too much of a difference between the softer and louder sounds and while the general "dirtiness" worked for songs like "Say Goodbye" really well, I really, really miss the days where the albums just sounded like pure ear candy. As for FOAM, it got the loudness right, but went way too far with stupid laser pew pews and gimmicky, cringy shit so even if we don't get quite close to the high quality AI/21cb production that we were treated with back then, I am hoping its still a step above the clear but oversimplified, samey and way too bland Trilogy production.1 point
Songs like Graffitia and Meet Me On The Roof are one of my favourites (top 20), but Crush has this "how do you do, fellow kids?" vibe, although playing stadiums is awesome and I will go to Paris show this year, finally, I hope. I don't get this Butch Walker hate. Green Day OK'd falsetto, claps, etc., and I liked different side of the band, it was something fresh. I think most people don't like songs themselves, and I could understand this. 1972 could turn out completely different even with same producer. We just don't know anything yet, but I have complete faith in Green Day.1 point
Timmy Chunks just confirmed to me that he built this guitar, and it did originally have the knot-holed Fender-aged neck that I own. That clean looking maple neck in your photo is the second neck to be placed on that body, Bill. Frankenstein facts! Happy new year! -Lee1 point