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Taking a break from social media when you want/need to isn't being wildly unpredictable or toxic, nor does it tell you anything about what it would be like to live with him. It's healthy not to be on social media if you're not enjoying it. Sorry but the only toxic thing is failing to recognise that just because we are "devoted" to him as fans that doesn't entitle us to anything, unless way pay money for music/merch/shows. Being a fan is fun but it isn't a relationship. You're not being "undervalued" or not getting something "in return", these are just other words for feeling entitled to something you're not entitled to. If he posts on social media it's a nice bonus to appreciate. If he doesn't do it that doesn't mean he's doing something wrong or we're being hard done by, he has zero professional or moral obligation to do it. There's a difference between missing him being on there and feeling he owes us being on there, one is healthy and one isn't.10 points
What a fun time on GDC. Remember how hyped we all were? We were more excited about this than FOAM! Really was such a great highlight to an incredibly shitty year.7 points
It's already the 4th December over here in the UK and I'm not sure if it feels like a year since this was released or not! Time has been a strange thing the last couple of years! Still loving the album7 points
I'm not seeing any complaints either. We're all thrilled that Billie's back. There's just a little bit of caution about getting hopes too high for him sticking around. He can come and go as he pleases, but we know there would be disappointment if he left again soon. But that's on us, not him. I found these pictures and realized they are from the RevRad concert I saw in 2017! I saw this Billie!! I was squealing when I noticed the show they are from. I'd forgotten he'd worn the red shirt I love at my concert.6 points
Totally agree, I think some are a little inclined to forget this is not Billie’s personal account, this is what he shares with fans if and when he wants to.5 points
4 points
Same, still melt into a puddle every time Degenerate comes on ❤️4 points
This is a lovely photo of Billie with a beard (as is the one he posted yesterday) Apologies if posted previously4 points
I mean it's not out of the realm of possibility — probably just trying to temper expectations is all. He's always been a little unhinged and unpredictable online. I don't see why any fan would be upset about him returning though!4 points
When Green Day and Longshot shows are the benchmark for being bruised and you're comparing your Ikea wardrobe experience to it. For reference, the wardrobe beat me up more than the wildest crowd.3 points
3 points
Whatever reason there is I am so happy to have the three main guys all active on IG. Even just little things like saying hi with a post or story is so awesome.3 points
3 points
2 points
I'm sure almost every celebrity is pressured by their management to post on social media. They are obliged to at least consider doing what their employer asks and they won't always be doing things because they want to (I'm very passionate about that subject and everyone probably already knows I wrote my dissertation on it ). Knowing they're obliged to obey their employer isn't the same thing as thinking they're obliged to please fans though.2 points
But that’s exactly how social media works - it is MEANT TO eastabilish a relationship. You won’t buy the product because he tells you to, you’ll do it because you’ll think he’s a cute little guy.2 points
Just because sometimes people are obligated to (which they would choose whether to agree to or not) doesn't mean he is or should be. Just because it's enjoyable for us it doesn't mean he has to. Whatever his motivations for doing it, we're not owed him doing it. If he doesn't want to post on instagram he doesn't have to and we're not being stiffed of anything if he doesn't. It's a bonus not something owed. That's all I'm saying.2 points
I’m very curious if that’s what happened. They were pushing their products a lot this past year and hella mega was a success, so I’d like to know how much of a difference it makes when it’s Billie personally telling people to buy the coffee.2 points
There's nothing wrong with a celebrity, or anyone for that matter, only using social media when they want to. Bands had fans and fans loved bands long before the internet, let alone social media, was a thing. I know people have got used to them being on social media so it sucks when they aren't, but we used to get next to nothing between albums and it's a bonus, not a given, that we get more now. The purpose of celebrities being on social media also isn't to entertain, interact or connect with specific people, regardless of how devoted they are. It's first and foremost promotional and secondly it's a nice thing to do for everyone, casual and hardcore fans alike. It's not a product we've paid for so they're obliged to supply. Is it good for their business? Absolutely. Is it necessary? No, especially given how successful they already are and how well Hella Mega went despite the pandemic. I completely get that Billie posting can brighten someone's day and it's disappointing if that source of happiness is gone, but I don't personally understand why anyone would lose interest in a band purely because of their absence from social media. They're a band, not models or influencers. Their product is music. I'm going to get that product regardless of whether or not they're on Instagram and even if they never release anything else, that's sad, but it's not like they've let me down. I haven't paid them to produce something they've failed to deliver. The best and healthiest way to view celebrities on social media is as a nice bonus we can enjoy while it lasts without getting overly invested in it.2 points
