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But that’s most of Green Day’s catalog. What were you expecting? They don’t make instrumental music, they make music with vocals. You can’t take away an integral part of the piece of art and then complain about it. That’s like taking the sauce away from spaghetti and then saying that it isn’t good spaghetti.10 points
I don't love it but don't hate it either. It's catchy and upbeat. But why do so many of his lyrics sound like they're made with a random Green Day lyrics generator anymore? Rainy days and razor blades Hurricanes and headlines Open roads and traffic lights10 points
I don't think they've been mediocre. Albums not being your favourite/to your taste ≠ albums being mediocre. They're not going to go back in time whether it's going back to American Idiot or Dookie or whatever old album, their sound has always changed and evolved. Pollyanna doesn't sound any different to other modern GD stuff to me and every album they've released since 21st CB has contained songs with just as many solid GD vibes as Pollyanna.9 points
It appears I've infected someone. Very well. My theory is that entire post is lyrics to the next Green Day song, which is part of Album 14, Hot Dog Bratworst Gray Bull Magnum for Stupid Mean People. It's a Power Popera about being happy, getting the most out of life and will instruct the world to just stop being depressed and be awesome. I take that back, that title is a little much. It's called Awesome Forever!7 points
7 points
Well, if I have the choice between „Green Day makes overwhelming music that is so hard to make and it fucks them up mentally so they fall into addiction“ and „Green Day makes the music they just want to make so that they are mentally stable“, I would choose option 2. But I think that RevRad was a nice compromise between the two.6 points
6 points
I agree. The self-deprecating title ("Pollyanna" means an excessively optimistic person) also seems like an acknowledgement of having some apprehension underneath.6 points
Copyright infringement lvl 1000 Like are they actually serious..?😄 (Picture of a norwegian fries company)6 points
This song honestly felt like the greatest gift from the boys. While I was feeling so messed up, all the positive vibes on the lyrics and melody gave me the strength to keep going. I couldn’t really think of any better timing than that. So, I’m planning to listen to this on repeat during these stressful days I’m going through🖤5 points
I love this song!! I didn't think I'd hear such an uplifting song from them any time soon! Made me inexplicably happy. So catchy too!4 points
I noticed this too. The title. IMO the whole song feels like fear of a let down. And then repeated repeated at the end “don’t let me down”. The song sounds kind of sad lyrically with an upbeat sound and fun guitar. Like it might not be alright. Don’t let me down. That’s a lot of pressure for the Pollyanna. We need to help her out. Be kind to one another. Does anyone know if these are new or old lyrics? There’s a theory going around that this song is from the 21CB era? Kind of feels new and like the toxic positivity and isolation of our new climate but seems Billie Joe also has wrote from the feeling of being isolated and broken-hearted and looking for something or looking to someone for years.4 points
I love MM2020 Part II! It’s an eclectic and fun collection of songs. Ivanka is a Nazi and Threat Level Midnight are some of the most energized punk songs they’ve released in years. And, hearing very well written songs from Mike and Tre is also a treat. I play the album from start to finish and never feel tempted to hit next. But, I also really liked MM2020 (Part 1).4 points
Yeah, except they immediately re-sign with them straight after so.... ...this. When you ignore the joke songs, everything left is arguably musically and lyrically more interesting than anything off of FOAM. The production quality feels much better, like they actually put effort into this instead of just throwing in random laser sounds, then there is the whole experimentation/creativity let loose on the entire thing, so to me personally it just feels a bit more refreshing and far less like cringe/bland boomer songs. Also Fentanyl 👌4 points
Honestly hot dogs are one of my favorite parts of baseball games, so it's a good marketing strategy for people who are nostalgic for this summer ballpark tour.4 points
I think they're just enjoying putting out art that they are proud of and having fun with and its okay if its not to everyones taste, but its certainly not down to lack of care or laziness.4 points
The problem is, they have changed and strayed a long time ago. There’s no need to dwell on a “DIY” aesthetic when it’s fake anyway. They have professionals to design the art, so they might as well create art that shows for it.4 points
