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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2020 in all areas

  1. Sounds more like it's what you're struggling with, not Green Day. They seem pretty happy with their choices
    11 points
  2. 4.5/5 review here https://newnoisemagazine.com/album-review-the-network-money-money-2020-pt-ii-we-told-ya-so/
    9 points
  3. @Greenday_Aussie Interesting that you'd like those records if they had released under a different name. Makes no sense to me because whatever act they choose to release it under, it's still the same people. Why does the label matter that much? They're awesome guys that make great music. Who cares whether it's under the name Green Day, FBHT, or The Network. Whatever you call the band that released it, it's still the same collection of songs. I don't really get the logic behind your statement.
    8 points
  4. Calling this forum a garbage and yet still actively post random shit bate every single day sigh
    7 points
  5. And yet the music will still exist and we will still be able to enjoy it Not everything needs to be consumed by the masses, it’s the nature itself of a side project to take a distance from it. Not that the Network is a side project, they are a real unique band. But anyway I don’t see why the Network should take any hit if this record stays popular only among the fan base.
    7 points
  6. Billie said not long ago something like "you don't give what people expect". And I think that a good amount of people missed the point that Green Day is an experimental band from so long ago. Only that side is strongly showing up now and it comes to stay. In the other side, now that I have listened the record at least 20 times, the experiments are not only sound wise, but in song structure as well. That's why they are shorter and I felt a lot missed an extra 30 seconds to feel complete. For example, I hate that Degenerate ends the way it ends, because it never explodes. My mind even invented a small bridge to feeling satisfied. But that is a common trait in the human brain. The like "complete" things, and if it isn't, they make it to "be". And our idea of completeness comes from habit and in this case, from a perfected formula started 70-ish years ago when the music started to be a big deal. Anyway, breaking the mold is the only way to make new molds, and they are searching that will work best to future releases. It will be a wild ride for this next 20 years, but I will be there. Now I want a progressive rock record, but one only can hope
    7 points
  7. wanting to suppress an artist to not explore/grow/challenge themselves because you think they should only do what’s in this box your mind creates is not a them problem.
    7 points
  8. God that was a fun tour, loved the livestreams, puppets etc.
    6 points
  9. Also Green Day isn't that serious. Plenty of fun stuff on FOAM and we all know how their shows are. I don't mind if they use side projects to be even more out-there, it's still them so why not, just adds some extra fun to it. Can also be of practical use (eg FBHT allowing them to play very small/lower key shows much more easily).
    6 points
  10. 6 points
  11. It's weird to me how songs like Heard Immunity and Hey Elon made it on the same album. I don't even know how describe this album to someone who hasn't heard it. Fink songs- Actual songs. The ones that sound most like Green Day. Van Gough songs- Songs that you should listen to on acid. (I haven't tried it, but I bet it's a fucking rollercoaster). This is midlife crisis level shit. Snoo songs- The weirdest shit you never knew you needed. These are the one that make you question how much you drank earlier. This album is a mind fuck. *Runs to the safety of MM2020pt1*
    6 points
  12. There’s a difference between stating your opinion and shitting on others because they don’t agree with your opinion. You are constantly the latter in this thread.
    6 points
  13. "you wouldn't like this band if you didn't like them"...
    6 points
  14. All right I love this album. I actually think I like it more than the first Network record. It's not perfect, there are quite a few songs I'm just not into like The Stranger, Amnesia Vagabond, and Asphyxia, man, are there some bangers here! I think what I like so much about the record is how diverse it is. It doesn't just feel like a carbon copy of the first Network album. There are definitely songs that have that feel, but there's more straight up punk songs along with funky, groove based songs that the first album didn't have. And for an album with 25 songs it doesn't feel very long - that's not the case with most lengthy albums. But so many of the songs have the same issue as FOAM, they're too short!! Songs like Theory of Reality, Pizzagate, and Carolina's Ultimate Netflix Tweet feel like they end just as they're getting good! Then you have something like That's How They Get You, the most disappointing song on the album, that overstays its welcome. All in all, I love the record. It doesn't feel old or stale though after a while I don't know if I would listen to it front to back. Compared to FOAM, so far I think I like them both about the same. They're two different beasts so I can't really compare them. Why would I anyway? FOAM is a Green Day album afterall.
