More I listen, More I agree. Christie Road is definitely pitch-corrected and lefts me wonder wasn't there a single proper good fucking perfomance of Christie Road during 21CB tour if that had to be done? I had my biggest doubts (''can it really sound that good?'') with She, since I've watched way too many live perfomances of that song and Billie Joe never screams like that. Turns out it's little bit pitch-corrected (in chorus) but holy hell, those screams definitely were his. I was proud! Then I listened Christie Road again and I was like ''what the fuck am I even listening at?''. I think whole album is somewhat pitch-corrected, but only in Christie Road it's noticeable.
Regarding BIAB vs. AAF, I've always loved Awesome as Fuck more. Deeper setlist with their best songs = always number one. Of course, BIAB is more raw and honest than AAF, but AAF still takes the cake. Billie Joe's voice from that era is just something else (not talking about AAF).