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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2020 in all areas

  1. I had a dream last night that I saw Billie out in public walking his dogs (including Lenny 😄) and noticed he was wearing eyeliner and I came on here to share the good news that eyeliner was back 😉
    5 points
  2. Just because I was reminded of this today. And just because.
    5 points
  3. Seeing as we did just revisit the AI musical with the cast during Vote Forward, I want to post some pictures in celebration of when Billie was St. Jimmy and how incredible he looked.
    4 points
  4. That's certainly the face of someone who mischievously revels in another person's misfortune. He's such a little shit head and he knows it!
    3 points
  5. Oh man, I had a GD dream last night for the first time in forever! It looked like the AI era boys and they were attending an ultra fancy party in a high-rise building, but of course were being goofballs and causing lots of chaos. They got a little too carried away and started breaking stuff, so they got kicked out. It was night and security (or a cop?) just dropped them off by some random chainlink fence near a road and left. There was a second part to the dream where they were inside somewhere again, and were all just kind of lounging around and hanging out. Billie was lying on the floor shirtless. I got to see all of his chest, arm, and hip tattoos and he was fit and toned and perfect. I desperately wanted to run my fingers down the length of his torso, but couldn't get to him or interact with him.
    3 points
  6. Gotcha. Yes, Whatsername also deals with love and loss, that's true. It's just not specifically about losing a father as WMUWSE is. It seemed like both were being talked about at the same time so that's why I was confused. 😅 I do love JOS, but I would drop it for Whatsername in a heartbeat! Give me Whatsername, Extraordinary Girl, and Letterbomb and I'll be a happy. I would also love to hear Give Me Novacaine again.
    3 points
  7. I can't remember much of the one I had last night. Something about bad people using a dog to spread a virus, and me trying to get in touch with Billie so he could solve this but only being able to reach Kevin and worrying that he wouldn't be able to. So basically, my past couple of dreams have have total faith in Billie and not so much in Kevin.
    2 points
  8. “Look, Adie! I branded his ass!” Adie:
    2 points
  9. Sounds a lot like something Joey would do tbh. The difference is Billie felt bad after and apologized and made up for it.
    1 point
  10. The best part is the way he talks him into it. He’s like “let me brand your ass pleeeeeease” until the guy says yes.
    1 point
  11. The sly little gremlin attacks! 😼 Then is shocked when his prey has 3rd degree burns on their ass... 🙊
    1 point
  12. I know! I was surprised the dream didn't go that way.
    1 point
  13. It’s always something else to be reminded he really did that
    1 point
  14. That first one is after he branded the dude from Kut You Up with a pool que 🤣😂🤣
    1 point
  15. Oh I expected Kevin would be the first lady
    1 point
  16. I am strung out on confusion, trapped inside a roll of dissolution. Now GDA will never understand. What's happening to me. Yeah, I have no idea what's going on at this point. Must have got my threads crossed or something. Wake Me Up When September Ends and Whatshername need to creep back into the set lists. Replace JOS wit those two now and then and I'd be happy. Whatshername is the chilling finale to the wild ride that is American Idiot. Such a great tune, Arguably one of the best songs off their best record. It's up there. Letterbomb is the break up song, but Whatshername is the reaction to an entire lifetime of trouble, pain and lose. He's not just looking back and wondering about her. He's thinking about how HE used to be, how things used to be. How it wasn't the president, or Tunny or Amanda that was the idiot. It was him all along. The really interesting thing about it is that it sort of exists OUTSIDE the main narrative. He survived and moved on. He's not as broken as he was back during their fling, but now that he's fixed, where is she? She's taken another path as well and things can never go back to the way they were. She may not even remember him, the inauthentic drug addict from long ago. She may not even remember. He's looking back at his youth and thinking about what could have been. What will never be. Life is better, but at the same time sadder. He keeps walking. In the exasperations of Tre Cool (or Tunny) - GEESE. What was that? Now I gotta go listen to Whatshername at full volume and cry. There's just something about American Idiot that makes me want to talk about it all day long.
    1 point
  17. Yes, but Whatername is still, for me, a very emotional song about love and loss.
    1 point
  18. I'm late to the party but I liked the grey hairs around his cute little face. Of course he'll dye it when he gets back to performing, but we had been curious in recent years to see how much grey hair he has and now our question has been answered. And now I'm curious to know how grey Mike and Tre are under the dye.
    1 point
  19. Billie stole Kevin's look. (Any excuse to post that. 🙂) And sometimes quite literally stole it (FBHT 2009 show).
    1 point
  20. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGX2WNCIMws/?igshid=1mu864ee1uiz4 I love that Papa Cool has tons of Green Day tattoos. I remember when he got the RevRad one. Such a proud papa
    1 point
  21. I feel like Billie would forget to pack underwear is it wasn't for Adie.
    1 point
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