2 points
I guess I was so excited that Billie's back that I was stimulated to dream about him again last night after months of nothing. Here it is: I was with someone, maybe from GDC, and walked into a room in a small building that was like a common area and Billie was sitting in a chair reading a paper. I saw him and immediately turned around and left the room, whispering “Oh shit! It’s Billie!” I did not want to bother him, but he had already seen me I’m sure, so I tried to compose myself and reentered the room and very meekly said hi. My friend and I started talking to him and he was, of course, incredibly nice. He looked like he did in the selfie/pic he posted in his return to Instagram. I turned away for some reason and when I turned back, he did not have a beard anymore and I was happy about that (I must have subconsciously willed it away ). We talked for quite awhile about various things like the news and asshole billionaires and the GOP. We got to know him personally a little bit and started visiting him regularly. One day, I was outside and found a bunch of mushrooms growing on a hillside that I was excited about. I told my friend “I wonder if there are mushrooms in Billie’s yard too. Let’s go find out.” So we went to look for him and there were a lot of people around and we were trying to spot him. We went up to someone from the neighborhood and asked “Do you know where Billie is?” They replied “Yeah. He had to go do an emergency surgery on an animal.” I was super impressed that Billie had yet another advanced skill and was about to mention to my friend ‘can you imagine, looking back to AI era, that Billie would eventually be performing surgeries?’ but I didn’t. I also thought ‘Oh good. That means he will be back. We can go see him tomorrow.’ I never thought veterinarian Billie would be a thing, but it happened! 🤔 Wtf, brain!2 points
2 points
Given the timing (Christmas Day is 3 weeks away from tomorrow), what if they‘re teasing a new Christmas song?2 points
This. It’s a case of once bitten twice shy. But I love that he’s back of course2 points
The first year of the pandemic felt pretty ok with the Network and No Fun Mondays and the livestreams etc. This past year has sucked a lot more and felt even more of a disconnect with the fandom even with the tours and stuff. It’s felt like a ghost town without the random posts and livestreams when so many of us are in other countries etc. It was probably hitting the fandom a lot harder on top of isolation and a never ending pandemic. It feels like everything is going to better again I’ve been so much happier since yesterday and I’m so glad I’m not alone in feeling this I took the Instagram posts and all the fun stuff for granted for about a decade at this point? Never again. I missed it so much and I definitely wasn’t the only one. Definitely a lot more activity on the GDC and social media fan accounts in just one day with just one random post. He was very missed.2 points
Completely agree with @pacejunkie punk and think this is even magnified after the crappy last while, we have all come to really appreciate the little things which actually make a big difference. Quick selfie from Billie = tons of happy fans.2 points
Billie's return to Instagram aligns perfectly with my return to GDC. HALLELUJAH Billie looks A M A Z I N G. Looking a little rugged but you know what I don't mind. It's looking good. Billie has truly given this blessed gifts for the patient fangirls. Thank you, Billie. (Now please bring back livestreams)2 points
Listening to this beast again, I stand even more by my opinion: such a beauty.2 points
1 point
For your information I've been to 46 Green Day shows over many years not hundreds. I love Green Day. I love their performance and I've never expected anything from Billie. As you know I'm old (and suffer with progressive rheumatoid arthritis which I've had since I was 15-16) and if I'm in the pit I need to be able to hold onto the rail or the stage or I'd end up on the floor. Also, realistically, once you've been on the rail a seat just isn't the same! You don't know me or my life and there is a very specific reason I love Green Day so much. I grew up loving all music of every genre but my ex was an abusive DJ and when I finally managed to get away I couldn't listen to anything because it took me back to days I didn't want to remember. When I found Green Day they were untouched and fresh and I was able to find my love of music again. Plus which they're live show is second to none. I love watching Billie's silly gestures. I love watching Mike play the chords to Longview and I love things like Tré doing a stupid dad dance in front of a Christmas tree! That's why I'm here. Interesting you think you know so much about me when I've never spoken to you1 point
She hasn't been to "hundreds" of shows and she certainly doesn't do it to be "noticed" by him. Attending public events because you like music (because believe it or not, it is possible to just enjoy a band's music) is very, very different to buying something because you see a cute photo of someone and want them to notice and feel appreciated by you. If you think everyone goes to gigs because they want to be noticed, that says more about you than it does about them. Sorry if this sounds personal but your post was an outright nasty, petty and personal attack over something you've assumed about someone you've never met and have hardly spoken to (in contrast to you openly stating how you feel about Billie being on Instagram). In regards to bands needing their fans, they'll still have me and thousands (or millions, even) of others like me because yes, there are people who actually want the main product, music and don't expect anything else. As I said before, bands had fans and fans loved bands without social media or any means of personal conncetions in the past and they'll manage in the future.1 point