    6 points
  15. Fuck! I gotta dislike everything now. That's how I get cred. I don't even like food
    5 points
  16. It's cool how Green Day embodies their tongue in cheek, sarcastic 90s selves in their side projects but gets all serious for Green Day releases. I wish they were more carefree on Green Day albums.
    5 points
  17. 5 points
  18. I've decided that Cancer is the New Black, Jerry Falwell's Pool Party, Threat Level Midnight, Degenerate and Art of the Deal are cut FOAM songs. I put those five songs among the tracklist of FOAM (I can post my tracklisting if anyone cares) and they fit right in, and even boost the quality. Even with five extra songs it's still only 41 minutes too which is cool
    5 points
  19. Man, I'm totally in love with this album. I'm playing the songs non stop.
    5 points
  20. I think the whole conversation above is the same thing as and explains the whole issue for bands whose first couple of albums are big successes and then drop off which correlates with how many people say “oh, I liked their earlier stuff”, it can be very difficult to evolve in an acceptable way. If you don’t evolve you are phoning it in, if you do you can lose those who liked your original sound. A lot of bands clearly only have short careers in them of course.
    5 points
  21. I think the big difference is social media being a thing. They made the same comments about it in magazines etc before and it was as obvious from being able to see them in their "disguises" and hear their voices etc before. They even had a Network song in a Tony Hawk game along with a Green Day song and BJA as a playable character. We just have more of it now thanks to Instagram etc. I feel like it's probably a similar percentage who get it or who are confused by it both times.
    4 points
  22. That's what gets me. In my case, how the hell was my order delayed when I had it pre-ordered for 6 months? And I've only had this problem with Warner. And even then it was similar to NFM but the other way around. Everyone who ordered from the UK store got theirs the same week of release. I ordered from the US store and had it delayed for a month. It's just weird. This is why I really want the Network album to appear on different sites. I don't want to deal with Warner if I don't have to.
    4 points
  23. Have caved and pre-ordered a t-shirt and the CD, fear is an awful thing 😂😂
    4 points
  24. I will let Green Day to plant seeds in me for the next 20 years.
    4 points
  25. I’m of the opinion that when I want to listen to Green Day, it’s for that core sound (Dookie/Nimrod/AI), when they do things like the Trilogy/FOAM, it just doesn’t feel right. Now, if those things were released under Foxboro/Network, it would be positively received by me...cause that’s what you expect of them. It’s all about expectation and what drew you to that band. And I feel that’s what Green Day is struggling with.
    4 points
  26. I’m about ready for a Tre ‘House/Electro/Dance’ comedy album. Dude is a Genius. 😂
    4 points
  27. Why are we idiots or whatever you wanna call us, fans, if we genuinely like this record? I don't think everything GD does is absolute perfection but I like to focus on the positive.
    3 points
  28. Just like in life, people should just ignore random provoking assholes. After losing attention they'll move along.
    3 points
  29. It's almost Xmas. So I watched the famous Youngblood video again Look who's here at 0:11..... The Snoo????
    3 points
  30. I would give anything to see Green Day cover The Art of the Deal with the Devil and perform it live. I want Billie to sing that song unmasked 🥰 Kind of a shame that it was technically "their" song and now is considered a Network song which means we're even less likely to see GD perform it now.
    3 points
  31. Do you guys think they'll still do more videos? I'm wondering if the reason why Popper Punk is currenly (still) unlisted on youtube is that they'll be uploading a video with it? I hope so because I need to see Billie Fink dancing to it WA-A-WA-A-WA-A-OH I can't get this song out of my head!
    3 points
  32. I don't think it's that different, Jason/Balducci didn't even play on the first album, and on that album and during live performances it was only Fink/Van Gough/Snoo who sang lead or acted as frontmen. It was always them as the most prominent band members and the others more in the background. I don't see how they're any less concealed either. They still wear the same disguises, deny it's them and keep the "rivalry" going, it's no more or less obvious then or now. I'd also say the majority of people know it's Billie Mike and Tre (and maybe Jason) but aren't sure who the other two are, just the same as before. The denial was always tongue in cheek, it was never a serious attempt to remain concealed.
