Oh, of course! She doesn't like him at all. Also she's a lesbian, but that shouldn't matter because you can still appreciate and acknowledge someone's beauty without being necessarily attracted to them. There are plenty of women who I think are really gorgeous, but that doesn't mean I find them sexually attractive. Billie is downright stunning and anyone who can't see that just confounds me. Like, do you have eyes that can see??? 🔥👀 Also I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people on here for whom Billie is an exception to their gender preference.
That's why I'm so glad all of you are here! I don't know what I'd do without GDC! Still, though, it's different than having someone physically there to fangirl with. 😔 Or a super close friend who feels the same.
I don't think she knows about that, but she probably would have interpreted it as just a dumb joke.