I dreamed that my parents and I went for a road trip for one week and, for whatever reason, Kevin was with us. My dad didn't care about him at all and my mom was like so intesrested to get to know him. The problem is she doesn't speak english; not enough to have a good conversation. She was asking him so many questions all in french and he had no clue what she was talking about. So, because Kevin wanted to be polite with her, he was giving her short answers like «Yes ma'am», «This is beautiful!» and other stuff like this, but they were in fact wrong answers. For example, to the question «Where do you come from?», he replied «It was my pleasure!» And for whatever reason, when my mom was talking to me about Kevin, she referenced him as my little brother. (WTF? He is older than me.) I was getting so embarrassed by the situation. And I was sitting on the back seat in the car with him, but he kept smiling at me. And we shared the hotel room too, but we were both so shy to talk to each other. I was only telling him that I was sorry for my mom questionning him all the time, but I lied to him that he was doing fine answering her. My dream is kind of confused and awkward, but let me tell you girls that, in my dream, Kevin slept with only his boxer on and he was so cute to watch.