    3 points
  33. same, whenever I've gone to put on music the last few days (which is very often) I always find myself wanting to listen to the new record again
    3 points
  34. So far, I haven't burned a cd version by using listentoyoutube, but I will at some point. I have been listening from youtube in the car, because free spotify sucks. It shuffles to different bands after 2 songs. I did discover Zebrahead, which was nice. I don't think I will ever completely give up physical media. Because the streaming feels so easy to lose, so temporary. These sites may be around forever, but probably not.
    3 points
  35. Man this still feels like an odd dream, a new The Network album! I got my iPod classic in 2009 and had MM2020 on it since then and I've been revisiting it at least twice a year since then. It's so weird to click The Network on it now and find two entries, instead of just one. It's strange what your eyes gets to 😆 I've listened to album about 14 times since I last posted a few pages ago, I simply love it. 25 tracks and after this many listens; I only skip 2 or 3 songs (Theory of Reality, CUNT, Threat Level Midnight), basically the songs that sound most to me like Green Day, decent song but they just seem out of context in this album's listening experience. Currently my highlights would be Fentanyl, Degenerate, Tarantula, Asphyxia, Cancer is The New Black, Popper Punk and That's How They Get You. Fuckin Fentanyl though.. that vocal melody, the persisting riff played over the chorus, the keyboard solo. I won't lie; got my eyes watering a couple of times.
    3 points
  36. I wonder if Popper Punk is somehow inspired by Amyl and the Sniffers (the band that was supposed to open for Hella Mega in Europe). Maybe the Network is trying to get their attention and steal their support act from Green Day as another act of this guerrilla war
    3 points
  37. 3 points
  38. It's funny I don't think this is the first time it's been recommended to me on here I've posted random thoughts that incidentally turned into teaser scenes in this thread before and the response was "WHY DID YOU STOP?!" So maybe. I honestly don't think it would give me respite for long though I think it's just the result of being single in 2020 during a fucking pandemic.
    3 points
  39. Art of the Deal is definitely a cut FOAM song (or b-side), Billie talked about the song in this interview (https://www.kerrang.com/the-news/billie-joe-armstrong-explains-the-title-of-green-days-new-album-father-of-all/), but surprisingly, it never showed up on the record. I wonder why they chose not to put it on FOAM, I love the song and it fits the FOAM vibe much better than the Network vibe. I also agree about the other songs.
    3 points
  40. Yeah, with FOAM and now with this they've done a lot with the 'less is more' approach, they've gotten great at the art of withholding. I'd imagine they'll want to move on to something different for whatever the next big thing is. I'm keen to believe it will be something epic.
    3 points
  41. Yeah! That’s what I mean. People have made this argument about when AI came out, but the change between every before Trilogy, to after, is pretty drastic overall. Again, this is not to shit on GD, I just like the idea of side bands for new sounds.
    3 points
  42. I just realized 2020 robbed us of Hella Mega Billie and Kevin shenanigans. Now I'm mad 😤
    3 points
  43. I thought it was a melodica too. Which at least one guy named Fink knows how to play.
    3 points
  44. That’s How They Get You is Top 5. I fucking LOVE all the dance tracks. This, Popper Punk and Pool Party are out of control 😂 A few more thoughts; Vagabond is very close to the Dracula Song from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Jason Segal could have written it haha. Theory of Reality is still Billie’s weakest Network effort ever. Also, just gonna leave this here. ”Open up to, open up two-thouuusand” ”Money money, two-thousand tweeenntty”. Both Hammer and Money have been reused.
    3 points
  45. For the first time ever, I prefer a album on shuffle. The tracklist just isn't structured properely in my opinion.
    3 points
  46. Here, have a couple views. https://ve.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_psxwjdEw3k1vj31r8.mp4 https://ve.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_pt03zs22Lu1xw3g6j.mp4
    3 points
  47. I think I was enjoying it more before MM2020 pt 2 - it's nice and chill and then I've been listening to the techno, spacey madness, makes this seem a little tame now. Damn The Network.
    3 points
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