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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2021 in all areas

  1. I was there too! Such a great surprise show
    10 points
  2. I'm really proud of this one (It's not the best of the lot in terms of technique, but I love his smile so much )! I'm sure I posted it here after I saw the show, but I'll post it again. I've never had the privilege of taking such close pictures until Hella Mega. Hopefully at the next GD concert I'll get even better ones! Here are some other favorites:
    9 points
  3. Add this to the ass grabbing/spanking portfolio.
    8 points
  4. 8 points
  5. @Cali_gd89 @Admiral_Needa That's fucking amazing! What I wouldn't give to have that experience. Just "Oh hey, look. It's Billie." No barriers, no security, he's just there as a regular person having a fun time. It would be so cool to see him in person in a situation like that. You're unfathomably lucky. I really hope one day I will have the ability to just travel to Oakland and see a Golden Bull show like that. That's a bucket list thing for sure. Stupid time and money! The bane of all existence.
    7 points
    5 points
  7. i'm not sure but...are you talking about this one?
    5 points
  8. They're fantastic photos! You should be proud of them. I think my favourite might be the black and white, but I can see why you love the first one. The smile is lovely! Back in 2010, I was really proud of this photo (ft. @Rumpelstiltskin2000's hair). It looks crappy to me now but I can remember how excited I was to get it and it still takes me back to the show.
    5 points
  9. I can't believe how smiley and clear-eyed Billie is in all of these videos. He seems content, friendly, and like he's just living life without thinking about it too much.
    5 points
  10. Here it is 😍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHaejmvHRL/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
    4 points
  11. last vid..… https://instagram.com/stories/mandyrose4u/2722493219391602282?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&utm_medium=copy_link
    4 points
  12. Fuck! I just barely missed it 😭 That's exciting you got to see it though!
    4 points
  13. What time did that happen? I must have missed it by minutes! Dammit! I left the bar a few mins after 1am cuz it seemed like everything was completely over by then
    4 points
  14. Kevin has posted a lot on his IG story - here are a few screenshots And from Longshot David
    4 points
  15. From Billie's Instagram story From Dead Sound
    4 points
  16. Whoa whoa whoa whoa Do I spot Billie at the Prima Donna show? Billie and Kevo back at it?! 😍
    3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. They should make it to the UK, the governments shitting themselves way less than in the EU. That's mad. You guys aren't getting big events ever unless policy changes.
    3 points
  19. Video from last night here (with Billie, Jason White and Jason Beeboot) https://www.instagram.com/reel/CXH5pkVpJjz/?utm_medium=copy_link
    3 points
  20. Finland 2013 Photos by Venlashin Photography here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CXH4Lz-o10R/?utm_medium=copy_link
    3 points
  21. whitneyfalcon73 After the show last night this happened https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHG7lmvp7m/
    3 points
  22. I think this is a fangirl confession since normal people wouldn't still be fangirling about it two years later But I'm still freaking out that I actually took my photos of The Longshot. I've been very salty recently that I've ended up a photographer when I could've been a pilot, but then I fangirl over things I've had the privilege of photographing and I'm glad I can still get excited about it. This is a photo I took at my first Green Day show: And this is from my last Longshot show: Anyone else want to share a photo they've taken that they still fangirl over? I'd love to see them
    3 points
  23. That was my first thought when I saw it on him too. Plus it was warm inside the bar 😄
    2 points
  24. It occurred to me that Billie was wearing a scarf in mid 50s weather. That boy would not be able to handle a Chicago winter.
    2 points
  25. Can we talk about his cute-ass curls tho 😍
    2 points
  26. @solongfromthestars @Rumpelstiltskin2000 Y'all are the best! I always know I can count on you.
    2 points
  27. According to the timestamp on my camera, they started at 1:15am, and went on until 2am!
    2 points
  28. I think he took his scarf off halfway through the night. It looked adorable though. I was hoping for scarf pics because mine aren't very good. He wore a mask most of the time but I noticed when he took it off that's when people recognized him more and were asking for pics
    2 points
  29. Remember, if you run into Billie Joe, put aside all your fandom and really hound him about the next studio album. don't let him give you some vague, secretive bs. Month. Date. Year. Otherwise, I don't give a darn anyway. Let the date go, let the date go, let the date gooooo. Just kidding guys. Do your whole nervous yet polite fan thing.
    2 points
  30. Last night he was wearing a scarf and omg he looked so cute in it. I may or may not have been watching him in the crowd slightly more than watching Prima Donna on stage... 😁
    2 points
  31. I had a dream that I saw a new never-before-seen pic of Billie looking cute af, and I was gonna share it here but I kept getting sidetracked and then woke up before I got the chance to post it. Now I feel like I've let y'all down even tho it was a fucking dream and y'all wouldn't have actually seen the (non-existent irl) pic anyway
    2 points
  32. I wasn't that surprised he was there either, but still secretly freaked out when standing at the bar and all of the sudden he's right next to me 🤯 He seemed to be having a good time in the crowd, sometimes dancing along to songs and being adorable as ever
    2 points
  33. I’m not at all surprised Billie was there, would almost have bet on it, but really delighted to see him all the same!
    2 points
  34. Hey, look everyone! It's a cute pic of Billie smiling! Let's talk about that now and not whatever is happening? Please?
    2 points
  35. In my opinion that's unhealthy. Sorry
    2 points
  36. Photo of Jeb O'Farrell and another fan with Jason White
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. I managed to ask my friend on Tumblr which video the first one was from and it's here
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. You'll make it to a show one day and it'll be amazing! My dissertation was for my bachelor's degree which is in photography, so I could just about get away with writing about fame since photography is media. I'm doing another degree in planetary science now and hoping to get to PhD level in that. That'd be almost as good as my pilot dream.
    1 point
  41. That is unbelievable! Does anyone have any more of that “jam” session?? That is holy shit I didn’t know amazing shit like this happened anymore!!!!!!! Viva La Revolution!
    1 point
  42. I'm not sure about the first one but I think the second is from Adelaide in 2014. This may not be that specific video though. If it wasn't Adelaide, it was Perth The band all looked great on that leg of the tour! Actually, they looked great for most of the 99 Revolutions Tour.
    1 point
  43. Jam Session minutes ago https://www.instagram.com/p/CXGKSCupR5R/
    1 point
  44. Thanks! I hope someone's recording this… But, I'm really glad that Billie is back ☺️
    1 point
  45. Kevin looks gorgeous as ever Billie's with his sister Anna Sorry this is the wrong thread. I'm also in major fangirl mode
    1 point
  46. Holy fucking shit you guys Billie is here at the show! Literally two feet from me. Just watching the show. Mingling. Wearing a mask but I can see the beard
    1 point
  47. When Green Day and Longshot shows are the benchmark for being bruised and you're comparing your Ikea wardrobe experience to it. For reference, the wardrobe beat me up more than the wildest crowd.
    1 point
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