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6 points
Really disappointed in this one! It's all stage footage...how many times do we need to see the bunny? It's almost like they don't want us to have any of the BTS stuff! It isn't bad enough that Billie is totally off social media and Mike barely posting at all during the tour? If you don't want to give BTS content then don't tease it as that. 😪6 points
That was the worst one of all it wasn’t Behind The Scenes it was just Scenes 🤦🏻 Nothing BTS that isn’t the pink bunny or the backs of them walking on stage. What bullshit. Was the poker game too intimate or something? They must have taken hours of film. Ugh Look Green Day, you even got Jen disappointed now and nothing ever breaks her spirits! 😜6 points
Well I like it but at under 3 mins and again very little actual BTS stuff, I am a little disappointed tbh!6 points
If only they were that wild these days 😕 I agree that they shouldn’t hype exclusive behind the scenes material if they’re not gonna give you that. Instagram stories from RevRad was true behind the scenes content. The puppet insulting Jeff. Pervy gifts from the truck stop. Running the bases and playing on a slip and slide in their underwear. Remember when Billie filmed a live from the dressing room and then forgot to turn it off? “Dude, there were like 1,000 people watching that…. Oh there’s still 1,000 people watching” LOL!5 points
My favourite one is "Is Billie Joe Armstrong British?" Also "Did Billie Joe Armstrong" has two different variations of asking if he got his teeth fixed lol5 points
5 points
If you type "Is Billie Joe Armstrong" one of the first things that comes up is "still alive", dammit people, didn't he repeat it at least 8 times in the song?5 points
4 points
A Green Day project who ends up disappointing? Impossible.4 points
I really hope The Longshot tours again! 😭 I want an opportunity to experience that. Hell, I'd even take The Coverups as long as I get to see Billie in a small club setting again.4 points
Laughing at the Mike one. Is Billie Joe Armstong related to Neil Armstrong? Is Tre Cool German? Is Mike Dirnt ok? Also, I'd kill for footage of Highway 1.4 points
Episode 5 is out. Look like it's the Finale. Maybe we'll get more of those in 2022. Still hoping for a live CD/DVD soon.3 points
3 points
I got “what is mike dirnt’s bass” that’s a pretty cool question. Better than “is Billie Joe Armstrong alive” 😳3 points
I hadn't realised at first there were more photos attached to Tre's post so here you go Kevin posted these to his Instagram story3 points
Sound fun! Once in a lifetime ❤️ so happy you were able to attend the show… Showers can wait sometimes.3 points
I recently listened to some vocal-only tracks of 21CB and AI and wow, it‘s so amazing how they used harmonies to achieve much more powerful vocals. I really hope that they use more background vocals in their next album!3 points
I wasn't even looking up Green Day stuff and I encountered THIS: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/110830840816256965/ Then, I woke up to a message of love. Choking up on the smoke from above.2 points
That was lame. Very little BTS footage. It's all stage footage. I mean that's nice but not exactly BTS footage, which is what I'd rather see than more concert footage.2 points
2 points
Oh no, I looked at the setlist and they didn't play Highway 1 either . If you're still interested anyway it's this (it's kind of a toned down show since it was not long after Billie's rehab but still cool a whole one was recorded): On that tour in 2008 they played the same setlist at every show (every Foxboro song, Supermodel Robots, Blood Sex and Booze and A Quick One While He's Away) and then they did that + extra covers and repeated Foxboro songs in London 2009 as well so I had wrongly assumed they continued playing every song. Such a shame there's no recordings of full shows where they played every song out there (especially knowing they professionally recorded the London one, and maybe others too).2 points
2 points
Is Billie... licking Mike's nose? These are all so sweet! My favorite thing is seeing them show how much they love each other.2 points
Saaaaaame! @Hermione can you link that full show that you found? It's okay if they didn't play Red Tide at it, I just love Foxies in general. I so hope they do another tour or put out another record.2 points
2 points
2 points
I was in front of Billie at that show and was absolutely covered in sweat and spit (he was literally raining sweat as I'm sure we all were) and had to fly back to the UK early the next morning so I reckon it was a few days until I was able to shower2 points
Actually if you type in "Is Green Day..." on Google the first thing that comes up is "still together"2 points
2 points
Just watched now and yeah it is kinda disappointing. Is it me or are there even repeat frames in there. I'm sure if you were at those shows it's cool but as a lot of you have said it's hardly behind the scenes1 point
1 point
From Oakland Coffee https://www.instagram.com/p/CU73eqpJkI3/?utm_medium=copy_link Not watched it yet so better go do that!1 point
Tune in and catch our final Behind The Scenes episode from the US Hella Mega Tour! Episode 5 features Green Day on the left coast this summer, when they rocked San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle. https://coffeehouse.oaklandcoffee.com/video/green-day-bts-hella-mega-episode-5-she1 point
If you type in "what is Green Day's..." it actually comes up with "what is Green Day"! For Billie "what is Billie Joe Armstrong doing now" Tre "what is Tre Cool's real name" And Mike - looks like people don't ask because nothing comes up! Year's ago when Tre was single the most asked question was "what is Tre Cool's net worth" which is kind of sad1 point
1 point
Apart from maybe some rare exceptions they played every song at every show. There's a sad lack of footage, mostly because on their 10 show tour in 2008 they strictly banned filming so only very small snippets were captured. It was banned at the London show in 2009 too although more was got away with, but this teeny bit of Red Tide is all I'm aware of: Edit: Damn there's a video of their entire show in 2013 but checking setlist fm they didn't play Red Tide at that one unfortunately. They also didn't play it at their 2010 New York shows (which there's loads more video from). So looks like they only played it at the earlier shows that have little to no footage out there1 point
1 point
@Rumpelstiltskin2000 I still love that Colbert bonus special!1 point
1 point
Some photos from the Red carpet at Rock Hall 2015 Love the frilly shirt! Photos from the Getty Images website1 point
Yes! Gda. Not only that but also I don’t really see the forum topics unless I really search for. It used to be available on the display. I hope you know what I mean When is it going to get back to it’s normal state? I’m a newbie when it comes to online stuff so I’m having difficulties seeing the relevant forums1 point
1 point