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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2020 in all areas

  1. I still argue that they took some risks on FOAM. It's nothing drastic, but songs like Father of All, Meet Me on the Roof, and Junkies on a High see them doing different things they hadn't previously done in Green Day. Was it as Earth shattering as they said? Nah, it was just boasting, something all artists do when promoting a new album.
    9 points
  2. 8 points
  3. 8 points
  4. This (except I also like Last Ride In and Espionage ). Like sure you could trim the album down to the standout tracks, but all the random stuff in between makes it a trip! Wouldn't be nearly as interesting without it. If I haven't already I want to declare myself on team Popper Punk! "Amyl nitrate" said 40+ times in a dodgy cockney accent over a catchy beat? What a concept , I love it.
    6 points
  5. I think the exaggerating/bragging about FOAM was tongue in cheek, and I really like it so I won't diss it. But I agree PP and a lot of this album is daring. The Network are fearless!
    5 points
  6. Normally I’m not a fan of instrumentals in general or GD’s in particular. I skip Last Ride In and Espionage. But in this case I like them because when you’re listening to the whole album they serve as nice transitions between the songs when the tracks are so different from each other. It helps to connect it all together and they work for me.
    5 points
  7. 5 points
  8. When you think about it, we got spoiled this year, huh? Those who don't like FOAM would disagree, but we got a new GD album, a new Network album, and a fun covers album. That's pretty awesome! I like NFM a lot. It's got this nice, laid back vibe to it. And what I like the most about it is Billie did it because he wanted to. Most cover albums feel half assed and lame because a band is doing it to give fans something between album releases. But Money Money Part 2 is definitely more fun!
    5 points
  9. Gwen reviews: Money Money 2020 Pt. II: We Told Ya So! Green Day flips the script, gets weird, and nets their best album since 2009’s 21st Century Breakdown Long review in the spoiler. Money Money 2020 Pt. II: We Told Ya So! is weird, creative, unexpected, and way better than it has any right to be. It has me excited for where Green Day goes next, something I didn’t feel at the beginning of this year. 4.5/5 Stars
    5 points
  10. It's the Wizard of Oz "oh-we-oh" part that gets me Btw who's going to do an accurate count on the number of times it says "amyl" and/or "nitrate" in Popper Punk? It goes "amyl nitrate amyl amyl nitrate nitrate amyl amyl nitrate nitrate" etc and gets even more complicated near the end so it was too confusing and I failed
    4 points
  11. I love the prophecy! The song is so damn catchy that I could sing "we're right, you're wrong and we told you so" all day. IDK, maybe because I enjoy being right so I understand the sentiment haha Also, Amnesia Vagabond is a killer imo.
    4 points
  12. That reminds me of this one. I've always said, if I was asked for one picture that defines Green Day, it would be this one (sorry Mike). People who are totally themselves and not afraid to be silly and have fun.
    4 points
  13. Look at that shit eating smirk on his face
    4 points
  14. Reminds me of his high school yearbook.
    4 points
  15. I just played it yesterday after The Network album for the first time in a long time. They actually go well together
    4 points
  16. What a fucking dork 😂 but I agree with @jengd it's part of what makes him so likable. I like that he can be silly and make fun of himself. And I like that he's not super macho. Seems like he's not afraid of getting in touch with his feminine side, which I love. If he wasn't so dorky and if he was way too macho I wouldn't be into him as much. At the same time he knows when to pull out his angry eyes and he's not afraid to kick some ass!
    4 points
  17. Omg a kinky Snoo video! 🥵 Does not disappoint. And Billie Fink forced to sit at the back playing drums is always good lol. Agree apart for the one part at the end of the chorus "cancer is the new black", I think that's Snoo.
    4 points
  18. Most of my fantasies just involve getting to spend time with Billie, be his friend, and hug him and look at him. He's the most stunningly beautiful living thing to ever grace the universe. Which makes it so much funnier when he's a complete doofus.
    4 points
  19. Such a smol gremlin with hair I wanna ruffle....very much like someone else I like who's name rhymes with Kent Jeznor. I think we were talking about Fink's hair shaking earlier, so have this
    4 points
  20. AWWWWWWWW! Hard to believe that was this year. It feels like a life time away.
    4 points
  21. Was just donating blood and they had the NFL preshow on. As soon as I saw Michael Strahan, my mind went to this tiny guy.