Honestly, Polyanna is like a breath of fresh air after two releases of generally pretty dark songs3 points
😂 Right? Which is proof we should never listen to a thing he says, he’s full of shit most of the time. What I like is that this song takes us back to the Longshot power pop sound he loves and is so naturally good at. To me it sounds like Green Day again already. I think they tried something different for FOAM, got it out of their system and are done. I doubt they intend to revisit that sound. But just like Green Day popularized punk when everyone said it was impossible, I think he really wants to do the same for power pop. He called it the best music that no one listens to which makes it similar to punk in that way. They’re never going to do another rock opera, concept record or repeat their successes of the past, but maybe they have a shot at popularizing an under appreciated genre again? I think he would love to bring power pop to the masses and do for the genre what he did for punk.3 points
They moved from Jingletown because it was a money pit. The building and facilities/equipment were so outdated it was cheaper to build a new studio in a more convenient neighborhood than to keep repairing the old one.3 points
Interesting. I don't know if polished is the word I would have chosen, but I don't know how else I would describe it. I guess my best guess at a description would be that the way he used to sing had more of a visceral grit to it that really projected from his very soul. It was still smooth and clear, but it had that underlying emotional depth. Now when he sings it's like he's got the technical prowess, but the depth has fallen by the way side. There are very few songs that I can name recently outside of ones like Brutal Love that seem to have as much of that.3 points
Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about MM2020 part 2? There's like 5 songs on there that are worth listening to and only 2-3 songs that are worth revisiting imo. Honestly there's more reason to return to FOAMF imo3 points
3 points
Woah this was a nice surprise! Every step out of their destructive yolo-party-until-you-die-attitude is a step in the right direction for me, so even though it still has to grow on me, I think I like it. I love the positive message. We all need a Billie telling us everything is gonna be alright these days, I guess🥺3 points
I kinda don't know what to say. As people have said Pollyanna sounds more like Longshot and NFM to me. In fact I wouldn't be at all surprised if Billie and Chris had done it all themselves but put it out as GD. Maybe I'm completely wrong but I think it's pretty soon for a new album. Although we know Billie's always writing so who knows? Don't get me wrong I don't dislike Pollyanna but I don't especially expect an album like it. Anyway I'm rambling (I struggle to put thoughts into words)!2 points
Agreed. Polyanna is okay, but I have rather low expectations for the next album, if P. and especially HCTS are regarded as the better tracks. I think stuff he says during interviews can only be taken as his opinion/feelings at the time, not neccessarily as a statement that applies permanently... I mean, he's say anything that comes to his mind2 points
How can you compare this lazy uninteresting song to the beast like 21st CB? It's literally not even remotely similar in anything and I'm confused why so many people here think that. If I had to pick the best album since 21st CB I'd choose Love is for Losers or Money Money 2020 Pt II. They're not GD albums but since Billie and GD made them I consider them Green Day material.2 points
You seem like you don't really know GD music. Listen to anything from AI, 21st CB, RevRad or even FOAMF and then tell me their music is not good instrumentally. I'd say some songs are even better without the voice because you can clearly hear all the other interesting parts that Billie's playing. In some songs there are even multiple guitar parts that you can't normally hear. Great example is Boulevard of Broken Dreams or 21 Guns which has beautiful piano pretty much all across the song but you can't really hear it because it's lost in the mix. I recently fell in love with Oh Yeah! after I played the instrumental version of it and I'm not a fan of the song at all. I urge you to listen to all of the instrumentals that you can find on YouTube and then you might see how bad/lazy their last two songs are.2 points
