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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2019 in all areas
6 points
Who else uses lightning bolts... (hey, he's already stolen his clothes)6 points
This is what I imagine happening when you both talk about Billies eye sockets6 points
I know exactly what you're talking about. Eye depth is something I've thought about before when jealously looking at women whose eyelids actually show enough so you can see them wearing eyeshadow (mine don't). But also laughing at the thought of telling someone, "You have beautiful eye sockets. Wait, why are you backing away?"6 points
This is going to sound weird, but I would love to have Billie’s eye structure. He has beautiful eye sockets and eyelids. Does anyone know what I mean? Not just the shape of his eyes but the fact that they’re set just the right depth. He’s more beautiful than a lot of women who are considered beautiful.6 points
Please don’t make me have to sign up for Tik Tok, Green Day 😭😭😭 You don’t know because you’re not twelve. Be thankful5 points
5 points
I find it interesting the Billie said last year how much he missed playing in clubs but said in the iheart interview that he prefers stadiums.5 points
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4 points
In a lot of the pictures I'm seeing, Billie is just looking so absolutely fucking drop dead gorgeous that I don't even notice the lack of eyeliner. I feel like it's just enough to know that he's got it on and makes his eyes all the more beautiful. Of course, I would NEVER say no to more!4 points
Billie’s statements basically feel like Dookie era wisecracks, but they don’t sound sarcastic.3 points
Rude. Absolutely rude. The smiley is what makes it click with me.3 points
Same. I don’t know what i’m being accused of half the time. I think it’s a generational thing. It was my kids that told me that using periods when you text is considered aggressive and pissy. I just thought it was punctuation 🤔3 points
I don't know where to put this exactly, but here ya go. Green Day (or Billie Joe) using TikTok... https://www.tiktok.com/@greenday/video/6740709093520067845?u_code=d84mjf1k7i7cbk&preview_pb=0&language=en×tamp=1569443913&utm_campaign=client_share&app=musically&utm_medium=ios&user_id=6732547725889668101&tt_from=twitter&utm_source=twitter&enter_from=h5_m3 points
I don't know how to communicate so that it doesn't sound bitchy anymore :(((3 points
3 points
Adrienne also wears a lightening bolt necklace and they reference Harry Potter a lot. Not that I’ve been examining their jewelry... 😬3 points
I think it can hurt a record. An album being so short can make it feel unfulfilling. Kinda like ordering a pizza and you get like 1 bites worth. It may be great and taste great and such, but it doesnt feel filling and just gives you the feeling of "Oh this is getting really g- oh its over...fuck..." There's also the timing thing. Its like waiting 4 years for said pizza only to get a few crumbs or 1 bite, it wont feel worth the wait usually. If this was like a year after their last album, sure. But this is a 4 year wait.3 points
We all know (as does he) that Billie looks crazy good with eyeliner. But hes probably wary of it becoming his schtick. It already kinda is. I think he probably likes the option of wearing it if he wants or not if he doesnt. People aren't going to completely freak out if he doesnt have it. I myself appreciate the subtle liner. It highlights his amazingly beautiful eyes without being too much. But, really, he can totally still get away with heavy liner and look like the fucken god he is.3 points
3 points
@neverdone2000 you need to change your username to Billie's Eye Sockets😅2 points
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Thought it was just me... and what the hell is vine? Yep, elipsis and a question mark all in one post; and don’t tell vines are what grapes grow on 😂😂2 points
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The biggest known collection belongs to a French guy who goes by "greendaze." He has some of the props from the Minority video. I think he is on GDC but inactive. You might be thinking of a lady named Sharon? Mine used to be in the top five but I don't know if it still is (or if I can even find it all!). I'm gradually posting it all on Instagram and Tumblr but have been inactive lately due to ill health. https://greendaycollection.tumblr.com/ I started posting it on here but there wasn't much interest so gave up. If you're interested in collecting you might like to check out Green Day Discography and their forum. There's also this collection: http://www.greendaycollection.com/2 points
most likely the tour because of merch $ may explain why there's a shorter list of dates and no South American dates announced some speculation: if this is the case and what Billie said about a new album is true then we may even see the next album sometime in late 2020 or early 2021. There will probably be another touring kicking off in the spring of '21 if that's the case. I know some people were trying to downplay the comment which is appropriate considering we really don't know but I have a feeling that this next album has already been recorded.2 points
They both had them on the day of the Coverups block party 🙂2 points
Not seen them both wearing them at once, thought maybe Billie had nicked Adrienne's 😂😂2 points
2 points
Yes, we discussed that before, Elvis used to give those lightening bolt necklaces, or ones like them, to people but I think the guitar strap is quite new? He is also wearing a horn of plenty (plenty what I wonder 😈😈) and two medallion type things. One has an inscription around it but it’s not clear enough to read and I think the smaller one may be a St Christopher, Patron Saint of travel which would make sense. Not that I’ve been spending time gazing at his beauty recently 😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️2 points
I like 21 Guns but I can't help but think of it as kind of a poor man's Boulevard of Broken Dreams (the king of Green Day power ballads). It's like, the 21st CB equivalent of that song. I remember thinking it was really different sounding when I first heard it. Before 21st CB Billie had never really sung like that before with the falsetto, and I thought the sounds at the beginning and then repeated after the guitar solo were really cool too. It's a cool song. But BOBD is better.2 points
I think rep itself was introduced around 2010. And I think they tried negative rep at some point reasonably early on since I believe it was before I was a mod (2012). So might've been before you joined. I was strongly against it and never used it lol But yeah at the time Billie lived in a different house and quite a lot of people would go to the gates and take a picture. At one point I remember he put a pirate flag(?) or some pirate thing on them. For some reason that was a thing and not really criticised much. Only remember that one story of someone actually going to the house though. Thankfully not a thing now.2 points
When will we get a self-titled album? When will Mike stop describing songs and albums as "firing on all cylinders"?2 points
Certainly one of the best and also one of my favourite songs on 21CB. I'd honestly have preferred that song to have been the single, but tbh it's undeniable that 21 Guns was a good idea from a commercial stand-point.2 points
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Massive at the time, but it doesn't have the same kind of long-term fame that some songs on AI and Dookie have. It used to be their most viewed video on YouTube, until BOBD surpassed it and Basket Case will soon follow suit. When it was released though, I actually used to heard it on the radio all the time for several months. I probably came to dislike it already then, simply because of the many times I got to hear it instead of other Green Day songs.2 points
I'm watching it right now! Edit: I loved every second of it! Billie was fabulous! He looked gorgeous and gave an awesome show. His fluffly hair! How does he succeed to keep his hair so beautiful? Anyone else noticed Billie has a necklace matching one of his guitar's straps? (The lightning one)2 points
I still have not watched the iheart performance due to my weekend busy schedual. But looking at those pics you fangirls posted... Wow! Billie looked gorgeous! His eyes! With just a bit of eyeliner, they are perfect! I can't wait to watch the performance now.2 points
I couldn't take my eyes off that hair floof bouncing up and down.2 points
Billie wearing eyeliner and Robert Smith wearing are two different things. It's part of Robert's look, so that's why he still does it and it's fine (I'm also a huge Robert Smith fanatic so I may be bias). It's almost expected that he's going to wear eyeliner and have his bird nest hair when you see The Cure live. Billie is a hot boy who can still totally pull it off. So stop being stingy, BILLIE!2 points
Can't believe I never noticed it before now. I'm slipping in my old age 😒2 points
He had one on rev rad too 😂 maybe it’s the “Billie shut up and finish the song” bell2 points
2 points