I have a bachelor’s degree in PR and marketing so I in fact do happen to know a thing or two about brand loyalty and commercial social media communication regardless of my personal beliefs LOL. And yes, I am simplifying it, but this absolutely is how it works - brands want people to feel engaged and associate the brand with positive emotions. So hiring a cute little guy to post stuff on social media and maybe tell people to subscribe to the loyalty programme is actually a pretty good idea. If anything, people see the brand, associate it with someone they like and it’s likely they’ll choose the brand over a comparable alternative. Influencers make advertising look more like a personal recommendation and it also looks less like an ad so people are more likely to pay attention to it. Of course, it’s smart that you’re not buying into this and I suggest everyone else does the same, but that’s how it’s done and clearly it works. In my opinion, Billie should pay me. I deserve reparations.1 point
Then why are you here? Why have you been to hundreds of shows and camped out for front row to be seen and noticed by him? Why have you spent thousands of pounds on merch, tickets and music? Call it unhealthy all you want, but look in the mirror while you do. Don't tell me you're into every band's music at this level. What is it about Green Day? They are because the fans are the customers and buyers of the product. Look at what happens when a band gets cancelled by their fans and refuses to support them. No band can afford to have that happen. Musicians need fans to exist like any business needs customers or they're playing in their bedrooms.1 point
Yes, but how much and in what ways a business or band promotes itself is up to them. If they do less marketing (whether through instagram posts or whatever else) that doesn't mean we're being short changed of something. We aren't paying them (or doing anything else for them) to do promotion or to post on instagram.1 point
Of course it is a marketing/promotional activity and depending on his contract he’s either obligated to do it or it’s strongly suggested.1 point
It is absolutely part of the arrangement or he would just use his private account. This one is specifically created to engage fans and you are giving your devotion in exchange. It’s not as optional as you think. Musicians and other celebrities are told to engage through social media, some are even run by their managers and assistants. You may not like to think you’re being manipulated in this way but you are. It is all part of building brand loyalty whether you (or even he) thinks of it that way. Even with the curtain drawn back, I enjoy the engagement, it adds to my fan experience and I’m glad he’s doing it, but let’s all go into this with eyes wide open. He’s not doing this completely by choice, there are business considerations and pressures from above.1 point
1 point
I've definitely felt less of a connection this past year, even with going to shows, so I'm glad he's back. Now no one scare him.1 point
It will be interesting to see how frequently he posts now that he's reactivated his account. Although Tre's posts from the tour were good, people would've gone to Billie's posts first (since he's the frontman) if he'd been active on the tour. Not to mention this forum will be more active if Billie continues to post stuff.1 point
It definitely made me more cynical when the only band contact we had was their efforts to harvest our data, sell us merch and coffee. I felt undervalued and like I wasn’t getting much in return for my devotion. It really was starting to wear on me. And it doesn’t take much to turn that around because I love this band and want to be engaged. A simple thing like a personal IG post and I’m on my knees apologizing for ever doubting them 😂 It’s such a low effort but high reward move. I mean just look at the fan reaction here and on Instagram and Twitter. My discover page is full of his selfie reposted by everyone. Before that it was the same old photos and fewer than ever.1 point
I really do think his absence was affecting the fandom in a negative way. People were losing interest, moving on, there was less activity here even with a tour and new singles. I wonder if they are aware of that to any degree that while Tre tried to pick up the slack (and we love and appreciate his efforts) it wasn’t the same and the fandom really wakes up and invests again when Billie is active online.1 point
My point is why do they have do that when other bands don’t. I don’t think it’s because they choose to, more like they’re told they have to.1 point
1 point
1 point
This is annoying me now I thought I'd found it but this isn't it either is it? Source Edit: I found it! It was Bologna in 2013! That was one I definitely didn't remember.1 point
Damn he's looking good. And a bit of a silver fox thing going on, it works🐺1 point
1 point
OMG BILLIE! I did not believe it when I saw the post on Instagram. I'm beyond myself with joy that he's back! I sincerely hope he's planning to stick around for a while now, permitting assholes and/or overly eager fans don't fuck it up. He looks so good and his hair is wonderful and curly! Y'all know I'm not about that beard, but everything else it perfect.1 point
That's true, Trilogy at least had some edge that felt genuine.1 point
Oh wow, I'm slow. Hopefully everyone is telling him he's pretty so he posts more.1 point