I remember when that photo was released and most people thought it was a carnation. I even looked up if carnations are edible or not. Turns out they are. Funny how we don't bat an eye even when we assume Billie is eating a fucking flower. We're just like "Huh. Okay, that seems about right."
Last Ride In Rules. Let me fix this for you:
This is one of the greatest albums of all time and space and coffee. Except that Haushinka BS.
I don't why Haushinka drives me batty, but it's my only sore spot against the band.
Back in the day there was a lot of theories that put it all into a meta context, but as they turned out mostly wrong, I think taking it at a face value is in the end the option that makes the most sense... We were like the Sherlock fans who couldn’t believe the last episode was so absurdly convoluted that they invented a secret good episode that’s certainly going to come out later
I agree but am sure the first one has been enhanced, or maybe better to say altered. He ‘s so beautiful there is no need to fake it, this one looks OTT to me.
Sorry guys, could have sworn the notification was from GD, am not subscribed to this channel so not sure how I got a notification when it was posted! Got over excited and confused about why they would post it just now.
@Yosuke Hanamura I forgot about Kill The DJ! That video sucks too! They're just riding motorcycles in a desert and then looking bored in a club. The only good part was Green Day performing (the outfit Billie wore for that was amazing!). I think Sam Bayer needs to give it a rest, especially after learning about that unreleased FOAM video. I'd still like to see it, though.
This picture @Rumpelstiltskin2000 posted in the BJA photo thread is too pretty to exist. Billie has the ability to stare across time and space.
He also directed the first video for Father Of All… the one Billie called chaos at iHeart and that they ended up scrapping. It was the one shot at the Madonna Inn and used all these extras (one of which had tweeted about it at the time and later her tweets were deleted). I would love to see it get leaked someday because it sounds wild. I believe unused footage like this was part of the shoot and why it may have gotten pulled:
Sam Bayer did other videos after AI (My Chemical Romance’s Welcome To The Black Parade & Famous Last Words comes to mind), but he did seem to stop after late 2006. I guess something about ¡Uno! must’ve rekindled his desire to direct like American Idiot did. That or the women in the Oh Love video.
P.S. He also directed the video for Kill The DJ for those who were unaware.
You captured my feelings on the matter perfectly! In my opinion, American Idiot, Holiday, and BOBD are the only really good videos Sam Bayer did with Green Day. Oh Love would have been much better with just the band.
@jengd he did say that! I guess he retired again and then came back to make another video because he's a Green Day fanboy.