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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2021 in all areas

  1. So some of you may know that I was planning to go on a trip with a couple of friends and wanted to play "Welcome To My Panic" for them so they could get to know Billie and develop an appreciation for him as a person and for Green Day - kind of come to understand just why I admire him so much. I was very anxious about the prospect of it, because I was worried they wouldn't be interested or would find it boring etc. I was especially apprehensive about the one who's never really cared for them, said it sounded like the same song over and over when I played stuff on previous trips, is reminded of high school so has a negative association and whatnot. WELL! I played it for them and they both really enjoyed it and now think Billie has a really interesting life story and is a cool person. They actually want to listen to some more Green Day music now that they have this new perspective! It went as well as I could have hoped for and it makes me so happy that they can understand better now why Green Day and Billie mean so much to me and are such an important part of my life. It literally made the whole trip for me right at the beginning (4 hour drive so we had plenty of time for the podcast). Everything else, like having fun and getting away from everything and spending time with my best friends is just icing on the cake. We're going to listen to the whole AI album at some point (probably the drive home) and I'm going to find some funny GD videos to show them. I know I wrote kind of a lot, but it you got through all of it, I appreciate you. Here are some Billies as thanks.
    8 points
  2. Well if an incubus is male and a succubus if female, both prone to preying on the opposite sex, and Billie is bi, where does that leave him? A biccubus? A Billiecubus? A Billiebicubbus? Am I turning into @That Dude 🤣🤣😘😘
    4 points
  3. To imagine we might never get another video like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFVgprxFAwU
    4 points
  4. Longshot Era Billie: Almost dies from heat exhaustion after refusing to unbutton one button in a 90 degree basement. 21CB Era Billie:
    3 points
  5. https://daryafrisk.tumblr.com/post/652634164200357888/ummm-excuse-me
    2 points
  6. When you find a new brand of local cider called Longdrop and you initially misread it as "Longshot".
    2 points
  7. I typically don't come over to this topic, now I see why 😁. Haven't had a Green Day related dream in a while, just the usual dinosaurs in air ducts. Maybe tonight, although I've currently been overdosing on Saw movies so probably not. It's going to be torture device kind of night. I can feel it.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. There's a bit of bellie. And it's adorable.
    2 points
  10. The Network (or ANYBODY) needs to create The Network Pinball machine: 'Threat Level Midnight blaring out of the speakers, or Art of the Deal with the Devil: Do you dare to step up and launch your ball into the beloved bewildering obstacles such as Snoo's Asphyxiates eating Hungry Hungry Models alive, or the pit of the Tarantula driving Trans Ams into X-Ray Hamburgers? Or will you fall victim to Joe Robot's Pool Party extravaganza? Using the Respirator, launch the captive ball with the bumpers and hit the Supermodel Robot to collect 50,000 points. But, how about going for the high score, and banking 25,000 points for every time you cream Ivankkka once you've launched through "Fentanyl's Pizzagate" and roll out through Popper Punk alley, knocking over a Teenager from Mars. However, beware of Flat Earth, for it will send you to either a Time Capsule, a Wicked Warehouse in Oakland, or if the Transistors get too wild the pinball will roll into a gobble hole labeled as The Stranger.'
    2 points
  11. I didn’t think of that option but I was like “sir, what are you doing???” regardless
    1 point
  12. Oh yeah there were definitely maps that were "sideways"/ways other than north-south in the past, before the whole world was known etc. I think once we knew about the poles it pretty much had to be either north-south or south-north though.
    1 point
  13. I think it mostly just makes sense to put the area with the most land and people at the top. The other way up you're mostly looking at ocean, and 87% of the world's population lives above the equator.
    1 point
  14. I used pegging as an example because it seemed a reasonable guess that it was considered off-limits. I do not know what stance medieval Catholic church held on cowgirl and I do not have my copy of Maleus Maleficarum on me to consult. You don’t have to worry about my sex life lol
    1 point
  15. Sorry but think it dates from when us Europeans had empires, we had to be the focus. Either that or is it to with showing the huge amount of ocean?
    1 point
  16. Really happy that went well for you @Slave To The Network, completely understand how you want your close friends to have at least some idea of something important to you.
    1 point
  17. I should not let the silliness take control, apologies @That Dude, hope I haven’t derailed your slumber! I love @Beerjeezus “twink demon” (do we all have the same picture in our minds….) and can imagine the Google stats people pondering the sudden upswing in searches for incubus and succubus, bet they won’t even be close to why! 😂😂
    1 point
  18. I'm mainly familiar with Succubi and Incubi from D&D, but I do know that they're rooted in real world mythology, obviously (D&D takes a lot from mythos). @jengd I like Bicubus for the term.
    1 point
  19. Who knew that my little dream would spark such an interesting discussion 🤣 You guys are entertaining as hell, in the best way possible of course 😉
    1 point
  20. It looks like he is completely off IG at the moment
    1 point
  21. The 2xLP vinyl version of this is $12.96 on amazon dot com right now - https://www.amazon.com/Money-2020-Pt-II-Told/dp/B08VYBFTR8 great deal!
    1 point
  22. I think the problem is that that this lore comes from a time in history when fear of these demons was a way of maintaining social order and gender roles. I mean, there was no way you could scare men by the possibility that a twink demon visits them in their dream at that time, because obviously, a good Christian man wouldn't want to get involved with a male demon and a good Christian woman wouldn't want to peg a guy. The victims had to be innocent by very concrete standards. However, that also means that if you look past these morals, you can get seduced by a demon in any way you'd like to be seduced (which imo should be the point! if you're going to hell for this, it better be worth it)
    1 point
  23. I googled it as well and apparently the names succubus and incubus come from Latin incubare which means lie on and succubare which means lie under, so I think gender is ascribed to demons based on whether they're a top or a bottom???
    1 point
  24. I was going to make a comment about bisexual demons but think I’ll back off…. 😍😍😈😈
    1 point
  25. I love how so many people really like him, seem to gravitate to him and are comfortable around him. ❤️❤️❤️
    1 point
  26. I hope he returns to Instagram for the tour. If not we will know for sure that he is done with it.
    1 point
  27. This is very disappointing 😞 He wasn’t really posting anything but it was nice the account was there. This place has felt like a ghost town with him not being active and interacting with fans on at least social media since there’s no shows. I get it. Maybe it’s annoying or stressful or a waste of time when there’s more important things to do... But it feels very final and disappointing when the accounts are deleted. I hope he’s being dramatic (or I’m being dramatic because so what someone deleted their Instagram account who cares? I care! But whatever) and something fun and awesome is around the corner.
    1 point
  28. I’m not an expert in demonology, so you’re probably right!
    1 point
  29. I know I would survive COVID, God-willing. My concern is the long term effects. Seeing world class athletes still struggling with symptoms half a year later scares me.
    1 point
  30. I dunno, "what the hey" is some pretty strong language to be fair
    1 point
  31. I wish your dream became a reality. I'd give so much to see a show with just GD! I had a dream the other night where I was talking to my coworker and she said she didn't really like GD that much (not true) and I said something like "Oh, I bet I could find something by them that you'll like. There's a Green Day song for everyone." It must be true though. They're so varied in style and sound that even someone who doesn't care for them overall can probably find at least a handful of songs that they can enjoy. Plus they're just genuinely excellent musicians.
    1 point
  32. @That Dude is that you?
    1 point
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