    4 points
  22. Thanks for giving it a read! I guess I can go more into this when I inevitably review 21st Century Breakdown, but I'll (respectfully) disagree with your disagreement. First, 21CB is not as cohesive as AI, no question about that. But I'd argue it largely succeeds at what it attempts. The story gets a bit more abstract after the end of Act I ,but it does get resolved by the end of the album with the destruction of American Eulogy and the aftermath of See The Light. Christian and Gloria's is more of an emotional journey rather than the more conventional narrative journey. As a concept album, it's a loose concept (emphasis on loose), but it works for me since 21st Century Breakdown is a spiritual sequel to American Idiot, not a direct follow up. You can think this wasn't the proper choice in making the album, but it was a conscious choice, not just the band wiffing on what they set to do. I will wholeheartedly agree, however, that that distinction wasn't communicated very well in the marketing. 21st Century Breakdown was more Wings at the Speed of Sound rather than Tommy in the concept part of the concept album. Now just as far as that goes re: Money Money 2020 Pt.II, 21st Century Breakdown is 7 songs shorter and for me personally, has a higher ratio of songs that work vs. those that don't. I could pick 18 songs from MM2020II that I think would make it stronger than 21CB, but at the end of the day I've got to weigh the albums as they were released.
    4 points
  23. I agree with you until Popper Punk. I do like it, for the exact reason I'm not supposed to? Repetitive, two words only, and it's a substance I didn't know until now and that I don't even care about. But it's fun and different. Hey, if Pizzagate and The Prophecy are considered songs too then I don't see anything wrong with this one. #lovepopperpunk
    3 points
  24. What impresses me is that for 25 songs it never feels too long or overstays it's welcome. I do think there is some filler. Songs like The Stranger, Herd Immunity, and Amensia Vagabond do nothing for me. They feel so forgettable but with so many songs on the album even the tracks I don't like don't impact my enjoyment of the record.
    3 points
  25. For more information, please refer to "Weird Al" Yankovic's third studio album title.
    3 points
  26. Billie Armstrong* *only shows up on picture day
    3 points
  27. Tre has some impressive flexibility 😲
    3 points
  28. I think we can all be a little inclined to get carried away on this thread, especially if it’s late and a little glass of wine may have been consumed - to be clear I mean myself here - and we have to reign it in a bit. I think we should all chill and enjoy the gorgeousness of our three handsome boys! 21st CB is when I first saw them live, blonde Billie, and I could not believe my eyes
    3 points
  29. I also think the Trilogy kind of doesn't count because that was a planned release. From the beginning we knew we were getting 3 albums. Whereas with NFM we weren't sure if it was going to be released physically and we didn't even know about the Network until they started teasing it.
    3 points
  30. Seriously have they ever released three albums in one year before? (I know the Trilogy is an obvious answer but that’s really one release so besides that. I mean three separate projects)
    3 points
  31. Can we all agree that the best Billie hairstyle is the 21CB look? It has everything: it's black, it's poofy, it's a good length, and it frames his face beautifully. If Billie were to do that again, I wouldn't complain.
    3 points
  32. Poor Billie is competing with himself releasing two new records a week apart. I want to listen to this more but I can’t stop playing $$2020pt2
    3 points
  33. Even Billie looked a bit confused like "oh okay that just happened." Billie Armstrong just sounds so weird!
    3 points
  34. I don't know how Snoo can be an anti mask crusader if he already wears one. Such important questions must be answered now!
    3 points
  35. I converted into a Digital Black believer. It's a grower, that guitar solo 🖤
    3 points
  36. 3 points
  37. I love all of those and wouldn’t love him nearly as much if he wasn’t! If he strutted about all macho and impressed with himself, I would not be very keen.
    3 points
  38. ^^ I've always loved those mic ones, which remind me of this double head doink.
    3 points
  39. 3 points
  40. I'm pretty confident I could pick up Billie and this makes me happy He's so cute and small! Like you can just pop him in your pocket.
    3 points
  41. franksecich Number #24 in sales on Official Charts from the UK! "No Fun Mondays" includes a cover of mine and Stiv Bators' song "Not That Way Anymore"! https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/record-store-chart/ #billiejoearmstrong #greenday #nofunmondays #franksecich #stivbators link to the story post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIjYM5_DWuP/
    3 points
  42. Why no acronym? You've got some nerve typin' out the full name 'round these parts.
    3 points
  43. Fink wins the Most Enthusiastic Drummer Ever Award. What is he mouthing throughout the video? I'm disappointed that Captain Underpants didn't blast off in this video. They told me they would have me flying in all the videos now. Oh well. Here's my latest thought on the album. The Pool Party Debacle, whatever it's called. It sounds like a Red Hot Chili Peppers song from their garbage years. Ya know, RHCP circa 1983-1989. Hey, that's the years Van Gough likes singing about!
    3 points
  44. This album is such a joy to listen to. Just full of fun, energy, absurdity, etc. This is the best band of all time nearly 40 years into their career. Incredible.
    3 points
  45. There are so many songs that even on shuffle, I very rarely get to Art of the Deal. So this morning I listened to it first. Also, can someone name all the pop culture references they can spot? I believe That's How they Get you to be about The Matrix, although I'm sure it's actually about something much older and punk rock than that. And another thing! Back during FOAM, I talked about Green Day traveling through time as part of the concept. Ironicly, my timing was wrong but I was right, and I was wrong. I was right I was wrong but I told me so. Green Day and the Network are sharing the time travelling space ship. I don't know about this half and half scenario. 80/20 maybe? 99/1?
    3 points
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