We don't know if a new album is coming any time soon, whether that song will be on it or whether that song is indicative of the sound of the album If it is on the album and indicative of the sound of the album, I don't think it'll be the best since 21CB. It might be the best since RevRad but even that I'm unsure of. Pollyanna only beats out around half of FOAMF imo and if that's the first of the songs from the new album that we're gonna hear, then I'm not gonna be too hyped for their next album. Pollyanna would've been one of the weaker songs on the trilogy or on RevRad, and it doesn't compare to any of the 21CB tracks imo (Yeah people have issues with a couple of tracks but I love all of them) Also, if Pollyanna is on the album, then there's a good chance HCTS will be on the album. If that's the case, then yeah. I'm not gonna be expecting any better than FOAMF I also find it funny that they released a song like this given that Billie said this during the FOAMF promotion: "Rock and roll sometimes has become so tame because a lot of rock acts are always trying to look for the feel-good song of the year or something" and this song kind of seems like that2 points
2 points
2 points
It’s hard to compare the two bands to me musically because they’re so different. They each have their own lane and do their thing well.2 points
There was a song that was mentioned in the 21st CB era called "Wonderful" that Billie wrote after Obama was elected. All that was said about it was it was a very happy and optimistic song written in reaction to that event. Because this song is very optimistic and says "wonderful" it brought it to mind. I guess it's possible it's reworked from it or they used some things from it but there's nothing concrete to say it is.2 points
2 points
21CB had top tier art. That was the last GD era of truly brilliant album art. It's not like it's a huge problem, but if they decided to revisit working with some creative, professional artists again in the future rather than going DIY I would be very happy.2 points
Hopefully soon! Yeah interestingly enough, I had drinks with the marketing manager for Warner Canada tonight and he mentioned in passing how’ there’s a new Green Day album. Being released this year2 points
2 points
I hope when (when not ifffff omgggggg please for the love of Beejeezus whennn...) when the Longshot tours again I hope they always pick local bands to open. Longshot shows are hard enough to get into it would be cool if they gave local bands a thrill and a leg up by insisting on small lesser known local bands open the show. Thanks for posting this ❤️2 points
I’ve also been pretty disappointed in the art direction they’ve chosen since FOAM. Not commenting on the music so much but the visual style/aesthetic has left a lot to be desired lately. It’s really unfortunate because I’ve felt that to be a high point for the band since… well forever, but especially during the AI/21CB era. Even the trilogy had a unified art theme that didn’t look like ass. And as previously mentioned, the new Network record looks great! They’re one of the biggest rock bands in the world, I just wish they’d be doing something more interesting with it right now.2 points
Wait....what if the song is just about Billie Joe eating the best hot dog of his life? Perspective!2 points
Haha, yeah Other Garden tried to sue Green Day because “Warning” sounds a little like their song “Never Got the Chance.” But, that song sounds like “Picture Book” by The Kinks 😆 (which is probably where Billie Joe got the idea from since he’s a big Kinks fan). There have been quite a few parts in Billie Joe’s songs that are similar to other songs. But this is just the case with music, especially rock music. The most obvious one is Mark Curry’s song “It’s Only Time.” Check it out in YouTube and you’ll immediately hear what song Green Day wrote probably based on this (either intentionally or unintentionally). Another that I just discovered is that “Threat Level Midnight” sounds a lot like “Never Alone” by the Dropkick Murphys!2 points
Only seems fitting since it was Billie Joe flashing audiences at their rise to fame... it's just a ... different weenie now.2 points
The hotdog is getting a lot of attention. Whatever graphic designer made it did their job right. It's going to get clicks because people will be curious. And then BOOM. New fans, lured in by a weenie.2 points
just saying... it's just a common font type reused a million times, no copyrights were infringed2 points
Because DIY is the punk aesthetic2 points
70% of Network songs were better than this and Billie hid them with a side project. Why?2 points
Probably going to be announcing the guys who will replace Mike and Tre on live TV.2 points
I thought something similar with the frowny faces in the videos. You have the upbeat, forward looking lyrics, but still some apprehension beneath that as well.2 points
Better question: Why not? We still got to hear the songs and the Network record wouldn't have been anywhere near as good if they used all the best songs for Green Day.1 point
Song credits, from TIDAL... Producer: Green Day Composer: Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt, Tré Cool Engineer: Chris Dugan, Green Day Mixer: Chris Dugan1 point