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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2022 in all areas

  1. Just a reminder, Petros has a poor taste in music.
    9 points
  2. A prequel trilogy about Lady Cobra’s origin story
    8 points
  3. No idea if it’s an EP or an LP, but don’t think there’s any contract stopping them from releasing a new full record. Weezer released 18 albums since Hella Mega was announced.
    8 points
  4. 7 points
  5. let him be a cute lesbian aunt
    7 points
  6. I agree with this. Since the end of their last traditional contract with Warner, they no longer appear to still be on that album/tour cycle anymore. That’s the old way of doing things. They can release any combination of singles, EPs and LPs that they want and tour whenever they want and there doesn’t have to be any relation between them. Touring is an end in itself financially. You don’t tour to sell albums anymore so the idea that every album has to have a tour is antiquated. Genius! I hope this is intentional because it’s pretty cool
    7 points
  7. Favorite part of the teaser video? The fact that this guy in the background is there. Second favorite part? This cuteness.
    7 points
  8. You're infringing on my copyright with a post of this nature, I keep checking for Mystic Knights of the Cobra news, but nothing. I love all the speculation, but I know what follows these Teasers are not going to be what any of us are dreaming up in our heads. These are very short pieces of songs and probably don't represent any kind of sonic inclination the band has. I know, I know. That Dude tempering speculation. Insanity. I need a nap. That Dude Jr. has been a bit much today.
    6 points
  9. You seem to be forgetting Billie said they may put another album out BEFORE the Hella Mega Tour even begins. So… yeah.
    6 points
  10. Crush better not find a way to ruin this 😂
    6 points
  11. Just a reminder before the pure uncut promotion from Crush officially starts. It could always get cringier:
    6 points
  12. Dude, your act is getting tiring. I agree that fans getting outraged about Green Day not releasing Dookie 2.0 all the time is not helpful, but the extreme opposite is honestly just as toxic. In this case, you're the one literally bitching about the sound they themselves have chosen to pursue. Very hypocritical imo.
    6 points
  13. People have been referencing Static Age after hearing this and I would say that’s no small compliment. To me that is one of their most underrated songs because it hits that sweet spot that is the perfect blend of power pop through a Green Day filter and that’s what this sounds like to me as well. It’s them at their best.
    6 points
  14. I looked into my magic crystal ball and saw that there might be a show in LA around Billie’s birthday
    5 points
  15. Great stuff! I'll quote one of the comments by user "gremlin30" that gives a detailed run-down of the equipment in the picture and then there's some corrections/additions to that by "jstrummer", for all the geeks out there:
    5 points
  16. Its crazy how much younger billie looks in studio when he isnt dying his hair jet black, straightening it and wearing eye liner. Wish he would give up that gimmick, it was genuinely pretty tastefully done during the AI era, but now its cringe as hell. He looks like the neighbor lady from arrested development when theyre on tour
    5 points
  17. I'm hoping after the reception to FOAM and its marketing that they've realised they can't just treat Green Day like another standard pop act and expect people to eat it up. The band themselves teasing this so much to me is already a good sign, but we'll see how long it takes before we get another song written in partnership with some sports league: 'Fire on all Cylinders', 'Aim for the Net' or whatever Also so happy to be hearing what sounds like an actual real snare drum in this clip
    5 points
  18. Now all they need to do is do a rooftop concert on the roof of Otis!!!
    5 points
  19. They are performing at the super bowl fest in LA on Feb 12
    4 points
  20. Exciting! GDC - great it sounds like Green Day…. Also, sounds like same old Green Day 😂😂
    4 points
  21. I really think it might be. They are clever lads, and seem to like their own winks and nods.
    4 points
  22. I mean they could replace Pollyanna, Rock and Roll all Nite, and a third song in favor of three new songs and have a pretty normal setlist for a new album tour while still fulfilling the Hella Mega greatest hits vibe. And still play more songs than the 0 from the album that was supposed to be promoted by Hella Mega but got forgotten, for many reasons including COVID and fan reception. No doubt that if hella mega happened in 2020 a bunch of FOAM songs would have been played. Again, no idea If it’s an EP or an LP, but don’t see any contractual or tour reasons for it to not be an LP. It’s just about how many songs they feel like putting out IMHO.
    4 points
  23. Why is everyone omg at Kevin being there??..In my opinion, and nothing against the guy..but since he has been with GD , its all turned to shit..granted he is a great musician and his band primadonna are good..but to me, GD seem to be far too over crowded now and don't need anyone else!!..strip it right back to bja Mike n tre..throw in the Jason's..and hey presto we have GD and live GD..there is no need for anyone else....thats what foxboro, longshot and coverups are for!...but as for the clip..I'm so glad that it sounds like them again..static age x 99 revolutions x letterbomb...sounds like we may be in for an epic EP....to hell with FOAMF and the people who are trying to say "I liked it because it was different and fresh"..yes...and also shit 🤣..Mon the 1972!
