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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2019 in all areas

  1. I missed fangirling here's a shirtless billie explosion happy hump day
    6 points
  2. I think I'll have to disagree with you there @MiksuSH. While I have argued in the past that Billie's voice has worsened quite considerably in terms of tone since the 21CB tour, I think it's less down to age per se and more down to lack of adaptive technic. He isn't taking care of it as much as he should and not stimulating the vocal chords to counteract some of the effects of ageing and the prior drugs/drinking. He also might well have got used to singing a certain way, when drunk or on drugs, but then not adapted his technic, now that he's sober and older. However, despite a difference in tone and slight pitch-problems, he is still more than capable of singing his songs and is one of the best sounding and consistent front-men of his age group, to this day. As to them not being able to play fast songs anymore, I strongly disagree with you on that one. Tre certainly looked a little tired and exhausted on the last tour, most probably a combination of ageing and lack of exercise, but he played the songs flawlessly. In fact, he's more consistent with his tempo now than ever.
    5 points
  3. Didn't realise how many there were until you said this! Yeah why not, I'll split them Update: "Billie Joe's campfire" posts are split (added a couple that didn't have the hashtag but fit the description too): So let's post/discuss them there if he posts more
    4 points
  4. Yeah I agree a few songs changed up would be cool. For me personally I don't find it important though. I've seen KFAD 4 times and I'll be happy to keep seeing it . They change various things about it so it isn't exactly the same, and on the last tour they streamlined it quite a bit.
    4 points
  5. I know, I'm just a fanboy who absolutely loved their form in 21CB Tour. Ageing sucks.
    3 points
  6. It would be "cool", if Tre would play this live on the next tour.
    3 points
  7. ^^ As the Sox fan sits here covering the trophy with her thumb so she doesn't have to see it.
    3 points
  8. I love this pic (and not just cuz it’s got the cubbies World Series trophy in it)
    3 points
  9. I’ve had the most hellish week, and it’s incredible how coming back to this thread and seeing these pictures of Billie makes everything I’ve been struggling with lately seem so minuscule. I can’t explain it...just seeing that pretty face of his makes me feel rejuvenated. Seeing everything that you guys have to say about Mike, Tre, and Billie in particular is another thing that really lifts me up. It’s so reassuring to see how many of you have been touched by the members of Green Day the way I have. I regret spending so much time away from this website because having such wonderful people to communicate with brings me so much pleasure. I almost always log out feeling overwhelmed with appreciation and joy. I apologize for subjecting everyone to another one of my off-topic rants, but I feel so fortunate to have such lovely people to fangirl with/vent to, and I just wanted to quickly express that.
    2 points
  10. Same for me. I don't care if Billie loses a little bit of his voice. I just want them to give their best every night.
    2 points
  11. Yeah I don't know if I'd want to completely lose all the hey oh, banter, and extended songs--that's definitely part of the fun even when it borders on ridiculous--but if trimming some of that meant a few more deep cuts I'd be stoked. I'm sure they try hard to balance the show for folks who have seen them a bunch and folks who are seeing them for the first time. So as much as the KFAD schtick might be getting a little old because I've seen it plenty of times, there's always gonna be people in the audience who are seeing it for the first time and getting a big kick out of it.
    2 points
  12. As someone the wrong side of 45, I wondered if given the gap since their last major tour, they were actually a little bit surprised by how much harder those intervening years had made it for them, sorry but it is part of the deal. I hope they prepare better, if that's what is was, just to make life easier on themselves. I think they will always give 100% every performance, but I hated to see Billie needing to use that inhaler. I still think he sounded great when I saw them, they all were excellent as ever.
    2 points
  13. He's such a tease. Damn him. That last gif though...
    2 points
  14. Speaking of which how adorable was this
    1 point
  15. I listened to Last Night On Earth again recently and I've always liked it; it's a beautiful song, but it makes me laugh too. During the part where Billie sings "My beating heart belongs to you" I always imagine him actually pulling his heart out of his chest while it's still beating and offering it up like "Here, you can have this." and it would just be like "Um... that's okay... you can keep it. 😕"
    1 point
  16. Hey @Hermione, could these "billie joe's campfire" posts be their own thread, so they're all together instead of being scattered throughout the instagram thread?
    1 point
  17. Change the setlist is a very cool thing. I was in São paulo, 2017, and when they started playing different songs than the structure they've been playing the whole tour that night, that was an amazing feeling not knowing what will come next. It was that good that people didn't even miss 'She', and that is one of their greatest hits in Brazil. They don't need to change the 30 songs every night, but 4 or 5 per show would make every night even more special
    1 point
  18. Billie is perfect in every way. I love everything about him, but his eyes are still my favorite part of his body. I am not a tattoo person, but Billlie's tattoos look great on him. I can't think of Billie without them anymore. It's a part of him, they show who he is. I love the Punx tattoos on his hand and his bellie. I'm so happy to have been able to see the one on his bellie last year at the Longshot concert. He raised his guitar and his shirt moved just enough so I was able to see the tattoo. Good and precious souvenir.
    1 point
  19. I now can't remember which photo started all of us off on this!
    1 point
  20. Nevermind nose hairs and fillings, I'm amazed at how green his eye looks in that first pic. So bright and beautiful.
    1 point
  21. I listened to Whatsername on mu way home today, it came on shuffle on my iPod. The "forgetting you but not the time" part always makes my ballsack tingle.
    1 point
  22. The first minute of Homecoming is the best part of American Idiot
    1 point
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