    4 points
  24. This has to be a full length album!!! There’s way too much teasing and enthusiasm by the band going on for it to just be a simple EP!!!
    4 points
  25. Yeah, now they have soul again!!! i'm so excited, I'll always support this band in any direction they want.
    4 points
  26. I can’t wait to hear this. I’m hoping it’s an album rather than an EP to be honest. Any chances the latest teaser was before London? Could these have been demo sessions before they went to record in London? Just a thought.. I’m also presuming the EP/Album is done as well if they are teasing it so much? It will be interesting to how much they release / play on the European Hella Mega Tour as well..
    4 points
  27. Link to Green Day's post here https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZC6PITAv6Y/?utm_medium=copy_link From Jason Freese
    4 points
  28. Maybe it is a new album. Half recorded in London, half in US.
    4 points
  29. 3 points
  30. Interesting comments in this reddit post here analyzing the equipment seen in the teaser as an indication of the sounds they are going for (and therefore what we maybe can expect)
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. It would be really cool if they released a EP for each birthday. Feb, May, Dec. For me It would make total sense and a new and interesting way that the band embark a new era
    3 points
  33. While I'm still slightly afraid that the production of the 3rd teaser is just that of a demo version (they're filmed in a studio playing together, which would indicate this; I don't think they've ever recorded an album without separately recording drums/guitar/bass), there's also the possibility that it is a fond nod to their discography. Essentially an album or EP that openly admits to being a bit nostalgic and retrospective. The first teaser sounded a little more processed and polished to my ears, more along the lines of post-Warning or "modern" Green Day, whereas this last teaser, at least production-wise, is very simple and stripped down and could almost be taken straight off Insomniac or Nimrod. The record would then kinda be a mix of those two styles, perhaps as a sort of "greatest hits" collection, but with the twist that they're all brand-new songs with a retrospective element.
    3 points
  34. This whole thing gets more interesting with every new teaser. So far I get vibes of 21CB mixed with the trilogy and it’s exiting as hell, except when people call 21CB era as old Green Day, which makes me feel ancient 😄 At first I was pretty sure it’s going to be an EP, but it looks like it might be something bigger, they are bothering way too much with the teasers I really hope the announcement will be coming soon. I enjoy the teasers, but so not ready for months of those
    3 points
  35. That little video was so cool! I'm excited for the new music! They looked so happy.
    3 points
  36. OMG this totally makes sense!!!
    3 points
  37. Yeah but I’m just saying the band is gonna do whatever the fuck they want. Billie has said he wants to release music more often now that they aren’t bonded by a major label contract. Not saying I think this is a full album. I don’t know what it is. But to say they can’t or won’t release an album due to a tour contract… come on.
    3 points
  38. To be fair, he said that before the pandemic, which delayed everything
    3 points
  39. Exactly!!! It’s the Hella Mega Tour, not the FOAM Tour!!! They don’t even play any FOAM songs on tour!!!
    3 points
  40. We were spoiled regularly with updates that year!!!
    3 points
  41. Someone else may be able to confirm but I think they were teasing the trilogy before it was done.
    3 points
  42. I love how when looking over the board and social media I am seeing a lot of people excited about feeling Trilogy vibes from these teasers we’ve seen so far. I love the Trilogy, the Longshot and Holy Toledo vibes. I hope we get a Cuatro style documentary. That was the best Green Day doc ever. So in depth and behind the scenes and a great look at the process of history in the making. Looks like Billie Joe was sharing and watching the Beatles new documentary on Disney+. If they do something like that it would be so amazing. I have so much hope for this new era. 1972 LET’S GO GREEN DAY! Haha I’m feeling like the hype of the beginning of Nice Guys Finish Last video. This is the best band in the world and this is so exciting!
    3 points
  43. As well as static age I'm getting some real Letterbomb vibes from that new clip
    3 points
  44. That sounds an awful lot like Green Day which is actually a bit of a surprise Fuck yesssss
    3 points
  45. Just me or someone else was expecting a release date appear at the end of the video... but there's nothing 😭
    2 points
  46. I dreamt that hubby and I were in Vegas. We had a car and had gone to lunch and to shop for bacon. We needed to send the bacon to friends in Australia so they could render the fat (!). But because the bus and trains were running late we decided to walk (no idea what happened to our car!). The MGM was just a couple of blocks beyond a highway. We go in and run into Billie Joe! We chat and then Adrienne joins the conversation. I remember thinking, in my dream, that they are really tiny people! We must have mentioned looking for bacon because Billie told us that there was bacon beer if that would help! I always have weird dreams and have no idea what this one was really about! So, yeah, only in my dreams do I get to meet the Armstong’s!!
    2 points
  47. I tend to agree that it's probably getting too much teasing to be an EP. But it might just be another FOAM length album i.e. the bare minimum length needed to count as a studio album
    2 points
  48. GDFan2019 furiously dissecting what this means
    2 points
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